Where do souls come from and what is soul?

Where do souls come from and what is soul?

The Cosmic whole thrives on perfection:  perfect balance, harmony and the immensity of Being itself.

Life itself never strives nor pushes, it exists as pure radiant energy.  It energizes all around it, and it forms fractals, patterns and sacred geometries, and within these sacred forms of life, life itself is involved in an intricate and beautiful dance of love and light.

The patterns themselves are called the Divine Blueprint of Creation.  Thus all of creation in itself bears a particular stamp (Blueprint pattern) which is uniquely its own.

When in a burst of immense creative energy, birthed from the womb of the Divine Mother, the first sparks of Light were formed, these sparks in themselves then formed the nucleus of what we now know as SOUL GROUPS.

The Soul Group itself, has extensions, or other Soul Groups which are forming as a cluster around it.  This means, that as Creation itself is always in the state of creation, that new souls are born, from the original 12 Master Soul Groups which we given life to. These 12 Master Soul Groups, then form the nucleus of the 12 first Master Galaxies which were created. 

The 12 Master Galaxies in turn form the nucleus of the Great White Brother and Sisterhood, which is the governing force of the cosmos.  It in turn falls under the direct rulership of the Avatar of Synthesis, the Mahatma, the Cosmic High Masters, the 24 Divine Beings who look after the greater cosmic whole, and the 12 Master Beings who surround the Throne of God.  They form the nucleus which surrounds the Godhead itself and the Threefold Flame of Love, Power and Wisdom with the Archangels and the Elohim, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Powers, the Thrones, and angels.

As each soul group then has is unique TONE or TONAL chord harmonic vibration, it also as distinct energy and pattern: – this means each soul group transmits a certain cosmic frequency band, colour and ray.  It reflects a Divine Attribute back to the Divine Source.  I use the word Attribute here but some would say VALUES, or an emotional tone, or an expression of life. 

I sometimes battle to find the correct words, for we are talking here of pure energy.  A soul itself consists of pure CONSCIOUS energy, thus is energy conscious of itself and the Divine Creator and conscious of its soul group.

There are many millions of the soul groups now in existence, and all then emit frequency and light and they of course inhabit the whole cosmos ad infinitum.

However, only certain soul groups have been involved with this planet since the beginning of time, and most of the souls now incarnated here, who have karmic links to the planet then stem from a certain core group of souls.  These souls were attached to the confederation of galaxies and star systems, a confederate branch of the Great White  Flame Brother-and Sisterhood.  The airforce wing of this Federation is the Intergalactic Fleet under the High Command of Lord Ashtar.

I will not go into the subsequent history of how this planet was formed and what happened, (that is in my book:  “Why I was born in Africa”), but most souls currently incarnated have been involved here for millions of years.  These come from the core Galaxies of Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, Pleiades, Arcturius, Lyra, Lukuma, the Bear Constellation, the Milky Way Galaxy, Pegasus,  and two other galaxies which were dispersed of when the Wars of Heavens started.  One of them was Lyra, and the other one was Xenon.

Many thousands of years later, after the first fall of the first civilization and evacuation of the planet, and then resettlement, the Annunaki arrived, and without galactic permission started their invasion of the planet, as had happened before from Marduk, the planet between Mars and Jupiter which blew itself up and put the rest of this solar system and universe into a different orbit and re-arranged the planets around this sun.

Your soul then is a pure energy spark, which forms part of the greater whole, which is the soul group you belong to, and then of an even greater soul cluster group, and then ultimate forms part and particle of the Divine itself and the greater cosmic whole.

Ultimately all souls have a Divine blueprint or pattern and within this pattern they carry the blueprint of the soul group and that of the Divine.

In order to understand the journey of your own soul and why you are here on this planet at this time, it is therefore vital to understand who and what that Divine blueprint is, and why you are a pure form of energy, which has a unique harmonic tonal chord and colours and more than this, is centrally energized not only from your soul group but also from the galaxy of origin.

In Ancient times, you always WORE on your person, and mostly over your third eye, a crystal from your galaxy of origin, so that its cosmic energy frequency band could transmit to you, and you could receive its transmissions.

You also wore a BIRTH crystal which was programmed with a soul reading at birth and an astrological chart – programmed in conjunction and you were then allowed to develop your inherent genius from the moment you were born.  Your talents and abilities were nurtured and constantly monitored, so that you could develop to your full potential and greatness when you stepped into adulthood and maturity.

(This is then Part 1)

For soul reading information: http://www.judith-kusel.com  

Judith Kusel

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Sophia – the Return to Wisdom

We are now reaching that type of maturity, collectively which has outgrown its childish shoes of being told by others what to do, to think, how to act and be.

In essence this is what the rising of consciousness is all about.  It is stepping past the childhood and tumultuous teenage years, and into the state of true adulthood and maturity.   It is the Golden Age of Wisdom that is dawning now, with the Age of Aquarius.  Overlighting this whole process is none other, than Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom in conjunction with Athena and Artemis.  These three Goddesses form the triad of the return to state of inner knowing and wisdom.

When I use the term “Goddess’ I use it with the understanding that all of these Goddesses are representing a type of archetype, a type of inner knowing which is in essence is there to show us the way.  They are then the way shower archetypes who are showing us the higher way, the way of wisdom, the weighing and bringing into perfect balance the scales, while Artemis is showing the way of purity.

In our youth and early twenties, we tend to experiment.  We are not quite formed.  We are still searching for our own limits, and are easily swayed by the opinion of masses.  We have to be “cool” and ‘with-it”.  To fit – that is what it is all about.  However something deep down is there – a type of longing to fit in, to be “cool” and accepted by a lot of people. 

The older we get, the more we start forming our own brand of life.  We suddenly realize somewhere along the line that we cannot please everybody.  We cannot become someone we are not.  We tried to fit into someone else’s boxes, but found we did not fit.  It is like trying on shoes:  If the shoes are not the perfect fit they will feel uncomfortable, give us blisters, pinch our toes, or we will constantly lose them, as they are too big for us.

The wayshowers for this new Age, were the hippies, the flower children of the sixties:  the Beatles, the flower power.  They created a type of revolution, which is even now being felt.  Suddenly it became ‘cool” to meditate and go in search of a Guru.  They turned society on its head at the time, and a lot of those hippies, have become the Elders of our time.

As much as they created that revolution, the next generations then added to that and something deep within mankind started to shift.  When I look at how my mother was brought up and how I was brought up, then there already was a huge gap.  As mankind became freed from the Victorian and Edwardian corsets, and waved the sexual rules, those same over-exuberant rebellion brought a new void.  Technology changed the planet and world has shrunk, as we can communicate easily now via Skype, Internet etc. 

Yet, somehow in all of this a deep shift was happening.  That shift was so eloquently summed up by Dr. Victor Frankl, as the “search for meaning.”   

Yes, one could turn the world upside down, but at the end of it all, you there came a time in your life when you are faced with yourself.  Yes, yourself.  That deep void inside of you, those shadows, those dragons and all those things inside, which go bump in the night.  When all was said and done, when you have done it all, there is only yourself left and nowhere else to go. 

In this stage, some people go into overdrive with drug, alchohol, abuse – anything to try and take that void away.  Some are adrenalin junkies, some exercise junkies, some sex  junkies  and some just junkies for the sake of being one. 

Then the dark nights of the soul descend.  One can go to the doctor, have the pain of the body numbed, but that inner pain will not go away.  Deep down we know that something is wrong…. Some people have near-death experiences to suddenly realize that they have wasted their lives in the search for meaning, and wasted it on all the wrong things.

When the dark nights of the soul descend, and there is no way out, but travelling deeper into oneself in search for answers, then miracles start to happen.  For the deeper you delve the more connected you become to something greater than the sum total of self – that is the infinite source of all love and life, and the Creator of all.  It is the source of all life and energy, and it is life itself, staring back at you.

It is like you are seeing yourself for the first time in the cosmic mirror of life and love.  “Is this me?” you ask.  As the voices start whispering back at you, you find that what truly is reflecting back at you is your soul – that energy, that immense eternal I AM THAT I AM, which has been there, inside of your all along.  The more you start communicating with this BEING, the more you find yourself and your higher meaning and purpose in life.  There are AHA and lightbulb moments and slowly but surely, you start to change.

This is the moment when the moth becomes the butterfly.  It is moment of transformation from the old into the new…..

As the new takes over, there comes a state of inner peace, inner contentment, and inner love, which spans eternity.  It is the state of Being, which is totally whole.  It is firmly anchored in the Divine, and it is firmly anchored in the soul, and all that exists in all of creation.

It in here that one starts tapping into the wisdom, the inner knowing, the guidance and wisdom of your own soul and soul group, and more than this, the cosmic whole, for one is intimately linked to the Divine – the Father/Mother God. 

It is here that Sophia rises, for Sophia is the Holy threefold Flame.  She embodies Love, Wisdom and Power.  She wields the mighty sword of truth, integrity, power and wisdom.  She cuts through all the dross as she stands there – total there and beautiful in her power.

When she is there, then all pretense starts falling away.  She blazes through all that is not authentic, truthful and she blazes a trail to burn away all the dross, all that which no longer serves the Highest Good. 

As the she makes her reign felt, she will bring out the truth – all that which has stayed hidden and buried under piles of lies and control.  She cuts away all the bondage, the chains, and brings in the highest truth, wisdom and power. 

For she holds the White Flame – the Flame of Purity, and this is the Flame, which is the highest vibrational flame, and nothing that is not of this high vibration, can sustain form – for all the untruths are transmuted:  only the purest truth remains.

As Athena and Ma- At hold the scales of justice and balance, and Artemis the purity, it is Sophia, who with her sisters, bring about massive changes to the planet, as it is the  power of truth, the power of wisdom, the power of justice and balance which is now sweeping forth.

And over it all, stands  the threefold flame, of Love, Power and WisdomImage

Creating and working from the Heart of Love…..

Image There is a higher way of life, where learns to just be.  There is no striving – no competition for each one is doing part and particle of a greater whole, and they enhance each other.  The soul skills are perfectly in tune with the other and all work together AS ONE single force.

On this planet this state of Being is rarely understood, for in the last thousands of years we have been led to understand that one has to work in order to survive.  Yet, one also worked for compensation – and who ever then had the means to compensate us, would  have power of you.  You merely existed to be born, to get some education, and then to become usefully employed and then die. 

I was staying a guesthouse in December and the host kept telling me that this is what life was all about.  One was born, one had an education and then one worked.  In the same breath he was telling me how he had come to South Africa, got a cushy job with one of the government departments, and then had to do some lecturing.  The higher in rank he got, the less work he did.  Indeed, he used to spend three-quarters of his life on the nearby golf-course! 

“No one worried about how much work you did – you knew that the salary would be paid in by the end of the month,” my host repeatedly said.

Listening to him I thought of how many people did exactly that.  The job did not really matter.  Even if it was dead boring, so long as it paid them a few bucks, and they could spend money, live in some kind of comfort, then the rest was okay.  One worked, and one died.  One worked, or retired one day, and then died.  It did not matter in what order, it was more or less expected that that was it!

Is it any wonder then, that somehow in this automated enslaved work we lost the heart and soul.  For in doing mundane jobs just to have food on the table, one moves into that state of becoming a robot.  When one becomes a robot, then one is also very easily controlled.  Indeed one becomes a puppet on a string – being manipulated by the one who holds our purse strings.

All that is now changing:-.  We  have the power and innate soul skills to do what we love, and love what we do, and get handsomely paid for it. 

Some people however are very scared of charging for their work.  They undervalue themselves to such an extent that they feel they have to do everything for free.  That is like driving a car without fuel, for sometimes of other you will find that you own engines pack up, because your inner fuel has dried up completely.

Some people believe that money is the root of all evil.  Money is ENERGY and therefore NEUTRAL.   Whatever emotional charge you project onto it, will be returned to you.  As with all energy one can use it for the greater good of all – or for self-service and to enslave.  The Energy of money cannot do that on its own.  It is the way it is used or abused which loads the charges – positive or negative.

It took me a long while to understand this concept.  It was only after I was left without a cent to my name, that I finally realized that I could not live on air alone – and I could not feed off my family either.  If I did not empower myself, and change my whole attitude towards money and the energy thereof, I would be of no use to anyone. 

When I started to understand that I was the one who had put negative charges onto money and I was the one who had to release my inner emotional charges and let go of false beliefs – otherwise the status quo would remain.  I remember that when the first money came in, after not having a cent to my name for more than a year – how I had tears of gratitude running down my cheeks.  I started to bless my purse, the ENERGY of money and since then I made a point of blessing every single person or institution through which that energy flows.

Until the planet comes up with a different form of fair exchange we have to use this energy in some form or another.  Sometimes one has to realistic about things, and until we can find ways of supporting each other without having to use money – we have to learn to bless and not to curse.  For whatever we do with any energy we encounter – whatever we bless returns to us in thousandfold, whatever we resent or curse, also.  So  what do you want to attract?

I have been in a steady job for most of my life.  I also knew that no matter what I did, that my salary would be paid in by the end of the month.  However, as much as I always put my heart and soul into whatever I did, there came a time, when I knew that there had to be a better way of life somewhere, and I wanted to find that.

What I learnt in these last few years was, that when I did what I love doing, I could inspire others.  When I did what I loved doing, I would always be blessed in some form or another.  Most often when I did not know where help would come from – it arrived in a form I never could have expected.

What I most of all learnt is that there is a state of Beingness, which I never want to lose again.  That state of BEING, is to ALLOW the flow of life to naturally flow through me.  It means to make the time to be quiet, and to listen from deep within.  It means reconnecting with the Divine, with one’s soul, and most of all with one’s heart, and then to do what comes naturally, and from the heart!

When I am inspired from deep within – my heart and soul, then I will energize everything that I do, with the energy of LOVE.  That energy of love will touch whoever will come across what I put out there, in its manifested form. 

This is essentially what the Golden Age is all about.  When one works from the heart and soul, then all that one creates, becomes infused with the energy of love.  When the energy of love is there, it will attract like energy – like attracts like.  There will always be someone out there, who needs that love-infused energy in one form or another.  What you create with love, might be God-send to someone else out there.

Can you imagine when everyone starts working with love, and are inspired to create from deep within – how everything will take on a glow – the glow of LOVE.  WOW!

I have been in two days of deep and profound inner healing and then communication with the Divine and my Higher Guides.  When I am in their presence, I always feel myself being infused with Love and Light and is amplified tenthousand times from what one can experience here on planet earth.  These Beings are pure Love energy, and whatever they bless, whatever they create, is not only in harmony with the rest of creation, but is also infused and energized with pure radiant love.

When one creates from the state of inner peace and love, then one cannot create anything which is not love.  Whether  the creation takes the form of relationships, or projects, or innovations – it does not matter, it is created with love.

Beingness, means to rest so in the heart space, that one IS love, and then, whatever you wish to create or manifest, will be out of the state of love – and brought into Being by the art of love. 

This is the way I wish to live my life from this moment on and forever:=  To be anchored in my heart space and to create from my heart and with love.

2014: The true re-empowerment of mankind as consciousness rises

“In the center of ALL LOVE
I stand
And am firmly anchored in.
From that center I,
The one who serves, will work: –
May the Love of the Divine Soul Self
Be shed abroad
In my heart,
Through my contact with others –
And throughout the world.”
As we truly now have stepped into the realms of the sheerest Beingness and with immense high frequencies now coming from inside the earth, with the full reactivation of the pyramid energies inside the earth, above and below the earth and the under the sea, as well as other major energy center, and the most important ones, the Lion gate and the crystalline golden infinite core rod in Africa (my book on this whole scene will be published in this year – even if I have to self-publish), something profound is shifting in the whole consciousness of everyone on earth.
Some are more conscious than others, and this simply has to do with the awakening from deep within.
It is a fact that some souls, just fall asleep when they incarnate onto the planet and are indoctrinated by the parents, the social structures, by the school and educational systems and by whatever is fed to them as the truth – when in actual fact it is all but the truth. That is their own soul choice and this then is their own karma. It is not that opportunities and wake up calls are not there all the time – it is just that they chose to ignore it and most often it is fear which is holding them prisoner.
Those who have woken up and who are alert and are truly consciously reconnecting with their souls, their hearts and their higher calling in life, this is a time when they will feel an intense shift – more so than ever before. Yet, this shift is more subtle – it is not anymore than extreme in that all just dissolves into nothingness before it reassembles again – it is far more than this: – we all have been programmed before we incarnated, and this is especially true for Lightworkers, for volunteer souls, starseeds, the Indigo’s, the crystal, rainbow and sun children: – we all have been programmed before we incarnated with certain trigger mechanisms going off inside of us at this time. These triggers will take the form of remembering who and what we truly are and what we are capable of being and becoming, and then also – the HOW: – the how to do this.
For instance, with the vortex energies rising from the re-activated pyramids, a lot of us worked inside these temples – for in reality that is what they were in the beginning – the most potent ones were using the vortex energies for higher healing and also for energy resourcing on multiple levels. We will start remembering more and more how this was done, with harmonic frequencies of sound, colour and also the vortex energy itself. All of this will enable us to tap in more into crystalline power bases which have been left dormant for millions of years and now are being reactivated.
Inherently we know this deep down, but again, because of conditioned thinking and belief – which has been controlled by certain people and deliberately so – we often feel that what we remember is not valid. Some fear ridicule when they seek to share this and some know this deep inside but again, fear to bring this to the world openly. This all will start shifting as the Internet is bringing more and more souls into higher awareness and bringing groups together as souls who need to work together now.
Inherently the greatest lesson we have to master now, and collectively so, is that the old control mechanisms only worked because of fear based control = that means if you can keep the population in ignorance and in fear, then they are easily controlled.
In actual fact the truth is that when a soul is deeply and profoundly empowered at soul level and finds its truth and inner honing system from deep within, has its pineal and pituitary glands fully opened up and is receiving cosmic transmissions directly from the Divine itself, then no-one and nothing on this planet can control them. Inherently this is what makes for empowerment – that KNOWING and GUIDANCE from deep within which is not swayed by the whims or attempts of others to smother it – but is crystal clear in its intent to step up and into higher soul calling and mission and steps past all fear and all obstacles and into its highest expression and form.
This is the greatest gift of this time and especially 2014: it is the gift of self-empowerment and intense higher consciousness.
This is the year of the Sun God and it is no accident that the Chinese year of horse is moving into this. For the horse bring the unicorn connection and they have returned from the 7th heaven and the 7th dimension to assist us and those who are pure in heart and soul will attract these beautiful Beings who bring in higher healing for humanity.
In essence this is also the intense and pure anchoring in of the Feminine Divine and the Goddess energies. These are the working and living from the heart and then to infuse all that one is and what one is capable of being and becoming with love.
It is that intense bringing in of love into every single molecule, cell, DNA strand, gland, organ, skeleton, bone and bone marrow, skin, hair, meridian, nadis, chakras – indeed our whole physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all 12 bodies.
When we claim and empower ourselves from deep within and start using all our bodies and energy systems once more, and not just a fraction, we will then be able to step into our full power again, and this brings in immense and multiple levels of the mind, which we have not used for millions of years – it brings in levitation, telepathy, teleportation, it brings in the abilities to dissemble matter and assemble it – all by just using our heart-minds and it brings in the full return of the ancient keys, codes and higher knowledge, teaching and higher wisdom for mankind, as they truly step up to step into their highest truth as the Sons and Daughters of the Divine.
Therefore embrace this coming year – as the year for soul empowerment and get more and more in touch with your soul and your soul groups and higher soul self. The more you go deep within and reconnect, the more you will find that miracles start happening and things manifest into form faster and brings in true health, abundance and the living from a deep and profound inner love and inner contentment which surpasses all understanding.
This is the return to balance and the return of the re-connection to the 9th Central Crystal Temple of the 9th Central Sun of the 9th Central Galaxy – and the next evolutionary step would be to reconnect to the 12th and 13th Suns.