The Rebirth amplified


The Pleiadean Counsel of Light is now working intensely with planet earth, as one of those 12 Master Galaxies who were involved with the creation of the outer earth.

The Pleiades hold the Temples of Light and so many of native people of the earth honor them as being their ancestors, e.g. the San Bushman of Southern Africa, as well as Native American Tribes.

At this moment the Pleiadean Counsel of Light with those of Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, the Milky Way Galaxy, Lyra, Arcturus, the Bear Constellation, Cygnus, Pegasus,  and others, are gathering like never before around the planet, assisting it incredible rise in vibrational frequencies as it shifts ever deeper into the 5th dimensional state, linking now to the 6th.

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The New Earth is buzzing with life.  She is not reborn, she is being recreated into the highest version of herself, as she was in the beginning.

She has been linked up to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination once more, and thus is being now infused with the highest codes and keys of Illumination, which for many millions of years, humanity did not have access to, as asteroids bombarded the earth and many of the ancient civilizations were destroyed, almost overnight.

Before these ancient civilizations were destroyed, their own Seers and Visionaries had warned of the impending destruction, and so of the people, en masse, who were ready, aware and conscious chose to withdraw their energy and their physical reality before the catastrophes happen.  They never left the planet, they merely exist in a much higher dimensional form, and thus a much higher type of light body form, and they call themselves “The Ancient Ones” as much as they are the Guardians and Keepers of those places which they still guard.

During the last 24 hours, massive energy changes have streamed in and are streaming in, which is accelerating the dimensional shifts as well as bringing rebirth at a very higher level.

The rebirth is happening a cellular and DNA levels, where the Pleiadean Counsel of Light, together with the Arcturans (the Master Galactic Healers/Physicians) together with the Higher Counsel of Medicine held in Sirius, are now reprogramming us a deep cellular and DNA levels.

As this is happening, old and dormant soul memory banks are surfacing, which are enabling us to now finally release the old negative karmic patterns created between souls (now again incarnated), as well as very old ancestral programming and negative patterns.

It will be as if the floodgates have opened, not only at physical level where our bodies now need to cope with accelerated upgrading, into the very core of each living cell and DNA strand, but also with the way we produce food and digest it.  Our digestive systems will start reacting to a much higher degree to what it finds intolerable and thus, be careful what you eat, and how you eat it.

Many soul contracts are being fulfilled now, and there will be a mass exit of the planet of those souls who are contracted to leave now.  They are making way for the new generations of pure souls who are already here, the and ones queuing up to be born.

We are during a dramatic rebirth; the likes of this humanity have never experienced before.

We need to build out light bodies and be diligent and disciplined about it.  It is best to work intensely with the Violet Fire now and become aware that the Fires of Purification are with us and purifying us to the highest degrees.

Some will cling onto the old structures, the old life and life forms, for dear life and will find that the more they cling onto anything, the more it will disintegrate.  One cannot hang onto anything and anyone anymore – all is rapidly changing form.

The Pleiadean High Counsel of Light (they hold the Temples of Light in the inner planes, as well the Light Language which is a language of sacred geometrical symbols and encoded codes of Light), are stressing that you will start feeling rebirth at within ALL your bodies: – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and your etheric and energy bodies will be filled with high frequency light encodements beamed down from the Pleiades.


It is a time of transmutation, transformation, and to be welcomed and not feared.

It is a deep inner change which is happening: – for in truth Divinity lives within each one of us.  It from deep within ourselves that we connect directly to the Divine and All-That-Is.  This awareness will spread like wildfire now, for it time for humanity to remember and reconnect, for it only through this reconnection that you will be able to navigate the intense and immense changes pouring in, which will accelerate until 2034 when another portal of renewal opens.  Especially 2021, will accelerate the whole process and we will be assisted through all of this, if we are open to it.

Let the deepest healing within you now occur.  Let there be healing of the negative karmic patterns, let there be healing of the ancestral karma, the country karma, the collective karma.

And let there be a rejoicing, for all which has held us back for so long, and which kept us chained to the lower bodies of the 3rd Dimension, are now coming off.

This is immensely freeing, and it is truly a Divine Gift to humanity of the highest order.

The key to riding the wave of rebirth goes through the heart and soul and going deep within for guidance and reconnection to All-That-IS.

Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2


YouTube:  Judith Kusel

Sirius Portal via Giza to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination


The Sun gates opening via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

In ancient times when the outer crust of the earth was formed, there were certain energy portals implanted upon earth, which connect directly to the original 12 Master galaxies (as reported in my book “Why I was born in Africa:  the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.” )

The energy portals, acted as gateways, or if you like satellite stations, which were tuned into Sirius as Sirius holds the Head Quarters of the Intergalactic Counsel and via this Counsel, the Universal ones.

The portals were carefully hidden and were monitored day and night, and these acted as direct instruments, which were intricately linked to our solar system, and the Milky Way Galaxies.  One could describe them as a many tiered and multi-functional and operating in the 12th dimensional state.  After the Fall of Elysium during the Wars of Heavens, when so many of the original Master Galaxies were blown into oblivion and never could be repaired, the earthly portals were toned done to encapsulate the 7th dimensional state.

During the Lion Kingdom, which rose on the ruins of the Elysium, the first, these portals were retuned and reactivated, and specifically through 7 major centers around the world.

In  November 2018, the most powerful of the portals was reopened, via the African continent, and specifically the Giza pyramids, and realigned to the 7th Central Sun, and the Fires of Illumination thus systematically being returned to the planet, as the planets vibrational frequencies rise into the 5th dimensional state, and thus being retuned to the 7th.  This will take around 144 years, plus minus, when the Age of Aquarius gains momentum and the New Golden Age rises in its profundity.


The next three years, leading up to and into 2021, are going to intensify the upward curve, as the planet retuning into the 5th dimensional state, will be revved up – indeed will rise to 7 times the frequency band it is now operating on.  As the energy portals open one by one, more of the Ancient Energy will be released, and this will literally create intense shifts on all fronts, planetary and well as human shifts in consciousness and dimensional frequency bands.

Whereas the upgrading has been intense in the last few years, it was but the Kindergarten act, preparing us for the immense shifts we will now have to ride through in the next three years.  Everything will be amplified seven-fold.  If we thought the upgrading was intense before, we will feel ourselves literally disintegrating at times, as the old life on planet earth falls away and the new life rises.

Our crystalline bodies will be retuned to be able to absorb the higher frequency bands of the Fires of Illumination streaming in, as the Giza portal opens up substantially (it is only opened to a fraction of its capacity now), it will trigger the opening of the rest.  The process is carefully monitored.  If these portals would open too quickly, all life on planet earth would disintegrate and we would not be able to hold form anymore.

Note that planet is already going through intense shifts as the poles are melting at a rapid pace and some life forms are already on the verge of becoming extinct.  Humanity at large is going through intense upgrading, and thus a lot of souls will simply exit the planet, as their soul contracts move into completion, to make way for a wave of new human race to be born.

The landmasses will start to reform and reinvent themselves.  Remember that this is not the first time this has happened.  Since the Elysium, we have had the Lion Kingdom and after the Lion Kingdom (as my book on France states) the next three, before Atlantis rose.

Atlantis was the last to go through intense destruction and through total chaos, recreated the world, as huge landmasses sunk beneath the sea and continents were ripped apart.

The opening of the massive Stargate Portals which link to Sirius, will tune us into the higher Mind, the Higher Heart, and the deepest reconnection to our own souls.  As the Veils of Amnesia are lifted, and our clear seeing will return as the veils are stripped off our third eyes.  This is already happening.


During my tours to Greece and Egypt, I, and those who are called to join me, will be working intense with these stargate portals.  The ancientness of these, I cannot even try to describe here and what will be uncovered and reactivated is profound.  This is not the space to go into this, as it is a journey which works with each individual soul.  The journey is not an outward one – it is an inner one.

The Fires of Illumination, now returned, work with the full illumination of those souls who are ready to receive this gift.  When the soul is ready, the gifting will occur.

We are in for intense shifts and immense changes in the next three years.  It is but the beginning of enormous shifts from 2021 onwards.

By the end of this century planet earth will have changed beyond description.

Such is the impetus of change, and rebirth, that is unstoppable yet profound, as we finally have the opportunity now, to step back into our original state, the 7th dimensional state, and profound soul illumination.

Such is the gift – Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, illuminating our heart, mind, soul and Being!  It is indeed the illumination of the soul – in harmony with the illumination of the Planet Soul, and thus the SOUL of the Galactic core and the Universal Core.  The Divine Illumination via the 7th Central Sun of Illumination!

My seminars and tours to Greece and Egypt, will be life changing.  Not sight-seeing tours, but indeed soul-expanding, as the soul memory banks open, as the work is being done and the Fires of Illumination, illuminate the heart, soul, mind and Being!

Judith Kusel

for Soul Readings:


Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Greece and Egypt Tours with Judith Kusel


The Return to Wisdom as we remember…..



There were times when humanity sunk into the deepest of darkness, after the heights of Enlightenment had been reached.  Whereas the greatest of Epochs in the collective memory banks were filled with Gods and Goddesses, in truth these were the enlightened, and highly evolved Beings, those who lead humanity at such times, which is most remembered and was embroidered along as time went on.

There are many cultures or civilizations who existed on the planet, and still exist, where the history, the knowledge, that which was the ancient lore and wisdom, was orally related, and taught and those taught were not allowed to change one word, one sentence, one single syllable, vowel etc. of what was relayed.  This was in higher sense that all would be preserved for generations as it was, and not tampered with, misinterpreted, misunderstood, for human ego tends to change higher concepts, higher evolutionary states, into that which it understands, and has a concept of.  Most often great truths we misunderstood and then watered down into what the student understood of the original teachings.

As humanity fell from the higher states and sunk increasingly into the seas of forgetfulness, the Oral Tradition was a more of an emergency measure, than anything else.

We find this practice then, of the oral tradition (learning by heart and reciting, without changing one single word), in both the Celtic Druidic Tradition  (hence no written records) and reflected in the African and other ancient traditions.  In Africa, the current high Sanusi, Credo Mutwa, was severely persecuted by this own people in daring to write and record their oral tradition via his book “Indaba, my children.”  Indeed, his own son was literally burnt to death by an angry mop in Soweto, and Credo barely came out of the township alive.

However, what most human beings do not understand, that in the beginning when this planet was born and highly evolved races from other galaxies and star systems settled on this planet, they had no need for oral traditions, and no need for any recording devices as we know it.  (Please read my book “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” and to be followed by the untold and previously unrecorded true history of Avalon)

They had no use to verbal nor written communication because of the following factors:

  1. All records and everything under the Central Sun is stored in vast ENERGY FIELDS, which is called the Super-Consciousness Energy fields.
  2. Each of the 12 Central Suns, has their own specific conscious energy fields, and each Central Sun operates then as a Source of ENLIGHTENMENT, Illumination, for what is stored within such a Super-Conscious Energy fields is constantly being updated and all is constantly recorded.
  3. There is nothing under the Great Central Sun which is not automatically recorded, taken note of, and stored. The only analogy which human beings would understand as vast Energy Libraries, or Hard Drives, which stores everything which exists in the whole of Creation.
  4. Each Galaxy and Star System and the systems within them belong to a certain Central Sun (ours belongs to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, as recorded in my book). Each Galaxy and Solar System is a subdivision and thus each has their own Superconscious Energy Fields, which they can individually tap in.  In the beginning those on the planet could easily and effortlessly tap into these, via their own souls, and the sophisticated technology which they used, which automatically linked then into the same field, much like our laptops, cell phones etc. link to the Internet and thus has access to Search Engines, etc. and can communicate globally.
  5. The methods used to store information and energy into, were what has been remembered as Sun Discs, and although people look at the what later was created as Golden Sun Discs, these were but trying to reconstruct something that human kind collective remembered once existed, but by then had no access to anymore – or as a symbol of that which one could access, if one possessed the keys and codes of Enlightenment. A high degree of an Evolutionary state where one could remember how to access the information and retrieve it.
  6. The First Civilization did not use their vocal chords for speaking but they communicated telepathically – the human language was only given, after they fell from the 7th dimensional state to the 5th and then to plunged into the 3rd. When the latter happened after the Fall of Atlantis, they literally fell into the depths of Forgetfulness, and now could not communicate with each other in anyway.  They now had to use sound and their hands to communicate, and thus writing developed.
  7. In the Beginning the vocal chords where used for singing, for using sound as a way of raising the vibrations and frequencies, such as chanting, singing, and for healing purposes. The Light Language is a Universal Language of SYMBOLS, which can either be relayed via the vocal chords, or via sacred mathematics (numbers) and Sacred Geometry.

The Celtic Druids, and those of their Ilk, never wrote down their knowledge, because they had no need for doing so.  They belonged to a much older tradition, and a much older Source of Knowledge, which was millions of years older than the Celtic Tradition.  Indeed, they were but part of a pocket of Enlightened Mystery Schools, which had survived Atlantis.  With the Druidic and some of the Other Schools, they had retained this knowledge, in ways that we have forgotten about.

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Although it is known that the later Druids, after the Fall of the Celtic Races, indeed the Gaul’s, had to train for 20 years and they were had to orally learn everything by heart.  (Just like the African tradition).  Now, most of what is recorded about them, was written by their conquerors, who were far less educated they were.  Indeed, the Druids were highly trained scientists, and in the Pythagorean Tradition, they knew the science of numbers and sacred geometries, astronomy, etc. and the Bardic Order were known for not only their ballads, and the way they relayed stories via their music, but how they used instruments in certain ways to create with sound.

Interestingly the Romans report that the Gaul’s used trumpets, and other instruments during battles and made a terrible noise.  It kind of reminds on of story of Jericho in the Bible and its walls tumbling down, with the use of Trumpets and percussion instruments.

In the next 144 years of human existence, we will slowly but surely start remembering that the ancient technology was never lost to humankind, it was just that human beings were so constantly busy destroying themselves, that they lost the plot along the way.  Nevertheless, this is a collective lesson in knowledge for all of us to finally master.

Each individual soul is responsible for its own degree of mastery and the remembering of the Enlightened State and the application thereof.

There are no short-cuts to Enlightenment.  The more Enlightened one becomes the more the responsibility arises from deep within for one’s own actions and non-actions.

Yet so many souls have incarnated now, who truly carry within the depths of themselves the knowledge of how to lift humanity through the wormholes of their own creation, the Dark Ages, into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Within the Soul all the knowledge is contained, and in truth we all have the innate ability to tap into the Super Consciousness Energy fields and to retrieve that knowledge.  However, before access is gained, the soul’s intent is read.

Will the knowledge be used for self-service, and in destructive ways?  Then access will be denied.

Will the knowledge be used to serve the Greater Whole in truly uplifting and enlightened ways and with great insight and Wisdom?  Then slowly but surely access will be granted, to the degree that the soul is open to receiving such knowledge to use with great responsibility.

Humanity in truth is standing on the threshold, as the doors to the New Earth have just opened up, and we have the next 144 years to grab hold of the opportunity to truly rise into our highest soul selves, and our highest hearts and minds, to bring about the impetus needed to truly enter the New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Illumination.



(Judith Kusel)



For Soul Readings tapping into the Super Consciousness Energy Fields:


You Tube Channel:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2

The Mass Upgrading on Planetary and Galactic Core Levels


As souls we are now going through a massive re-awakening period, to a much higher degree and at much higher frequency bands than ever before.  We are called back to the higher truth within our own soul, our soul mission and purpose and the reasons why we incarnated onto planet earth.

On planetary level the Earth is going through a massive galactic and solar upgrade, and thus her vibratory frequency bands are now fine-tuned to bring her in highest alignment to the galactic core.   As she is thus being upgraded, we cannot afford to lag, or else we will not be able to hold life on her anymore.

As our frequency bands rises, which we can only do by raising of our consciousness, by truly tuning in galactically via our souls and not through our minds, for the mind can only stretch so far, and not further.  The soul is already galactically connected through its other soul parts and soul group, and thus through them, and the Divine, can raise their own frequencies, their vibrations to match that of the planet and the galactic core.

We are entering a time of more upheavals and uncertainties, where we will be collectively challenged to truly find solutions and create a much better, higher, and more sustainable way of life on this planet.  Obviously, some old things, methods, are just not working anymore.  We must find new and higher ways of living and expressing life, in balance and harmony WITHIN ourselves first, before we can create this on planetary level.

Most souls will experience a turbulence at this time, which is not always expressible.  It is as if one is sitting in a plane, which is experiencing vast turbulence and it almost feels as if the whole plane will disintegrate at any moment.  Now, all you can do is sit this through and trust the pilots to know how to fly the plane through the turbulence safely.  The Pilot in this case, is the Divine, and the Greater Cosmic Masterplan, for this planet never was, and is an entity on her own.  She belongs to one of the solar systems, within the greater Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy belongs to a much greater cosmic setup:  As above, so Below.  What manifests in at inter-galactic levels – manifests on planet earth.  That is Divine Law.

The same laws which govern the galaxies, constellations, star systems, govern this planet and govern every single one of us.  The is Omniversal Truth.  For the same Divine Source who created it all, created the whole cosmos as one vast Entity, and thus all the galaxies and star systems, Universes, all are part and particle of one single whole, and thus governed by the same rules and laws which govern them all.

We can never divorce ourselves from what is going on in the rest of the cosmos.  We are the rest of the cosmos for we are intricate linked in the same vast conscious energy field – which governs the Omniverse.

Your soul knows this at the deepest core.  You might call this governing Power and the Creative Force anything you like: – God, Goddess, the Great Spirit, it does not matter, for each will have their own interpretation of this immense force and the names it carries, yet in truth its true essence is ENERGY.

Your soul is pure energy.  It consists of 12 energy strands, one single entity, within the greater soul group, and soul cluster groups (I go into this in detail in my book: “Soul Empowerment:” Your soul therefore has unique attributes, genius, to reflect part of the vastness of the Divine, back to the Divine.

As awakening occurs within the soul, it will always be brought back to the core truth within itself.  Life will always pull you back to remembering the truth of your soul, and the reason you incarnated onto planet earth.

I have done Soul Readings for new born babies, and the parents come back to me, and confirm that it is true.  What is more, they now understand why the child has incarnated and how to guide it through life, so that it will live a soul-empowered life from the very beginning, and they will assist their genius to blossom from an early age.

Most of us, did not have that – we had to struggle through phases of reawakening, phases of remembering the truth of who and what we are!

The time we are entering now, will truly bring increasingly bells to ring within, so that we remember increasingly.  As all have volunteered to be here at this time, for a much higher reason and the reason is that we chose to be here, to assist humankind through this massive shift at planetary and galactic level.

The time is now.

The earth is already shifting on her axles and this has been measured and reported.  However more than just a physical shift, this is a massive shift in human consciousness.

We must step onto the next evolutionary plane of existence, which is on the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency band.  Indeed, the Age of Aquarius is already the beginning of the New Golden Age, the Age were humankind will finally be given the opportunity to master the lessons, not mastered during the time of Atlantis, and all before Atlantis, even to the time of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom (I recorded this history and phenomenal technology in my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom).

We must truly now allow ourselves to be upgraded to the highest degree.  Yes, it will mean that we must have a radical change in our thinking, our belief systems, our whole way of living life and being operational in it.

I have gone through this process in the last ten years, and I can only encourage you to allow yourself to be upgraded to the highest degree.  As my old life and living disintegrated increasingly, there were moments when I wished to cling onto the old, as I had no foothold anymore. Now, looking back, and seeing how far I have come I never want to have the old life back.  Yet, I know this is just the beginning.  And I embrace ALL of life will all that I am, for truly this is a new life, a new beginning for all of us.

Embrace the new way of life now springing forth.

Embrace the changes.

Embrace the turbulence, the turmoil, and know that all of this is leading to the next destination, the whole new creation of planet earth and all upon it.

You are the future.

The future is already there living within your own soul.

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You have all the tools you need, the knowledge, there programmed within your own soul.  You just need to trust what is there inside of you, and to use your own GPS systems, the maps and instruments encoded within your own soul.  It is just a matter of remembering and allowing the veils of amnesia to lift.

It the time to take leaps of faith, and to fly on the wings of renewed hope, renewed strength, renewed courage to allow yourself to be revamped, reinvented, and re-created into the highest possible version of yourself.

And then to assist the rest of humanity through the changes, so that we all can now truly step into a much higher, more balanced, and harmonious way of life.

What a time to be alive and well and on planet earth.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings and Twin Flames Readings:

For my books:

You Tube Channel:  Judith Kusel

The Sun Gate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun: The Raising of Consciousness to the 7th Cosmic Dimensional Frequency Band.

When the Sungate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun opened in November/December 2017, the window of opportunity opened up for those souls who are ready, to truly be activated to the fullest by the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun – thus to fully raise their consciousness levels to the 7th dimensional state – the state of the Ascended Being. This is an INNER shift, more than an outer one, and is the responsibility of each individual soul. I cannot stress the importance of what is happening now! This has now truly opened up what has not been accessible to humankind for millions of years.

When each moment is sacred and filled with love, insight, and wisdom, when each day and night are sacredly filled with love, insight, and wisdom.

 It is when humanity finally rediscovers its sacredness, as part of the Greater Divinity, a greater Equilibrium, a Greater Love within the Omniversal Beingness, the collective will finally come home to the true Greatness, the Genius within themselves. 

This is when the Golden Age will have come forth – when we have find come home to the greater Truths within ourselves, as true Sons and Daughters of the Divine.

With the massive Sun gate opening in November/December 2017, we now, after many millions of earth years are finally reconnected, via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun, which is the Central Sun of Illumination.  More than this, the collective consciousness of humankind can now at last rise once more to the 7th dimensional it originally was in.  (You can read all about the 7th Central Sun, in my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom”)

Sirius is the central hub, around which the original 12 Master Galaxies, created by the Divine in the very beginning of Creation, is structured around and of.  Therefore, Sirius holds the Central Keys and Codes, of all our planetary existence, from the first creation of the inner earth, Agartha, to that of the outer earth, on which we are living now.  With that it holds the very cell memory banks of every single living organism on planet earth, and thus all which ever has been created on it.

More than this, this holds true for all the 12 Master Galaxies.  However, during the Wars of Heavens, three of these Master Galaxies were completely blown up, Lyra and Andromeda, severely damaged, so that the Lyran people had to seek refuge in Sirius in order to regain their strength, consolidate and then repair their galaxy. The Andromedins migrated to a new galaxy, which they colonized and which we now know as the Andromeda galaxy, next to the Milky Way Galaxy.

The 7th Central Sun, therefore was programmed to use Sirius as a type of satellite from which it then beamed all its knowledge, the Fires of Illumination, into all the 12 Master Galaxies, and this then in turn enabled the very high consciousness and 7th dimensional state of life on planet earth, and in this solar system at the time of Elysium and then to some measure the Lion Kingdom, knowing this is was only established AFTER the Wars of Heavens, and then by the Lyran People, on what was left, or had survived from Elysium, after the earth was completely thrown out of orbit when the planet between Mars and Jupiter blew itself up.

However, subsequent happenings, and earthlings tendency to blow themselves up, then caused the Intergalactic Counsels whose headquarters is in Sirius, to close down the Sun gate from the 7th Central Sun completely, plus the Crystal Pyramids, until such time as humankind finally could step out the dark Ages which befell them when Atlantis blew itself up, and were ready to rise its consciousness levels back to the 5th and then 7th dimensional frequency bands, as was in the beginning.

In the last 150 years, so much has shifted as the Lightworkers cosmically volunteered to incarnate on planet earth to assist planet earth’s rebirth into the 5th dimensional state, which as now happened and thus the Sun gate’s opening now.  However, humankind at gross level still needs to make a huge shift.  Yet, this is very much an INDIVIDUAL shift, which must happen deep within the heart and soul, so that the higher heart-mind, can be activated, and the higher transmitter channels open.

One cannot access the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency bands, without the INNER shift occurring.  One must be able TUNE into these frequency bands, via the Soul, and therefore one Soul’s energy must be in alignment with the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency bands.  It is very much like tuning into a Television station, – you to find the right decoder to unlock the satellite transmissions, otherwise you cannot gain access to those transmissions.

I have done more than a thousand Soul Readings in the last few years, as my SOUL GIFTS were restored to me and reactivated, as I tap into the Super Consciousness Energy Fields, as thus transmit ENERGY records.  In the Beginning this was where all information was stored in, and not in any other media.  Indeed, this is how it functions Cosmically.  When souls come back to me, after finally realizing who and what they are at SOUL level (and most knew this deep down, within themselves, but then tended to not heed that), something deep inside of themselves triggers, as the keys and codes within their own soul get reawakened, as remembrance returns and the veils of amnesia start lifting, or they start tapping more and more into the Soul memory banks and their own higher transmitter channels open up.

The 5th Dimensional State is all about forgiveness of self and others and the transmutation of fear and negativity.  One is receptive the Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, and the Unity consciousness arises as one finally understands that in truth, that one is ONE with all and everything, and the DIVINE, the rest of the cosmos, and in truth cannot ever not be part and particle of the ONE SINGLE WHOLE.

The 7th dimensional State is the frequency humans rise to when they fully have activated their higher Light body, their highest transmitter channels and now truly can tap into their Higher Soul Selves, the Soul Groups, and the Cosmic Hierarchy.   Before this many soul then ascended, meaning they left their physical forms completely.  However, now a lot of these soul who have already reached this state, have chosen in the highest possible service to the Divine to stay in their physical form and assist the rest of humanity to raise their consciousness levels – as it takes one Ascended Master Being, to raise the frequency bands of thousands, if not millions.  This is also known as the 7th Heaven, where the higher Ascended Masters and the Masters of Shamballa reside, as well as the Ancient Ones.  It is also where most of the angels reside in.

One cannot access the 6th to 7th dimensional states, without truly mastering the Negative Ego.  In that ego is neutral, if imbalanced, it will be destructive, on either side of the scales. 

The Sun gate to Sirius and the opening of the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, is now allowing the Ancient Sun-discs to emerge, but also then the ancient keys and codes of SUN-  meaning ILLUMINATION. 

An illumined Being, is fully conscious, in full mastery of himself or herself, has overcome or learnt to step passed the lower ego, and  is therefore, truly anchored into the Highest Soul Self, and fully empowered by the threefold fires, of Love, Power and Wisdom. 

Power without wisdom and Love is brutal.  It forces, it destructs.

Yet, power when wisely used, with great unconditional love, brings about the highest possible service and always aligns to the Divine Will and Purpose, which is greater than the sum of Self.  It therefore creates balance and harmony, for it can do or be no other, for the inner SOUL SELF is in harmony, and balance, equilibrium with itself!

This time, then is essentially the PATH OF THE SOUL, towards remembering its ONENESS with all that is.  More than this, it is the inner empowerment, the inner soul activation and full activation of the higher transmitters, with the state of pure, unconditional love, steeped in wisdom, and then the powers rise, to fully live a Soul Empowered life.  Once one is Soul Empowered, one can do or be no other than to fully serve one’s soul purpose and mission, with great love and devotion.

In truth, the soul has incarnated for one purpose only – to serve in the highest and best way the greater good of All, through utilizing it soul genius, and therefore serving the Divine with all that it is!  By doing this fully, and with great love and wisdom, and empowered, the soul is not only raising its own consciousness, and dimensional frequency band, but that of the collective as well!

(Judith Kusel)


The Illumined Mystic Alchemy and Sacred Union.



Love always seeks to expand upon itself, to ever delve deeper into the depths of All-Loving, and seeks that mystical and sacred union with the Beloved in ever deeper and more profound ways.

There is a highest pathway of the True Mystic, which seeks the alchemical Marriage, that Divine Sacred Union, which goes beyond the norm and stretches into the very Mystery of Mystery, the infusion and the working, the co-creation with the Sacred Fires and the Kundalini or Serpent Energy.

Only the highest-ranking Initiates could catch a glimpse of the deepest inner mysteries in the Ancient Mystery Schools as held in the Pyrenees, and Southern France, in the most hidden and sacred, secret places, and then they had to go through stringent initiations, and training, before they could delve into these mysteries of Mysteries.

There was a very sacred, secret Order, the of Rose, the Serpent (Kundalini) and the Sacred Chalice/Cup/Grail.  Those who belonged to this secret Order identified each other via the symbols imbedded on the SOUL self, and on the forehead, for they could read with via the inner seeing and knowing.  Most of these souls belong to this sacred and sanctified order in the inner planes and thus always serve together in some great way.  It is the call to the highest service to the Divine and thus the bestowal of co-creatorship in a deeply alchemical and mystical way, which has made them stand out in so many lifetimes, parallel lives and Universes, as the very highest and most evolved of the Illumined Ones.

The true Mystic seeks to delve ever deeper into the Unknown, the Unchartered, the Unrecorded and to seek to experience the Divine through this alchemical and mystical union.  It is therefore in essence not self-seeking, or ego driven, or that self-gratification, but goes beyond the self, into the ALL.  In fact, if one is not willing to totally dissolve, disintegrate and therefore be transmuted into a much higher version, creative, mystical, ALL, thus dissolving into the vastness of the Divine Energy Fields itself, one could not be reborn into the highest Mysteries of the Mystery itself.

The moment that one dissolved into the No-thing, one became Every-thing:  You became the same intelligent and unified Energy field, the Spiralling and Creative Energy force (Highest Kundalini/Serpent Energy Energy) and with it the Sacred Fire itself.  You became the embodiment of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine as you merged into one single energy force-field, and now, with immense intricate and highest training, could direct this whole energy field to create miracles.

This was the highest of all the sacred Mystery School’s hidden Rites, and therefore then only the highest and most disciplined of the all the Initiates were ever allowed to enter these.  More than this, it took total dedication and immense commitment to adhere to the Divine Alchemical Laws, and Divine Sacred Sexuality Laws, to gain this type of high degree of Mysticism.

One could enter through these means such immensely powerful Super Consciousness Energy fields, that one could experience the Divine in much highest and more profound ways, than through any other path.

Not all Initiates ever chose to do this in union with another – male and female, but some chose to do this on their own.  Every soul has free will and choice, and therefore then each pathway has its own challenges and more than this stringent initiation.

The reasons why one needed to be gradually initiated and introduced to this type of the highest mysteries, was mainly because the immense potent and powerful energy forces one starts to tap into and work with.   If the initiate was not yet of the same vibration and frequency as the superconscious energy fields entered, the physical body would disintegrate.  Indeed, the soul would have to leave the physical vessel, and could not return to it.

The trick was to enter these potent energy fields, dissolve into them, and then be resurrected within these fields, which one could only enter via the SOUL energy, and the direct the entire in co-creative ways.

Now, if the physical body was not tuned into the higher frequency yet, it could not hold form, as said, and therefore once the Kundalini energy and Sacred Fires are ignited to a high degree, many initiates died in the process, for FEAR stepped in, as they physical form started to disintegrate and they had not learnt to anchor themselves into the physical while also traversing the heavens, so to speak.

The Kundalini opens certain channels in the physical form and energy bodies in and around the human body, but it must go into higher octaves of such.  If one activates this energy too quickly, one is great danger of harming oneself, for there will be immense pain in the physical form and when blockages occur even more so.  If this energy is not directed in scientific ways (remember that metaphysics is as science) then the body will disintegrate – it cannot hold form.

The same applies to the sacred fires as well.

Highly trained Initiates could literally step in very powerful and almost superhuman co-creative acts in sacred union, and then direct the super consciousness energy fields in the exact forms they wished to manifest this.  This was called co-creatorship.

Remember in this that the sexual energy is not attached to the physical form at all, as is the kundalini, as is the soul.  It can expand in immensely powerful ways, into Divinity and therefore the ALL, the Omni-verse itself and all contained there-in.

In truth, there are no boundaries.  Human beings perceive false separation and false boundaries, were in truth there are no limitations.

All is One Unified and Superconscious and Intelligent Energy Field with sub-energy fields.  In truth, all is one and the same.

One could not do this work with just anyone.  No, the souls concerned we carefully chosen for this work, and most often would be Twin Flames and Soul Mates.  Mainly because in the case of the Illumined One, they were created by the Divine to co-create in this way. 

This must do with keys and codes as held within each soul flame and therefore when the two unite, they activated these within each other.  It is one by merging as one, that they could co-create in this manner.  This was by Divine Creation.

The True Mystical Partnership, was an agreement between these two souls to co-create in this mystical way, and then to do so in the highest possible service.  Indeed, it is usually to co-create the extraordinary together.

In such a union, there is no place for a third party, mainly because the third party must be created between the two, and this is the Sacred Fire. 

Trinity in truth means the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Fire (sometimes referred to as the Holy Fire or Holy Spirit).

With it came Truth, Respect, Integrity.

One had to have that degree of utter trust, that when one dissolved into such fields, that the fusion of the two, would hold the rest together.  Thus, not one of these two would disintegrate and out of mistrust or fear have their physical bodies disintegrate!

First, it was the fear of death which had to be overcome, and this fear can come in many forms and disguises. So often this fear is disguised in attachments, to things, to people, to places, etc.  Or is can be disguised as negative ego, which wishes to be better, than the partner.  Therefore, they had to be equals meaning equally soul-empowered.

The stringent initiations then were meant to not only allow the initiates to overcome fear, self-doubt, self-aggrandisement, etc. but also to become fully soul empowered, therefore fully standing in their own power and light, to not become overpowered by their partner.

It is only when both are whole and in balance within themselves, that they can merge fully and completely in such sacred alchemical marriage.

When these two souls then agreed to do this work together, they always held a special and very private ceremony where they committed they whole life, and physical and soul embodiment into the highest service to the Divine.  It was something very sacred and private they agreed upon.  This first and then only in the Presence of the Divine.

Then only they would be consecrated and anointed by the High Priest and High Priestess of this Sacred Order.

The Anointing itself was profound, for here they stood, as the Beloveds, in the face of the Divine, and those anointing them and the those witnessing this, that they would commit to their union to the highest possible service, with truth, integrity and respect, and that they were prepared to die for this, in needed.  Indeed, they were vowing to commit their entire life to uplift humanity (if on this planet) and to raise its consciousness, to blaze new and higher trails and that they would be there, leading from the front, fearlessly, and with great courage and inner strength.

For delving into the deepest Mysteries and retrieving what needs to be retrieve and worked with, co-created for the highest good, is not for the faint-hearted, the half-hearted, the ones would be fly-by-nights.  It is only for the those who are brave enough to dissolve and die totally onto themselves, to be resurrected into the work and then direct the work by co-creatorship.

Such is the Calling.

Such is the Sacrifice but also the Resurrection.

Such is the Truth and the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Seeing and the Omni-Being.

Copyright Applies.

(Judith Kusel)  for Soul and Twin Flame Soul Readings

Facebook:  Judith Kusel



The New Emerges: True Love in Sacred Union


As planet Earth has been reborn and since the 24 May 2017, we have moved into the new Epoch of planet earth’s Being and therefore humankind, something immense is shifting deep within us and nowhere more profoundly than in our loving relationships with each other. We have to find new and higher levels of wholeness within ourselves, and then within our most intimate relationships with each other.

We are being called to step more and more into our authentic REAL, THE SOUL REAL, the truth of who and what we are: – at soul level.  To me this means the return to truth and wholeness.

The veils of amnesia have been lifted and therefore at last our inner seeing, hearing, knowing returns and with it the 7 veils of the third eye may now be lifted for those who are ready to receive such a blessing and ask for it.

The deepest levels will be felt by those who are in the Twin Flame Union.  More than this, with the veils of amnesia being lifted, we now have that gateway opening, where the old karmic negative patterns, hooks, ties and whatever withheld true love and union in the past, in whatever forms, now can be finally healed and put behind us.

The true Mystery of profound and total union, in the Sacred Partnership between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine is now ready to express itself through those who are willing to walk that Highest Path of Purity, and to truly seek the face of the ultimate of Union, where the Divine Masculine is fully empowered and in balance within himself, and the Divine Feminine is fully empowered and in balance within herself. 

One is not more than other, nor less than the other.  They are BOTH empowered from the deepest Soul Level, and therefore now can at last find each other in far higher and in the deepest levels of soul expression, than ever before.

It is a Mystic Path, it is Path only for those souls who truly seek to find this on a much higher and more intimate level and then to know, that this is not for the faint-hearted, the uninitiated, those who are too scared to delve into the deepest depths of themselves, and the very Mystery of Life itself, and all of Creation.  It means willing to be vulnerable in the depths of vulnerability, open to the core heart and soul, cleaved open if need be, and then in total truth and honesty, authentic and real.  No hiding anymore. 

If the Divine Masculine is willing to truly delve into the very deepest Mystery, he must learn to dissolve himself into the very essence of what it means to be the Divine Masculine in all its myriad of forms and expressions.  This man is not afraid to face himself, and all his own inner dragons, and more than this, all the Mysteries of forms the structures of the cosmos, and what makes it work and tick, and in the process, FEEL into his heart, and soul, as much as into his magnificent mind.  At last he has learnt to marry his own heart and feelings, with his mind.  More than this he is in touch with the feminine side of himself, and knows it is there deep inside of himself, just as much as the Masculine is there.  The Masculine is MORE than the feminine within himself, but it is there all right.  He is not in denial of this anymore, he OWNS it and he is happy in his own skin.

The Empowered Masculine is now truly open to experience his deepest soul connection with the Omni verse from the heart and mind.  He is going to asked to break new frontiers open for humanity in the fields of science where he married the metaphysical with the core sciences, and where he finally understands the inner music of mathematics, the immense harmonic frequencies held within them, where he starts remembering how to work with the crystalline Liquid Energy as expressed through the spiralling, coiling energy, and remember how to tap into the Ancient Energy Fields which have always been there, and now are being reactivated. His beautiful mind, is now fully employed to lift humanity into the realms of the 5th to 7th dimensional state, as he is the one who invents the structures, the forms, the mathematical equations, the sacred geometrical patterns, which now starts to understand at a much higher level.  What never made sense, now starts making sense, as his third eye opens more and more, and he can at last see BEYOND the physical only, and into the realms of Infinite space.

The Superconscious Energy fields are there open and ready for him to finally understand and grasp with his heart/soul/mind, and he can only do that via the Feminine, for she is what gives him the keys and codes to do so.  More than this she unlocks within him, what he could not access before, when he was totally in his mind, and cut her out of the equation.

The masculine is now moving more and more into this Higher Soul Self, fearlessly, in pioneering ways, and he is willing to give it his all to blaze new trails for humanity, but this time, he is balanced WITHIN himself, through heart and mind, in touch with the feeling side of himself, as much as the brilliance of his own mind.

With it comes the great healing of all he invented in all the past lives and existences on earth, which was destructive, which went against the Divine Cosmic Laws, and in truth, against himself.

The Divine Feminine, feels, yes, she feels, but she is also now seeking to marry the Divine Masculine within herself, with the Divine Feminine within herself.  She is more Divine Feminine, but she also has that Masculine within herself as well.  She is not afraid to delve into the deepest parts of her soul, and to bring about the deepest emotional healing for herself and the rest of humanity.

She is not afraid to break loose of all the shackles and restraints which were placed upon her for so many thousands of years, she is now out there with him, breaking open new frontiers for humanity, and she is teaching him to feel and express, as much as he is teaching her to use her own beautiful mind.

She is not shrinking herself anymore, and she not thinking herself less than him.  Indeed, she is finally stepping up in soul empowerment, so that she can at last take her place next to him, equally soul empowered, equally blessed, and therefore she is not allowing herself to be overshadowed by him.

She dances the dance of life, the spiralling coiling dance of creation, for SHE IS THAT.   SHE HOLDS THAT ENERGY, and she is loves it.  She knows no beginning nor end, for she knows that the wheels are forever reinventing themselves, and therefore there is a great Omni verse of inner mystical knowledge she must return to humanity, which the Divine Feminine sealed off and took away with her, when she withdrew from the planet.

She is not getting past her own neediness.  She is finally understanding the truth, that in Ancient Times, the Women were out there, fully empowered and working alongside him.  She was not there JUST TO BE A WIFE AND HAVE CHILDREN.  NO!  If she was in her highest empowerment, she often chose not to have children and to fully be there in her highest empowerment and she was out there, blazing new trails along with him.

She only chose to have children, if she could fully co-create with him, for the highest and best of both concerned, and if they BOTH chose this, and then she mated for life with him, because BOTH were dedicated to the same highest calling and soul purpose, looking outward in the same direction, and then fully conscious of what a type of child they wished to co-create and how they would BOTH look after the child and nurture it into being, as it was a co-responsibility.   Indeed, they would only have a child, if they both were in the highest and deepest alignment with each other, and their love for each other had taken on the deepest meaning, knowing that in the moment the child was created, it would take that energy of the creative act WITHIN it, from the moment of conception, and therefore then, know whether it was conceived in utter love, or not!  Henceforth they would both nurture that unborn child into Beingness with great love, careful not to project anything onto the unborn, which was not in highest alignment with their love for each other, and what they in truth are within.

When the Divine Masculine is fully empowered, and whole, the Divine Feminine is fully empowered and whole, something profound happens.  If they both are on the Mystical path, and deeply soul empowered, and deeply and profoundly seeking that union with each other, with truth, respect and integrity, and love, then they can seek the sacred sexual union.

It is not a path for everyone.  So many romanticize over such a union, when in truth such a union will cleave both open to the core, for the fires ignited between them will bring out the best and the worst within both, singe and burn away all impurities.

First, there must be a deep soul connection for such a union to last, and to bring about ever deeper and deeper levels of love and union.

So often the emotional baggage will come up, from deep within – the false programming of this lifetime, that little boy and little girl within, and then all the past lives on this planet which often turned into warzones between a man and woman and all in between.  If the emotional baggage is not released, if will come to the surface as separation, as alienation, as neediness, and wanting – wanting the other to complete one, wanting the other to be the saviour or the Knight in Shining Armour, and dreaming false dreams of love, which will not manifest, until the INNER work has been done and wholeness within returns.  For often the old past life memory banks will trigger when one is with the beloved, and those old ghosts need to be laid to rest.

In my Twin Flame Soul Readings, this comes the fore time and again. I, myself experienced this profound when I was in France, and I had to release memory bank after memory bank of intense and unspeakable things which happened in those lifetime, even to remembering myself being shackled and chained as a Queen of my people, and then having my Beloved’s head (which had just been chopped off), being shown me on a platter!  This went into Egypt and wherever else, but release it all I had.  I also understood then why I had difficulty in speaking out in this lifetime, and more than that to finally break loose of those shackles and the unspeakable, which happened during those lifetimes.

Remember that your soul has had many lifetimes, and many existences, and what you are now, is a sum of what you have been before!

True Love, is the love which has stood the test of time – and then emerges ever deeper and stronger than ever before, therefore brings the souls together in ever deeper, highest and more profound love and union.  Indeed, they both go through a type of inner death, in order to be reborn into ever higher states of true love and union!

It is when on finally forgives the Twin and the soul one has been involved with for so long, in the deepest most soul-filled way, that one starts seeing the SOUL in its first innocence, when it was first born alongside of you, for in truth you are one soul.  IT goes beyond words, such a revelation.  You finally see your innocence and his innocence – there in truth are no divisions, there is no separation.  The floodgates of the heart and soul open, and love pours through – beautiful, unconditional love, and deep acceptance where before the barriers sometimes seemed unsurmountable.

True Love and True Sacred Mystical Union, bring that deep innocence to the fore which was there at the beginning and is now finally allowed to come to the fore again, indeed to exuberantly allow the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine to express THROUGH you, like you are but a vessel, but an empty chalice, now being filled to overflowing.

It is in truth a LOVE AFFAIR with the profound DIVINITY within you and the honouring the DIVINITY of the DIVINE OTHER, WITHIN THE SACRED AND DIVINE EXPRESSION THROUGH BOTH OF YOU.

Such union ignites the kundalini (serpent coiling energy) plus the sacred eternal flame/fire, which is a cosmic creative energy force, that spirals/coils up from deep inside within our souls, our being. 

The Sexual energy is NOT attached to the physical body, although the physical body is but ONE channel for expression.  Indeed, when the SEXUAL ENERGY MERGES WITH THE SOUL ENERGIES AND THE DIVINE ENERGIES AMPLIFY this, it merges together complementary OPPOSITE energy forces, which in merging together, create wholeness. 

It is in fact in the highest sense, the further one delves into the mystery, a deep alchemical TRANSMUTATION from one state or level of Christed Consciousness into the Higher Realms of the Sublime Divinity’s most potent force.

Yet there should be that deepest soul desire, the deepest soul commitment and understanding to connect and merge ever deeper and more profoundly at SOUL level with the Divine Other.

This itself brings about profound experiences of unknown realms of Love, which truly only available to the purest seekers and those who truly wish to to dissolve into the deepest Mysteries of Creation, and allow themselves to be transformed into the highest soul expression of the Highest Service they can render TOGETHER.

For true sacred union, is not selfish. It will always serve the higher good, and therefore in merging their energy forces together, these two SERVE – they will be out there blazing new trails for humanity together, and not shrink from doing that. 



(Judith Kusel)

Copyright Applies

For Twin Flame Soul Readings:

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter: judithkusel2

You Tube;  Judith Kusel

Your future self is emerging with this massive shift in consciousness…

Your future self is now emerging as all of us are going through immense energy upgrades to prepare us for the New Life on planet earth as she has now ascended into the 5D.  What we believe to be the physical reality of life on planet earth, exists no more.

Some will try to cling onto the 3D with all they’ve got and in the process, will find that the more they cling, the more they will find that they are grasping thin air.

The truth is that a lot of us have been through the process of total disintegration in the last few years, and now are leading humanity home into the new World.  We had to lose everything, and find we could hold onto no-thing, and now have emerged in a much higher consciousness state than ever before.  We do not take life in the physical world so seriously anymore, for we have found that whatever we tended to lose in the process of our higher awakening, is not needed in our new life anymore.

We have done it, been through it all, and felt ourselves carried on the wings of angels.  We have learnt not to attach to anything or anyone anymore, only to have preferences.

The truth is that in the next 144 years, all will disintegrate which no longer serves the collective of the planetary whole and therefore humanity.  We are here on this planet but by the grace of Mother Earth – let us remember this!  We are but passengers and crew.  She can at any moment decide to shake us off her, like a dog will shake off flees.  She can choose to allow us to evolve into the 5D and higher WITH her, or she can choose to cause mass destruction and evacuations, like happened in the past.

In truth Mother Earth, never has shaken off anyone.  It was human beings who destroyed Atlantis and what was before her and then literally reshaped the earth, by using weapons and things in war, which caused havoc and the sinking of land masses.  So, in truth she has tolerated that, but now with her rising to her original state in the 7th dimensional state, with the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy, those who cannot evolve into those higher dimensional states with her, will just loose form.

Each dimensional state has vibrational energy frequencies.  The higher the vibrational frequency band, the higher the evolutionary state of all which exist in that frequency band (dimensions are just that, energetic impulses of life existing on that frequency band and holding form.)   The lower life in the lower frequency bands, cannot move into the higher frequency bands, without starting to disintegrate and deteriorate.  This is simple science, so we need heed this.

When you are living in a much higher frequency band, you need a much higher vibratory physical form.  That is why our physical bodies have been steadily upgraded since 1994, with the massive cosmic convergence and Intergalactic Federation decree that life on planet earth must evolve now, as the shackles and bonds of the 3D world has been steadily coming off.

On the 24 May 2017, she has now officially ascended into the 5D, and therefore then the ancient Crystal Pyramids and the crystalline pyramid grids, and Lightning Rod of the Earth have now fully become operational again, and will steadily now be reactivated to their highest potential, as and how life on planet earth can adjust to this.  In my new book “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” I go into details regarding this, and I have recorded my whole journey of discovery and reactivation of this grid plus pyramids plus, in my book.

In this in the last few weeks, massive energy centres have been reactivated.  It is reactivating the 7th dimensional energy grids of the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystal pyramid grids – as said before, in stages.

Once this energy is released, it has a ripple effect on all of life on planet earth.  For these grids are directly linked to the 7th Central sun and the Sun Discs, and therefore the energy frequency IMPULSES of energy from the 7th Central Sun is busy reactivating all which has been dormant for billions of years on planetary scale.

This is highly advanced technology and it is not for the uninitiated to know about.  However, what I am trying to get across here, is that this process now is on full throttle and on track.

We cannot go back into the 3D world anymore.  It has left us, it has gone.

We are now being intensely and utterly upgraded in our physical bodies, including every single cell and DNA strand, the pineal and pituitary glands with the third centre of the small tongue, and then other hidden centres in the bodies (all 12 of them) will start being reactivated so that we will start losing the spoken languages, and the written and will start communicating telepathically again, and energetically.  So, we will start remembering how to use the Super consciousness energy fields and high technology again, with teleportation, bilocation etc.

This is a massive upgrade now going on and therefore we cannot afford anymore to lag.


The Keys to this all lies WITHIN you, more than without!

For the keys and codes of your soul will get activated as you are ready to step up in evolutionary consciousness.  This goes with the upgrading up your physical body and thus then all the other 12 energy bodies.

Each one of us is differently created energetically at SOUL level. Therefore, the upgrading will not be the same for all of us. Remember this.  It will be that 70 people are together in one single room, and three will rise into the 5D and higher and the rest will not be able to.  This is how this works.


This is a type of energy upgrading which goes beyond human mind’s limitations of understanding, into the conscious state, where there is all understanding.  The key to this state lies via the SOUL and the soul groups and the cosmic interconnectedness.

Let those who have inner eyes – see.

Let those who have inner ears – hear.

Let those who inner intuitive knowing – know.

I have spoken.

(Judith Kusel)

The New Frontier: Maturity




We are asked now to remember that whatever has come before, has been an immense learning for the whole of humanity, that if one does not honor the highest within oneself, that infinite One-ness with the Divine, that one then will self-sabotage in some way, and end up sinking ever further into the seas of forgetfulness, as one has severed that intimate connection to the Divine.

Within the subconscious programming of humankind, lies the fear of abandonment, the infinite pain of separation from the Divine, which was caused by the humanity’s own choice to go against the Divine Laws, and then to wilfully create outside of these laws.  With that then creating chaos and self-destruction, unceasing wars, and with it a deep mistrust of each other, and even a mistrust of the Divine and its intentions.

The shift now is coming from deep within every single soul, for when the soul has reconnected with its highest truth and with the Divine, all feelings of separation and alienation are resolved.  When the soul has fully reopened the higher transmitter channels to the Divine, and is firmly able to anchor in the soul’s highest mission into planet earth, it has a ripple effect on the rest of humanity: – whether the soul is conscious of this or not.

When the soul has stepped into full maturity and therefore taken full responsibility for all his or her actions, or inactions, it will not and cannot blame anyone or anything anymore for its circumstances, nor the way he or she lives their lives.

It is maturity which knows that the Universal Laws of cause and effect means that every single act has a ripple effect, and every single moment of inaction, has ripple effects too.  Whatever one puts out there – returns, whether in blessings or in whatever negative energy one put out there in the first place.  Indeed one lives the life one creates inside oneself!

Maturity takes full responsibility for every single word it speaks, for it knows that words create too, and have send out ripple effects.  The energy which is poured through the mouth and vocal chords can pollute or lift and inspire. The tongue can be used as a sword to cut down and kill, as much as it can be used to spread love, joy, laughter, and good, positive vibes.  The choice is yours.

Maturity is in charge of its thoughts and its thinking.  It knows that whatever is churning inside will manifest in chaos outside, for thoughts manifest almost instantly now.

Maturity takes responsibility for its own inner wellbeing, and therefore does not look outside itself for validation, worth, for its very existence.  It knows that all the answers lie deep within himself or herself and therefore it is fully reconnected INSIDE to the Divine and seeks the highest guidance, insight and wisdom which is greater and more profound than anything it can know or foresee.

Maturity seeks ever the highest pathways of love, light and service.  It can do and be no other than pure love with the purest intent to serve the Divine and its soul purpose and mission, from the depths of its heart, soul and Being.  It does not wait for approval of others – it only ever seeks to serve in the highest possible way, for the highest good of all.

Maturity ever seeks the roads less travelled, the highest pathways of the soul, and therefore that which serves its highest soul growth and purpose.  If knows that the true Master must be willing and can walk the path alone if needs be, for true Mastery does not need the applause of others, nor the adoration of the masses, for it knows its fickleness and how all can change in one single eyewink, and therefore knows that the loftiest empires have come and gone, and what is here today, will be lost in the memory of tomorrow.

Maturity has been called a fool by others, but maturity would rather be called a fool, than succumb to what is not the highest truth for its soul and therefore will not compromise his or her truth for anyone or anything.  Even during the greatest challenges, maturity will stand firmly anchored in its highest truth and integrity and refuse to become less than what he or she is and the work he/she has come in to do.

Maturity is not scared to explore beyond the norm, beyond what seems humanly possible nor impossible and it loves to delve ever deeper into the unknown, the Mystery, the depths of the secrets which the Cosmos holds.  For Maturity knows that there is so much more to life than meets the eye, and that the greatest and most important frontiers which the human beings now need to conquer, lie in what cannot be seen, nor measured, nor taped, nor held, nor framed into too narrow boxes of thinking: it knows that the soul can stretch where the mind boggles and goes into overdrive!

Maturity has stepped fully into the soul’s All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Being Eyes, and it can see way beyond and it stretches itself into the bound-less, the end-less and allows itself to be stretched even more, and to dissolve if need be, into no-thingness, where all which is under the Central Suns, is known.

Such is Seeker now seeking the truth, and only the truth, the utmost of truth, that is cannot allow itself to be other than the truth of its highest soul self and that of its infinite eternal connection to the Divine!

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings which have assisted thousands of souls to reconnect with their highest soul purpose and calling:

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter;  judithkusel2

The High Path of the Mystic Rose


The High Path of the Mystic Rose is one of the most challenging paths of the soul, which can be chosen by an elect few.

It is the most challenging path of the true Mystic, the one who seeks the unfolding of a very deep connection with the Divine, but also the knowledge of all which is there to know under the immensity of the vast knowledge banks of the 12 to 24 Central Suns, and then in depth walk the path of the Central Sun in which they original were created as SOUL.

It is a depth of seeking which goes beyond words, and it is a path which seeks absolute purity in both embodiment and form, as well as soul and then, also that of spirit.  It seeks perfection, reflection of Divine perfection, and therefore is one of the highest pathways to experiencing Divine within itself, within the soul and its sojourns all over the cosmos in parallel lives, in cosmic existences and therefore then, in multiple forms and expressions.

The High Path of the Mystic Rose, is one which few are able to walk because it works with the Fires of Illumination and 7th Central Sun.  Therefore, these self-same fires will burn away all the dross, all which is impure and not in highest will and embodiment of the Divine.  It seeks ever the inner heart and soul of the Divine, in its Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine expression and therefore it seeks the embodiment of Divine in all that is.

The soul is called to allow itself to be cleaved open to the very core, which often is a path of intense pain, as most often such a soul is extremely sensitive, and will feel intensely, for it will feel itself in expression of all of life.  It cannot do and be other, for the Rose itself feels into every single petal of the soul, and it expresses the soul through every single living cell and DNA strand, when in embodiment.


In the light-body form it will seek to express itself in the way the soul works cosmically.  The soul will therefore seek expression in the mystical, that which is veiled, that which expresses the depth of the inner world of the Divine, the heart, the soul, the mind, the spirit.

The Mystic is one who will seek to know beyond the veil, beyond the norm, beyond all knowing, and all feeling, and all spirit, and all mind: – into the very core of creation.  Yet within this seeking it will have to go through the Fires of Illumination itself.

More than this, it has to allow itself to  become so engrossed in this path, that if it has to die onto itself many times, and allow itself to literally dissolve into shards of fire, and then put back together again, in alchemical fusions of soul energy, merging with Divine energy, and then to move into Super Quantum energy fields, which are pure fire – the fires of Creation itself.

For the All-knowing is FIRE and it works with the fire element.  It is, when forged within the fires of Illumination, that the purest white-gold is formed, the alchemical purity of the rarest green-gold liquid of the All-Knowing-Eyes as the Fires of Illumination form the billion petals of fires of the Mystical Rose of the Divine.

On this planet there have always been a few, a mere handful who did incarnate to follow this highest path and therefore to hold the Fires of Illumination as held within the Mystical Rose in highest custody for humankind.

They often were severely persecuted and had to hold this Fire steady during intense chaos, darkness, and when all was disintegrating around them.

To step into the highest paths of Illumination of the Rose, they had to go through intense and very painful initiations in the INNER planes, to be purified to do the work.

They took on intensely challenging lifetimes, knowing that they will go through the Fires of Illumination and therefore must allow themselves and their lives to disintegrate totally during this journey, for the mystic cannot cling onto anything and anyone.  The highest path is often that of the one who is alone – for there are but a handful of the same Ilk on this planet right now.

They know that the path alone is not alone at all.  For the deeper the Mystic delves into the depths of the All-Knowing-Eye, the more the inner journey of the soul unfolds, and therefore the work will grow more intense.  It must allow itself the space and time to bring this work into embodiment on planet earth, and it cannot be done with a partner who is not on the same wavelength and highest soul path.  For anyone of a lower of vibration will tend to shut down the ability to dissolve into the work, and will hinder and block its process, for there will be no understanding for this highest path and the discipline and dedication it takes to allow oneself to be constantly forged by these fires.

The highest initiates are those who know that when one allows oneself to dissolve totally, that is when one truly can co-create with the Divine, and one can have access to the Highest and most hidden Mysteries.

If one is not prepared to die, to dissolve, to disintegrate totally, without negative ego and fear holding one back, then one has that inner purity, the inner soul ability, to open the billion petals of the Rose of the Fires of Illumination itself, and therefore one is a living Mystical Expression of the Divine.

Few however, have the discipline and dedication for this path.  Very few souls have the purity of intent, to use the knowledge and insight they have gained for the highest good.  This is one of the reasons why such highly evolved souls often choose this planet as the ultimate test of their commitment to this path.

For when one falls into the Illusions that humanity spins around you,  one gets lost in the fray of the many.  For the many, and the most crowded paths are appealing as they take and demand the least effort.

It is only with the intense purity, the dedication, the utter commitment to this highest path of soul paths, that the true Mystic of the Rose is reborn into the highest soul self and then it can do no other than serve with the highest and purest INTENT and total dedication.

For only total dedication, and total unity with this ultimate path will ever bring more to the fore in mystical experiences and mystical insight, and gaining of knowledge, via the billion petals of the All-Seeing-EYE of the Fires of the Illumination itself.

Let those who understand…. Understand.

Let those who know…. know.

Let those who are blind, stay blind.

Let those who are all-seeing…. See more.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings and Twin Flame Soul Reading to access your highest soul path and calling and the activation of the keys and codes within your own soul:

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2


Images credit:  Lisa Iris and Horizon N