New Energies: Disintegration of lower soul self.

There is no need for that little child anymore.  That little child and teenager, has to now step up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truth it cannot go there.  It has to disintegrate in order for the true soul self to step through the portals opening up, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher Soul Self, which knows no limitations.

Source: New Energies: Disintegration of lower soul self.

New Energies: Disintegration of lower soul self.


This is the time for immense energy changes, and what will impact the most at this time is the disintegration, the leaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can be resurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve Kadmon Lightbodies.

So many of us have been put through severe initiations in the last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memory bank after memory bank.  We have been stripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then some more.

That little boy, the bewildered teenager, the little girl and the bewildered teenager, has to be released, for it is the LOWER soul self, the animal self, which makes us sometimes behave irrationally, and holds on prisoners of fear:  the fear of truly opening ourselves to love and being loved, the fear of abandonment, of loss, the fear of dying, the fear change, the fear of having to move out of our self-made prisons and into the utter freedom of just BEING.

The Higher Soul Self KNOWS  and is not planetary bound, but flies free cosmically.  It is the infinite expanded version of ourselves, the limitless soul which has had billions of lives, parallel lives in cosmic Universes and Omni verses.  It limitless, eternal and therefore knows no time and bounds.  It is free to BE – just BE in any existence or form.

In Ancient times those high adepts and initiation could easily shape-shift into any form they wished to adopt for certain energy work.  They literally BECAME the force, in allowing themselves to be disintegrated and reassembled.  There was no fear of loss of the physical form, for one was not attached to this form.  One knew that the physical body was but a vessel, a vehicle one adopted for a short eyewink in eternity, for its true soul-form was that of pure Light-energy.

The Higher Soul Self knows just LOVE. It cannot be other than love ever expanding upon itself.

However, when our lower soul self rules us while we are here on this planet and are sinking into the Sea of Forgetfulness, fears move in to hold us prisoner, and blame, shame and low self-confidence, low self-worth, make us shrinking violets who fear the power of love and who fear the catalyst of change.  We hold on for dear life to our pain, our fears, and our limitations.

The Higher Soul Self knows only love, and in expanded form, knows no fear, knows no loss, knows no boundaries, for it only functions, operates from a cosmic KNOWING and deep inner WISDOM, that knows that there is no such thing as fear, no such thing as ever losing love, nor gaining love, nor does it see limitations.  It only knows the cosmic expansive BEINGNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS in its limitless form.

I gained this understanding of the limitless, the expansiveness of the Higher Soul Self, in those times when I was asked to open up massive energy portals, and I literally had to allow myself, my lower soul self, to be disintegrated, so that my Higher Soul Self, could totally step in and allow itself to BECOME the energy and energy fields and then allow all to shift as it should.  The I, as in my lower self, the fearing, bound, I, had to completely leave so that this energy clearing work could be done.

It gave me immense understanding that when I was totally able to step up and into my Higher Soul Self, then it did not matter what happened in and around me, it did not matter how everything disintegrated, I could stand fully in my power, my Higher Soul Self power, and allow myself to be expanded cosmically into the infinite realms, where I BECAME that which was ever Present, ever expanded, ever re-creating itself.

There was no fear of loss, no fear of disintegration, no fear of losing self, no fear of losing bodily form, no fear of change or expansion.  I had nothing to hold onto, to cling to, no self-made empires, no self-made prisons, and no self.  The SELF had disappeared, but simultaneously activated the limitless ME, the limitless SOUL-SELF, the TRUTH of who and what I am.

This is now exactly what is happening to all of us at this time.  The Old Adam and Old Eve served their purpose.  This was the lowest form of existence the human soul ever experienced on this planet in the 3D world.  This is now disintegrating.

We will only fear change, fear to love another soul with all that we are, or fear pain, or fear to lose ourselves totally and our self-made prisons, if we refuse to let go.  Some people cling onto their little boy, girl, then teenager, the lower self with all they have, for that little one is like a bewildered and scared self, who is scared to lose, scared of loving with an open heart, is scared of being hurt, is scared of being abandoned, is scared of the world at large.  It conjures up fierce and scary monsters, where in reality there are none.  It always find excuses not to love, not to be, not to expand, not to get out of its own prisons and comfort zones.  It fears its own power most of all, and it fears taking responsibility for its own life, in the measure of what the soul wishes to bring in.  Once it was hurt or pained, it builds fortresses around itself and its heart, and then some more for the very frightened and hurt inner child, wants to cuddle back into the mother’s womb for protection and not face the world at large.

There is no need for that little child anymore.  That little child and teenager, has to now step up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truth it cannot go there.  It has to disintegrate in order for the true soul self to step through the portals opening up, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher Soul Self, which knows no limitations.

Only the Higher Soul-Self can step into the full power of Co-CREATION, which is what the New Earth will be created from.

I see this as expansive consciousness, the conscious awareness of co-creatorship and taking full responsibility for what one creates.

One cannot truly love another human being, as long as that fearing inner child is present, for one will always hit out where one is most vulnerable, create fortresses because one fears pain, and separation, one fears that in loving the other, something will have to give way – one fears a dying inside and outside oneself.

This has to be released so that one can step into full soul maturity and full soul activation as well as incredible high ranking service work.

We cannot allow ourselves to be shrunk by the lower soul self anymore in these next few months and years.  We have to step into full maturity and full activation, as well expanded cosmic service.

The Old Adam and Eve and all the fear-based personas, the lower self personas, the masks, the pretense, ALL of it, has to go.  If we are not willing to let go of this consciousness, parts of ourselves will disintegrate, and if we cannot sustain our physical form because of this, we will have to leave the planet.

This is the reality of this time.

As the earth ascends in to much higher and more potent frequency bands, our lower selves have to be put through the fires of purification and this is what this time is all about.  Purification.  Disintegration, so that we can be reassembled into the much higher version of ourselves and into expanded consciousness and BEING.

Let those who have inner ears – hear with full activation.

Let those who inner eyes – see with full activation.

Let those who have knowing – understand with full activation.

Let this be written.

Let this be done.

So it is for all immortal cosmic Sun consciousness.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings, Twin Flame Soul Readings, etc. please visit my website

Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body.

If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions.  If the earth energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the earth energy transmissions.  BOTH have to be equally activated and opened up, before we can truly step into the 5th dimensional state, and this is even truer stepping into the 6th – 12th dimensional states.

via Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body..

Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body.

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Intricate portals move into activation in the next few years, as the planet is being revamped and revitalized.  Therefore there are massive fractures in earth crust and with it the inner stirring of mass liquid mass, which will bring about volcanic activity, even in those volcanoes which have been dormant for some time and with the eruptions in the inner earth, as liquid mass explodes this will cause earth eruptions, earth quakes and in some cases the sea will start boiling.

It is therefore imperative for mankind to understand that as the earth is reinventing herself, so human beings are being reinvented as they too are being re-formed, reinvented and even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline in nature and therefore contain higher frequency bands.

Most human beings are not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies, nor are they aware that a lot of changes are happening in the way the chakras and the spinal cord energies now move into higher octaves of being.

A lot of discomfort in the body is not caused so much by what we human being term “DIS-EASE” but rather by blocked particles of energies within these centers and therefore now are being worked on galactically to prepare mankind for the massive shifts with the portals opening up.

It is known to the Intergalactic Federation of Light, that the human body will have to be readjusted immensely, as the portal energies open up, as the normal human is not consciously aware enough to know about energies and energy centers and are not consciously seeking to activate these, do not work on the daily cleansing and clearing process, the healing of the emotional body, and more than this the healing of the mental body as well.

BOTH the emotional and mental bodies need to be healed and in balance with each other, as the last 26 000 year cycle has separated the heart (emotion/feeling) from the mind (rational, dissecting, fixing, creating/inventing without love or feeling).

Most people concentrate on the balance between the masculine and feminine WITHIN, but fail to understand the importance of the balance of heart and mind.  One cannot step into full co-creatorship without there being balance between the heart and mind, between the feelings and rational, for if the heart is not fully opened up and the vital energy flow of Love is not in balance with the mind, one is imbalanced and it was imbalance which caused mass trauma since the fall of Atlantis.

When the heart energies and mind energies, are in balance with each other, a state of balance reigns within and without: –  One starts then creating within the Universal Laws, as one applies them in HARMONY with the balance reigning elsewhere in the cosmos.

There are higher energy centers which work on the higher 36 chakras which were shut down after the fall of Atlantis, because human beings went out of control when the mind ruled and created the chaos that sunk Atlantis.  It was done as the 3rd dimensional form of the lower DENSER physical form, could not hold the immensely high vibrational frequency which the opening up of 48 chakras would entail.

In the previous civilizations before Atlantis 72 chakras were fully opened up which meant that they lived in a much higher frequency band and therefore their physical forms where of much higher light body form.  In Atlantis this was shrunk to 43 (12 + 36) and after Atlantis this further shrunk to 7 only.  There are 330 chakras in all, and the more one activated the higher chakras the more one evolves by octaves of Being.

It speaks for itself then how far mankind has sunk into the sea of density and forgetfulness.

However the chakras are not the only energy centers held within the body!  The nadis and meridians play a huge role, and these are not just held within the physical body, but also within the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  To only treat the physical body, is the lowest form of healing there is.  When one starts treating ALL the bodies, disease cannot sustain life within the bodily form.

Take this one step further, and it was known that together with the chakras, the nadis and meridians, the 33 Vortex energy centers held within the spinal column had to be fully cleansed, healed and activated.  It was known that each vertebrae, held soul memory banks and only in releasing these soul memory banks could such a center be fully activated.  Each vertebrae acts like a mini computer chip, and records all that is held in the emotional and mental bodies.

Unless each vertebrae is treated like living entity in its own right and higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function nor can it be fully activated.  There is more to the spinal column here, than I will divulge now, but to confuse this energy with the Kundalini energy is to play down the importance of these energy centers.

The Kundalini rises yes, through center energy channels in the spinal column, however it is but one single energy force, and not the whole.  It is but cog in the Universal wheel – not the be-all and end-all as some would have it be.  Again, forgetfulness and the wrong interpretation of ancient scripts and the handing down orally of teachings, has left immense gaps in human knowledge and understanding of vital truths.

As mankind sunk into forgetfulness a lot of the teachers, could not understand the greater whole, and therefore started sharing only what they knew and could understand.  What went beyond their own understanding they could not teach.  They might have handed down certain texts, or what was recorded in such, but the earliest civilizations recorded such not in the form of writing, but in the form of ENERGY.

As the human body is this massive and very sensitive energy field, in combination with the emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve lightbodies, so is the earth.  Every single aspect of the human body reflects within the body of the earth.  She is as much a living, breathing entity as we are – it is just that we tend to forget that.

To me the earth changes and the opening up of the portals brings in a higher understanding of just how linked our physical forms are to planet earth.  But not only our physical forms and the rest of our bodies are linked – OUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS ARE ALSO LINKED THE PLANET’S!

Consciousness and awareness levels are not only linked to the earth’s but also to that of the 12 Central SUNS and the 12 Central Galaxies.


What is exists in the macrocosm exists in the microcosm and vice versa.

The portals opening up, come from the energy beamed down from the Centrals Suns, into the consciousness energy center of the planet earth.  The Central Suns are one vast energy center of highest Consciousness and the Highest Mind/Heart pulsation.

As human beings our whole energy systems are geared to PICK up the cosmic and earth’s frequency bands and the more consciously aware we become, the more we have the ability to TUNE into the cosmic and earth energy fields and systems!

If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions.  If the earth energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the earth energy transmissions.  BOTH have to be equally activated and opened up, before we can truly step into the 5th dimensional state, and this is even truer stepping into the 6th – 12th dimensional states.

Most people are not even aware of the earth’s energies, let alone the cosmic ones: -The walking, living, sleeping dead.  They will not be able to hold the higher frequency bands as the earth moves more and more into higher activation and with it shifts into higher cosmic frequency gear.

It is not only human beings who will not be able to hold their physical forms anymore as this happens, the same applies to animal and plant life – indeed any living organism.

It is the dying of the Old Adam and Eve and the birth of the new human race.

It is the dying of the Old planet Earth and the birth of the New EARTH.

It is the dying of some parts of the Milky Way Galaxy and the birthing of a new galaxy now being born.

We are in the process of a massive COSMIC rebirthing, revamping process and therefore should not fear the changes, but rather embrace them!  Whether these are earth changes or bodily changes or a total clean-up of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – and all the rest.

One only fears what one is not consciously aware and part of.

The more consciously aware one becomes, the more COSMICALLY aware becomes. 

Our souls are intricately linked to the Central Suns and to the Divine. 

Our SOULS are immortal, eternal, and therefore KNOW all of this.

There is truly nothing new under the Great Central Suns!

Photo credit  Visionary Artist Jean-Luc Bozzoli


(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings: