The Omni Verse, the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and the Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth and human consciousness

  The Omni verse, the infinity of Creation and the Cosmic is in a mass flux now as it is busy reinventing itself and therefore the Milky Way Galaxy is moving back to its original place in the …

Source: The Omni Verse, the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and the Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth and human consciousness

The Omni Verse, the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and the Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth and human consciousness



The Omni verse, the infinity of Creation and the Cosmic is in a mass flux now as it is busy reinventing itself and therefore the Milky Way Galaxy is moving back to its original place in the cosmos under the Great 7th Central Sun, and with it too Andromeda.

This is affecting the earth, as part of the solar system within the greater Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, which is cosmically known as Melchior.

This massive shift is therefore activated certain star portals in the earth, which have lain dormant for billions of years, since the first civilization started on earth.  At that time, everything was 7th dimensional and attuned to the 7th Central Sun, which the Sun of Illumination and therefore hold the Fires of Illumination, and the whole higher Omnipotent Keys and Codes of Illumination, and the higher cosmic consciousness states and super conscious energy fields.

The Super Conscious Energy fields are programmed to carry the keys and codes of all life and life forms, and therefore all which holds life and is conscious.  It links directly with the Co-Creative Energy Force of the Divine, as held within the Masculine Divine and Feminine Divine, and the Fires of Illumination which are created when they merge as one, to create cosmically!

The Illumined State of Being and Consciousness is the highest evolutionary state of Being and is therefore that of enlightenment itself.  It expands into the Divine consciousness and therefore is ever expanding upon itself.

The consciousness of each planet, within each galaxy or star systems is programmed according the energies and super consciousness fields as held in the Central Sun to which they originally were programmed to belong to before the Wars of Heavens had some galaxies being blown up and greater chaos reigned.

So, via the Milky Way Galaxy, planet earth’s whole energy fields and energy systems, were carefully programmed to adhere to and therefore re-act to the 7th Central Sun and its Super Consciousness Energy Fields.

Encoded within the earth, when it was created, the first co-creators, then created energy systems and energy fields, which when fully activated would hold not only the keys and codes of Illumination and the Fires of Illumination, but would also hold the and codes of all life and life forms on the planet and therefore then acts like a vast network of conscious energy fields, which work in conjunction with the Milky Way Galaxies and the 7th Central Sun.


I am sharing this today, mainly because I have worked intensively with these mass conscious energy fields in the last few years, and in the process, have gained a great respect for infinite core of Intelligent, consciousness of such fields.  The Divine Omnipotence literally lives, breathes, sings, projects, expands, creates, etc. through these fields and the 12 to 24 Great Central Suns.

Each Central Sun is fully conscious and therefore programmed to hold a certain collective keys and codes for the rest of creation.  Thus, each Central Sun will work in a unique way, in storing, creating, recreating, and thus feeding or expanding, or creating energy fields, according to the knowledge, technology and advanced energy systems it contains.  It is the central hub and it holds the Sun Discs of Illumined Knowledge – thus the infinite core knowledge of All-that-is and being created.

The human mind cannot hold this information, because it shut down three quarters of its mind capacity when Atlantis fell, because the abuse of the mind powers.  In the process, so much of the human mind’s capacity to comprehend such enormous conscious energy fields has been purposefully shut down, as he sunk lower than the animal kingdom and now had to go through the evolutionary process again, to grow in consciousness and therefore then to finally can break through the barriers separating the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional state of Being.

In the beginning when all these energy fields were laid down and activated, the planet was in the 7th dimensional state, and therefore the consciousness level was way above anything we can even imagine now.

That is why, one needs to reconnect to the soul and soul groups to finally start to work with these fields and not have the mind going into overdrive and therefore short-circuiting.

The soul is ever conscious, and is ever programmed to tap into the Central Sun is originally was created in.  Where the soul origin is galactically, and cosmically, there lies the keys and codes, and therefore the soul will then access what it has been programmed to, per its galaxy of origin.

Each galaxy in turn, has been programmed and created per the Central Sun it belongs to, as said, but there are other factors too, which come into equation.

  1. Each galaxy is programmed to be tuned in cosmically to the Central Sun it belongs to, as originally created.  This will be the ability to work with the Super Consciousness Energy Fields, and the full immense knowledge and storehouses of energy field knowledge, technology, and Divine Knowing it has been created to contain.
  2. With each galaxy, the solar systems then are tuned into the galaxy it belongs to and each planet within such a system is programmed to tune into solar system and then via the solar system to the Galaxy and then to Central Sun it belongs to.
  3. The soul who were first created within these galaxies belonging to a certain central Sun, will therefore be created to be tuned into the same Central Sun, via their galaxy of origin.
  4. With this the soul has its own tonal chord, (sound frequency) and its own Colour Rays. This means essentially that the soul can tune in via its higher soul transmitters into the higher Systems, as each soul has unique keys and codes encoded within it, to be able to do so.

This is something very important to grasp:  With the massive shifts of consciousness we in now, and the planetary and galaxy shifting, we must reconnect to our own souls, to be able to tap into the vaster consciousness energy fields.

If we are not tuned in, we will not be able to communicate cosmically, for the communication systems are different than human beings can currently use and create.

Your soul in fact is cosmically created to have its own set of communication systems already in place.  It is just that we have forgotten how to use these systems and more than this, how to amplify the communication systems via our own planet, and our own galaxy and our galaxy of soul birth and then to tune in the Central Sun we belong to!

The planet though is now consciously tuning in and returning to her original state.  Therefore, as she moves into a much higher frequency band and become more and cosmically reactivated again, humans will not be able to sustain life on her, unless they move into that higher dimensional state with her!

The shift must come from the soul, the heart and then the mind.

There is a hidden order to this which few people comprehend.  The limited mind cannot go where the soul can.

The mind is finite and the soul is infinite.

Therein contained lie the Central Key to understanding all life in the Omni verse.

Who tries to write the soul consciousness out of anything, is only short-circuiting him or herself!


Infinite wisdom lies in the understanding that unless we consciously start tuning in, and consciously allow the opening of our higher transmitting abilities, and the higher reconnection to the 7th Central Sun, which we originally belonged to, we will not be able assimilate the energy changes now happening and to come.

Let those who have inner eyes and inner knowing – understand.

Let those who have inner ears and are tuned in – hear.

Let those who are conscious enough to understand this message, understand.

(Judith Kusel)

Soul Readings (which help you to reconnect to your own soul, galaxy of origin, tonal chord, soul colours, soul name, soul group name)

Facebook: Judith Kusel

Twitter: judithkusel2

The New Frontiers opening up



We are stepping through the portal of the 3D and 4D denseness now into that of the 5th and 7th dimensions, as new frontiers are opening up for humanity.  These are new frontiers in energy science, technology, and with it then the ability to work with much higher frequencies and vibrational matter or forms.

When one moves from one octave of dimension into the next, one has to break through the barriers which exists between the different dimensional states.  Thus the type of matter or forms which held form in the lower dimensions, cannot hold form in the higher dimensions.  The forms might still exist in the higher states, but in the totally different frequency band, and therefore embodiment.

The true Visionaries, the Mystics, and those tuned in, have been showing the way for humanity for some time, but now this is moving into Super-space, where the manifesting process will speed up considerably.  Indeed, we already have entered this Super-space, and therefore the new frontiers have opened up.

The Feminine Divine’s return has paved the way for the balance to be returned to humanity, and with it then is already opening up what has been closed or sealed off completely with her withdrawal from planet earth.

Massive energy centres, ancient technologies, and ancient knowledge banks were sealed off and closed down during the fall of previous civilizations, which existed in the 7th dimensional state.

After the Fall of Atlantis, more and more of these were shut down and sealed off, and thus humankind had to live in the last few thousand years in the prison they more or less created for themselves, as they sunk lower than the animal kingdoms.

One cannot move into the higher dimensions, if one has not reached a certain degree of consciousness, which truly can bridge the differences between the 3 and 4D and the 5 – 7th.

This is mainly because the physical body of the 3D is so dense, that it cannot hold form in the higher dimensional states, and therefore the mind, as created for this dense body, cannot expand through the barriers of its own caged-in thinking.  It literally goes into overdrive and then is shuts down.

The only way to enter is through the keys and codes programmed into the soul, and heart-conscious awareness.  The gateway to the new frontiers therefore goes through the reconnections of heart/soul and then the mind.  When the soul expands into the mind, the mind can expand and hold form.

The way to explore the new and higher frontiers now, rest on how much the Divine Masculine will allow himself to move with and through the shift, by being open to the balancing act of the Divine Feminine now making her Presence felt more and more.

The Divine Feminine when fully awakened, is that of the intuitive, the inner knowing, seeing, hearing, Being.  She is unconditional love.  She is the mystic, the all-seeing and all-knowing conscious eye and she is that which holds the keys and codes to all life and creation within herself.  She holds the sun discs, she holds the Central Suns, she holds the pyramids, and pyramid energy grids, of this planet, as first created.  She weaves the strands of energy together, and she holds the serpent (Kundalini) energies of the earth and cosmos.

You cannot get past her.  She is that which unlocks the new frontiers and therefore it is the Feminine Divine which is leading humanity through the rising of conscious awareness into the new and higher frequency bands and existence.

The Divine Feminine at its core holds all that which unseen – unexplored, and yet to be invented.  She has no beginning and no end.  She is what manifests all into form and being.

That is why she speaks through visions and dreams. She is the one who is opening the inner eyes and inner hearing of humanity.  She is returning the higher frequencies of sound, the keys and codes which she holds.  She is activating the song of the earth and she is activating the energy centres of the earth and collective soul memory bank of humanity and individuals.  She is that which is bringing in the shifts and changes, and therefore the disintegrating of the prisons of the 3D and 4th.

The doors to the old earth have closed.  They have been sealed off.

Therefore, all will disintegrate which cannot raise its form to the higher frequency bands and exist in a much higher state.  This goes for relationships, for society, for all structures and forms.  It moves.  It is dissolving.

The Masculine who has held power for so long, will start feeling that he is trying to fix too many holes, and gaps and whatever else.  He will try to stem the tide as he hangs on to his ivory towers for too long.  Instead of being excited at the new frontiers opening up, he tries to fix things which are not working any longer, and he is desperately trying to keep the status quo.  The more he tries, the more he will find that he cannot keep the force of change at bay.

He has to learn to become flexible in his thinking, acting, being, and more than this, he has to learn to open himself to the very Feminine within himself which he has denied for so long.  Not only that, but the very Feminine he has kept at heel for so long, has burst forth and is already leading humanity into the new frontiers which have opened up – which he as yet, as failed to see or acknowledged.

He is still too much in his head – while she in her all-seeing, and inner knowing has already broken through the barriers and is right there in the fray.

He thinks he knows.

She knows.

It is only when he finally realizes that she is leading him home to himself, and therefore when she is leading him to his greatest rebirth, and therefore into what is now the new way of life.  She had to withdraw, she had to die and be reborn, and now she is blazing the new trails for humanity – while he is clinging on for dear life to what he created in the 3D.  She is already creating the 5D and 7th.

She sees the new frontiers and is willing to expand and open herself, and to manifest the new life into form.

He is sensing this, but still wants to be in control.

Yet, is the moment he lets go of control and become flexible and fluid enough, to allow himself to be reborn and reinvented by the Divine, that he finally can catch up with her.  It takes brave men to do this, but once they have stepped through the portals and into the new frontiers with her, they will find that they are stretched to the core, to put into structure and form, what she already has seen, absorbed and is creating.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul and Twin Flame Readings:

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

You Tube Channel:  Judith Kusel