The Shift in Consciousness escalated by the return of the 7th Sun and reconnection to the Central Suns’ energies


In the next few months there will be an escalated shift in consciousness, the likes of which human beings have never experienced before, and it has to do with the return of the Suns, as mentioned in one of my previous articles, but also in lieu of what is happening in the inner earth.

In the last years I was called upon to work intensively with certain earth energy grids of what has lain dormant for many millions of years, and is now being reactivated and rising to the fore.  As I was made more and more aware, of what it is that is being reactivated and released, the more I became conscious of how this will be shifting humanity into much higher gears of life and living.

Massive earth upheavals and earth changes are upon us – not to be feared, but rather to be welcomed, as this is the New Earth truly rising to the fore.

The new cannot rise with the old still in place, and therefore the old is making way for the new.  All of life forms part of the spiraling dance of life, where in order for new life to rise, the old has to disintegrate, dissolves, so that the new can form on the destruction of the old.

We cannot go through this massive shift without also experiencing an INNER shift.  In order for the Old Adam to die, the New Adam is emerging out the ashes of the old – in other words, the Old Adam Kadmon (prototype) body is making way for a much higher frequency body, more crystalline in nature, and therefore more able to hold the higher vibrational frequency bands of the New Earth.

One of the reasons why so many people have had a total disintegration of their old lives and the proverbial carpet being pulled from under them, had to do with this total paradigm shift, and most, like me, have felt the old life totally disintegrating and new still forming in so many ways.

With the rising to the fore, we cannot take the old emotional baggage, the trauma, the pain, the scars, with us into the new and higher way of life.  Therefore we will be cleaved open to the very core so that all the old puss can be released, so that the old ways of acting, living, being, can disintegrate, be released, so that we become so light in body, mind, and spirit, that we can make that shift, without being weighed down with excess emotional baggage.

Just like our personal lives are disintegrating on so many levels, the relationships, the social, the governance structures, indeed all of life and the way we interact with others will start feeling this disintegration on many levels.  The old structures too no longer serve our highest soul growth and good – indeed, they do not serve the collective anymore, and the collective consciousness is therefore now moving into the higher octaves of being and so the old structures have to be reinvented.  It is like reinventing the wheel, but the cosmic wheels of life, and not the earthly ones, for we are stepping into our cosmic citizenship.

We have essentially been prepared for this since the Second World War and it we look back in just these last few years how we have moved into a much higher technologically advanced society, with wonderful tools like the Internet, Cyberspace, and etc. being developed and returned to the planet, then imagine how much will shift in the next few years?

The New Children have the inherent genius programmed into them to truly lift humanity into the higher octaves of consciousness and Being, and they will truly bring about a revolution in technology and consciousness, which will make this massive shift we are currently going through, look like child’s play.

To try and hang onto the old life and lifestyles is futile.  In as much as we are willing to allow ourselves to be transformed, to be guided, to be revamped and rejuvenated, in as much will we are able to make it through this immense shift with all the tools to assist us and help us through this all.

However, we have to let go of the old ways.  We have to let go of all that no longer serves our highest soul growth and good and that of the collective.  We cannot move into this New Earth being created now, with all the old ways of thinking, acting, relating, And Being.

Therefore the best is to do that daily cleansing, and clearing, and to be open to change.  No more clinging onto that which is disintegrating and rather welcoming in the changes.  When our mindset and heart-set change from deep within, we focus on truly being ready to shift with the incoming massive energy tides, we will find that we are being lifted by this mighty force and it comes almost effortlessly.

However if we resist at some level, there will be pain and great feelings of intense loss, of being lost at sea.

It is best to remember that no changes can occur, without something giving way to create a void.  Once the void or vacuum is created, the higher energies can move in.

Such is the wave of change now upon us.

2015, truly is a year of paradigm shifts in consciousness – yet it only paves the way for more and more intense changes coming in, for the next 50 to 100 years.

In a thousand years a space traveler will hardly recognize this planet – such has been the massive revamping, reforming, and reinvention of the planet and the human species.

The rebirth of Mother Earth….. and Humanity’s Lesson to Master…..


We are entering a time of profound earth changes as the inner core earth mass is shifting.  When I talk about mass I talk about a type of substance that is like a river of fluidity at the moment, as the inner earth is inhabited and called Agartha.  This is the outer crust of the inner earth, and then what we know as the upper earth, the inner core crust.

I see this as a type of molten rock, or quartz and this is in the process of reforming into something else, as the ancient energy centers, which were laid down at the very beginning when the earth was created, are now awakening more and more.  Please note that this was the FIRST, millions of years BEFORE Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, the Lyran civilization in what is now North Africa and the Mediterranean and the Ural Mountains and Siberia.  Thus the VERY first and the other civilizations were more of less built on the remains of what used to be that first civilization.

I was most interested in my own research and delving ever deeper into the geology of Southern Africa, where scientists come to the conclusion that they was a much older SUPER CONTINENT millions of years ago – even older than the ones they already have pieced together.

It is this Super Continent that I am referring to when I speak about energy centers, and I NOT referring to the so-called Web of Light, which had its origin much later, after this first civilization was completely destroyed because of immense catastrophes which happened then which involved asteroids, comets etc. hitting the planet because of the immense damage the blowing up of Marduk, the planet between Mars and Jupiter caused at the time.

As the earth is now being revamped in her quest to move into the higher dimensional states these energy centers are being reopened, as they were sealed off during these immense upheavals, and then emerged in part in Lemuria and Mu.  However with the simultaneous rising of Atlantis, some scientists started abusing the energy resources, and therefore these centers were purposefully closed down again, to prevent some of this scientist from literally blowing up planet earth.

As the Intergalactic counsel had vowed that they would never allow another planet to blow itself up, because of the havoc it wreaked in the whole galaxy and solar system, with planets like the earth being thrown out of orbit, these centers were then closed down, until such time as mankind would reach maturity again, and stop their self-destructive ways.

I was in the last three months often told to look up where the volcanoes were on the planet – and not just the active ones but the inactive ones as well.  In that my attention was specifically drawn to Chile, the South American and North American North coast’s and what is hidden in the Pacific Ocean, and then also to the east coast of America, the islands offshore in the Atlantic ocean, and then the top eastern parts of South America.

My attention was drawn to specific areas where there is an immense movement of energies, and as said this is liquefied – I hesitate to use the word liquid, for it is a churning mass and glow red copper, gold, platinum, and sometimes a fiery red-orange.

In the western parts, this is then is what happened in the time when the landmass between South America and the Easter Islands sunk into the sea.  The Easter Islands are a remnant of the first civilization and they kind of held the energy grids together.  They were the ones who built the very huge structures in South America which the Incas did not built, but were built long before the Incan civilization.

One of the most important energy grid lines goes straight through these centers and links to the Easter Islands and then moves in a triangular fashion towards the west coast of America and then straight towards the Yellowstone National Park, where the energy then moves down again towards Chile.  That whole grid is one boiling mass of this energy and therefore everything there is immensely unstable at the moment and this will cause a lot of movement there – whether these are earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, or just like earth tearing and sink holes appearing, it is then literally a transformation of the upper earth in lieu of the transformation in the inner earth.

The east coast links up to Atlantis, and in certain parts of the east coast very unstable nuclear laser beams were used by those in charge of Atlantis in its last days, to bombard certain cities held within the region that refused to bow to their demands.  This whole region, in a massive triangular fashion, used to house the Goddess energy temples and the Goddess energy grids.  As these nuclear laser heads then designated a lot of that region has immense earth faults, for want of better word, which means that the underneath the ocean there is a type of movement in the earth plating systems, and then on the land mass itself, these are shifting as well.

As the designation of these nuclear devices caused mass destruction in those areas, the Goddess energy grids there are so clogged up, that this is causing something like a heart attack – when the arteries of human body are so clogged up it causes heart attacks, well this is similar.  So literally a type of shocking or contraction movement there and it will take a massive effort from those who can clear energy lines to work with these areas, even in small portions and then go immensely deep.

On the other side of the world Japan, China, the Asian islands and Australia and New Zealand with the pacific islands are in for mass changes as the old land mass is rising.  This is movement of immense scale and is bringing about a rising of the ocean floor in many places and this is moving upwards which could mean that the ocean can start boiling at places and also like geysers erupting, and volcanoes might start rumbling more and more.

The same applies to those areas where there have been volcanic outbursts in the past especially in upper parts of Africa, and then also Europe and even some in the Nordic countries.   At the moment the middle part of the earth (as in longitude) is more sheltered as the rumblings are on either side of these areas, but with all being so unstable everything is possible.

To me this is all part of the rebirthing of Mother Earth and therefore nothing to fear.  We have to understand that those souls who lose their lives in these places have known that this would happen at some level before they even incarnated and were drawn to those places to do extra service work.  They knew that with the cleansing of the earth that they would assist the process by then leaving the planet, as all of this will assist the rebirth of the planet and humanity at large.

If you read the geological history of planet earth you will realize that all of this is nothing new and that this has occurred many times on this planet before.  In essence we are but passengers on Mothership Earth, and therefore she can evacuate us at any time in order for her own rebirthing.  Most often we tend to forget this and we forget to honor her soul and tend to make her ‘soul-less’, ‘life-less”.  Not so, she is a living, breathing entity in her own right and we are given life on this planet with her consent – she allows us here and therefore in reality what are we?

We were meant to a custodian or keepers of planet earth.  Yet so many times we destroy willfully what has been given to us and nowhere was this lesson honed in more than in Atlantis.

Most of the souls who were involved in the final and heydays of Atlantis have incarnated and this is like Atlantis all over again.

In Atlantis there was a mass abuse of power.

In this lifetime human beings’ greatest lesson will be to learn to master POWER and to use it in a way which enhances life and builds up and not destroys.

Whether we have mastered this lesson will show itself in the next few years.

Yet, Mother Earth is in her rebirth stage – whether we learn our lessons or not.

I personally love this time for it is a time when we finally can step past all the dross and trauma of Atlantis, and learn self-mastery, and with learning self-mastery we finally can step into a much higher octave of Being, which will be the new 5th – 7th dimensional state of Being, where we finally learnt to step fully in the responsible role of co-creators.  However if we are not willing to master the lessons, then we cannot enter the New Earth.

It is all about mastery of energies, within and without.

(Judith Kusel)

The Turning tides for man….. the opening up of the vortex energy centers of earth….

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

There is a massive turning in the tides of men, as the old patriarchy is slowly starting to crumble at it seams and the beautiful balance of the Divine Feminine emerges more and more and learning reclaim and step into her Greatness and power.

She is that which the creative force of creation is.  The masculine can think up great concepts and ideas in the mind, can theorize, actualize: – it is the feminine that takes the seed of that concept, idea, and then brings that into form.  She creates that which the male has conceptualized and brings this into being with great love.  She is that which become pregnant with the masculine ideal and then nurtures its life force into Being, and brings into material form.

In that the ancient Goddess energy centers are getting more and more reactivated, and the pyramid power is rising, from deep underground where most of it has been deeply buried and have lain dormant for many billions of years, there is now an awakening happening on massive scale of the ancient vortex energy, which is the spiraling energy of the Goddess itself.

If you look at Ancient cultures, the spiral is depicted everywhere.  Here in South Africa, it has been painted on the ancient sacred site walls and some of it is etched into stone, and it has been part of the Ancient African symbolism since its beginning of time, as has the four-sided cross within the circle.  Both are symbols of the Goddess herself, the creative life-force she represents:  the serpent coil or the Kundalini energy, one and the same.

In that there is a mass movement of energies, which is going to churn out the old – literally churning.  It is vortex like.  It is of almost luminous platinum, which is almost invisible, and it moves in spiraling energy, and creates mass energy fields.

Where this energy moves into human beings through the Stellar gateway and crown, it will work with the spinal cord energies and then with the womb in women and prostate area in men.

The Spinal cord itself acts as a lightning rod, and the ancients had a sacred symbol for it, which was Excalibur, the lighting rod, the Sword of Light.

During the times of Atlantis this energy force was deliberately blocked, by placing control boxes in the cranium of most of the population, to deliberate block this energy flow and to cut off human’s ability to work with this energy, which is essentially the energy of ENLIGHTENMENT and therefore the energy connected to the All-Knowing Tree of Life, and the All-Knowing Third Eye, the Eye of Horus, in its Ancient and complete form, where all seven layers of the third eye, had been fully opened up, and therefore all faculties of the Higher Mind, married to the Heart-center, and the Womb-center, and there the Spinal cord acts as the conduit for ALL of these, and not so much the chakras, although all the chakras work in conjunction with this lightning rod.

It is like one massive machine, which includes the full activation of the pineal and pituitary glands, with the upper pyramid in the forehead and head, and the lower pyramid of the womb area.  This means that the ABOVE and BELOW work in conjunction and harmony with each other.  There are no blockages in the energy fields.

Each vertebrae of the spinal column has a mini-vortex energy centers held within it.  It spins anti-clockwise, and therefore is each vertebra is a mini-energy vortex in its own right.

Each vertebra connects directly with the EMOTIONAL body, the second body we have as human beings, next to the physical body.  Thus stuck emotions and emotional charges are held in each vertebra as it reflects the emotional body in 33 octaves of Being.  Originally mankind had 33 octaves of SOUND, and each vertebra is programmed to react to a certain OCTAVE of sound.  NOTE OCTAVE!  Not one single note, but 12 notes within one single octave.

We have lost so much of our hearing capabilities, and therefore those who can tune in with their INNER ear, will be able to start tuning into these Octaves of sound, which are slowly but surely being reactivated.  At the moment our human brain is just fully functional in order to discern and kind of tune into these sounds, but our higher soul self can.

The third is the MENTAL body, and the fourth the SPIRITUAL.  There are 12 bodies in all.

In Atlantis etc. all 12 bodies were functional and therefore activated.

The lower and the higher then are in harmony and balance.  Thus the upper transmitting channels are totally opened up, and these higher transmitter channel are the real connection the Divine, but more than this to ALL-THAT-IS under the Great Central SUN.

As the vortex energy then of the Goddess moves in conjunction with massive energy fields, this brings in dimensional shifts.

I have systematically in my journeys of discovery here in Southern Africa, been guided to the vortex energy centers in this country.  A year ago I was sitting on a beach where I had identified this vortex energy (and have had it confirmed by others), and interestingly it is most potent at a certain timeframe during the day.

As I sat myself down with my back nestled against sheer quartz cliff and sitting on one of the rocks, with a perfect rock circle in front of me (ancient sacred Goddess site), I was first of all transported exactly as the hour struck, into a type of Celestial SOUND chamber.  It was truly like tuning into the earth song and the celestial music of the spheres.  I literally could HEAR these 33 octaves of sound with my INNER ear!

Then, I was like sucked into this vast vortex energy.  It was massive.  In that moment it felt like I was being dissolved into NO-THING.  I was spanning dimensions of time and space.  I was able to move into that transcendental state of BEING that has no-thing and yet all-thing.  I WAS CREATION AND CREATION WAS ME.

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life.  It has changed my whole concept of understanding what immensely powerful energies there were in Ancient Times.

I was only allowed to experience this, after the Keeper or Guardian of this place revealed himself to me.  In that he appeared as a type of shaman, dress only in a leopard skin, with a red-hair and topknot, copper colored skin, a giant of a man with two leopards guarding him on either side.  It was from him that my connection to the Lion people came and therefore the gateways were opened up.

The essence of all of this has to do with our total understanding that in that we try to block half of ourselves – the masculine trying to block out the feminine, and abuse her – we are denying half of ourselves.  It is only when the masculine and feminine are in balance and harmony with each other, that massive and amazing energy is released.  The negative and positive poles but be in balance.

The Goddess energy was withdrawn mainly because this was the female balance of the whole.  So, it is not so much that the feminine holds the vortex energy – but rather that she ACTS as CUSTODIAN to this force, which is the life-force itself.

In Atlantis this feminine aspect of the force withdrew herself, as she saw that the masculine wanted total control, and that he wished to totally OWN this power.  As he could not do so, without the feminine balance, and without that counter-active force, she withdrew this energy, like before, and therefore these centers were shut down.  He, in retaliation, then decided to try and annihilate her powers and build his own structures over those sites to try and totally annihilate her.  He did not succeed, for it he had; he would have totally destroyed the masculine.  Inherently that was because we all have masculine and feminine WITHIN ourselves.

In ancient sacred sexual union this force has always been acknowledge and understood and carefully been nurtured.  When the masculine is fully present, in his own magnificent manhood, and with total love in his heart, and mind, and the female is present in her total womanhood, that receptive cup, that Holy Grail, and totally is there in her femaleness, her sacredness, then that union unleashes the immense power of the serpent energy – the kundalini.

Yet, if love is not present, if respect and a deep honoring are absent, then this same force will be destructive and will not be used for the highest good of all.

Essentially this is what destroyed Atlantis – when the man went too much in into his mind, and wanted to divorce the mind from the heart.  He wanted to fix and control everything, including the feminine life-force itself.  He started to enslave the feminine, and to take her power away.

In Egypt the feminine aspect when the other way, and started to manipulate the masculine via her sexual powers, and then wanted to control him that way.

The key to human sanity and the ultimate return to balance, is that we finally understand that we NEED BOTH.  We need the masculine and the feminine.

One is not more or greater than the other.  Each has been perfectly created to balance the other out.  That means when each one stands in his or her own power, then they are balanced and in harmony with each other.  The scales of life are evenly balanced.

The whole trajectory of this planet has ancient energy systems in place which truly work on this principle of balance between the masculine and feminine force.  It is not the Web of Light; it is much older than this.  However, it has been purposefully shut down and taken from human memory banks, because of the abuse of this energy and because human beings did not understand nor master the lessons of POWER: – the energy of power is neutral on its own, it is how we use that power which ultimately makes or breaks us.

As these energies now get slowly but surely activated it will churn out all in humanity which is still out of balance with itself.  Therefore all those old emotional scars, wounds, all the trauma and pain, and whatever else needs to get dislodged and dissolved so that the New Earth can be totally reborn.

It these energies are not released, then that balancing act cannot be completed.

Therefore earth quakes, volcanoes erupting, Tsunamis, etc. are all part of this cleansing process and the release of those clogged up energy centers, where human trauma and pain, have clogged up the arteries of this planet.

Since I have experienced that intense dissolving into dimensions I have understood, that one cannot move into the higher octaves of being, clinging onto the old.  One has to dissolve the Old Adam/Eve, all the abuse, the misuse, the bickering, and all the old muck, in order to be reborn.

Such is the portent motion of this time: – The turning of the tides of man.

Let those who have ears – listen.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those whose hears are open understand this message.

Let those who are ready to be activated to the full – be activated.

I have spoken.

I speak.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

The 7th Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy – Returns…..


The Gateways Open Up…..2015

For so long humanity has stood in front of closed cosmic gateways, doors….  Gateways and doors that had closed in their faces by their own making – mostly by not adhering to the Law of One, and then truly separating themselves from the Greater Cosmic Order and Whole.

For many millions of years this planet was thus put under quarantine law, and this was put into place mainly so that the earthly war, as constant as they were at the time, would not spill over into the rest of solar system, and blow it out of orbit, as what happened when the planet between Mars and Jupiter blew itself up billions of years ago.

All those incarnating upon this planet had at one stage signed a contract with the Galactic Federation, that they would partake in an experiment – essentially an experiment about how other life and life forms would adapt to this planet.  Indeed, she had been created first as a type of substation or satellite station for the Intergalactic fleet, and first of all the inner earth, also known as Agartha, was created – before much later on the outer layers and firmaments of the earth were laid down, and thus she became a planet.

It is not necessary now to go into the whole early history of the planet, for I have recorded this in detail elsewhere – suffice is to say, that when mankind fell from the 7th dimensional state, first into the 5th (Atlantis) and then even deeper into the quagmire of the 3rd dimension, mankind literally got lost in the Dark Ages.  The rule of the Underworld of Hades has continued unabated since the fall of Atlantis, and has been therefore now been upgraded steadily, as more and more Lightworkers volunteered to assist the planet to ascend back into the 5th dimensional state.

She could do no other, because of what is happening cosmically.

For, in the very beginning the earth was not part of this solar system at all.  She indeed belonged to the 7th galaxy, of the 7th Central Sun and thus was orbiting around this Sun.  However, in due course, the Milky Way Galaxy changed form, and in a cosmic catastrophe, which started the Wars of the Heavens, some planets attached to the Central Sun, where thrown out of orbit, and literally collided with another solar system attached to the Milky Way Galaxy.  This catapulted three planets into the Milky Way System and they came to thrown into orbit around the current planetary Sun, that we are familiar with.

That was then when the inner earth had been formed, and thus as a type of satellite and when the first space stations had been erected in the inner earth – not outer as yet, like underneath the surface of the new planet.  However, when the first civilization then sprung from that with the first volunteer settlement, there were TWO suns that the earth drew its power from – one was still the 7th Sun, and the other was the new Sun (the one we are familiar with).

However, the planet itself was created to orbit around the 7th Central Sun, and programmed accordingly.  In this transition phase, the scientists tried to stabilize her and Venus, Mercury and Earth and get all of them  back to orbit around the 7th Central Sun again, but this proved to be impossible, as the Milky Way Galaxy then kind of incorporated this solar system with the other planets now being drawn into its orbit as well.  So a new solar system then formed, attached to the Milky Way Galaxy.

However, the Ancient Ones, the first civilization and subsequent ones, always knew about the 7th Central Sun as the giver and creator of life.  For in reality that is what is true, for life on this planet only existed because of what was created from the Central Sun.  I struggle to try and find adequate words, for what I am being shown, is like a massive fire –  a type of cosmic flame, which is then  becomes like a burning mass, and from this mass of fire, came about the first forming of the inner earth, and later then, with the assistance of the scientists abroad the Intergalactic Fleet the outer crust.  But the inner core earth was and still is very much attached to the 7th Central Sun.

The Ancients always worshipped the 7th Central Sun as the life giving force, and therefore they knew that a one stage in the cosmic evolution the earth would be drawn back into orbit around the 7th Central Sun, and therefore return to the state of AT-One-NESS with the greater cosmic whole, as was in the beginning.  They called this the Great Event –an event which they  foresaw as a type of resurrection – the dying of the old earth and the resurrection of the New.

Interestingly the crucifixion stories, the stories of dying to be re-born or re-surrected, all came from this one source, and then became ingrained in the subconscious memory bank of mankind – albeit in a different form.

Some of the highly advanced souls have taken it upon themselves to go through this crucifixion ritual, and the resurrection phase, now, so that they can assist this transformative process of planet earth.  They know who they are – and have been fully aware of this from the beginning.  It is a very specialized type of mission, and therefore is mostly over-lighted by the higher Ranking Cosmic Hierarchy.

What is cosmically occurring now,  is something immense and unpresedented.  Again the Milky Way Galaxy is in immense flux and is re-arranging herself.  She is therefore now moving in on the Andromedan Galaxy, but the Andromedan galaxy has always been part of the 7th Central Sun Hierarchy – and therefore then, the 7th Central Sun is moving in too with the 7th galaxy. So earth is moving back into orbit of  the 7th  Central Sun and into the 7th Galaxy!

This essentially means that the earth will have TWO suns for in the next few years, as we are being thrown out of our orbit in this solar system and into a new solar system being born, which will eventually then orbit around the 7th Sun again!  So we are literally being returned to our SOURCE!  To our origin as children of the 7th Central Sun!

The New SUN Age!

The 7th Central Sun holds the SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS of the whole cosmic realms.  It is a massive energy field which holds pure consciousness.  This is the consciousness of the Creator God itself.  Thus it is then the whole communication system of what the Divine IS!  So, this Central Sun, literally is a  physical manifestation of the energy force field of the Divine Source itself.

It is the Super-intelligent Higher Mind of the Divine.  It is the Super-Creative Higher Love –Heart of the Divine.  It is therefore the central hub of all life attached to the 7th Central Sun and therefore the rest of Creation!

Some soul groups, originate directly from the 7th Central Sun, and therefore literally are the SUN CHILDREN – the daughters and suns of this Central Sun.  One of these are the Illumined Ones.  They are the Illuminating cosmic rays – in whatever form they choose to incarnate into.  Some for instance never take on physical form but exist as pure ray energy.  Some have multi-dimensional existences, and thus exist in multiple forms.

When great cosmic changes are about to happen, and there needs to be extra help coming, then this soul group are those who literally have to hold the Cosmic Rays steady, and then Illuminate the Path for Others.  They therefore take on the role of way-showers, the one who direct the change or those who bring in the knowledge, the technology and the inherent understanding of cosmic law, to these planets or star systems and even galaxies.  They are therefore known as the Teachers of Ages, or the Sages of Ages, for programmed within them is all knowledge, on all levels of existences as held in the Super-consciousness energy fields of the 7th Central Sun.

Their symbol therefore is the Sun and its Illumination of all of Creation.

It is no accident that the highest ranking of this Soul Group have incarnated onto planet earth  at this time and are assisting this whole process, as have other soul groups attached to the 7th Central Sun.

When the 7th Central Sun then becomes our Central Sun, its power will be immensely more amplified than our current dying Sun.  It immensely powerful Illumination of Planet Earth will truly bring about the 5th to 7th dimensional state return to the reign of the Golden Ones – as all the souls then have returned who were part of the first civilization ever on planet earth, which we remember as the first Garden of Eden.  They are then a ascended race and therefore the new race of men.

As such then we are moving into immense earth and galactic changes and therefore nothing will ever be the same again.  The time of crucifixion has arrived – the time of dying onto the old.  We are thus now moving into the Age of Resurrection.

(Judith Kusel)

The 12 Central Suns and their Pyramid connection to Planet Earth


There is an acceleration now of the ascension of this Universe, and especially the Milky Way Galaxy to which we belong, into a much higher evolutionary state.  As life then within such a Galaxy and even the greater cosmic whole is intricately involved and linked to the other, one part of a galaxy or solar system cannot ascend and evolve, without the rest of its body or form.

As planet earth then is being reinvented, so are we, for our physical bodies are very much linked to Mother Earth and in as much as we live and breathe on her, we are part and particle of all life form and life organisms on her.  As she is a living and breathing cell with billions of other cells all communicating with each other – so are we.

In Ancient days when the outer planet was first created, it was then felt that this planet would have to be not only connected to the Milky Way Galaxy, but, as all other planets and solar systems within her core, connected to the 7th Central Sun and the 12th Central Sun as well.

There was a much higher reason for this, for in those times, this galaxy was very near both these Suns, and a lot of light or creation came forth from these two central suns, and the 9th.

So, we have three Sun then forming a triad – the 7th, 9th, and 12th and this was considered a sacred triad, and therefore you will find that the number 3 will repeat itself in ancient architecture as well as in symbols, and it is amplified by the energy or the symbol of the Sun – in whatever hidden way that may be recorded.

When the first structuring therefore of certain energy systems were put into place, as in the Crystal Pyramids, the first 12 Master Pyramids, and the whole energy systems, they were therefore programmed to co-ordinate with the sacred triad formed by these central Suns.

Mankind in some way has remembered this, but has forgotten all about these central Suns.  So what are they?

When the first 12 Master Galaxies were first created from which all life on this planet comes from, these were the first ever to be created.  Unfortunately during the wars of heavens three of these were destroyed, and thus what used to be Lyra, Andromeda (in its original creation, and Cygnus Major (forgotten in the mists of time)), had to vacated.  But the 12 Central Suns then formed the nucleus of this whole system, and all other suns, lesser ones and bigger ones then were created in their image.

What makes the 12 Central Suns so interesting is that they hold the pyramid power within them and at their very core.  They therefore act as immense transmitters pulsating with the encoded Light Frequency Pulsating Rays that work with our own sun.  However, within this planet, certain hidden mechanisms were put in place, so that no matter if catastrophes struck and the earth would be thrown out of orbit, that it would be linked centrally to these three Master Suns.

In the beginning then all these immense energy generators were all fed by these mechanisms of the Central Sun and therefore the energy generated was considered sacred and an immense gift from the 12 Master Galaxies at the time.  It was also considered that the creative force necessary to then expand this energy and use it in creative energy forms  which would come via the Female Aspect of the Moon energy – as expressed via the Goddess herself, but she held within her the encodements of the 9th Central Sun – thus then within that sacred triad.

So the Moon energy was not so much then energy of the Moon as we know it (for it indeed was created as a satellite station of the Intergalactic Fleet), but of what was implanted into the earth herself, and therefore held that energy of the 9th Central Sun, and then would merge this power with that of the Cosmic 7th and 12th Central Suns.

This Moon Energy was thus incorporated in a major center on planet earth and totally forgotten about.

The self-destructive tendencies of mankind, made that a lot of the original energy systems were shut down at some stage – mainly because of the earth being thrown out of orbit as the whole lower part of this solar system, by the Planet that blew itself up, and massive asteroid (pieces of the planet), and comets hitting the earth.  The Intergalactic Fleet later restored her into orbit, but in the process some of the planets changes places around the sun in our solar system.

In that then also the repercussions were felt in that the whole first creation of earth in its original creation had then been reshuffled, with some land masses now buried under huge space debris and mass upheavals caused by the comets and asteroids hitting her, and also by land masses sinking under the sea, and some rising up.  Most importantly during this time she shifted on her axis three times.

In the process mankind remembered about the Sun and the Moon energies, but because of having completely lost the original understanding of this, assumed that the moon meant the local moon, and not the original understanding of this.

At this time, a funnel has opened up, within the Milky Way Galaxy, as she is moving closer to the Andromendan galaxy now, and is again linking up with these 12 Central Suns and has now for some time.  This means that the energy centers within the earth which work with the energies of this triad, are now starting to get reactivated again.

This has now lifted the planet into the 5D and is going to accelerate this whole process of evolutionary change on the planet 777 thousand times, and then step up to 999 and then ultimately into 12-12-12.

This is a mass recharging that is taking place, and therefore the dormant pyramid energies are being reactivated.

The Giza pyramids and those known to man are more primitive replicas of the first pyramids, now rising.  Giza never was the main center – it was merely a type of reminder to mankind of what had been before.  Although it did serve as a massive energy generator in the second civilization on earth, that destroyed itself, and then as Atlantis was falling, those scientists from Atlantis starting the new colony in Egypt on the remains of the what was left of the second civilization, then revamped it, but never could succeed in restoring it to its prior glory and full activation.

So, we are therefore now being catapulted into the 5th dimension and in for immense changes on all fronts.

This is not child’s play – this is serious.

Indeed the import of this will only be felt in ten years time when this planet will have changed beyond recognition.

(Judith Kusel)

Please also read my blog on my website,

Ancient Pyramid Energies Released….


In Ancient times when the first pyramids were built, they were built on a type of immense grid system, which worked with the earth energies.  It was a type of vortex energy system which fed the whole planet, as it was then with the central fuel, which supplied the whole planet and all in it not only with energy, but the same energy was used for higher healing, the propelling of all craft, air, land and water, and it was the same energy that was there in the more crystalline and more advanced evolutionary physical form of all life on planet earth.

In the beginning there were 12 Massive Pyramids, made from clear quartz crystal.  They were hollow in side, with massive chambers and in the middle a huge tube which held the vortex energy moving up and down in spiraling fashion – like the kundalini energy moves up and down the spinal column and chakra energy wheels of the body.  In most places there were two pyramids – one pointing upwards and one pointing downwards, so that a huge merkabah-like energy field was created, with the vortex energy twirling and swirling in the middle through the apex of the pyramids.

In that these pyramids were used as conduit for an extremely high technological central energy force, which could literally be used to enhance all life and life forms, and added to the much longer lifespan of people in those ancient times, and for the greater harmony of the planet and people, as this energy enhanced life and it was pollution free.

The Ancients at that time used not only this energy, but knew how to harness the Rivers of Life which flowed through the planet itself, and which added another component of energy, which mankind has forgotten about.  These Rivers of Life literally added to the fuel or the ignition of the vortex energies and were then added as such.

There was another mechanism which worked with the lightning rod of the Earth, and that was the sound of the Earth.  The Earth has her own sound frequency band, which is tune into the greater cosmic frequency bands, of this Universe, the Galactic Core, and then also the Central Suns – in those days we were directly linked to the 12th Central galaxies of the 12th Central Sun, and therefore the lightning rod of the earth, with the sound was fine-tuned into a type of antenna which then could relay this mass ignition of the energy, into the vortex energy centers, and from there directly into the pyramids, which in turn relayed this energy to the rest of the planet.

All combined into one mass energy system which then kept the planet supplied of energy, and it supplied energy for homes, structures, buildings, and all that needed to use this energy.  As it worked with the earth, and these people knew how to use this energy, it did not harm the planet in any way, nor did it harm any form of life.

I have gone into immense details about these pyramid temples in my Book (Why I was born in Africa – which is being edited), but what I want to touch on here, is that because the earth has had pole shifts, the land masses have undergone immense changes – and some land masses have sunk under the sea, and some rose out of the sea, so if one looked at a map of the planet a billion years ago, the whole planet would have looked very different from what it is now.

The pole shifts have not always meant that north and south poles switched places.  Sometimes the earth merely tilted to some degree and the lands mass and water and gaseous substances more and less adjusted themselves accordingly.

As mass meteorites and comets hit the planet in the beginning and during the first civilization, as the wars of heavens still reigned, and Marduk blew itself up in this solar system, this meant that immense earth changes occurred during that time.

So, this means that these first pyramids were literally buried under the onslaught of the cosmic and earth changes at that time.

However, they were never deactivated, as happened with the later pyramids built – notably those in the Sahara (which have not been discovered yet), and those in elsewhere in the broader Europe, Balkans and Americas, and of course those sunk under the sea.

Part of my personal quest in the last few years is to find the pyramids in the Southern Hemisphere or rather to be reunited with them, and then to record the untold history of the world.  Therefore the working with these energies and energy fields has brought a brand-new understanding with it about planet earth and how this fits into the greater cosmic whole.

It has been a fascinating journey in itself, for I have found immensely interesting things carefully hidden in the landscape.  The language of the sound in itself has been given voice in the way rock gongs, very carefully placed, faces, circles, and most importantly that which has been recorded in myths and never understood as something where myths are based on truth, albeit in a form of hidden swirls.

As the pyramids are getting more and more activated, the vortex energy fields are rising and this thrusting up, indeed like sucking us into the 5th dimensional state at such an accelerated rate now, that we will have to adjust to a much higher frequency life and life force at immense speed.

For the Rivers of Life have now also been reactivated, and this is bringing immense and utter changes to planet earth as the antennas get reactivated, and the re-connection to the 12th sun now becomes reality.

(Judith Kusel)


Sirius and mass Star Gates opening up and TRANSFORMATION FOR PLANET EARTH!


Sirius has always been one of 12 Master Galaxies involved with planet earth, since the very beginning.  In this then it acts as a type of central hub or star-gate from which life on planet earth is constantly monitored.

When the earth was put under quarantine after numerous occasions when the warring faction on planet earth nearly blew up the planet, massive inner earth star-gates were closed down as well as the energies emitted from the pyramid grids and the vortex energy centers of this earth.

This was done purposefully and central keys, codes and also blocking devices were put into place, so that the very high technology locked into these places, would only be accessible to mankind again, once they have finally mastered the art of balance again, and also unity consciousness: – therefore stopping their warring ways, and finally understanding the value of true brother- and sisterhood, which does not harm, but rather works together for the greater good of all.

There are certain sites on earth that have been so purposefully hidden that even our most advanced technology will not as yet pick these up, because those in government still have not shed their controlling programs and their warring ways.

However, in the meantime planet earth has pledged to ascend into a much higher evolutionary state, and as she is one of the Thrones created by Source and a living entity whose physical manifestation is the planet, she has agreed to go through mass changes in order to evolve.

She has also taken it upon herself to ascend into these higher evolutionary states with the rest of this solar system and counter-solar system and Universe/Counter-Universe.  As she is part of much greater and intricate whole, whatever happens within the Universe and cosmos has massive catalyst changes for her too.

We are mere passengers on this planet, and at some stage we as souls all signed contracts with the Intergalactic Counsel and the High Lords of Sirius, that we would agree to partake in an EXPERIMENT of life on planet earth.  Therefore we are never to forget this, but understand that the planet agreed to have us participating in this experiment and thus at any time this experiment can be terminated – especially if mankind does not adhere to cosmic laws and keeps on repeating its old destructive patterns.

However this is neither the time nor the moment to go deeper into this (I have recorded this in detail in my book:  SOUL EMPOWERMENT which you can order directly from my website,

What is important to understand is that at this moment and because of the planet’s agreement to stepping up the evolutionary process, mass star-gates inside the earth are opening up and with these mass star-gates in Sirius.

This is bringing in massive shifts in the inner earth, and has for some time, but now accelerating and immensely fast.

With this that the star-gates on Sirius are now busy being opened up, this is creating  massive vortex-like energy fields, and as the pyramid grids are now being activated as well (most of them have not been re-discovered and are purposefully hidden as well) which, combined with the vortex energy being beamed down from Sirius, is creating a vast tunnel – or wormhole if you like.

This has then a sucking movement.  It is literally SUCKING the whole planet and all life upon her into a different dimensional and evolutionary state.

In the next ten years, this will accelerate, and as the full impact of all of this hits home, very few souls on planet earth will be able to withstand the intense energy releases as this is pushing us into an incredibly high frequency band.

Whatever is too dense a mass will start disintegrating and is already as the old way of life is now dissolving faster than we know what to do with it.

Most Light workers have been aware of this since after World War II and have steadily been warning mankind of the advent of the New Golden Age.  Most of the star children carry within them as programmed in the higher frequency band transmitters, which will enable them to step into this new dimension, if they did not get stuck on the wayside.

Most affected will not only be those affected by the mass earth changes, but also those who do not have the ability to adjust to the higher frequency bands and higher dimensional state, as this sucking movement will accelerate.

A lot of the first wave of Light workers have completed their mission and will return home.  Some have volunteered and been assigned to stay with those on earth and assist them through the massive changes.

The Indigo and Crystal children born since 1950’s will now have to carry the rest of mankind through these changes, as they have the keys and codes to do so, if they are fully awake and activated.

The New Children born since 1994 have all the tools in place and will be able to move through these changes as their higher crystalline bodies can adjust more easily to the higher frequency bands.  Most of them are also very much connected to the Motherships of the Intergalactic fleet and their home galaxies who are constantly monitoring their process.

This is then mass TRANSFORMATION into something NEW.

There is nothing to be afraid of.  When you are in totally tune with your own soul and therefore empowered from deep within, and you are in higher alignment with the Divine, then you will be able to raise your frequency band with the help of the angelic, Archangelic realms, and those of the Cosmic Hierarchy who are assisting us en masse at the moment.

They have been recently reinforced by those Higher Ranking Light-Beings from the 7th Central Sun and the 9th Central Sun and then now coming in are the Beings from the 12th.

Be aware that this is a mass return to Unity Consciousness and the advent of the new reign of peace on planet earth, as has been decreed by the Divine Source and Cosmic Hierarchy and the High Lords of Sirius, under whose direction we fall.

So be it! It is done!

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

Photo: Sirius B http://


Energy shifts


We are now going through the greatest phase of being revamped and this will continue throughout and more or less until 2024.

It is an intense time of wakening up to the new and ancient energies being released.  It is something so powerful and potent, that I am doing my best to translate this into a language that you will be able to understand, as I have had mass downloads of energy field knowledge yesterday, with intensely important keys and codes getting activated.

In this there is a huge shift now from what we had in the industrial and technological ages, where all was in the mind.  The balance is now returning into that the mystical and magical is now returning.  With magic I am really referring to changing energy forms – therefore whatever one can dissolve and then reassemble is but a form of high technology.

Remember that in ancient days, magic basically was to understand the alchemical laws of fusion.  It was also a method of dissolving what looked like solid matter, into tiny particles and then rearranging it into a different form.  Therefore it was understood that all of life was but energy, and because one was energy one could have an effect on other energy fields, if one just knew how.  One was consciously rearranging energy fields and creating them into new patterns and forms, within the cosmic laws of creation.

It truly was not magic, but just a much higher state of consciousness and a more advanced evolutionary state.  Please do not confuse this shamanic work – I am not referring to this at all.

One of the components in doing this, was sacred geometry.  Another was sound and yet another was the vortex energy field as in the use of quantum energy fields.  This is something mankind will start remember how to do in the next 50 or so years – at the moment we are not even grabbling with an inkling of what this was all about.

In what I have been shown recently, there is thus a whole immense type of energy field now opening up within the earth which has lain dormant for billions of years.  It was removed or deactivated a long time ago, and it is now going to make itself felt. 

For want of a better word I will call this a marriage between the vortex energy fields and Goddess energy fields but in reality the two are one and same.  It is a vast creative force and it works via the intuitive heart-mind.  Therefore certain energy channels in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies have to be activated in order to be able to allow this energy to move through one and then to activate certain unused chambers within our third eye-brain, dormant for so long, and within our heart and solar plexus areas.  In reality this all links up to our spinal column – as this works in tandem with our chakra energy systems, but the higher chakras, need to be activated in order for all of this to start functioning and one whole.

I have had some amazing experiences in the last few months as I was shown this and I was being activated within so that I could move into this advanced technology – I had to get my own frequencies and vibrations up to that level in order to even glimpse this.  This is such advanced technology – but it is ancient – and it is like stepping into the quantum future of this planet, but in reality it is stepping into the past.

In a lot of ways we have to be reprogrammed to move into a different state of advanced being, where we can remember all of this.

The triggers therefore are not so much then in our energy fields and that of the planet, but are far more intricately evolved that this.  It works with the SOUL energies, as each one of us has unique soul frequencies and vibrations, and some souls are programmed to activate at certain times, when they get into contact with certain vortex energy fields in the planet – often they do not do this consciously but subconsciously, when they are being pulled to a certain place and then just feel like they FEEL better, or more activated there.

With all of this which is being now reactivated within us, we need to understand once and for all that the old ways are leaving us.  It does not help to try and rationalize this, nor go into fear patterns, nor try to run away from it – for indeed how can you run away from your own soul and its soul contracts?  How can you run away from what you knew would happen when you would incarnate onto planet earth?

It is just that most have been so controlled and programmed by the society and institutions that they cannot think for themselves, and more than this, they have not learnt to question and find the truth from deep within. 

All paths lead within.

I would not be able to share all of this with you, if I had not been brave enough to leave behind my old life and then follow my visions and calling and move into a totally different way of seeing and experiencing life. 

I know this to be true of many people who shared their stories with me.  We all at some point lost everything, in order to regain our soul and be led to expand in many ways.  This expansion has given us a whole new conscious awareness – but the old first had to disintegrate completely, and we had to be reprogrammed so to speak from our soul connections, and cosmic citizenship, in order to remember and then allow this to be activated from deep within.

So these next few months and years are going to bring us in truly more and more quantum shifts in consciousness.  It will literally shake us awake from the sleep of billions of years and the depths of forgetfulness. 

I have found the more I remember, and the more I am getting activated, that there is a sense of familiarity – some part of me knows this and has known this for eternity.  I just fell asleep for awhile, that fraction of me that is incarnated in the here and now on this planet.  The rest of me as access to the most amazing information held in the whole cosmos, for it is all one and same vast energetic field – all creation is one vast energy field.  It is a matter of learning to tap into this vast field and claiming your own keys and codes within it.

(Judith Kusel)

Pyramid activation and inner earth changes ….

Massive changes are happening in the inner earth crust, and these are pulling us more and more into the core of ourselves – that center place, where we feel the most….. It is there in the gut, and reaction to all the outside forces….. It is there in our relationships to the outer world – whether deep bonds of love, or social bonds….
It seems to circle out and out and has an effect on all and sundry….
The Earth is really a living and breathing entity and as she is being re-activated from the inner core and her whole molecular and outer structures are being revamped, something immense is happening.
What is happening is the opening up of long dormant energy centers, the pyramids under the sea, in the inner core earth, and those who lie buried underneath the rubble. Some, like in South America, which lie buried under sand, in the forests, or in Lake Titicaca are becoming more activated, as are those elsewhere. The pacific sea beds are changing and the inner core pyramids in those areas becoming activated, like those dormant in Antarctica, the North Sea and Europe and elsewhere.
There are certain energy centers which are working with the purest vibration of sound and this sound is out of hearing range. It is not the Selviggio frequencies as such, but some very higher frequency sound vibration which cannot be measured as yet, and which we have forgotten about. They all work in tandem and activate the energy grids, the nadis and meridian lines of the earth – and most of those in our own bodies and those others which are in the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.
These frequencies are buzzing into the brain wave frequencies of our mind-heart connections and most importantly the other 352 energy wheels or grid systems in our bodies which we have forgotten about.
The higher our own frequency bands are rising, the more we will start opening up to the realms which are there, yet as still not recognized – those realms which bring the whole consciousness of the different dimensional layers of planet earth together. This means from the elemental to the highest frequencies of the ethers around the planet – this where most psychics can tap into in order to do psychic readings. However this will now be fine-tuned so that the dense matters and the denser spirits who are earth-bound will not be able to gain access anymore, as they then are removed from the planet, and will take up life in a different planet in a far-off galaxy to start the evolutionary process on a dense planet, like this planet in the 3D form.
All of this is reflecting in our everyday relationships with people and society all around us.
A lot of relationships are falling apart at the core – mostly because some partners are starting to vibrate at a much higher frequency band as others. This is true for families and friendships too, and society at large.
Some are so stuck in fear and the dense material forms, that they fear to step into a much higher frequency rate. This is their soul choice. What will happen is that will just will not be able to adjust as the higher and higher frequencies of sound vibrates through the stratosphere and the inner earth. They will literally feel they are disintegrating at some level – this is true.
As far as relationships go, remember that love is also a frequency band and vibrates at certain frequencies. Under such circumstances, one partner may be stuck or hung up about material satisfaction and very much in the outer forms, and not at all activated from deep within the inner core – while the other might just be so activated on all levels, that all the glue in the world will simply not hold the relationship together.
This is part of the transition – one has to understand that all outer show of marriage contracts and being bound legally have no jurisdiction in the higher realms of being – just like physical boundaries between countries are really of no consequence ….
Animals have migrated along certain routes since the earth was formed and know no written form or do they see boundaries. All of this exists in the 3D forms and not in the higher realms.
This does not mean that partnerships do not happen – but then partnership happens between two people who are on the same vibrational frequency band, and then like will attract like, and it will be in higher service that the coming together is and such a bond will not disintegrate because of having the same values and same being, seeing and experiencing.
Society as such will disintegrate more and more. The structures will be shaken now to the very core. As will all foundations which are build on falsehoods and false information.
There is really only one way now, to go and seek that inner strength and guidance, and that is from deep within. The indigo, crystal, rainbow and sun children all have inbuilt mechanisms which are now kicking in and are being activated. They will remember, and they will know what to do. After all that is what they have come in here to do – to activate the energies and to assist with the core rising of frequencies and vibrations, so that the old can disintegrate and new can be formed.
All of this is happening more in the INNER planes, rather than outside. This is because the change is coming from deep within. What changes from within, affects the outer whole. Because the outer whole is much denser and vibrates at such a slow frequency, it takes longer to change.
We are so finely created, that our own inner core can more easily adapt to frequency bands, and to inner fine-tunings… while the outer world, has very slow cogs and wheels which need to disintegrate in order to that new mechanisms can be put in place which vibrate at a much higher frequency rate.
As the pyramid energies now truly become activated and inner core earth energies, this is going to impact more and more. The pyramids are all tuned in a certain frequency band and it is one that our instruments cannot as yet measure. However in the next few months and years, this too will change.
It is best to understand that all changes have to felt and experienced from deep within, and thus the inner hearing and seeing have to get more and more activated, in order to be able to step up in consciousness.
This is happening to thousands of people all over the planet, and even if they cannot always voice this, those who know, will understand what I am talking about here. It is something which has to happen to the individual. One cannot do this for another – however loved and close they are…. The activation has to come from WITHIN.
The beauty and magic of life in the higher states of consciousness, is beyond anything we can even try to explain…. Yet, those who have been through deep inner core shifts and changes in the last few years know that there comes a deep inner love and contentment, which surpasses all words.
One is simply tuned-in, and that is reward in itself – no matter how uncomfortable the changes were….. It is worth everything!