Ancient Pyramid Energies Released….


In Ancient times when the first pyramids were built, they were built on a type of immense grid system, which worked with the earth energies.  It was a type of vortex energy system which fed the whole planet, as it was then with the central fuel, which supplied the whole planet and all in it not only with energy, but the same energy was used for higher healing, the propelling of all craft, air, land and water, and it was the same energy that was there in the more crystalline and more advanced evolutionary physical form of all life on planet earth.

In the beginning there were 12 Massive Pyramids, made from clear quartz crystal.  They were hollow in side, with massive chambers and in the middle a huge tube which held the vortex energy moving up and down in spiraling fashion – like the kundalini energy moves up and down the spinal column and chakra energy wheels of the body.  In most places there were two pyramids – one pointing upwards and one pointing downwards, so that a huge merkabah-like energy field was created, with the vortex energy twirling and swirling in the middle through the apex of the pyramids.

In that these pyramids were used as conduit for an extremely high technological central energy force, which could literally be used to enhance all life and life forms, and added to the much longer lifespan of people in those ancient times, and for the greater harmony of the planet and people, as this energy enhanced life and it was pollution free.

The Ancients at that time used not only this energy, but knew how to harness the Rivers of Life which flowed through the planet itself, and which added another component of energy, which mankind has forgotten about.  These Rivers of Life literally added to the fuel or the ignition of the vortex energies and were then added as such.

There was another mechanism which worked with the lightning rod of the Earth, and that was the sound of the Earth.  The Earth has her own sound frequency band, which is tune into the greater cosmic frequency bands, of this Universe, the Galactic Core, and then also the Central Suns – in those days we were directly linked to the 12th Central galaxies of the 12th Central Sun, and therefore the lightning rod of the earth, with the sound was fine-tuned into a type of antenna which then could relay this mass ignition of the energy, into the vortex energy centers, and from there directly into the pyramids, which in turn relayed this energy to the rest of the planet.

All combined into one mass energy system which then kept the planet supplied of energy, and it supplied energy for homes, structures, buildings, and all that needed to use this energy.  As it worked with the earth, and these people knew how to use this energy, it did not harm the planet in any way, nor did it harm any form of life.

I have gone into immense details about these pyramid temples in my Book (Why I was born in Africa – which is being edited), but what I want to touch on here, is that because the earth has had pole shifts, the land masses have undergone immense changes – and some land masses have sunk under the sea, and some rose out of the sea, so if one looked at a map of the planet a billion years ago, the whole planet would have looked very different from what it is now.

The pole shifts have not always meant that north and south poles switched places.  Sometimes the earth merely tilted to some degree and the lands mass and water and gaseous substances more and less adjusted themselves accordingly.

As mass meteorites and comets hit the planet in the beginning and during the first civilization, as the wars of heavens still reigned, and Marduk blew itself up in this solar system, this meant that immense earth changes occurred during that time.

So, this means that these first pyramids were literally buried under the onslaught of the cosmic and earth changes at that time.

However, they were never deactivated, as happened with the later pyramids built – notably those in the Sahara (which have not been discovered yet), and those in elsewhere in the broader Europe, Balkans and Americas, and of course those sunk under the sea.

Part of my personal quest in the last few years is to find the pyramids in the Southern Hemisphere or rather to be reunited with them, and then to record the untold history of the world.  Therefore the working with these energies and energy fields has brought a brand-new understanding with it about planet earth and how this fits into the greater cosmic whole.

It has been a fascinating journey in itself, for I have found immensely interesting things carefully hidden in the landscape.  The language of the sound in itself has been given voice in the way rock gongs, very carefully placed, faces, circles, and most importantly that which has been recorded in myths and never understood as something where myths are based on truth, albeit in a form of hidden swirls.

As the pyramids are getting more and more activated, the vortex energy fields are rising and this thrusting up, indeed like sucking us into the 5th dimensional state at such an accelerated rate now, that we will have to adjust to a much higher frequency life and life force at immense speed.

For the Rivers of Life have now also been reactivated, and this is bringing immense and utter changes to planet earth as the antennas get reactivated, and the re-connection to the 12th sun now becomes reality.

(Judith Kusel)


Soul Special Assignment

3d-earth-1-16-s-307x512As we are now stepping into the greatest quantum leap in consciousness and evolution this planet has ever seen, it is good to remember the Ancient truth that what is INSIDE will manifest on the outside, and what is there is the macrocosm has to manifest in the microcosm.

The greatest shift then is not so much outside, as it is within: – yet, as the planet is shifting, the Universe is shifting, so are we.

A lot of people have always looked to the heavens for their ultimate change – that ascension that would happen when they who ascend to higher states but leave the planet in the meantime.

Not so, for we have to not leave the planet as such, but anchor in these changes by being transformed into a Christed Being ourselves.  Therefore we will all have to go through a type of dying in order arise into a new and higher state of consciousness and be able then to transform with the planet.

We are all here on SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT, and with specific tasks to fulfill.  When we slip into the sleep of forgetfulness we are disempowered and cannot live life to the optimum and congruent with our highest soul mission and purpose.

In the last few years of my life I have had to delve very deeply into the realms of soul and soul energies, the origin of souls, soul groups, the galaxies of origin, the true and untold history of the planet, and more than this – finding that not only do all souls have soul names, they also have a tonal chord unique to them, and soul colors.

Your soul therefore is made up of PURE energy.  It is made up of 12 flames or particles and one a fraction of your soul is incarnated on this planet at this moment.

My soul readings have truly assisted many people across the whole world to reconnect to their own souls and to remember who and what they are, and why they are here.

Here is what some of them wrote to me:

Words fail to express the ineffable gratitude I have for the Soul Reading you did for me some time ago. I have had so much to process since that entered my life and it has been completely exhilarating. It was an honor and a privilege to receive such sacred information. 

 I have found myself having to acclimatize to the new frequencies that I have received in my field. it took a few weeks to adjust. Thank you with all my heart for passing that energetic key to me and opening me up to this profound knowledge. You are offering love-light frequencies to the planet that are appreciated more than you can even imagine. Thank you for your light Judith , it is needed, It is felt, received, understood, and applied in the minds and hearts of those silently integrating your words.

Even if it is some time ago that I received my beautiful reading of you, I will not forget to say thank you to you. I was nearly in tears reading it, the Soul name “Illumined One” and all my soul records you revealed to me, just touched me on a very deep level and opened up some memories. It also opened up some deep seated grief about the loss of a beloved or the feeling that it’s not possible to live sacred union on this earth. I also delved into feelings of “it’s not safe to speak and live my truth”. But your work and your enlightening beautiful comments you post on face book help me work through this all.

I am now planning a trip to France next year to revisit the land in this lifetime and learn more about the Cathars and Mary Magdalene etc.

 Thanks so much for your empowering work Judith and your generosity to share so much publicly. It helps sooooo many people.

 I just wanted to thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all… For shining forth the radiant light of your heart/soul/consciousness! ❤ 😀 Your light shines brighter than a thousand suns and your beauty paints the picture of the world revealing its beauty!  Keep on being you, keep on shining, this dream of Love/Oneness is now a reality, and it’s you who makes all the difference in the world! ❤ 😀

Thank you so much for your soul reading. I am truly thankful that you made it happen very quickly. I feel a deeper connection with myself and why I feel the way I do. It is also good for my husband he too felt a connection when I read your reading to him. 

I am literally in awe of what you have told me. So many things you have said click, I know now why I have felt so at home in these places I have travelled to and lived in. I am so glad my husband is my twinflame and he is too! I think I knew it deep down, but it’s nice to be told too.

 Some things are totally new to my idea of thinking, especially my future, but as you say I will let everything sink in over time and my path will be enlightened.

I have received your reading. It all resonates to the core of my soul and it feels that blinders are coming off every time I read it. I am SO GRATEFUL I have been led to you! And I SO deeply APPRECIATE all the energy, Love and Truth you offered me in this reading.

In order for all this information to be in one single place and accessible to all human beings so that they can empower themselves at deep and profound soul level I have written a book:  SOUL EMPOWERMENT – Reconnecting you to your own soul with special reference to Twin-flames.

Within the pages of this book you will find the following:

  1. The Super-consciousness field and the Soul Records.
  2. Souls, Soul Groups, Galaxy of Origin, Tonal Chords and Soul Colours.
  3. Soul And Soul Groups from the 12 Master Galaxies involved with this planet from the very beginning.
  4. Twin Flame and Soul Mates – Relationships.
  5. Soul Activation:  Remembering the Truth of Who and what we are.
  6. Helpful Tools for Life, Loving and Living.
  7. Energies, Energy Fields and Chakra Energy Wheels.
  8. Limitless Soul.
  9. Conclusion

For ordering this book or booking Twin-flame or Soul Readings with me please visit my NEW website: –


Sirius and mass Star Gates opening up and TRANSFORMATION FOR PLANET EARTH!


Sirius has always been one of 12 Master Galaxies involved with planet earth, since the very beginning.  In this then it acts as a type of central hub or star-gate from which life on planet earth is constantly monitored.

When the earth was put under quarantine after numerous occasions when the warring faction on planet earth nearly blew up the planet, massive inner earth star-gates were closed down as well as the energies emitted from the pyramid grids and the vortex energy centers of this earth.

This was done purposefully and central keys, codes and also blocking devices were put into place, so that the very high technology locked into these places, would only be accessible to mankind again, once they have finally mastered the art of balance again, and also unity consciousness: – therefore stopping their warring ways, and finally understanding the value of true brother- and sisterhood, which does not harm, but rather works together for the greater good of all.

There are certain sites on earth that have been so purposefully hidden that even our most advanced technology will not as yet pick these up, because those in government still have not shed their controlling programs and their warring ways.

However, in the meantime planet earth has pledged to ascend into a much higher evolutionary state, and as she is one of the Thrones created by Source and a living entity whose physical manifestation is the planet, she has agreed to go through mass changes in order to evolve.

She has also taken it upon herself to ascend into these higher evolutionary states with the rest of this solar system and counter-solar system and Universe/Counter-Universe.  As she is part of much greater and intricate whole, whatever happens within the Universe and cosmos has massive catalyst changes for her too.

We are mere passengers on this planet, and at some stage we as souls all signed contracts with the Intergalactic Counsel and the High Lords of Sirius, that we would agree to partake in an EXPERIMENT of life on planet earth.  Therefore we are never to forget this, but understand that the planet agreed to have us participating in this experiment and thus at any time this experiment can be terminated – especially if mankind does not adhere to cosmic laws and keeps on repeating its old destructive patterns.

However this is neither the time nor the moment to go deeper into this (I have recorded this in detail in my book:  SOUL EMPOWERMENT which you can order directly from my website,

What is important to understand is that at this moment and because of the planet’s agreement to stepping up the evolutionary process, mass star-gates inside the earth are opening up and with these mass star-gates in Sirius.

This is bringing in massive shifts in the inner earth, and has for some time, but now accelerating and immensely fast.

With this that the star-gates on Sirius are now busy being opened up, this is creating  massive vortex-like energy fields, and as the pyramid grids are now being activated as well (most of them have not been re-discovered and are purposefully hidden as well) which, combined with the vortex energy being beamed down from Sirius, is creating a vast tunnel – or wormhole if you like.

This has then a sucking movement.  It is literally SUCKING the whole planet and all life upon her into a different dimensional and evolutionary state.

In the next ten years, this will accelerate, and as the full impact of all of this hits home, very few souls on planet earth will be able to withstand the intense energy releases as this is pushing us into an incredibly high frequency band.

Whatever is too dense a mass will start disintegrating and is already as the old way of life is now dissolving faster than we know what to do with it.

Most Light workers have been aware of this since after World War II and have steadily been warning mankind of the advent of the New Golden Age.  Most of the star children carry within them as programmed in the higher frequency band transmitters, which will enable them to step into this new dimension, if they did not get stuck on the wayside.

Most affected will not only be those affected by the mass earth changes, but also those who do not have the ability to adjust to the higher frequency bands and higher dimensional state, as this sucking movement will accelerate.

A lot of the first wave of Light workers have completed their mission and will return home.  Some have volunteered and been assigned to stay with those on earth and assist them through the massive changes.

The Indigo and Crystal children born since 1950’s will now have to carry the rest of mankind through these changes, as they have the keys and codes to do so, if they are fully awake and activated.

The New Children born since 1994 have all the tools in place and will be able to move through these changes as their higher crystalline bodies can adjust more easily to the higher frequency bands.  Most of them are also very much connected to the Motherships of the Intergalactic fleet and their home galaxies who are constantly monitoring their process.

This is then mass TRANSFORMATION into something NEW.

There is nothing to be afraid of.  When you are in totally tune with your own soul and therefore empowered from deep within, and you are in higher alignment with the Divine, then you will be able to raise your frequency band with the help of the angelic, Archangelic realms, and those of the Cosmic Hierarchy who are assisting us en masse at the moment.

They have been recently reinforced by those Higher Ranking Light-Beings from the 7th Central Sun and the 9th Central Sun and then now coming in are the Beings from the 12th.

Be aware that this is a mass return to Unity Consciousness and the advent of the new reign of peace on planet earth, as has been decreed by the Divine Source and Cosmic Hierarchy and the High Lords of Sirius, under whose direction we fall.

So be it! It is done!

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

Photo: Sirius B http://


Becoming consciously aware


Expanded consciousness comes through constant awareness.  To whatever we bring our awareness and focus, that is where we will charge ourselves the most.

Awareness essentially means that we become more aware of what is going on within us – our thoughts, our feelings, our values, that which makes our spirits soar and fly.  That which inspires us, which moves us to tears of awe, that which brings us peace and harmony.

If we constantly focus on what makes us angry, agitated, stressed etc. then that is where our awareness will focus on.

Whatever we now are aware of the most, is what we will attract more of into our lives.

None more so than in our human relationships, which these are in the microcosm of our inner own selves, or in the macrocosm and what is going on around us in society and in the world at large.

For instance:  If you constantly are bombarded with bad news, with sensational bad news, and how bad people are, then you start believing that, and when you start believing that, you will attract exactly that into your life which will reinforce your belief system.

If you however chose to focus on the goodness, the harmony, the balance in life, and what you can be grateful for, like the simple everyday life around you, that you can truly feel happy about.  Most of that which bring inner harmony and happiness, is meditation, nature, a smile, an uplifting message from a dear one, a phone call, a good news story, the caring kindnesses that never make the headlines, for the bad news sells, and good news does not.

I call this tweaking: – I consciously chose to tweak my seeing, and I choose to see the balance in everything.  I choose to choose love over fear; I choose to choose harmony over discontentment, I to open myself to the endless possibilities of life to bring more goodness and abundance into my life, and to teach more and more lessons to love myself and others more.  I choose to appreciate the little mundane things, and I choose to be grateful for all the blessings in my life.

When so-called bad things come into my life, I immediately choose to look for the opposite for there is always an upside to a downside.  To every sorrow there is a hidden blessing – everything that happens in life always will have its central opposite somewhere because the cosmos is in balance and never out of balance.

This is essentially what conscious living is all about: one becomes consciously aware of what one is creation INSIDE.

You can choose to harp on all that is imperfect in your Beloved, on his or her bad habits that are driving you crazy, etc. or you can focus on how his or her behavior is leading you back to yourself, and to facing the same shadow side you see in him or her inside of yourself.  For deep down you know that you cannot change your partner – you can only change yourself.

If you choose to love, and keep your heart open no matter what you choose to see the love in the other – no matter what.  That does not mean that you let him or her walk all over you, it means that you will not close your heart and will find that worthiness inside yourself and then choose to find ways of finding the blessing in all and everything.  That also means standing up for yourself and putting boundaries down is necessary, walking away, but never ever closing your heart.

More than this you can only raise your consciousness, by doing the inner work.  We all have energy bodies which are far more potent than our physical bodies are.  Although they work in tandem with our physical bodies, they have much larger energy fields and when these are activated, if will force us to cleanse and clear all emotional baggage and all which tends to clog up our energy systems.

The collapsing of emotional chargest raises our vibrational frequencies and it brings that inner harmony which essentially assists us to stay in that inner loving space, no matter how the storms rage around us.

A lot of people never get round to even acknowledging their own souls and are so lost in the dense and physical world that they cannot see past the veils of illusion and see the immensity of cosmic life, and living which is vaster than all this dense physical world will ever be able to give us.

With soul relationships especially we tend to draw into our lives those souls we have loved and known through many lifetimes.  However, the old patterns which were negative so often repeat themselves, and we have to learn to create new and healthier patterns.

When I do my Twin Flame Soul Readings, which focus on relationships, whether Twin Flame of not, most people come back to me, after the crux of where the pattern started are revealed and say:  “Deep down I have always known this, but I ignored this.”  “Or now I finally understand why I have these feelings and why I cannot open myself up totally sexually.”

Whatever, there dawns an understanding that the pattern has repeated itself and they need to do the inner work now, in order to heal the emotional pain and let go of all the baggage.  When this inner work is done, then the old patterns dissolve and new patterns can be created which are more loving and positive.

I have had to do immense inner releasing work in these last few years, and all I can say it is infinitely worthwhile.

Whatever you collapse in emotional pain and baggage makes space for more love and greater ability to love in your life.  You start loving with an open heart and you start trusting again – in deep and profound levels.

When you break through all the dross, all the negative clouds and warped seeing, thinking, acting and being and see the immense beauty of the Beloved – the immense beauty and love of the soul, then you change.  Something deep inside of your shifts and then you can embrace the Beloved totally – because you come from the place of total love deep inside of yourself!  You become appreciative of the Beloved in ways you could never do before and you expand in loving – even your sexual self opens up in higher and more profound ways to embrace the other, because your whole energy fields are now positively charged and not negatively programmed.

Again, this is a conscious shift INSIDE, in the inner chambers of the heart and soul, and the mind then shifts its thinking, for the heart has shifted.

Such is the immensity of Being in this time, that we now have the opportunity to create new and more loving relationships, as we open ourselves to be re-created into WHOLENESS once more – the wholeness that is there deep within our souls, and then when we embrace our own wholeness we can finally embrace the wholeness in the other and indeed in all creation!

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul and Twin Flame readings and other information:

My Book: SOUL EMPOWERMENT is available on my website too.