Activation of Keys and Codes Within


In its purest form your soul is pure energy and it consists of 12 flames of energy.  One part of this energy is forever attached to the Divine Source, while one part stays attached to your planet of origin with a galaxy or star system.  Thus, when you incarnate onto a planet like earth, only one or at most three flames will incarnate into a physical form.  All the other parts of you are thus fully functional on different levels. 

All these parts together, as one single flame, form you Higher Soul Self. 

Your Higher Soul Self again forms part of a soul group.  A soul group consists of 144 other flames and the soul group, forms part of much greater group of soul groups which forms a soul cluster of 144 000 souls (groups).

The Soul Group is THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, as it reflects a Divine character trait, back to the Divine and therefore expresses the I AM in a certain manner, tone, frequency and vibration, as well as color.

Your soul within your soul group has been created to express some aspect of the same soul expression or Divine attribute or value back to the Divine itself.

Therefore the Graces, reflect the state of grace back to the Divine – both the receiving and bestowing of Grace.  The Illumined Ones reflect illumination from within and without back to the Divine.  So, this attribute or value, then is the whole reason for their creation.  All that is encoded within this soul group therefore, will have to do with the frequency and vibration of this attribute of the Divine, as it expresses itself through multiple dimensions and life forms throughout the cosmos.

Within each soul group there are Ascended Master souls, who are act like the elder sisters and brothers of those souls going through an Incarnation.  So, the more in tune we are with the Mighty I Am Presence, as our soul group, the more we start amplifying our soul mission on earth, for now our soul is amplified or over-lit by the 143 other souls within the group we belong to.

Before we were born our soul undertook certain missions, or it was agreed that when we have brought our soul frequencies and mission up to a certain level, that keys and codes within our souls, our soul group etc. would be re-activated as our soul is ready to take on the added responsibility. 

For with each key and code activation the soul would be called in to do higher service work.  Therefore the active service there would take priority over anything which its negative ego might reject or not feel itself worthy of.  The ego is the soul personality as it expresses itself, and not to be confused with the I AM and Higher Soul Self.  One could say the ego was the lower or baser self which is very much attached to the physical.

These then the soul key and codes programmed directly into the soul.

The Cosmic Hierarchy, when one opens the upper communication channels, and one is able to raise one vibrations and frequencies to the christed consciousness state, will from time to time, as they see fit, (for they monitor your soul process the whole time), will activated the higher codes and keys within you, which will enable you to step up in mission.  This means that they will start transmitting certain information, or energies, or codes and keys, that pertain to your higher soul mission through you – much like a satellite transmits information in encoded form and the receiver then transmit pictures, sound, etc.

However, most of the time the soul has to indicate that it is prepared to take on higher service and thus wishes to be used in this way.  Again, the cosmic Masters, and the Advisory Board of the 12 and 24 Elders who surround the throne of God, will sit in conjunction with the Lords of Karma, your Overlighting Ascending Master(s) and the Archangels working with you, as well as the Overlighting Masters of your own soul group.  Only when all agree with your soul, that the time is right for you now to take on the added responsibility and are free to do this work, will these keys and codes be activated.

In others words – you will not be given more than your soul can handle at a given time.

In order to explain this more – the keys and codes work with pure and very high light code activation and they are soul specific. 

Your soul has a type of energy Mandela with a sacred geometrical pattern designed within it.  These light activations or keys and codes, then work with these sacred geometrical patterns of light and sound, and then transmit it into you. 

All life and life forms have energy patterns, and all of these energy patterns are stored in a vast Library or memory bank made of up pure Divine energy, which is the Super-consciousness field.  This is a cosmic field, which holds all the energy blueprints and mandalas etc. for all of creation.  It is pure crystalline and therefore is pure light and sound energy. 

From time to time, as you are ready, and move more and more into your Lighted Body activation and in higher alignment with a specific soul mission and purpose/and or task you will be given the keys and codes you need for the next activation.  It will be like a gathering of masters in the higher planes, or you will have a symbolic download.  For instance, I often get my down-loads via crystal skulls and keys.  These appear in my higher states of consciousness, and much altered states – yet always spontaneous and I have never asked for them.  I know that they will be given, as I am at the correct moment in my life and the correct frequency band to be able to receive such downloads.  I have had instances where the crystal skull’s top part dislodges itself from the bottom part and top part then fits over my head and downloads mass of information into me.  This information will then be transmitted into me, and I will download it as it becomes necessary for downloading to occur. 

I have friends who transmit via paintings or music.  We are all differently wired and not all of us will have such experiences, nor have the same type of downloads, because we are all unique and special in our own right.

All the keys and codes held within your soul can only be activated by you alone and with the assistance of the Archangels and your over-lighting Ascended Master, as well as the over-lighting Ascended Masters of your own soul group.  Here one has to do the inner work, before this will manifest into form.  A lot of these keys and codes are not something tangible, like a crystal skull for instance  – they are more like heart energy and soul energy activations and are downloaded via the Soul Star and Stellar Gateway chakras, and then transmitted into your crown chakra.  Thus the higher portals or gateways have to be opened up, before such activations can occur.

My soul readings will often pinpoint to keys and codes specific to your soul and most importantly what mission or purpose your soul has and why it is here, as well as your soul name, soul group name, galaxy of origin, tonal chord and soul colors.

For bookings and information: or

Karmic Links and Ties in Relationship Patterns


A marriage is God’s gift to a man and woman.

It is a gift that should then be given back to Him.

A marriage can be a blessing on to the world, because it is a context in which two people might become more than they would have been alone.

(Marianne Williamson)

In my Twin Flame soul readings, which mainly deal with relationships, and in my own life, I have come across certain karmic patterns which have been created over many lifetimes here on earth.

In essence this is not about Twin flame relationships per se but rather about patterns that were created between two souls in context of a relationship – whether they were married in a past life, or lovers, or in whatever form.

There are positive and negative patterns.

I was shown today, that positive cords and patterns created have a beautiful and profound spectrum of pure love and light.  Within these sacred geometrical patterns created, the flower of life itself looks like it has been lit up from deep within, and it looks like a star-filled galaxy with all the color spectrum of light beaming through it.  These are loving cords and loving ties, which were form in moments of pure and utter love.  Moments when the ego disappeared and true oneness made itself felt, on multiple levels.  Such pattern can be uplifting and eternally there, for they were created from the purity and essence of Love, in its most beautiful Divine essence.

However, dark patterns, and those infused with trauma and pain, betrayal, jealousy, lust, control, ownership patterns, are filled with dark strands.  Some of those cords and ties are slimy black things, and some look like dark tentacles hooked into some area of the body, and then tie two people together for lifetimes.  Some look like spider’s webs and are filled with this dark and sticky matter.  That is how I have seen and sensed them in myself and others.

To me these patterns between two souls reflect the collective consciousness of mankind, since the balance between the masculine and feminine was distorted, and ownership became the norm.  Often marriage was a matter of dowry, so someone was literally sold to another party, because of political and property alliances and had nothing to do with love.  Others were enslaved and used as concubines, or eunuchs, or merely were seen as possessions with no feelings and no soul.

The problem with such relationships which were formed is that because of karmic links and ties two souls will be drawn together, for those marriage vows, those sale contracts, or political alliances etc. are still in place in the ethers.  So soul meets soul and still feels they OWN the soul and therefore can demand the right of ownership in this regard.  Unless these vows and contracts are released, the angels administering these vows will keep them in place.

Often because of soul contracts these soul will be drawn into relationships, even if negative patterns were created, for they now have a window of opportunity to release these outdated vows and pacts etc. and finally dissolve these unhealthy patterns.  Yet, some souls get so caught up in a love/hate relationship that they tend to repeat this pattern.

This pattern is exasperated when the man in question had a harem at some time in his lifetime.  So now he has this ego of owning more than one woman, and they might appear in his lifetime.  So, there is this idea that he owns more than one, and then wonders that the women concerned are not very amused by all of this – indeed in some lifetimes these same women might have been very jealous of each other, for there was a lot of intrigue in such harems, as a lot of the alliances again were political.

If you think of your soul therefore as having had multiple existences and in various forms, then you will realize that you might not only have had relationships with one soul, but with many souls, and at some time in this lifetime you will meet up with them.  Then there is that instant attraction, and that sense of familiarity – because of what happened in past lives.

Yet all relationships at the very core have amazing lessons to impart, and maybe the greatest lesson of all is to never give one’s power away to anyone nor anything.

To me this just is one of the most amazing things which is happening now: – as the feminine Divine returned to the planet, women now have at last the opportunity to step out of that slave, that political or property pawn stage, and enslavement and claim their birthright.  That means that we now have the opportunity to cut those negative cords and attachments and free ourselves up from old vows, contracts, enslavement etc. and become free in more than one aspect.

This does not mean that we have to throw the baby out with the bathwater – rather to we take our own power back, and grow in love and a loving state.  When we do the inner house cleaning, the collective consciousness rises, and the new woman emerges, who is not allowing herself to become a pawn nor a slave anymore.  Yet, she does not go overboard and then returns like with like by enslaving men – rather she moves into the heart of compassion, where she forgives the past and lets go of the pain and trauma and empowers herself on all fronts.

Her power is different from a man, for it is heart-centered and at core compassionate.

This does not mean that men were never enslaved nor owned – of course they were and a lot of men are embracing the feminine side of themselves, which is leading to more balance.

I am merely here pinpointing to something which going to come to the fore more and more, as the higher energies come in and more cleansing and clearing happens, and nowhere will this happen more obviously then in the relationship framework.

I see this as stepping into the powerful role of CO-CREATOR, where we now have the opportunity to dissolve old unhealthy patterns and create positive and uplifting new ones, which will be the foundation of the new way of life now emerging and the higher states of consciousness.

What a beautiful and profound gift this is!  Wow!

(Judith Kusel)


The Awakening…. deep within…

The awakening in consciousness is the true movement of higher energy fields, into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of mankind and planet earth on multiple levels and in different forms.
When one thinks of energy one has to understand that in essence all energy is made up of minute particles of light, which vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore the new energy now works on multiple levels, and that is color and sound. Both combine to form the nucleus of the new technology which will become the way of life, in the New Golden Age.
First of all in order for us to be able to tap into and utilize this energy and the energy fields being released to the optimum, we have to awaken from deep within. For in reality we ARE pure energy – our bodies are pure energy, and the earth is pure energy.
In the 3D world this energy was sluggish and very dense, and now that we are moving into the new dimension, this energy is becoming lighter and less dense. This is because the light quotient levels are going up, and thus we are able to absorb higher frequencies etc.
Our greatest source of energy absorption comes in two major forms or structures in the body: the chakras or energy wheels, and the 33 vertebrae of our spinal column. The other energy fields are there in the crown of our heads, in the heart center and in the coccyx bowl. It is when all of these are functioning as one single unit that we can raise our vibrations to such a conscious state, that we can easily teleport, levitate, and thus live off the prana, or vital force alone.
The Yogis in the Himalayas have done this for thousands of years, so it is in reality nothing new – it is just that we have forgotten vital components of how to do this.
I was listening to someone playing the Tibetan singing bowls, from the biggest to the smallest, and I could feel the energy vibrating through my whole body. As each set of bowls was tune to a certain tone, this tone then had the deep tones and the high tones, and all in the one single key, which was either A, D, E, F or whatever, and each one of these then attuned the chakras in question. As this happened, I found my whole spinal column reverberating, as the spinal column in one huge tuning fork, and it is through this incredible instrument that enlightenment happens, in attunement to the chakra wheels. Note the word ATTUNEMENT, for indeed that is what it is.
In that moment I understood, that we are like a violin – and the Master musician has to fine-tune us, so that we vibrate at exactly the correct tone or chord or musical note. If one single string on this violin is not perfectly tuned in, the Maestro cannot make beautiful and profound music, for the one string out of tune, will add discordant sound.
It is inherent to man to be in any way discordant, for we are made up of the same stardust, of which the Universe and all of Creation have been formed. Thus within ourselves we have the music of the spheres. It is a matter of being retuned, and restrung by the higher energies, so that we can at last claim our cosmic heritage and become and grow in perfect harmony with the rest of the cosmos.
Yet, in essence this is a very personal thing. As much as we can ask other people to bring our own energy centers in higher alignment, in as much something within us will not be tuned in, until we do the inner cleansing and clearing work.
What clogs up our energy systems the most is all the emotional baggage which we tend to accumulate and lug around with us. Some of this has come over many lifetimes and in multiple existences.
Every time we hang onto anger, or pain, and nurse resentment, discord, and blame ourselves and others, we clog up our systems, just like a drain gets block when too much debris is washed out it and the system gets clogged.
Sometimes these resentments and blame move through generations, and the bitterness is brought from one generation into the next. This clogs up the whole DNA and ancestral lineages.
In places where there has been war or intense trauma, that collective pain stays there for thousands of years after this has happened. I have stood on battlefields and the trauma there was palpable. Such collective trauma clogs up the earth’s energy fields and needs to be released.
In essence the rising of consciousness is a personal responsibility and a personal quest. Not one of us will have had the same awakening, or the same initiations. It is a very unique and special experience for each individual soul. There are many levels of awakening and many levels of consciousness. To each his or her own – this is what makes us unique and special, yet part and particle of a greater whole.
However, as each one of us consciously wake up and consciously clear our energy systems, and consciously work towards the greater good of whole, then we affect the level of consciousness all around. One has a ripple effect on many, and the more the one works with the many, the more the one becomes the many, and becomes a powerful catalyst for change.
Never under estimate your own power to effect changes. You might not even be aware that you are impacting on the lives of others, but you are in your own unique way. We are not all meant to be leaders in society – a lot of highly evolved souls chose to incarnate and lead ordinary lives, and do this work in total obscurity. It is not always those who make the most noise, who have the most potent effect on society. Most often changes come from the unknown and the few.
In the greater cosmic sea, every single soul is validated and every single soul is worthy in his or her own right.
Never under estimate the power of ONE, for here the law of the One and Many is applied.
Just like one single cell in your body, has a ripple effect on all the other cells, so does your presence cause a ripple effect somewhere and somehow here on planet – whether you are aware of this or not.
This is time of mass awakening.
So many of us already have been through the mill and back again, and now step into a great maturity as souls, so that we can lead the others. This does not mean that we can stop doing all the inner work – it merely means that we have found a type of inner balance and peace, which will help us through the next few years, until 2024, when the Golden Age will truly be anchored in, and on multiple levels.
As with all, there will be massive earth changes and changes within society by then. It is up to us to hold the light steady, and to truly step up and out in mission.
(Judith Kusel)

Energy fields of the earth

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It is not that the Ancient Ones did not leave signs carved and engrained into the earth – it is as much as we forgot how to read them.
The earth has songs, and heart, and love and within all her energy fields, there lies the full potential of a reborn place, where we will remember the ancient songs, the ancient way of life and the ancient ways of using natural energy, which is there and free for all.
I was standing in an amazing place last week, as early evening dawned and the sun was busy setting on the horizon. I was tapping in deeply and profoundly into the energies there, amplified by the sheer granite rocks all around me, and standing between two huge stones which formed a portal.
There were people all around me, hiking this trail, and sitting on benches, yet they were totally unaware of the energy fields, and the massive vortex arising there. I was standing there, and touching the stones, and I immediately was communicating not only with the whales and dolphin energies, but with the song fields of the earth.
I had been led there, for even before I started my journey south, I had been told that I needed to link up the energy fields here, with Antarctica and with Australia, New Zealand.
Standing there immerse in the interplay of this massive energy field, I again understood that here were multiple dimensions, and multiple layers of energy fields carefully hidden in the landscape. Yet, far more than this, it was a type of FUTURE-past interplaying here. That means the technology within this energy field was so highly advanced, that 99% of human beings, would not even sense it being there.
It is mainly due to the fact that most human beings have been de-sensed, meaning they have lost the ability to SENSE energy fields, and to use their heart energies to read these fields. One can only do so, when the upper chakras from the crown chakra upwards and the earth star, as well as the Light-bridges are activated and one can raise one’s consciousness so much, that one becomes ONE or ATONE with the energy itself.
In these last few months, I was connecting these energy fields to Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, Arkansas and France – and of course the whole of the southeastern parts of Africa. There is a much higher reason for this, and that is that some of the energy fields have been hidden and in such a way, that one has to have your own antenna tuned in to these fields – much like when you tune into the TV station, or radio show.
The more advanced the civilization, the less they left behind in any form of writing, nor monuments, for those they built were of crystalline nature. Some of these were liquid crystalline substances, and some of it just changed form over billions of years.
We have sunk so far behind the incredible knowledge of the Ancients, that we have become a species lost at its very core. In order to find ourselves again, we have to find the core within. Without going deep within, the outer cannot reveal it, for it is with the inner eye, the inner ear, and the inner heart energies, and the sensors in our solar plexus area that we tune into energy fields.
Some people use geomansy to try and map energy fields. Yet, most of these maps, miss vital energy fields, because they have not learnt to use their own sensors, as are there in the heart and soul and the physical form.
In this moment in time, with more mass cosmic energy releases, our whole idea or concepts of what is real in material and physical form and what is real in the cosmic form and energy forms will take massive quantum leaps. This is because our crystalline bodies are now forming more and more, and we are becoming liquid crystal. As we become more crystalline something deep inside starts changing, and the keys and codes of our souls are awakening – that inherent memory bank which is that of our souls and soul groups.
This is no accident, but great design.
If you think of your whole system as one energy field with intricate sensors, then you will also understand, that higher your consciousness grows, the more you can tune into that higher state of Being, and the higher and more potent energy fields.
I have found that I do not need maps, or any person to show me energy fields – I tap naturally into them. For the same energy field that I tap into in order to do soul readings, the Super-consciousness field, is there all around us in certain places on the earth. It is one single vast energy field, and it is cosmic and not earthly bound.
It is simply a matter of being open to receive and being willing to go beyond the norm and move into that un-formed, un-mapped, and un-chartered field, where nothing else exists – but one single energy field.
Such is the mass cosmic gift at this time.
Judith Kusel
For soul readings from the Super conscious field:
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