The Void of Humanity

There is a general lost-ness in the human race which in truth was of their own making, when they collectively went against Divine Cosmic Laws, and in essence against their own core creation.

The lost-ness is most found in the way most yearn to be complete again, to become whole, and more than this to find true love which is lasting and not just a fleeting dream.

Deep down the Collective Consciousness reaches out to remind us of what we once had, and what we are now so desperately trying to regain.  In truth we never really lost it, nor lost ourselves, we just lost the key connections and the know-how to plug ourselves into the cosmic wholeness once again, and reclaim our wholeness WITHIN.

I work with the Super Consciousness Energy fields, and what I have come to realize is the everything which is conscious and aware, has been programmed into these vast energy fields.  Every single energy field is connected to one of the 12 Great Central Suns, and therefore then in a sense then plugged directly into its Energy STORAGE systems, which are like a huge pulsating, spiralling hub.

They are the CENTRAL Brain or Mind or Telos if you like of the Cosmos and then directly plugged into the ULTIMATE SUN which is the Divine Source itself.  However each Super Conscious Energy Field, is BOTH SOUL AND MIND – therefore the HEART/MIND connection is in balance and harmony and thus it pulsates at the frequencies of LIGHT, LOVE, SOUND AND BREATH – All of these components form the CHI or QI, the Life Energy Force which is there in every single living organism and living particle, atomic particles and sub-atomic particles and every single living cell and DNA structure Cosmically.

Every galaxy is one conscious Energy field and every single solar System and the planets attached to such system is one living Energy Field, and therefore CONSCIOUS and AWARE.

When souls incarnate onto this planet they normally are born conscious, but then through the process of growing up, are shut down by old fashioned methods of teaching, of societal structures and in the general programming which has ruled humanity since the first Fall.

I am gaining more and more respect for the human cell and its memory bank, for indeed, our whole ancestral history, plus dis-eases and trauma are more or less programmed in there and therefore humanity has to learn to deprogram this, in order to truly rise into the highest conscious awareness.  For while the physical body is being constantly upgraded now, we still do not know how to wipe the cell memory banks clean – like one would wipe out the memory banks of a hard drive of a computer and then reprogram it completely, or invent higher and better/faster computers and brains.

When humanity remembers how to do this (for it can be done and is done cosmically), then we will finally have the physical body in highest alignment with the Soul and the Divine Source like we had in the very beginning. The secret key to longevity, lies within our own souls and the cells structure of the physical from we adopt for but a single eye-wink in eternity.

What hinders humanity is mainly old and warped thinking and belief systems, outdated technology and science which is still soul-less, and therefore does not acknowledge the science of the soul as a vital component to a vibrant, radiant and fully empowered life and therefore the sacred key to Love, life and all BEING.

More than this, it is the old fear programming which is haunting us, via the ancestral programming, and the devastation of self-destruction which has been our own creation time and again.  It is almost like we are bent to self-sabotage at some stage, when we step up in knowledge and technology – and then tend to blow ourselves up.

Nowhere is this more reflected than in the area of relationships, whether these are intimate or social or whatever else.  We cannot even live in peace and harmony in our own home, never-mind the rest of the world.  Add to this that most people are not even at home with their own inner soul selves, and therefore at war within themselves!

Humanity is driven by the search for meaning, union and wholeness and the ultimate state of pure love, harmony, and balance.

  • Deep down within all of us is the yearning, the quest, the search for higher meaning and purpose. If our lives and way of living and loving has no meaning, we flounder in the quagmire of no-thingness and void.
  • Add to this the search for wholeness and completion.
  • The void exists within all of us, as does the distinct remembering as programmed into our souls and physical bodily cells, that once there was wholeness and that ultimate state of harmony and balance when the planet was first created. Our whole life is spent trying to bridge the void and find wholeness and completion once more.  This is in truth what CONSCIOUSNESS is and means.
  • Victor Frankl in his book “The Search for meaning” goes deeply into the very void. While in a concentration camp he asked the question why some seem to survive, while others did not and then comes to a very important conclusion that those who survived had a purpose, and calling GREATER than the sum total of themselves to fulfil and thus survived.
  • Herein lies a secret key to all of life:
  • Without purpose and a calling greater than the sum total of self all life is a void and devoid of meaning, and thus empty.
  • Most seek this wholeness, the filling of the void, in relationships, yet most never ever find that wholeness, only more desperation, loneliness and void, even in the most committed of relationships. In fact, just being in a relationship will not fill the void, will not fill the longing, so the void within will haunt us:  WHY?

  creativityfrommotherearthandfatertime333outer-space-planets-fantasy-art-artwork-wallpaper-3Because the void was created by man and woman and not by the Divine. 

 To be continued.

(Judith Kusel)

My Soul Readings give the meaning and purpose of your soul and why you incarnated onto planet earth:

The Divine Masculine with the Return of the Divine Feminine


As the Divine Feminine has truly returned and is being anchored in, the Divine Masculine is feeling this change to the very core of his being.  He must now adjust to a new way of life, living, and expression thereof and therefore often is deeply confused of his own role within the change.

Sometimes he feels threatened to the core, for the structures and forms he had set into motion during the time of Avalon, and truly implemented during the time of Atlantis, is suddenly not working anymore.  In that as much as he tries to regain control, he is losing control faster than he knows what to do with it.

His confusion is mostly within the mind – and then with the heart/mind opening the immense portals of consciousness everywhere, he is in a constant battle between his mind and his heart.

More than this he is confused within the whole structure of love, loving and commitment, and it is almost like he does not quite know what to make of the Divine Feminine, and yet is deeply fascinated by the very depth, the mystery of her.

He has always been fascinated by the very depth of her, the feeling part of her, and her all-knowing which he has to force sometimes, while she just KNOWS.  He cannot fool her, for all her honing systems are already sensing, what he is trying to hide from her.

And hide from her he does.  He loves going into that cave, that ivory tower he has created for himself, when the world gets too much, and he kind of shrinks away from her.  He invented the corporate world for himself, so that he could build the massive ivory towers, the towering penises/phallus (Skyscrapers) everywhere, as this is his power symbol, penetrative, hard  – it is almost like he is ashamed of being bendable, pliable.  No, he thinks he must be that hard, edged, and in control.

When he is in control of himself, his feelings, and his own created world of power, he feels safe.  Yet, there comes the Divine Feminine, and somehow, his ivory towers don’t work anymore, and deep down he so yearns to have that deep depth of knowing, that deep feeling within his own structures, for it gets mighty lonely in that cave, in that bastion, with all its defenses, and structures of what he feels makes him the man he is.

Only thing is, when he sits there cushioned, safe and secure in that ivory tower, the hard penis he has constructed for himself, he suddenly is left alone with himself.  He might control the whole world, all in it, but deep down he feels an immense VOID.  Something is drastically wrong, and missing.

Go back to the creation story, and there Adam has it all. He is in paradise, and has everything God created for him, but he is MISSING SOMETHING!  He has a VOID.

So, he, in this state of deep void, disgruntled, goes to the Divine and asks him to remedy that, to create something or someone who would FILL HIM UP, or the VOID INSIDE of Himself.

So, God created the FEMALE, the Divine Feminine and therefore the first LILITH and then Eve.

Now, Lilith was a free spirit if ever there has been there.  She was vibrantly alive, sensuous, feeling, and had a will of her own.  She loved to explore, to create, to dance wild and free, and she did not like him to be on top of her when they had union, she also wanted to be on top of him sometimes, and play with him in ways where he felt he was losing CONTROL.   He feared losing control more than anything else. Interestingly Lilith was the True Expression of the Divine Feminine, in her exuberant vibrant and totally empowered form – but Adam could not handle her.

His hands and his mind were too small.

So, he again complained bitterly to God, and so he divorced Lilith and then came Eve.  Eve, he could control and Eve was pliable, soft and yielding, compassionate and therefore more to his bidding. But deep down Adam was not happy:  – for he missed Lilith in his own way, and to be quite honest, he kind of found Eve too boring, for she was too pliable, too loving.

This story, like all the stories of creation, has an eternal truth hidden within it.  It seemed that Adam, could not find himself compatible, with any form of the Divine Feminine God created for him.  Somehow, no matter in what form she appeared, something deep inside of him wanted more.  It was exactly this DISCONTENTMENT, WHICH CREATED THE FALL OF MANKIND.

So no matter what God created for Adam, it never seemed good enough.  Adam wanted more.

Let us pause for a minute here, and then look at the traits of the Divine Masculine (and I will list them here)

As YANG:  Heaven, Sun, Fire, Movement, Consciousness (Shiva), Form, warm, active, outward and surface, Expanding, Light and day, Ascending, Fast

As Masculine:  Emptiness, Mental, Mind, No-thing, Purpose, Penetrative, Protective, Order and focus, Direct, Control, Initiates, Integrity, Competitive, Rational, Witness, Simple, Directing, Solitude, Conquering natures, thrives on challenge, Goal orientated, Penis, Hard and angular.

The Divine Masculine when fully empowered, creates STRUCTURES, FORMS, MATHS, SCIENCE, ORDER out chaos, Builds and destroys, likes to neatly label and calculate, formulate everything in his mind and put them in neat little boxes. He wants to protect his own castle and therefore puts all the bastions in place, he wants to build empires, construct, and therefore wants to rule supreme, and control everything.

But look closely now, that when the DIVINE MASCULINE HAS AN OPEN HEART AND THIS WORKS WITH HIS OPEN MIND he will not create anything which is not in highest alignment with the DIVINE WILL AND PURPOSE, and the DIVINE COSMIC LAWS.  He will construct, and build, and therefore structure and form all under the heavens, in a manner which ENHANCES life, and therefore which brings  balance and harmony into being, if he is deeply in touch with his own SOUL and therefore heart.

When the FEMALE, the FEMININE is denied entrance, or not acknowledged deep within himself, he will invariably self-destruct,  be destructive, for he cannot function just from the mind, devoid of the heart.  The VOID WITHIN HIMSELF, the void ADAM felt, was the void of the FEMININE WITHIN, the HEART/SOUL connection.

Interestingly he NEEDS that heart/soul connection, to step into the highest and most empowered version of himself!

When he becomes SOUL EMPOWERED, he can, in merging with his feminine counterpart, allow his own upper transmitters channels to open, and then he can truly step up into the highest version of the Masculine Divine, and into the highest version of co-creatorship.

When his upper transmitter channels, and heart-center are blocked, he will experience immense discomfort in his own sexual area.  It will be like he wants so desperately to tap into the Feminine Power, that immense depth, that mystery, which he so feels as VOID, and then he seeks to abuse his own penis to penetrate as many females as he can, (or abuse them), to feed his own sexual energy centres and ego. There is a deep discomfort, anger, and in some hatred, but interesting this reflects back at the core within himself, he has not owned, nor made peace with.  He becomes addicted to adrenalin rushes, in whatever form this may be, for his very competitiveness, makes dating and womanizing a competitive sport or he adds them as trophies, or as symbols of his own powers.  Yet, in the process, no matter how many females he puts his penis into, he cannot get rid of the VOID WITHIN, and then also deep feeling of self-loathing, self-hate, and self-punishment come to the fore, which often will manifest as prostate cancer.

It is like his penis is controlling him, instead of him controlling his penis.  In that then often putting his penis as a type of GOD, but then dissociating from the same in his mind.  He therefore almost goes out of his body, and looks himself performing an act, and therefore measuring his power through this member, which makes him masculine, but then somehow shuts down his own HEART/SOUL FEELING capacity.  That is why the masculine can do the sexual act, without feeling, for his mind shuts down his feeling centers.

To him it is all about PERFORMANCE.  In that he performs, the female he is with, feels violated, for deep down, she feels that he is not honoring the sacredness of her inner temples, but more than this, he has no respect for the sacredness of his very own!

When the masculine starts opening his heart and soul, a beautiful shift starts to happen, as he is reintroduced to the beautiful sensitivity of his penetrative organ.  When he is present within himself, and is there deeply connected to this heart and soul, he cannot violate her – for he respects himself and her, too much. Indeed his prime bodily member, becomes AN INSTRUMENT OF LOVE – therefore of giving delight, or creating new life, and therefore a wonderful fully loved-tuned instrument to co-created wonders with her!  There then is a deep desire within him, to make her FEEL his great love for her, and how much he wishes to connect to the beautiful depths, the beautiful mystery of all which makes her FEMALE, for she ENHANCES him in so many ways.  It becomes his way of showing her how much he loves her, and how much he wishes to gift her with ALL of what is there deep inside his heart and soul. So often what he cannot express in words, nor put voice to, will speak through the way he makes love to her or does things for her.

She is a mystery to him – yet it is the very mystery of her, which opens up the mystic within himself at the deepest soul level. It is the eternal dance between the Yin and Yang, which created the whole cosmos and all within it, indeed she holds the sacred Grail within the very depths of ALL her Being, if she is true to her own soul, and lives, loves with truth and integrity.

The Divine FEMININE GIFTS him with Fullness, Sensuality, Body, Everything, Being, Receptive, Nurturing, Chaos and Spontaneity, Subtle, Surrender, Sustains, Radiance, Co-operative, Emotional, Expressive, Colorful, Inviting, Social, communicating with nature, thrives on praise, Process orientated, Vagina, Soft and curvy, and the deepest Mystery, the keys and codes of CREATION lie WITHIN her.

It is not that these are not found in the Divine Masculine, for we ALL have the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine WITHIN ourselves in some measure, but rather that we finally realize that we NEED BOTH!

Life is not one-sided.

The Scales of Balance have both the Masculine and Feminine – the BALANCE LIES IN THE MIDDLE.  Therefore, when the Male and Female are equally empowered, they enhance each other and therefore bring out the BEST in each other.  Most often when there is imbalance, the worst!

The path to full empowerment lies via the SOUL and the HEART.  When the mind is divorced from the heart and soul, the masculine can get totally out of control and therefore his destructive side emerges, more than the structuring side.

When the masculine finds the depth of his heart and soul, and marries this to his mind, he moves into the Full empowerment of the Masculine Divine.  He will start to first go into his GUT feeling, and then use his mind – so that his upper transmitter channels open.

He will also then get in conversation with his own penis.  That means he will start forgiving himself for the times he just used that sacred temple for his, for self-gratification, and therefore then to conquer and to take.  He will start loving himself so much, that he starts to see this beautiful masculine part of him as the sacred GIFT that the Divine Masculine was given to penetrate, to fit beautifully into the Divine Feminine, and therefore to soulfully enter the most SACRED temple of her whole soul heart and being.  When he is touch with his own sacredness, and therefore with the full intent, to gift her with ALL THAT HE IS, as a man, his heart, soul, mind and BEING, then he is gifting her with more than all the power and money in the world, will ever bring her.

She then will FEEL this, and will open herself in a new and more amazing ways to him, and she will RETURN this gifting with interest and with so much love, that in that very moment two become AS ONE, and therefore the sacred FIRES ignites, where BOTH NOW ARE GIFTED WITH THE MYSTERY OF THE DIVINE GODHEAD ITSELF!

That goes beyond words.  It goes into the deepest mystery of creation itself.  Such experience truly is heaven.  For it become transcendental.

The beautiful blossoming of the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine, brings balance and harmony and truly is the return to the fullest Son and Daughter ship of the Divine.  It is the supreme gift of God/Goddess for it reflects their own union within the Godhead.

The empowered Divine Masculine is just as much needed now, as the fully empowered Divine Feminine.

When both are equally empowered, then the full co-creatorship will be returned to humankind and therefore the full powers of the 5th to 7th dimensional state.

A profound healing needs to take place WITHIN both the male and female, in order for this to happen from deep within.

Judith Kusel

For Soul Reading which have helped many men (and Women) to reconnect to their own souls at very deep and profound level

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