The Shift Accelerates


As the immensely powerful shifts now occurring is pushing us more and more in the higher frequency bands with the opening of the immense cosmic portals from the Giza Pyramids to Sirius and the from Sirius linking us directly again to 7th Central Sun of Illumination.  More than this, it has opened the immensely powerful sun discs and the energy they emit.

These sun discs are not only massive and immense torus energy vortices, but smaller ones were used in ancient times to store Universal knowledge and information and download it directly into the mind.  Thus, information could not be distorted nor twisted, nor used in detrimental ways.

With this the Crystal Pyramids and the Spinal Column of the Earth have been reactivated and massive earth changes are upon us.

This shift now goes directly into heart.

The mindless running of the rat race, and quest for that ultimate material “something” has kept humanity mindless for so long.  It was a quest into a material reality, which in truth was illusionary.  So many are now opting to get out of the rat race, as their hearts open and their souls awaken, and they start to see the truth.

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Once the soul sees the truth, and starts living it, it cannot go back into the illusion, for it now seeks ever higher truths, an ever higher and more expanded way of life and living this truth.  The search then opens the whole new doorways, to expanded consciousness, expanded awareness and expanded Beingness.

Deep down the soul knows that it is here for a reason, a mission and purpose.  When one wishes to deny this purpose, wake up calls will come along the way, to nudge the soul back to its original state, and to the essence of what the Divine created it for to be and express.

In my soul readings, the soul name already indicates the higher attributes of the Soul, as the Divine created it, and through these attributes it is meant to serve the Divine cosmically, so that the Divine can experience His/her Creation through the soul.

The shifts now bring even higher awakening with the souls who are awake and aware.  We need to shift now into much higher gear, and it is awakening ancient remembering within us all, which goes far beyond the planet and all incarnations here and into the very heart of the Universal Creation and the core heart of it all.

The Universal Creation is vast – so vast that our human minds cannot even grasp this.  And within the Universal Creation there is a hidden order, and Universal Laws govern this order and these Laws apply to all of Creation.  It applies to the individual soul, to the collective soul groups, to the Collective Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Soul.

The consciousness levels of individual souls at this moment in time, is that of finally reclaiming their Universal and Cosmic Consciousness.  Once consciousness expands into the Universal levels, one starts walking this planet in a much higher state of Being.  Yet the higher State of Being, can only be attained through the open heart center which links directly to the Soul.

The Soul in turn is directly linked to the Soul Group or Monad, and through the Monad, linked through the various levels of Divinity to the Divine Source.

Many souls, when they are ready to ascend into the higher states of consciousness will now, and some already have, merge with other soul flames (I am not talking about Twin Flames here), in order to step into the full mastery of their souls.  This is an energetic merging and only comes when the soul is ready to assume much higher leadership roles and walk the path without ego.

These are the core souls who have been involved with this planet since the beginning, first in Agartha, the Inner Earth civilization, and then in the later civilizations and mostly in the role of teachers and Higher Guides.  They serve at Universal levels and thus their souls have gained the Universal Knowledge which surpasses anything one can master on planet earth.

These souls have up to now, lived in relative obscurity, for they needed to do so – and many of them lived quiet lives in the background, while anchoring in their soul mission and purpose into Mother Earth, especially since 2004.  Some have had immense shifts and thus stepped further into the merging since 2017 and will do so more and more in the next years leading up to 2021 and 2034.

Yet the time has come now for these souls to step forward and out and reveal themselves to humankind, so that the work can now be done at accelerated pace.  They serve without ego.  They are not there to bring opium to the masses to keep them ignorant and bound, but they will free them from the shackles and bonds still holding them in the 3D.   This work is already being done – but now will be done to a much greater degree.

The greatest work is not done, where there is much publicity and fanfare and where the masses go.  Most of these highly advanced souls have chosen other paths, which in the end lead to a much greater awakening in many alternative ways.  For in truth the greatest teachers walk humbly and walk egoless, for they are do not seek mass adoration nor condemnation, but steadily walk the middle path, where one blame or praise has no effect.

One is totally focused on the work, and the work alone. One walks that path relentlessly, and one is but here to serve from the heart and soul and with all of one’s being.  For as the awakening occurs the souls who need to find them, will be led to them and they will recognize these Masters within their hearts and souls.  For the Masters will speak directly into their souls, and thus the soul will know them through the truth their hearts recognize.

For this the marriage now the heart and mind.  The mind will always question what the heart and soul know. It is best to step out the mind, and into the heart, which is directly attached to the soul, and then you will see clearly. When you allow the mind to control the heart, you cannot see. You are blind. When the heart opens, and reconnects to the soul, and its infinite knowing, then the mind serves the heart and works in unison with it. There needs to be a beautiful balance between the heart and the mind.

More than this, it is the balancing between the right and left brain, the marriage within of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and the return to the higher states of Balance and Unity.

Immensely powerful and potent vibrational frequency shifts are upon us in the next few months and years.  The Universal Counsels with the Divine have ordained that Planet Earth will return to the original 7th dimensional state she was originally created in to be and become.  What the Divine declares – happens.

It will mean that we all will need to shift – and the shifts will happen within our own hearts and souls. There will be a heart opening as never experienced before.  The old you will disappear.  The New and much Higher Version of you will rise and you will hardly recognize yourself anymore.

What had so much meaning for you today and even yesterday, will lose its glamour, as you finally recognize the Maya, the Illusion which has kept humanity prisoner for so long. You will see the truth, and you soul will recognize the Truth to the highest degrees and your heart will know.

As the heart opens, the Eternal One LOVE will fill it.  The Eternal Light and Love which goes beyond all description and all Understanding.  You will start to see the truth that everyone you encounter, is but another you.  For in truth we are all ONE.  There is no separation. There never has been.

As the Rainbow Tribes and People, the True Ones, gather, they will bring global transformation to the highest degrees.  More so, they will unite in Unity, such has never experienced before.

As the heart opens more and more, and Power of Love, floods all the Beings and Mother Earth shifts into the higher dimensional state, all will be reborn, reinvented, reshaped, and transformed.  The Old earth is no more.  All will be transmuted. This immense alchemy transformation and transmutation is in full swing.

Open your heart and allow Divine Love to flood it and fill it.

Open your soul’s deepest remembrance and live its truth.

Do not shrink away from being broken open, and allowing the old Adam and Eve to dissolve, but embrace the New YOU, which is now rising to the fore, the True SOUL YOU and then go and become what you need to become in order to fulfill your highest soul mission and purpose here on planet earth.

It is time.

I have spoken.

Judith Kusel

Soul Readings:


Books Amazon:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel


Sirius Portal via Giza to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination


The Sun gates opening via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

In ancient times when the outer crust of the earth was formed, there were certain energy portals implanted upon earth, which connect directly to the original 12 Master galaxies (as reported in my book “Why I was born in Africa:  the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.” )

The energy portals, acted as gateways, or if you like satellite stations, which were tuned into Sirius as Sirius holds the Head Quarters of the Intergalactic Counsel and via this Counsel, the Universal ones.

The portals were carefully hidden and were monitored day and night, and these acted as direct instruments, which were intricately linked to our solar system, and the Milky Way Galaxies.  One could describe them as a many tiered and multi-functional and operating in the 12th dimensional state.  After the Fall of Elysium during the Wars of Heavens, when so many of the original Master Galaxies were blown into oblivion and never could be repaired, the earthly portals were toned done to encapsulate the 7th dimensional state.

During the Lion Kingdom, which rose on the ruins of the Elysium, the first, these portals were retuned and reactivated, and specifically through 7 major centers around the world.

In  November 2018, the most powerful of the portals was reopened, via the African continent, and specifically the Giza pyramids, and realigned to the 7th Central Sun, and the Fires of Illumination thus systematically being returned to the planet, as the planets vibrational frequencies rise into the 5th dimensional state, and thus being retuned to the 7th.  This will take around 144 years, plus minus, when the Age of Aquarius gains momentum and the New Golden Age rises in its profundity.


The next three years, leading up to and into 2021, are going to intensify the upward curve, as the planet retuning into the 5th dimensional state, will be revved up – indeed will rise to 7 times the frequency band it is now operating on.  As the energy portals open one by one, more of the Ancient Energy will be released, and this will literally create intense shifts on all fronts, planetary and well as human shifts in consciousness and dimensional frequency bands.

Whereas the upgrading has been intense in the last few years, it was but the Kindergarten act, preparing us for the immense shifts we will now have to ride through in the next three years.  Everything will be amplified seven-fold.  If we thought the upgrading was intense before, we will feel ourselves literally disintegrating at times, as the old life on planet earth falls away and the new life rises.

Our crystalline bodies will be retuned to be able to absorb the higher frequency bands of the Fires of Illumination streaming in, as the Giza portal opens up substantially (it is only opened to a fraction of its capacity now), it will trigger the opening of the rest.  The process is carefully monitored.  If these portals would open too quickly, all life on planet earth would disintegrate and we would not be able to hold form anymore.

Note that planet is already going through intense shifts as the poles are melting at a rapid pace and some life forms are already on the verge of becoming extinct.  Humanity at large is going through intense upgrading, and thus a lot of souls will simply exit the planet, as their soul contracts move into completion, to make way for a wave of new human race to be born.

The landmasses will start to reform and reinvent themselves.  Remember that this is not the first time this has happened.  Since the Elysium, we have had the Lion Kingdom and after the Lion Kingdom (as my book on France states) the next three, before Atlantis rose.

Atlantis was the last to go through intense destruction and through total chaos, recreated the world, as huge landmasses sunk beneath the sea and continents were ripped apart.

The opening of the massive Stargate Portals which link to Sirius, will tune us into the higher Mind, the Higher Heart, and the deepest reconnection to our own souls.  As the Veils of Amnesia are lifted, and our clear seeing will return as the veils are stripped off our third eyes.  This is already happening.


During my tours to Greece and Egypt, I, and those who are called to join me, will be working intense with these stargate portals.  The ancientness of these, I cannot even try to describe here and what will be uncovered and reactivated is profound.  This is not the space to go into this, as it is a journey which works with each individual soul.  The journey is not an outward one – it is an inner one.

The Fires of Illumination, now returned, work with the full illumination of those souls who are ready to receive this gift.  When the soul is ready, the gifting will occur.

We are in for intense shifts and immense changes in the next three years.  It is but the beginning of enormous shifts from 2021 onwards.

By the end of this century planet earth will have changed beyond description.

Such is the impetus of change, and rebirth, that is unstoppable yet profound, as we finally have the opportunity now, to step back into our original state, the 7th dimensional state, and profound soul illumination.

Such is the gift – Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, illuminating our heart, mind, soul and Being!  It is indeed the illumination of the soul – in harmony with the illumination of the Planet Soul, and thus the SOUL of the Galactic core and the Universal Core.  The Divine Illumination via the 7th Central Sun of Illumination!

My seminars and tours to Greece and Egypt, will be life changing.  Not sight-seeing tours, but indeed soul-expanding, as the soul memory banks open, as the work is being done and the Fires of Illumination, illuminate the heart, soul, mind and Being!

Judith Kusel

for Soul Readings:


Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Greece and Egypt Tours with Judith Kusel


All are called … but few are chosen…

Many are called, but few are chosen…


As the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, bring illumination once more to the planet, via the massive Sungate portal in Sirius, linking to that in Giza, the whole crystalline pyramid grids on planetary levels are being reactivated to the highest degrees.  This includes the spinal column of the earth.

In some places, the energy centres, pertaining to the Crystalline Energy Grids were closed down, sealed off, and in most cases, either buried deeply underground or even under the ocean, as catastrophes happened, e.g. the Sahara desert, the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, etc.  In the last few years, I have been asked to reopen some of these, first here in Africa, down to Antarctica, Australia, the Indian Ocean Islands, and the up into France.  (Read my book “Why I was born in Africa: The previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” available on my website and also now on Ingram Spark.)

I am now being called to extend the energy work, and that one crystalline Pyramid Energy Grids, by continuing the work in Greece, and Egypt.  This will culminate in two tours, of Greece and Egypt, which will include 4 seminars, where I go deeply into the unrecorded history of Elysium, the Lion Kingdom and Avalon, as well as Atlantis, pertaining to Ancient Greece and Egypt.

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During the tour of Greece, I will be hosting a two-day retreat at Delphi.  Delphi, itself has immense secrets hidden there, which few are aware of. So much of the truth has been obscured with myths, and legends and false information.  During my trip to France, I was brought back time and again to Delphi.  The Ancients Druids, knew about Delphi, and what was hidden there, as much as the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools, which held the power in the Mediterranean Areas.  My book-in-editing on France, deals with these Mystery Schools.

There is another forgotten link to Delphi which has been forgotten about. Mary Magdalene continued her own initiations, into the High Priesthood, at Delphi, for a few years, before going onto Egypt.  This was in her early twenties.


Delphi, in turn links up directly with Egypt.

It is in Egypt that I will follow the ancient Aysis (Isis) paths and knit Delphi, Crete and Egypt together, for in truth during the Lion Kingdom, there was no Mediterranean Sea.  Only when the Lion Kingdom was destructed, did the Sea form.

Egypt itself will be a very powerful transformative experience.  I will be going deeply into the unrecorded, the forgotten, the deeply buried true history of this region, as I am being called to continue the work there.  I already have opened up the Crystalline Energy grids and spinal column up to Giza, and now it  a matter of completing the work.

The Tours to Greece and Egypt, are not ordinary tours.  They are extraordinary.  For the first time ever you will be able to witness my work first hand, and will be able to see with your inner eyes, and not just the outer ones.  Those souls who were with me in those lifetimes, who are called to be there, will be there.  They just have to set the intent.


For all are called, but few are chosen.

Space is limited, as this is a not an ordinary tour, but a tour with a mission and purpose, and one which will be life-changing, and will bring immense shifts in consciousness and expansive awareness.

In truth it is the full activation of the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, as thus the opening up of the energy fields for the New Golden Age.

For more information on the tours and seminars:

Judith Kusel

Ancient Mystical Sites Reawakening Tours and Seminars of Greece and Egypt by Judith Kusel

Judith Küsel presents:

Ancient Mystical Sites Reawakening Tours and Seminars of Greece and Egypt

The Re-activation of the Lion Kingdom and the Ancient Energy Fields.

A Unique, Spell-binding Experience




I am cordially inviting all of those who wish to walk the Ancient Sun Paths with me, as I revisit to reawaken the dormant energy centres, and walk the Ancient Paths of the high Initiates of the Ancient Mystery Schools, with you.

Each tour begins with 2 day seminars, so that you can access the background information and understand the work we will be called upon to do here, before we embark on the actual tours.

It is not a sight-seeing tour – it is pilgrimage of the deepest remembering, as the keys and codes within your soul are reawakened.  I will be reactivating the Ancient and dormant energy fields, tapping into their information, and downloading it. You will witness how I work, how I download, and you will be first to hear and experience information which was sealed off for millions of years and now needs to be reactivated and released for the New Golden Age!

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Judith Küsel is a visionary, inspirational teacher, author, Pyramid Grid activator, and Soul reader. She possesses the ability to tap into the Cosmic Super consciousness Energy Fields and bring forth Ancient Cosmic Knowledge. Her Soul readings have positively impacted the lives of thousands of people across the globe and assisted them to live their highest Soul purpose and calling. Her first book, “Soul Empowerment”, reached bestseller status in three categories on Amazon and has been reprinted. She has since published Why I was born in Africa, the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” and “An Ode to Love and Being Loved. “ All 3 books continue to enjoy best seller status.

She has taken it upon her own Soul to delve even deeper into the very mystery of life itself.    Her inspirational writing has touched the hearts and Souls of people globally, and has been translated into multiple languages, including French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Italian. She is a frequent guest on various international and leading US talk radio and TV blog shows. Judith conducts local and international seminars attended by people from all over the world.



Included in these exclusive tours:

  • On Arrival, group meeting and orientation.
  • Two seminars to give you an overview regarding the Lion Kingdom, and what we will be encountering, and dealing with during this tour. Please note that without this background knowledge you will be unable to understand the importance and uniqueness of the tours.
  • During the tours I will do a lot of energy work, and will download and transmit the unrecorded history of the sites, as I tap into the Energy fields and transmit the energy records. This will be something you have never heard before, nor read about anywhere else, and will be recorded.
  • What makes these tours exclusive and unique, is that you will have a first-hand experience of my work, and be able to absorb the energies yourself as I will often lead spontaneous meditations, visualizations and activations at such sites – as and when I am led to do so. I have never shared this before.  You will have a front row seat, as I reawaken these centres for the New Golden Age and retrieve what needs to be retrieved.
  • Through these activations the keys and codes within your own soul will be reawakened and your own soul memory banks.
  • Please note that the Greek Tour will focus mainly on Delphi, with a 2-day retreat, to reactivate the true Oracle, as it existed during Elysium and the Lion Kingdom as an ancient Goddess site.
  • You will be asked to sign an indemnity form and you are responsible for your own health insurance, and air fares, to and from Athens, and Cairo.


Tour 1:  Greece


The Delphi Retreat and Reactivation:

21 October – 2 November 2019:


I will take you on the ancient pilgrimage pathway from Athens to Delphi.  It is here that once one of the most important of all Mystery Schools was located and is the site of the most powerful of all the Goddess Energy Centres in the World.

Zeus, the Greek God, claimed it as the “Navel of the World”.  Indeed, it holds a central place, a central mystery, the most important of all the keys and codes to Primordial Creation, and directly links to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination:  –

The All-Seeing, The All-Knowing, The All-Being!


Required reading: “Why I was born in Africa, the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” and

“Soul Empowerment” by Judith Küsel


Monday: 21 October 2019:  

  • Arrival, Congo Hotel Athens.
  • Orientation Session for the whole group, where we will give you more information regarding the tours, logistics, etc.


Tuesday:  22 October 2019: 

  • Seminar 1: Elysium and Lion Kingdom as pertaining to Greece.  This will include Avalon, and Atlantis.


Wednesday: 23 October 2019:

  • Seminar 2: Delphi and the Oracle at Delphi.

Thursday, 24 October 2019:

  • The Acropolis. The most ancient of the Pilgrimages to the Oracle of Delphi started here.  In truth there is much more to the Acropolis than anyone has ever told you before – it is what is hidden there that will be revealed to you.
  • Afternoon: Sightseeing in Athens.
  • Overnight – Congo Hotel, Athens

Friday, 25 October 2019:

  • We will drive to Vougliameni, where there are hot springs, which originate from a very picturesque cliff. The temperature of the water stays at 24° C throughout the year, for those who wish to swim.
  • We continue our journey to Cape Sounio where we find the wonderful Temple of Poseidon. It is here that we will do a sunset ceremony, to usher in our journey following the Ancient Sun-paths of initiation, as we watch the sun setting over the ocean.   We return to Hotel Congo in Athens and stay there overnight.

Saturday, 26 October 2019:

  • Following the ancient pilgrimage path, we leave Athens behind, as we drive to Eleusis.
  • The most ancient of all Mystery Schools was once found here, with thousands of members, composed of those who followed the lesser and the highest paths of initiation, According to the Greek Philosophers, they carried the ultimate wisdom, insights and understanding into the hidden mysteries.
  • The two Goddesses who ruled over Eleusis, and on which their inner mystery School teachings were based, were the Goddess Ceres, and her daughter Persephone.
  • We will visit the ancient sanctuary dedicated to the Goddess Demeter and the Goddess Persephone. This is one of most sacred and beautiful sites of the ancient world and one of the key archaeological sites in Greece. We will take time to contemplate, meditate and tune into the work in Delphi which we will be doing in the next two days.
  • The Oracle in Delphi links directly to the Mystery School in Eleusis, and we will now continue our journey to Delphi.
  • Evening – meditation and preparation for the energy work and the opening of the massive Sun Gate Portal in Delphi for the two day retreat.

Sunday, 27 October 2019:

Two-day Retreat and massive energy activation of the Sun Gate Portal in Delphi

  • I was called to Delphi a few years ago, and now it is time to tune into the site and for all of us to start preparing for the work ahead.
  • We will visit the site of Ancient Delphi in the morning, visit the museum and just quietly tune into the site where the oracle once was.
  • Delphi held one of the most important of all the Ancient Mystery Schools with 12 High Priestesses and 12 High Priests who ruled here in Ancient Times, long before this became a Temple of Apollo.
  • In my book on France, I downloaded a complete chapter on how Mary Magdalene was led to Delphi, for her continued initiations into the High Priestesshood, before she went to Egypt. We will follow in her footsteps.
  • Depending on how this unfolds we will have a Circle of Contemplation at the sight, as we tune in and start to tap into the energy fields there.
  • Night at the hotel.

Monday, 28 October 2019:

  • As the day unfolds, it may be that we will be called back to the Ancient site or to go up the mountains, or even go on a hiking trail.
  • The paths we need to follow will reveal themselves, as this will become part of the initiation into the Mystery of the Oracle of Delphi for each one of us. Not one will experience this in exactly the same way as the other.  It is part of the inner awakening of the pathways, keys and codes of the Soul.  Those of you who had past lives in Delphi, will find that the soul memory banks are activated.  Please bring a journal or sketchpad with you.  You may need this.
  • Evening, dinner and anointing ceremony at the hotel in Delphi.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019:

  • After breakfast, we continue our bus journey to Meteora, and visit the ancient monastery there, perched on sheer rocks. Please note that dress codes apply.
  • We will stay overnight at the hotel in Kalambaka.



Wednesday, 30 October 2019:

  • After breakfast we will go back to Meteora, then continue towards Athens.
  • We will stop at Thermopylae for some sightseeing.
  • We stay overnight in Athens at the Congo hotel.

Thursday, 31 October 2019:

  • Today we continue our journey and will be visiting Olympia, where the ancient Olympic Games originated. This is a 5 hour-drive.
  • We will visit the Temple of Zeus. Here we will have time for meditation and contemplation.
  • We spend the night at Olympia.

Friday, 1 November 2019:

  • We now return to Athens and on the way back we will visit the ancient Theatre of Epidaurus – it has the most amazing acoustics which seem out-of-this-world!
  • We visit the Temple of Aphrodite in Acrocorinth. We will have to climb uphill for 30 minutes or so.  It is a beautiful place, with a magnificent view, and we will have time for meditation and contemplation.
  • Drive back to Athens where we will have our farewell ceremony before we end this part of the journey.

Saturday, 2 November 2019:

  • Breakfast and end of the tour of Greece.
  • Transportation to the airport.

Please Note:

I am going onto Crete for a few days rest, before the Egyptian tour.  If you would wish to join me there you will have to arrange your own air tickets to Crete and accommodation there.  This may include Santorini.

Greece Tour and Seminar  Price:

Sharing:  Euro 3950.00 per person.

Single:  Euro 4350.00 per person

Seminar Inclusive costs:  Euro 1830.00 Per Person

Total Price inclusive of Seminars:

Sharing:  EURO 5780.00

Single:  EURO 6180.00



Note: The Greece Tour started the Journey, following the Ancient Sun Paths of Initiation, from Eleusis, Delphi, and Ancient Oracle of Delphi, through Crete, into Egypt. The two tours flow into One Single WHOLE, yet you may choose to only take part in one of the tours, or may decide to participate in both.

In truth it will be to your own soul’s infinite awakening better to do both, if you can.  It will change your life forever!

For we are following ancient initiation pathways, that of the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, the massive Sun Portal linking the 7th Sun of Illumination, through Sirius to the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx which was done by me, on the 25 November 2018 from South Africa.  Now we step into the higher activations, as we follow the footsteps of Aysis, the Goddess of a Ten thousand Suns of Illumination, down the Nile, the only man-made river, according to the Ancient African Oral Tradition, as recorded by the African High Shanusi, Credo Mutwa.



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9 – 24 November 2019:

The Lion Kingdom revisited, Aysis and Osiris and the original 7 Mystery Schools of the Lion Kingdom



Note that apart from the seminars, I will spontaneously download and transmit whatever I tap into during the journey to the sites.  This is information you will not find anywhere else, and you will be there to witness this.  More than that, I will often lead mediations and visualization, so that the keys and codes within your own soul will be activated.  We will embark on a boat trip down the Nile, and there will be information sessions, and question and answer sessions as we go along.  These will not be planned as such, but rather spontaneous.  The tour will culminate on the Island of Aysis, where we will be called upon to do some very special work as a group.

Note:  I deliberately refer to Isis as AYSIS to avoid confusion with certain elements who are misusing her name.


Required reading: “Why I was born in Africa, the previously unrecorded history of the Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” and “Soul Empowerment” by Judith Küsel

Saturday, 9 November 2019:

  • Arrival and check in at the Le Meridian Hotel in Giza.
  • Group Dinner.
  • Orientation Session regarding Tour by Ksenija and Judith

Sunday, 10 November 2019:

  • Seminar 1 Elysium, The Lion Kingdom, Aysis and Osiris create 7 Mystery Schools of the Ancient World

Monday, 11 November 2019:

  • Seminar 2: Atlantis, Colonizing of Egypt, The Ancient Mystery Schools, continued.


Tuesday, 12 November 2019:

  • We visit Sakkara (also spelt Saqqara) and King Djoser’s Pyramid, The Unas Pyramid with “The Pyramid Texts” and the Healing Complex.
  • Then we visit Serapeum.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019:

  • Alexandria: we visit the Library of Alexandria.  This Library was the biggest and greatest in all the World.  Every single ship which ever docked in Alexandria, was searched for scrolls, and if found, confiscated and became part of the Library collection.  Caesar’s Roman troops set fire to it, when the Romans conquered Egypt.  The New Library arose in remembrance of the ancient one, yet, what humanity lost with the burning of the ancient library of Alexandria, is beyond measure.
  • The Citadel of Qaitbay
  • A Catacomb of Kom El Shoqafa
  • Pompey’s pillar. (The Greek/Egyptian Dynasty)

Thursday, 14 November 2019: 

  • We take the bus to El Minya to visit Armarna, the city the so-called heretic King Akhenaten built.
  • We visit Stella of Akhenaten.
  • Then we move on to visit the Monastery of the Holy Virgin at Gabal Al-Tayr Gebel Al-Tair, Dair Al-Adhra (North of modern Minya) where there is a cave with a relief depicting the last Supper, with Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  I requested that we visit this cave, for the faces of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, match one hundred percent the faces of those I found in an ancient church in  Southern France, where I was anointed by Mary Magdalene.  Why I wished to go there, I will share with you on site.
  • Beni Hassan tombs
  • We stay overnight in El Minya, at the Hotel Horus.

Friday, 15 November 2019:

  • We visit Minya, Hermopolis, Tuna el Gebel.
  • We then go by bus to Abydos, the Ancient Temple complex.
  • We stay at overnight at the Hotel, “The House of Life”

Saturday, 16 November 2019:

  • We visit the massive Abydos Seti I Temple.
  • The Osirion.
  • Temple of Ramesses II.
  • We stay overnight in Abydos at the same hotel.

Sunday, 17 November 2019:

  • We visit Dendera, the Temple of Hathor.
  • We stay overnight at the Hotel Steigenberger in Luxor.



Monday, 18 November 2019:

  • We now embark on the 3-day cruise on the Nile.
  • We visit the Valley of the Queens.
  • The Tomb of Queen Nefertiti.
  • Temple of Hatshepsut
  • Colossi of Memnon
  • We visit the Luxor Temple in the evening when it is all lit up

Tuesday, 19 November 2019:

  • The Karnak Temple.
  • The Precinct of Mut
  • Sekhmet Chapel – our link to the Lion People

Wednesday, 20 November 2019:

  • EDFU – or lectures.
  • Kom Ombo Temple
  • We arrive late in the evening at Aswan

Thursday, 21 November 2019:

  • Isis Temple (where we will have to knit Delphi and this site together along the spinal column of the earth so that the Fires of Illumination of the 7th Central Sun can be anchored in here once more, before we anchor this into Giza)
  • Old Cataract Hotel.
  • Nubian Village

Friday, 22 November 2019:

  • Elephantine Island.
  • Afternoon flight back to Cairo and overnight at the El Meridian Hotel.

Saturday, 23 November 2019:

  • We will visit the Giza Pyramid and the Sphinx
  • We will have a PRIVATE visit to the Pyramid where we will have a short meditation and whatever else manifests there in form.
  • Farewell dinner and anointing.

Sunday, 24 November 2019:

  • Breakfast and farewell.
  • Transport to Airport and departure.


Tour Price:


Sharing:    EURO 4950.00 per person.

Single:   EURO 5450.00 per person

Seminar Overall Cost:  EURO 2250.00


Total Costs Sharing:   EURO 7200.00

Total Cost Single:  EURO 7700.00


Please note:  There is a registration form which you will need to fill in, if you are interested in booking the tours which you will find at the end of the Brochure.






Judith Küsel presents:

Seminars in Greece and Egypt October & November 2019


Seminar 1:

The unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom, as pertaining to Ancient Greece and Delphi.


09h30:  Registration.

10h00:  Welcome and Introduction:  “In the beginning…..”

10h30 – 13h00:  Elysium – the first Paradise on Planet Earth.

The colonization from Lyra, and the rise of

Lion Kingdom.

13h00 – 14h30:   Lunch Break

14h00 — 16h00:   Osiris and Isis, their true story.

The Lion Kingdom legacy.

Isis opens up 7 Mystery Schools.

The Fall of the Lion Kingdom.

16h30- 18h00:     Question and answer session.

Closing meditation.


Seminar 2:

The true history of the Navel of World, the origin of the Phytia (Serpent) of Delphi, linking to the Spinal Column of Earth, the Crystal Pyramids and Crystalline Pyramid Grids, and the subsequent history of the Oracle Delphi and its fall linked to Avalon:


09h30:   Registration.

10h00- 13h00:  Zeus and the Navel of the world – what in truth is meant by this?

The spinal column of the earth.

The Crystal Pyramids and the Crystalline Pyramid Grids.

The 33 octaves of sound and light energies.

The true meaning of the Pythia – the serpent energy.

The Spiralling Energy is the Goddess energy.

The aftermath of the Lion Kingdom as Avalon rises.

The Celts, the Druids, and the Ancient Greeks.


          13h00 – 14h30 Lunch:

          14h30 – 16h00:

The Mystery School at Delphi, the High Priestesses and High Priests, and the general Order of the All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Knowing Ones.

Avalon links to Lemuria.

Atlantis rises, and the Wars between Ancient Greece and


Ancient Greece arises in the aftermath of the Fall of Atlantis, from their remains.

Apollo and patriarchy dominate the Oracle site.

The corruption and Fall of Delphi. Power is like a two-edged sword.


16h30 – 18h00:  Question and Answer session.  Meditation



Egyptian Seminars

Seminar 1:

09h30:   Registration.

10h00:   Welcome and Introduction:

In the beginning with specific reference to the 33 degree longitude line, and the continent of Africa.

10h30 – 13h30:

Elysium and the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystalline Pyramid Grids.  The creation of the Nile (as confirmed in Africa ancient oral traditions) The Lion Kingdom:
Lyra and the Master Architects and Engineers.
The massive hanging gardens.
The use of sacred geometries in their designs and their lasting legacy to humankind.
The Sphinxes and the Labyrinth.
The Lion Kingdom:  Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra the Sun God.
The 7th Central Sun and the Sun Discs.
The Reign of Osiris-Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra and Aysis-Ra-A-Ru-A-Ra.
The administration and the way they ruled their Kingdom.
The twins and the other children.

13h30 -16h30:

The First Mystery Schools of Africa (Egypt)
Osiris withdraws to Sirius.
The Lion Portal closes to the 7th Central Suns.
Wars and Destruction as the Twins Fight.
Atlantis rises and recolonizes Egypt.
Fall of Atlantis.
The Rising of Ancient Egypt.
The Mystery Schools go underground.
Amarna Rises.
Cleopatra and the Greek Influence.
The Romans move in.
The Fall.

16h30 – 18h00:  Question and Answer session. Meditation.


Seminar 2:


09h30:  Registration

10h00: – 13h00:

The Legacy of Osiris-Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra and Aysis-Ra-Ru-A-Ra.
The opening of 7 Mystery Schools.
The Cosmic Tree of Life.
The Primordial keys and codes of Creation.
The Most Sacred and Hidden Orders of the White Flame and  Sacred Rose.
Energy and Energy Fields.

13h00 – 14h30:  Lunch.

14h30 – 16h30:

The True meaning of the Crystal Pyramids, the Crystalline Pyramids Grids, pertaining to the Giza Pyramids, and the Sphinxes.
What is truly hidden deep underground in the sands?
The Spinal Column of the Earth – why Giza?
The Re-opening of the Lion Portal to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
Why Egypt is sacred.

16h30 – 18h00: Question and answer session.  Meditation.


More Information regarding the Tours:


Greece Tour and Seminar  Price:

Sharing:  Euro 3950.00 per person.

Single:  Euro 4350.00 per person

Seminar Inclusive costs:  Euro 1830.00 Per Person

Total Price inclusive of Seminars:

Sharing:  EURO 5780.00

Single:  EURO 6180.00

The Tour Price:  Sharing:  Euro 3950.00 per person. Single:  Euro 4350.00 per person.

The Tour price includes the following:

  • The transportation from the airport to the hotel on the day of arrival, as well as on the day of departure.
  • Then rent for the conference room where the seminars will be held. This includes the use of the equipment and tea and coffee breaks.
  • All the hotel and accommodation costs inclusive of breakfasts. Please note that lunch and dinner costs are not included, unless otherwise stated.
  • The Tour bus travelling costs.
  • The English-speaking tour guides at the sites where it is mandatory to hire a local tour guide.
  • A full-time Greek-speaking Tour Guide for the entire tour.
  • The entrance fees of Eleusis, Corinth, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora where visit two monasteries, and the Acropolis.
  • Organization of the Tour.
  • Free drinking water will be supplied on the bus.

The Tour Price excludes the following:

  • The Overall Seminar costs by Judith. She will invoice you separately.
  • Your flights to Greece and back home.
  • Your travel and health insurance, which you must arrange beforehand with your own travel agency or insurance company.
  • Your own personal expenses.
  • Tips as may be required.
  • Meals which are not mentioned, e.g. lunch and dinner.
  • Any refreshments and drinks.
  • The handling of luggage.
  • Hotel Tax of Euro 3,00 Euro per person per night which will be payable on the spot.

Overall Seminar Costs:  EURO 1830.00

  • Inclusive of the 2 x seminars in Athens and the 2-day Retreat in Delphi.
  • Daily information downloads, energy activations, insights, visions by Judith


Egypt Tour:

Sharing:    EURO 4950.00 per person.

Single:   EURO 5450.00 per person

Seminar Overall Cost:  EURO 2250.00


Total Costs Sharing:   EURO 7200.00

Total Cost Single:  EURO 7700.00

Tour costs:  Sharing: Euro 4950.00 per person. Single:  Euro 5450.00 per person.

The Tour costs include:

  • The Hotel Accommodation, inclusive of breakfast.
  • Full board and lodging, inclusive of 3 meals, on the 10th and 11th November 2019, at the “Le Meridien” Hotel where the seminars will be held.
  • Lunch on the following days: 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th November 2019.
  • All Meals on the Nile Cruise Ship: 18 – 21 November 2019.
  • Breakfast only on the 22 November 2019.
  • Lunch on the 23 November 2019.
  • All transport, including the internal flight from Aswan to Cairo.
  • Entrance fees, with some exceptions. These exceptions will be clarified beforehand when applicable.
  • A Private Visit 2-hour fee for the Great Pyramid, as well as for a private visit to the closed area of the Sphinx.
  • The English-speaking Tour Guide who will accompany us.
  • Free bottles of drinking water as supplied on the bus.

The Tour costs exclude:

  • The Overall Seminar Costs by Judith.
  • Your flight tickets to Egypt and back home.
  • Your travel and health insurance, which you need to arrange via your own travel agent or insurance company.
  • Your Egyptian Visa, which you will receive when you arrive that the airport in Egypt. The cost is $30.00 U.S. Dollars (Please check with your travel agent, as I was told by my local travel agent that I would need to apply for a Visa before going to Egypt.)
  • Entrance fees from the 18 November until the 22nd. (Please note that the entrance fee to the Tomb of Nefertiti in the Valley of the Queens costs circa $60.00 U.S. Dollars.)
  • Tips are not included.

Overall Seminar costs Euro 2250.00 payable to Judith:

  • Includes the costs of the 2 seminars, plus question and answer sessions, meditations etc. on board the River boat and elsewhere.
  • Includes the downloads of information, energy work and whatever else happens on the daily basis.



Booking and Registration:

If you would like to register, please fill in the following contact form. Please indicate clearly whether you which tour you wish to register or for both. 

Please note the following;

  • You will receive a reply from TWO sources, Judith and Ksenija. One will be for the Overall Seminar Booking, and the other for the TOUR bookings.
  • Ksenija will send you the banking details, Terms and Conditions etc. and she will confirm the booking, once you have made the payment(s). She will keep record of all who have booked and all payments.
  • Judith will confirm your seminar booking and invoice you for the Overall Seminar Costs, via PayPal and will keep record of all who have booked and all payments.
  • Note that a deposit of Euro 500.00 will be required for the TOUR, which is non-refundable should you wish to cancel the booking.
  • The FULL amounts for both the Tours and Overall Seminar Costs need to be paid IN FULL, by the 15 September 2019.

The registration form will be automatically sent to Ksenija Conic, who will send you the banking details, terms and conditions as well as indemnity form to sign.  The same form will be sent to Judith Kusel as well, who will invoice you via PayPal for the Overall Seminar Costs

If you have any queries in this regard, please contact

Judith Kusel         Greece and Egypt Tours and Seminars

Name of Tour or Tours you would like to book:

To register, please fill out this form:

1 FULL NAME (As on passport)……………………………………………………………………….    TITLE__________

STREET ADRESS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

CITY: _____________________________________________STATE: __________CODE: ______________

HOME PHONE: _______________________________________WORK PHONE_________________

E-MAIL _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EMERGENCY CONTACT: __________________________________________________________________________________________

HOME TEL: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

WORK TEL: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

ANY SPECIAL HEALTH CONDITION(S): ______________________________________________________________________________

ROOMMATE NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________________________



SINGLE______DOUBLE ______ONE BED ______TWO BEDS ______

DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________________DATE OF BIRTH____________________________


The Sun Gate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun: The Raising of Consciousness to the 7th Cosmic Dimensional Frequency Band.

When the Sungate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun opened in November/December 2017, the window of opportunity opened up for those souls who are ready, to truly be activated to the fullest by the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun – thus to fully raise their consciousness levels to the 7th dimensional state – the state of the Ascended Being. This is an INNER shift, more than an outer one, and is the responsibility of each individual soul. I cannot stress the importance of what is happening now! This has now truly opened up what has not been accessible to humankind for millions of years.

When each moment is sacred and filled with love, insight, and wisdom, when each day and night are sacredly filled with love, insight, and wisdom.

 It is when humanity finally rediscovers its sacredness, as part of the Greater Divinity, a greater Equilibrium, a Greater Love within the Omniversal Beingness, the collective will finally come home to the true Greatness, the Genius within themselves. 

This is when the Golden Age will have come forth – when we have find come home to the greater Truths within ourselves, as true Sons and Daughters of the Divine.

With the massive Sun gate opening in November/December 2017, we now, after many millions of earth years are finally reconnected, via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun, which is the Central Sun of Illumination.  More than this, the collective consciousness of humankind can now at last rise once more to the 7th dimensional it originally was in.  (You can read all about the 7th Central Sun, in my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom”)

Sirius is the central hub, around which the original 12 Master Galaxies, created by the Divine in the very beginning of Creation, is structured around and of.  Therefore, Sirius holds the Central Keys and Codes, of all our planetary existence, from the first creation of the inner earth, Agartha, to that of the outer earth, on which we are living now.  With that it holds the very cell memory banks of every single living organism on planet earth, and thus all which ever has been created on it.

More than this, this holds true for all the 12 Master Galaxies.  However, during the Wars of Heavens, three of these Master Galaxies were completely blown up, Lyra and Andromeda, severely damaged, so that the Lyran people had to seek refuge in Sirius in order to regain their strength, consolidate and then repair their galaxy. The Andromedins migrated to a new galaxy, which they colonized and which we now know as the Andromeda galaxy, next to the Milky Way Galaxy.

The 7th Central Sun, therefore was programmed to use Sirius as a type of satellite from which it then beamed all its knowledge, the Fires of Illumination, into all the 12 Master Galaxies, and this then in turn enabled the very high consciousness and 7th dimensional state of life on planet earth, and in this solar system at the time of Elysium and then to some measure the Lion Kingdom, knowing this is was only established AFTER the Wars of Heavens, and then by the Lyran People, on what was left, or had survived from Elysium, after the earth was completely thrown out of orbit when the planet between Mars and Jupiter blew itself up.

However, subsequent happenings, and earthlings tendency to blow themselves up, then caused the Intergalactic Counsels whose headquarters is in Sirius, to close down the Sun gate from the 7th Central Sun completely, plus the Crystal Pyramids, until such time as humankind finally could step out the dark Ages which befell them when Atlantis blew itself up, and were ready to rise its consciousness levels back to the 5th and then 7th dimensional frequency bands, as was in the beginning.

In the last 150 years, so much has shifted as the Lightworkers cosmically volunteered to incarnate on planet earth to assist planet earth’s rebirth into the 5th dimensional state, which as now happened and thus the Sun gate’s opening now.  However, humankind at gross level still needs to make a huge shift.  Yet, this is very much an INDIVIDUAL shift, which must happen deep within the heart and soul, so that the higher heart-mind, can be activated, and the higher transmitter channels open.

One cannot access the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency bands, without the INNER shift occurring.  One must be able TUNE into these frequency bands, via the Soul, and therefore one Soul’s energy must be in alignment with the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency bands.  It is very much like tuning into a Television station, – you to find the right decoder to unlock the satellite transmissions, otherwise you cannot gain access to those transmissions.

I have done more than a thousand Soul Readings in the last few years, as my SOUL GIFTS were restored to me and reactivated, as I tap into the Super Consciousness Energy Fields, as thus transmit ENERGY records.  In the Beginning this was where all information was stored in, and not in any other media.  Indeed, this is how it functions Cosmically.  When souls come back to me, after finally realizing who and what they are at SOUL level (and most knew this deep down, within themselves, but then tended to not heed that), something deep inside of themselves triggers, as the keys and codes within their own soul get reawakened, as remembrance returns and the veils of amnesia start lifting, or they start tapping more and more into the Soul memory banks and their own higher transmitter channels open up.

The 5th Dimensional State is all about forgiveness of self and others and the transmutation of fear and negativity.  One is receptive the Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, and the Unity consciousness arises as one finally understands that in truth, that one is ONE with all and everything, and the DIVINE, the rest of the cosmos, and in truth cannot ever not be part and particle of the ONE SINGLE WHOLE.

The 7th dimensional State is the frequency humans rise to when they fully have activated their higher Light body, their highest transmitter channels and now truly can tap into their Higher Soul Selves, the Soul Groups, and the Cosmic Hierarchy.   Before this many soul then ascended, meaning they left their physical forms completely.  However, now a lot of these soul who have already reached this state, have chosen in the highest possible service to the Divine to stay in their physical form and assist the rest of humanity to raise their consciousness levels – as it takes one Ascended Master Being, to raise the frequency bands of thousands, if not millions.  This is also known as the 7th Heaven, where the higher Ascended Masters and the Masters of Shamballa reside, as well as the Ancient Ones.  It is also where most of the angels reside in.

One cannot access the 6th to 7th dimensional states, without truly mastering the Negative Ego.  In that ego is neutral, if imbalanced, it will be destructive, on either side of the scales. 

The Sun gate to Sirius and the opening of the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, is now allowing the Ancient Sun-discs to emerge, but also then the ancient keys and codes of SUN-  meaning ILLUMINATION. 

An illumined Being, is fully conscious, in full mastery of himself or herself, has overcome or learnt to step passed the lower ego, and  is therefore, truly anchored into the Highest Soul Self, and fully empowered by the threefold fires, of Love, Power and Wisdom. 

Power without wisdom and Love is brutal.  It forces, it destructs.

Yet, power when wisely used, with great unconditional love, brings about the highest possible service and always aligns to the Divine Will and Purpose, which is greater than the sum of Self.  It therefore creates balance and harmony, for it can do or be no other, for the inner SOUL SELF is in harmony, and balance, equilibrium with itself!

This time, then is essentially the PATH OF THE SOUL, towards remembering its ONENESS with all that is.  More than this, it is the inner empowerment, the inner soul activation and full activation of the higher transmitters, with the state of pure, unconditional love, steeped in wisdom, and then the powers rise, to fully live a Soul Empowered life.  Once one is Soul Empowered, one can do or be no other than to fully serve one’s soul purpose and mission, with great love and devotion.

In truth, the soul has incarnated for one purpose only – to serve in the highest and best way the greater good of All, through utilizing it soul genius, and therefore serving the Divine with all that it is!  By doing this fully, and with great love and wisdom, and empowered, the soul is not only raising its own consciousness, and dimensional frequency band, but that of the collective as well!

(Judith Kusel)
