She has returned

She came to Atlantis at the specific request of the Intergalactic Counsel, the Federation thereof to establish the White Flame into the planet once more, and then to be the custodian and guardian of this.

So she left the beloved shores of her home in Andromeda and she came and she did what she could in the Golden Age of Atlantis.  She was then the Guardian, the Keeper, the Custodian, and the High Priestess of the White Flame.  She stood there in her own powers, in that which made her woman she was and the temple stood in its Glory and Magnificence.

Yet, then the visions, the premonitions, the intense knowing came of what had infiltrated Atlantis, and had started to infiltrate the minds of men – the males.

She stood in her majesty and she stood firm and she started warning the women and warned them of not submitting to men and allowed them to abuse their powers.  But the women listened not, for they were ensnared by their men and the way the submitted to them.

It was not that she did not understand that her sisters wanted to be loved and wanted that male essence, the union through their own sexuality: – it was that she understood the potent powers of all and she saw way beyond and repercussions of all, for her insight and sight was greater than the rest.

So, she witnessed the way the male started to take control in order to divorce him from her, and from all which was female and that which he feared.  She slowly but surely saw how her sisters lost their own powers, and how they were mind controlled, manipulated, and how love and sex became a competitive sport, and how women were slowly but surely enslaved.

So, she called all her sisters together, the High Priestesses who had stayed true to the Law-of-one, and those others sister who served, who were all in great pain seeing what was happening, and with those men who stayed true (and there were many), she then devised a Masterful Plan of Action, so that the keys, codes, the inner knowing of the woman High Priesthood and that of the lesser priesthoods, and the knowledge therein contained, would be hidden away, and taken away from the planet, as she would withdraw herself.

So, she did.

She safeguarded the knowledge, she saw to it that all the pyramid grids, the vortices, and all which contained the feminine movements of earth, sun and stars, would be removed and then taken away, and what they then could not take away for safekeeping, they stored in various centers on planet earth.  They sealed everything, and with it the Galactic Counsels, added their seals, and so all of that which pertained to the Ancient Knowledge was shut down, as she withdrew.

She left the men with just enough to keep them going, and to side-track them from the ultimate knowing, for the mastering of soul lessons were theirs to master, as well as all the sister souls who were caught in that snared, that control, the way they were used and abused.

She did come back to earth again at the time of Egypt, when her beauty was such and her powers that again the men feared her.  And so again, the abuse came forth from the men, their power games, and the way they considered the women as shuttles, as toys, and again made love a competitive sport, and not honoring the lessons they had to learn from Atlantis, and then again, the tendency of the male to self-destruct by this own sword.

In that lifetime, she, again with Thoth, and those of his Ilk who had stayed true in Atlantis, and had stayed true in Egypt, she closed down the Sphinx and all it contained, and then she went and shut down all the rest.

She withdrew herself from the planet, but she never left.  She merely, with those sisters who stayed true, took it upon themselves to take on the task of keeping the Fires of Illumination in custody for the rest of mankind, until such time as humanity would finally be ready again to step up in to the highest states of consciousness, and be able to bring back the full powers of the Woman into Being again.

These sisters often took upon themselves the collective pain and suffering of mankind, and then in the midst of all of this, still managed to shine their light and love in such a way that the Fires of Illumination held steady through it all.  She thanks her sisters for this, and the Brothers who also stayed true.

The second attempt to ignite the Fires of Illumination and then also bring back the rise of the Divine Feminine, came in Languedoc, and with the Cathars, and the women who held the secret keys and codes then, but they again that suffer immense pain, and often severe persecution and trauma, in order to hold that Flame steady.

She has returned.  She is here.

She is no longer buying into the power plays of men nor does she allow herself to be drawn into these.

She refuses to buy into the men’s notions that sex and love are a competitive sport and who keep scores of women’s attractiveness, and then control the planet’s views of what women should look like and be.  She sees this as it is, forms of manipulation and a deep disrespect for the Creator God/Goddess, who created many forms of expressions and ultimate Beingness, and there are no flaws in Creation, each man and women is perfectly made, and therefore each one deserves to be honored and loved for who and what they.

She does not buy into the gossip and talk of her sisters, who love to compare themselves with other sisters, in the physical form, as being more beautiful, or ugly or whatever that may be, for she knows that she is perfect just the way she is, and she does not need to compete with her sisters, she is more than enough as she is, and she thanks her Creator for her beautiful body, and she honors and respects, and nourishes that form.

She refuses to engage in any sexual relationship where she is not honored, and validated.  She treasures her own sexuality, and respects her own womanhood, for she learnt from Atlantis that the physical form is as much a temple and therefore anyone who enters there and is disrespectful, abuses that temples, takes it for granted, thinks he owns it, or just uses it for his own means, buys it with money, or whatever form the manipulation and control takes, is not worthy of entering there.

She does all the inner and outer cleansing and clearing work, and she now vibrates at a much higher frequency band and she is at home with herself and all that she is.  She does not need a man to validate her.  She is happy and content on her own for she can delve ever deeper into the Mystery of her own Womanhood, her knowing, the visions the prophesies, the work she is being called to do, and she surrenders herself into the highest possible service.

She knows that the more she works on the healing of self, the more she is healing humanity at large.  She knows that more she loves herself, and finds her own worthiness, the more she will attract goodness into her life, and the more she can co-create the New World.

She knows that if she is meant to be with a man in this lifetime, that he will come with Divine timing,   and she just wishes to be ready for him, to keep her heart and soul open.  For now she is just preparing herself for his coming, for she knows that happiness is something she has to cultivate from deep within herself, and love too.  If he comes into her life, it will be in the fullness of all which makes him a man, and he will be her equal and treat her with love, respect, and then trust will be built.  For this is a man who has found himself, is in balance and harmony, and stands in his own power, without having to resort to manipulation, not power games, nor control games, nor any games at all.  He is genuine, authentic and real, loving, without having to compromise ANY of his manhood, of all which makes him the man he is.  He is mature enough to understand this and therefore is filled with respect for all which makes her a woman.  He is at home with himself, from deep within.

Yet she knows she is always surround inside and outside with Love and when she truly is wishing for that closeness it can come easily from here true love – her own, who is there always there with her, although not incarnated on earth.  She knows the infinite beauty, the immensity, the blessings of such union, were man and women are equal and in balance, and therefore create the bliss, ecstasy, beyond anything known on earth.

She is working now, fulltime, for the return of the White Flame, the Guardian, the Keeper, and Custodian she in truth – for She has returned.

Yes, her sisters have returned too.

And one day she will gather all her sisters who stood by her in Atlantis, and she will thank them for the work they did and still do.

Yet, it is not only the sisters, it the men too.

For she has let go of all resentment towards the men, and forgiveness is her key, and she understands the men’s woundedness, and how they fear all the disintegration of their powers which is happening now.  She sends them love, and unconditional love and she gently leads them back to themselves: – the original innocence they had in Atlantis and what even went before.

For Atlantis was but a repeat of what had happened of yore, and this time men and women will have to master the lessons of power, true power, once and for all.

For power is in truth a two-edged sword.  It can build and create, and Illuminate or it can destruct and destroy.

She knows this and therefore she stands in fully in the power of Love.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul and Twin Flame Soul Readings:


Just Judith 197

She – Fullness of Goddesshood


She is no longer looking at men to validate her worth

.She is no longer begging to be loved for her soul, and all of her being, for she understands that her soul is infinitely connected with All-that-is.

She feels deeply and profoundly, for she is that heart-felt Being, who creates with great love, and all whose lives she touches can drink from that eternal fountain and find the love that is expressed in trillions of millions of ways.

She loves what she does, and she does what she loves, and she is not waiting anymore for the approval of others, for she understands that she is unique and special, and needs to live what she is truthfully and from her heart and soul.  Whether others understand this, or not, is none of her business – her business is to live her life as best she can, with all that she is and aspiring to be.  The rest she leaves in much Higher Hands.

She embraces abundance in all its forms, and she knows there is more than enough for all and she applies the law of equal giving and receiving and counts her blessings every single day, and blesses all whom she encounters and all the earth and sky.

She is not afraid to be Other-worldly for she always knew that this planet was not her home, and that she belonged between the galaxies and stars and in infinite abodes, where earthlings have long forgotten they dwelled.

She converses with the Angels, Archangels and so many of the unseen worlds, for she knows that they exist just as the physical earthly denser realms exist and are just as real.  For she knows deep in her heart and soul those times when she shed quiet tears deep in her own heart and inner chambers and in her own space, which no-one has ever seen.  There were times when she depth of despair called out the deep nights of the soul, when she had nowhere to go to, nobody to confide in, nobody to share this with, but her guardian angels, God and all of the Archangels, and her higher guides were there to assist her and she will always remember this.  So she does not wait for the down times to come, she asks them every single day to be with her, to guide her every step of the way.

She knows things which men will never know nor understand, and she trusts her inner knowing, her inner seeing, hearing and intuition, for it always is right.  She has long since learnt when she ignored it; she would get herself in trouble.  Now she just trusts what is given, even if sometimes she cannot see the bigger picture as yet.

She knows things and has that insight and vision, the wisdom of All Ages deep within herself, and she has loves delving ever deeper into the mystical, the magical and infinite wonder of life and that which is beyond what is just of the earth.  She wants to know the inner workings of the all that is, and what lies beyond, and she is not afraid to explore beyond the norm, and then to trust that whatever is given her, is the truth, for she searches for her own truth, the truth of her soul and what rings true to her.

She has started loving herself, for ALL that she is, and she is learning to love every curve, every sinew, muscle, wrinkle and cell, for she is finally realizing the gift of the Sacred Temple that is God/Goddess given, and she is grateful for ALL of it.  And she gifts herself with self-pampering time, inside and out, and she is not snoop with allowing herself ME-TIME, time to just be!

She feels vibrantly alive, and filled with the very gift of life, and she stops looking at that propaganda,  the false hype, the false images of what a woman should look like, and be,  stops comparing herself with others and beating herself up, and looks rather deep into her own soul for what is truthful, authentic and real for herself and she honors her body as sacred, special and unique in its own beautiful way.  For everyone is beautiful in their own way, and all was created unique and nobody is better made than the other – God/Goddess made them all perfect, whole and complete and nothing is missing.

And when the men (and women) try to make her fall into the trap of competition with others then she quietly smiles and goes her own way.  She is the Goddess after all, she spans dimensions and outer space with her inner Being, and she knows that in all the cosmos there is enough room for everyone, and nobody has to compete for attention, for their own place under the Central Suns: – for God/Goddess created the vast firmaments of the heavens and what is even beyond all of this, and her soul knows no competition there, as everything slots in perfectly where it should be.

She is very aware now, and discerning about her own sacred space, her womb, her most treasured and most beautiful womanhood, as a sacred gift to herself and to love.  She loves herself, nurtures herself, and she does the inner healing work and releases all the emotional negative cords, hooks and ties, and she asks Archangel Michael to cut all of these, and she frees herself of all the emotional baggage, and refuses to drag the past and all the past lives, and all the ancestral baggage any longer with her.  She is learning to fly unencumbered and free.

And she knows that she loves deeply, profoundly and when she loves she gives it her all, because she can do and be no other: – but she refuses to allow anyone to use her as a doormat to wipe their feet on, and she refuses to be treated like second, or third class, or even like someone without a soul, for she has learnt that boundaries are healthy, and she has mastered the fine art of self-respect, self-worth and self-love.

Because she now honors her own soul and her inner soul radiance, and her most sacred space, she is very fussy and discerning about whom she allows into her most sacred space.  She no longer is begging for crumbs, she refuses to change and lose herself for any man, and to allow anyone into her energy fields who is not on the same wavelength and same frequency band as herself.  She has finally learnt that she is capable of walking her path alone, and with strength, rather than allow herself to become disempowered and give her power away, to someone who does not see her inner beauty, and does not wish to stand there, as she is willing to, stripped naked and vulnerable to her core soul, with her heart and soul open, nowhere to hide.  If he cannot open himself in the same manner, then there is imbalance, and she at last understands, that where one is too much, and the other too little, imbalances cause pain.

It is not that she is not willing to be in relationships: – it is just that she finally understands the fullness of her womanhood and the fullness and power of her Goddess hood.

She has been through the mill and been grinded into the finest of dust, been reassembled, reinvented and through it all, and she finally understands that her power lies in her authenticity, her truthfulness, her faith, her inner strength, her inner beauty, her loving heart, her ability to ride out the storms and still come out of it all in one piece.  There never was a time when she ever was without a roof over her head, a bed to sleep on and food on the table, for she has been carried on the wings of the angels, and she knows for sure, that she never ever is abandoned, nor alone.

Now she claims her full Goddess hood, and she claims all that she is, and she no longer shrinks away from the power of womanhood, but she embraces it all.  She stands there fearless, and stands firmly rooted in Mother Earth, as she is firmly rooted in the Divine Cosmos, and all that is, and will ever be, and she does not need to be validated for who and what she is!  SHE IS ALL.

Therefore, she will love fiercely, loyally, and with her whole heart, mind, soul, spirit, body and being the man who is fearless in loving her too.

 The man who is willing to love her totally, complete, and not shrink away from her power, but stands fully in his own manhood and power too.

She does not want a half-man, or an unconscious man, she wants him to be there fully conscious with her, whether he understands her or not.

Love needs not to be understood, but best felt and lived every moment with every single breath and beyond all of this, into the mystical where one has to chart new journeys and cleave open new ways of relating and being, and therefore true love.

When she stands in the fullness and glory of her own womanhood, yet open, vulnerable, authentic, real, honest, and in her higher soul love, and he in the fullness, glory, vulnerability, authenticity, realness, honesty, without masks, then they both are there in their innermost soul and the magnificence of their soul beauty, and then they can finally meet as equals, as partners, in balance and create something extraordinary together.

And finally they see that they are not in competition with each other, they are not at war, they are not pulling each other in different directions, not causing each other pain: – but they are finally realizing that their soul calling and purpose is greater than the sum total of all, and when they are  able to find each other on so many levels, that they are meant to work together in tandem, in partnership, outwards into the same direction, sharing the same vision to raise the consciousness of Being, and to work towards the greater good of all.

At last there is the freedom to create new and greater levels of love in relationships, without the one being overwhelmed by the other, but each one equally empowered and in love.  Walking in love, talking in love, partnering in love.  This does not mean that there will not be fireworks, thunder and lightning, and times when the rain washes away all at the seams: – rather that one is mature enough, to ride out the storms, and to truly harness that inner soul strength and then to find that in the end all has knitted one closer together and one finally understands the immense gift of TRUE LOVE.

She finally has come home to a deep resting place, deep inside herself.  She has lost all in the process, her work, her home, her family, her friends.  The old life has disintegrated at the very core.  Yet, she has found a deep inner belonging, a deep inner peace, a deep love, which spans all dimensions and forms.

She is realizing that happiness is something deep inside herself, and she no longer looks for it outside herself.  She knows that she is whole and complete, and therefore there is no neediness to find someone to fill up the void – for the void is no longer there.

Now she can love with a love deeper and more profoundly, for it is soul love. And she can be all whom she wishes to be and more.

And she is learning to fly high like an eagle and to soar even higher than that, into the galactic and cosmic spaces.  She knows no bounds.

And one day, he comes, her eagle, her mate, and they fly and soar and do the mating dance.  And she finds they are equally matched – and then, she flies high above him, and he below her, and she closes her wings and free-falls: – and he catches her with his wings, as she has trusted him to do.  Then they reverse the process and he free-falls and she catches him with her wings.

On total trust, respect, and a deep honoring of the soul in each other, they now mate on higher and greater levels before:  not because of all the scars, the dark nights of the soul, and all else, but rather in spite of them all, and because those battle scars where hard won and served their souls in immense ways, to finally be able to love on a far deeper and more profound level, and experience the transcendental, Universal love, of the Divine Male and the Divine Female, and ultimately the true state of bliss.

And then, one day, she stands there, on the high mountain, and she thanks Mother Earth for giving her life, for giving her this body for an eyewink in eternity and to experience life on planet earth.   She thanks the Goddess for teaching her to stand in her own power, and for reveling and dancing in her own beautiful and profound womanhood, and for giving her the opportunity to finally understand the immense gift of life in this form.

As she raises her hands to the heavens and lifts her face to the sun, waves and waves of love energies run through her and radiate out into the cosmic whole.

She has finally come home.




(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

The Shift in Consciousness escalated by the return of the 7th Sun and reconnection to the Central Suns’ energies


In the next few months there will be an escalated shift in consciousness, the likes of which human beings have never experienced before, and it has to do with the return of the Suns, as mentioned in one of my previous articles, but also in lieu of what is happening in the inner earth.

In the last years I was called upon to work intensively with certain earth energy grids of what has lain dormant for many millions of years, and is now being reactivated and rising to the fore.  As I was made more and more aware, of what it is that is being reactivated and released, the more I became conscious of how this will be shifting humanity into much higher gears of life and living.

Massive earth upheavals and earth changes are upon us – not to be feared, but rather to be welcomed, as this is the New Earth truly rising to the fore.

The new cannot rise with the old still in place, and therefore the old is making way for the new.  All of life forms part of the spiraling dance of life, where in order for new life to rise, the old has to disintegrate, dissolves, so that the new can form on the destruction of the old.

We cannot go through this massive shift without also experiencing an INNER shift.  In order for the Old Adam to die, the New Adam is emerging out the ashes of the old – in other words, the Old Adam Kadmon (prototype) body is making way for a much higher frequency body, more crystalline in nature, and therefore more able to hold the higher vibrational frequency bands of the New Earth.

One of the reasons why so many people have had a total disintegration of their old lives and the proverbial carpet being pulled from under them, had to do with this total paradigm shift, and most, like me, have felt the old life totally disintegrating and new still forming in so many ways.

With the rising to the fore, we cannot take the old emotional baggage, the trauma, the pain, the scars, with us into the new and higher way of life.  Therefore we will be cleaved open to the very core so that all the old puss can be released, so that the old ways of acting, living, being, can disintegrate, be released, so that we become so light in body, mind, and spirit, that we can make that shift, without being weighed down with excess emotional baggage.

Just like our personal lives are disintegrating on so many levels, the relationships, the social, the governance structures, indeed all of life and the way we interact with others will start feeling this disintegration on many levels.  The old structures too no longer serve our highest soul growth and good – indeed, they do not serve the collective anymore, and the collective consciousness is therefore now moving into the higher octaves of being and so the old structures have to be reinvented.  It is like reinventing the wheel, but the cosmic wheels of life, and not the earthly ones, for we are stepping into our cosmic citizenship.

We have essentially been prepared for this since the Second World War and it we look back in just these last few years how we have moved into a much higher technologically advanced society, with wonderful tools like the Internet, Cyberspace, and etc. being developed and returned to the planet, then imagine how much will shift in the next few years?

The New Children have the inherent genius programmed into them to truly lift humanity into the higher octaves of consciousness and Being, and they will truly bring about a revolution in technology and consciousness, which will make this massive shift we are currently going through, look like child’s play.

To try and hang onto the old life and lifestyles is futile.  In as much as we are willing to allow ourselves to be transformed, to be guided, to be revamped and rejuvenated, in as much will we are able to make it through this immense shift with all the tools to assist us and help us through this all.

However, we have to let go of the old ways.  We have to let go of all that no longer serves our highest soul growth and good and that of the collective.  We cannot move into this New Earth being created now, with all the old ways of thinking, acting, relating, And Being.

Therefore the best is to do that daily cleansing, and clearing, and to be open to change.  No more clinging onto that which is disintegrating and rather welcoming in the changes.  When our mindset and heart-set change from deep within, we focus on truly being ready to shift with the incoming massive energy tides, we will find that we are being lifted by this mighty force and it comes almost effortlessly.

However if we resist at some level, there will be pain and great feelings of intense loss, of being lost at sea.

It is best to remember that no changes can occur, without something giving way to create a void.  Once the void or vacuum is created, the higher energies can move in.

Such is the wave of change now upon us.

2015, truly is a year of paradigm shifts in consciousness – yet it only paves the way for more and more intense changes coming in, for the next 50 to 100 years.

In a thousand years a space traveler will hardly recognize this planet – such has been the massive revamping, reforming, and reinvention of the planet and the human species.

The Cosmic merging of Twin Flames


There comes a time in Twin Flame Love when all the old squabbles, the old discord, that which makes one run away, and then towards each other again, fades away.

That first adrenalin rush has settled.

Those moments of pain – and all that was there in one form or another, is slowly fading away.

One starts now to move more and more into a stage where the inner YOU, has gone through transformation and you have become whole in many ways.  Before the insecurities, the low self-worth, all the old dragons that used to haunt you, are slowly but surely disintegrating.

A new you has emerged – a greater and more balanced you, that revels in that sacred sanctuary of your heart, womb and soul, and finds that life indeed is just a matter of loving and that one can love in new and more profound ways than ever before.

It is not so much that twin has changed – as one has changed.

It is not so much that one finds the other in a different way – it is because the neediness that you once felt has vaporized before the inner Sun now emerging deep within yourself and your old fears and all the old patterns have dissolved for they no longer serve your highest soul growth and good.

When all has been said and done, only love remains.

The love for yourself.

The love for the Divine Other.

And more than this, it is a love which grows through each moment of union, through each moment of bliss, through each moment when one feels intense unity in motion – that cosmic merging which is truly not of this world.

It is then that one finally realizes that the Power of Love spans all dimensions of space and it is ever expanding upon itself – ad infinitum.

It is not earthly bound.

It is cosmic love, which has been there since the very beginning and will be there eternally.

Just for this moment, this single moment, you are united as one.  Yes ONE.

Two Soul souls merging into the greater God-fire, God-flame and this is what resurrection is all about.

It is not so much found in gazing at other as moving towards, looking outwards, merging towards a greater cosmic movement, where this merging is used in Higher Soul Service, and in merging one is paving the way for infinity to move into conscious Being on planet Earth.

There is a joy, a delighting in each other, and sometimes that profound moment, when one is moved to tears – tears of awe, gratitude and intense love.  That love is so great that heart opens to the very core and in the merger, one expands to that state, where words are superfluous and tears of immense grace and gratitude mingle.

One has touched the heart and soul of the Divine in sacred union.

One is that which is the Sacred Divine Merging.

Such is the ultimate blessing of Twin Flame Union – that moving into the infinite space of the true merging of soul with soul, body with body, heart with heart, love with love.

Supreme euphoria and bliss.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings on Special Offer until end of May:

The Turning tides for man….. the opening up of the vortex energy centers of earth….

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

There is a massive turning in the tides of men, as the old patriarchy is slowly starting to crumble at it seams and the beautiful balance of the Divine Feminine emerges more and more and learning reclaim and step into her Greatness and power.

She is that which the creative force of creation is.  The masculine can think up great concepts and ideas in the mind, can theorize, actualize: – it is the feminine that takes the seed of that concept, idea, and then brings that into form.  She creates that which the male has conceptualized and brings this into being with great love.  She is that which become pregnant with the masculine ideal and then nurtures its life force into Being, and brings into material form.

In that the ancient Goddess energy centers are getting more and more reactivated, and the pyramid power is rising, from deep underground where most of it has been deeply buried and have lain dormant for many billions of years, there is now an awakening happening on massive scale of the ancient vortex energy, which is the spiraling energy of the Goddess itself.

If you look at Ancient cultures, the spiral is depicted everywhere.  Here in South Africa, it has been painted on the ancient sacred site walls and some of it is etched into stone, and it has been part of the Ancient African symbolism since its beginning of time, as has the four-sided cross within the circle.  Both are symbols of the Goddess herself, the creative life-force she represents:  the serpent coil or the Kundalini energy, one and the same.

In that there is a mass movement of energies, which is going to churn out the old – literally churning.  It is vortex like.  It is of almost luminous platinum, which is almost invisible, and it moves in spiraling energy, and creates mass energy fields.

Where this energy moves into human beings through the Stellar gateway and crown, it will work with the spinal cord energies and then with the womb in women and prostate area in men.

The Spinal cord itself acts as a lightning rod, and the ancients had a sacred symbol for it, which was Excalibur, the lighting rod, the Sword of Light.

During the times of Atlantis this energy force was deliberately blocked, by placing control boxes in the cranium of most of the population, to deliberate block this energy flow and to cut off human’s ability to work with this energy, which is essentially the energy of ENLIGHTENMENT and therefore the energy connected to the All-Knowing Tree of Life, and the All-Knowing Third Eye, the Eye of Horus, in its Ancient and complete form, where all seven layers of the third eye, had been fully opened up, and therefore all faculties of the Higher Mind, married to the Heart-center, and the Womb-center, and there the Spinal cord acts as the conduit for ALL of these, and not so much the chakras, although all the chakras work in conjunction with this lightning rod.

It is like one massive machine, which includes the full activation of the pineal and pituitary glands, with the upper pyramid in the forehead and head, and the lower pyramid of the womb area.  This means that the ABOVE and BELOW work in conjunction and harmony with each other.  There are no blockages in the energy fields.

Each vertebrae of the spinal column has a mini-vortex energy centers held within it.  It spins anti-clockwise, and therefore is each vertebra is a mini-energy vortex in its own right.

Each vertebra connects directly with the EMOTIONAL body, the second body we have as human beings, next to the physical body.  Thus stuck emotions and emotional charges are held in each vertebra as it reflects the emotional body in 33 octaves of Being.  Originally mankind had 33 octaves of SOUND, and each vertebra is programmed to react to a certain OCTAVE of sound.  NOTE OCTAVE!  Not one single note, but 12 notes within one single octave.

We have lost so much of our hearing capabilities, and therefore those who can tune in with their INNER ear, will be able to start tuning into these Octaves of sound, which are slowly but surely being reactivated.  At the moment our human brain is just fully functional in order to discern and kind of tune into these sounds, but our higher soul self can.

The third is the MENTAL body, and the fourth the SPIRITUAL.  There are 12 bodies in all.

In Atlantis etc. all 12 bodies were functional and therefore activated.

The lower and the higher then are in harmony and balance.  Thus the upper transmitting channels are totally opened up, and these higher transmitter channel are the real connection the Divine, but more than this to ALL-THAT-IS under the Great Central SUN.

As the vortex energy then of the Goddess moves in conjunction with massive energy fields, this brings in dimensional shifts.

I have systematically in my journeys of discovery here in Southern Africa, been guided to the vortex energy centers in this country.  A year ago I was sitting on a beach where I had identified this vortex energy (and have had it confirmed by others), and interestingly it is most potent at a certain timeframe during the day.

As I sat myself down with my back nestled against sheer quartz cliff and sitting on one of the rocks, with a perfect rock circle in front of me (ancient sacred Goddess site), I was first of all transported exactly as the hour struck, into a type of Celestial SOUND chamber.  It was truly like tuning into the earth song and the celestial music of the spheres.  I literally could HEAR these 33 octaves of sound with my INNER ear!

Then, I was like sucked into this vast vortex energy.  It was massive.  In that moment it felt like I was being dissolved into NO-THING.  I was spanning dimensions of time and space.  I was able to move into that transcendental state of BEING that has no-thing and yet all-thing.  I WAS CREATION AND CREATION WAS ME.

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life.  It has changed my whole concept of understanding what immensely powerful energies there were in Ancient Times.

I was only allowed to experience this, after the Keeper or Guardian of this place revealed himself to me.  In that he appeared as a type of shaman, dress only in a leopard skin, with a red-hair and topknot, copper colored skin, a giant of a man with two leopards guarding him on either side.  It was from him that my connection to the Lion people came and therefore the gateways were opened up.

The essence of all of this has to do with our total understanding that in that we try to block half of ourselves – the masculine trying to block out the feminine, and abuse her – we are denying half of ourselves.  It is only when the masculine and feminine are in balance and harmony with each other, that massive and amazing energy is released.  The negative and positive poles but be in balance.

The Goddess energy was withdrawn mainly because this was the female balance of the whole.  So, it is not so much that the feminine holds the vortex energy – but rather that she ACTS as CUSTODIAN to this force, which is the life-force itself.

In Atlantis this feminine aspect of the force withdrew herself, as she saw that the masculine wanted total control, and that he wished to totally OWN this power.  As he could not do so, without the feminine balance, and without that counter-active force, she withdrew this energy, like before, and therefore these centers were shut down.  He, in retaliation, then decided to try and annihilate her powers and build his own structures over those sites to try and totally annihilate her.  He did not succeed, for it he had; he would have totally destroyed the masculine.  Inherently that was because we all have masculine and feminine WITHIN ourselves.

In ancient sacred sexual union this force has always been acknowledge and understood and carefully been nurtured.  When the masculine is fully present, in his own magnificent manhood, and with total love in his heart, and mind, and the female is present in her total womanhood, that receptive cup, that Holy Grail, and totally is there in her femaleness, her sacredness, then that union unleashes the immense power of the serpent energy – the kundalini.

Yet, if love is not present, if respect and a deep honoring are absent, then this same force will be destructive and will not be used for the highest good of all.

Essentially this is what destroyed Atlantis – when the man went too much in into his mind, and wanted to divorce the mind from the heart.  He wanted to fix and control everything, including the feminine life-force itself.  He started to enslave the feminine, and to take her power away.

In Egypt the feminine aspect when the other way, and started to manipulate the masculine via her sexual powers, and then wanted to control him that way.

The key to human sanity and the ultimate return to balance, is that we finally understand that we NEED BOTH.  We need the masculine and the feminine.

One is not more or greater than the other.  Each has been perfectly created to balance the other out.  That means when each one stands in his or her own power, then they are balanced and in harmony with each other.  The scales of life are evenly balanced.

The whole trajectory of this planet has ancient energy systems in place which truly work on this principle of balance between the masculine and feminine force.  It is not the Web of Light; it is much older than this.  However, it has been purposefully shut down and taken from human memory banks, because of the abuse of this energy and because human beings did not understand nor master the lessons of POWER: – the energy of power is neutral on its own, it is how we use that power which ultimately makes or breaks us.

As these energies now get slowly but surely activated it will churn out all in humanity which is still out of balance with itself.  Therefore all those old emotional scars, wounds, all the trauma and pain, and whatever else needs to get dislodged and dissolved so that the New Earth can be totally reborn.

It these energies are not released, then that balancing act cannot be completed.

Therefore earth quakes, volcanoes erupting, Tsunamis, etc. are all part of this cleansing process and the release of those clogged up energy centers, where human trauma and pain, have clogged up the arteries of this planet.

Since I have experienced that intense dissolving into dimensions I have understood, that one cannot move into the higher octaves of being, clinging onto the old.  One has to dissolve the Old Adam/Eve, all the abuse, the misuse, the bickering, and all the old muck, in order to be reborn.

Such is the portent motion of this time: – The turning of the tides of man.

Let those who have ears – listen.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those whose hears are open understand this message.

Let those who are ready to be activated to the full – be activated.

I have spoken.

I speak.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

Twin Flame Love:  Seeking the Mystical Path as a higher way of commitment and deeper love in Highest Service to the Divine.


The soul itself, when created as 12 flames first and foremost has been created to reflect a Divine Attribute back to the Divine.  Therefore the soul experiences this attribute or the essence, or value trait of the Divine in all its forms and expressions:  – the shadow, the light, so that the Divine can experience this through his/her Creations.

In the very beginning of time, when the first volunteer settlements occurred on the SURFACE of the planet (the inner Earth civilization AGARTHA, existed long before the outer crust of the earth was formed as a satellite civilization from the Intergalactic Fleet), there came a time when it was felt that there was a need to use the twin flames to uplift and to like co-create with the earth’s energetic fields and the cosmic Super-consciousness energy fields.

In this regard there was a specific call for specific twin flames, in a specific milieu.  Most of these had been involved with the planet from the very beginning, as scientists aboard the great Mother ships, and also because there a great love had been born for the planet.  They were then first and foremost involved on a VOLUNTEER basis, and then secondly to do SPECIFIC work.

In the Ancient Mystery schools which were established from the very beginning, and attached first of all to the first 12 Crystal Pyramid Temples of the 12 Tribal People of the first 12 Tribes that developed out of these settlements.  This happened more or less because each Temple worked on a different Cosmic RAY, and thus it had a different colour vibration and frequency, and also the inner Temple Staff worked on a specific ray which performed a specific task.  Sometimes these Temples had more than one task to fulfill, but this is neither the time nor space to go into details here.  This is covered in my book: “Why I was born in Africa – the true and untold story of the first civilization on Planet Earth…..”

SPECIFIC soul groups were involved in this whole venture, e.g. The Illumined Ones, The Loving Ones, The Graces, etc.   Those twin flames from these specific groups normally have a very high sense of CALLING.  That means from the time they were born (some of course are walk-ins, but they KNOW this and are very focused on this) with a deep and profound sense of DESTINY.  It is as if they know for sure that they have incarnated to do specific work and are normally very much SERVICE orientated.  In other words they will be drawn to professions where they can serve the community at large: – it does not matter whether this is as an engineer, architect, doctor, healer, counselor, librarian, writer, teacher, philanthropist, etc …. They will serve in all and every way they can and will often blaze new trails for humanity.

When the twin flames of these specific groups meet, it is an instant recognition of the Divine Other.  THEY JUST KNOW.  With it will come the deep knowing that their union is here to serve a GREATER PURPOSE – that is combining their souls mission and purpose their own mission will be amplified and thus with the union, and in the merging between the two flames, they ignite the third, and GREATER FLAME or FIRE, and thus will then reach a far greater scope of audience, or work-frame, or larger platform than just doing the work on their own.

It is here that the proverbial chaff is separated from the corn, for these Twin Flames, will always have a common ground of the MYSTICAL calling somewhere along the line, and it will not just be one of them – it will be BOTH of them, for they reflect this in each other.

It these Twin Flames I am addressing today: – the Twin Flames who are called on the Highest Mystical Path, and therefore called into the total dedication towards serving the three-fold flame of LOVE, POWER and WISDOM.

Not all Twin Flames fall in this category and those who follow this path, will have recognized this long before I have recorded this.

These twin flames have a long history of serving and being initiated into the Ancient Mystery Schools of Elysium, Lyra (Lion Civilization), Lemuria, Atlantis, Greece, Egypt, Balkans, Ural Mountains, and Mexico.

All of them have within their energy fields certain symbols engraved which identifies them and those who can read these will immediately identify them for who and what they are and in what capacity and under which ray they are serving. 

The higher the rank of these souls, the more these signs will be illumined within their forehead and also under their left breasts and on their upper arms. 

In the Ancient Mystery Schools in the Great White Lodge on Sirius, a record of these is kept, as well as in the Super-Consiousness Energy field of the Divine.  These cannot be faked nor can they ever be removed.  They were EARNED.

That means that these souls had to go through stringent initiations in the inner and outer planes and the Mystery Schools of the Divine Source itself, and therefore these symbols then were EARNED and they recognize these in each other.  It is a subconscious recognition of high initiates and they KNOW.

These then are those who were always and are then drawn to the mystical.  They do and be no other and there is no other pathway which appeals to them as much, as that ever delving deeper and deeper into the Mystical, the Gnostic, the Tantric,  the Trinity, the eternal three-fold flames and those attributes of God which makes it the greatest Mystery of Eternal life and love force there is.

For these Twin Flames there is a great calling then to supreme dedication on the Highest Paths.  They will then go through intense initiations into that inner seeing, that inner opening up of the heart energies, and then the 7 gateways to the Sexual energy, that meeting of male and female on a profound level.

This path is not for all Twin Flames, for if both of these, the man and woman, do not wish to be cleaved open to the very core of themselves, to be stripped totally naked in their innermost self, and become vulnerable, fragile, (in Afrikaans they have a beautiful word “BROOS” which is more than fragile) and then allow love to re-form, re-birth them, then this is not the path for them.

This is essentially the highest path of crucifixion.  It is the path where the Old Adam and the Old Eve has to die, completely die, in order for the New Adam, the New Eve to be born.  It is in dying that resurrection comes and with it the Knowledge of the Tree of Life and the portals to Eternal Life open up.

In that dying moment, the third force makes itself felt, the force of resurrection.  It is that eternal life force itself, that eternal something which is Divine.  It that force from which all life has sprung and it the eternal breath, the eternal Presence, that eternal Mystery, as deep as the deepest cosmic ocean and inexplicable, unthinkable, unknown – eternally creatively there!

It is through that intense moment of union, when one loses oneself completely in the orgasmic spasms, the woman writhing with the immense release of the serpent energy, the hovering between worlds that one experiences this inexplicable force.

If one is not opened up to the very core or all life, and has that profound yearning to become at-one with the Mystery itself, then one cannot expand into this vast energy field where one literally dissolves into Nothingness and becomes the Divine Force, only to be reassembled again.

The greater the love, the greater the flame between the Flames and there then the ever greater call to Higher Service. 

This union is not about ME – it is also not about US – it is about WE: – as one heart, one mind, one body, one soul.  It is about how we can SERVE the greater whole with our union.

How can our union then serve the greater whole?  How can our love for each other, our calling, our purpose, our serving, ignite the eternal cosmic flame in the hearts and souls of many?  How can our union make a difference to the world? 

See, how everything shifts.

This is what Christedness is all about.

It is that flame, that eternal quest of the soul to truly SERVE the Divine in all and every way it can, but through this Mystical pathway of Sacred Sexual Union.

It is a PATH.

It is a CALLING.

It is a supreme way of serving, but only if the heart and soul are Pure and the Intent is there to serve.

Ego has no place there.

It is not about how many orgasms one can reach and how much for how long.  That is getting the wrong end of the stick.

It is in this sense the deep honoring of the soul in the other, like seeing the Divine there, and in this moment of union, man is fully present in his deepest manhood, with his heart and soul, and through his beautiful manhood gifts her with all his soul-being and she opens up her whole womb, her most sacred womanhood to receive him with her whole heart and soul and being fully present there, and she gifts him in turn by enveloping him, by giving him back in equal measure the immensity of her heart, soul and being.  It is then that both sink into the Depth of the Mystery itself… dissolve into it… become it…. Experience it…..

In that moment the eternal life fire is lit, the fire of Illumination.

That is the supreme gift of the Gods.

Yet, never this to used in self-service, only in highest service.

Let those who have ears – hear.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those who have the inner understanding – understand.

The rest sleep the sleep of forgetfulness.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings:

Mysticism – Awakened Codes

leo-radiance-from-your-heart-holemanThe higher paths of Mysticism have to do with the preparedness to delve ever deeper in the depths of Being – that state of Being which is the Unknown, the endless infinite realm of the Gods and Goddesses – the Mystery of Life and the Life Force itself.  It delves deep into the cosmic consciousness which is sublime and which is the creative force itself, yet is within all Beings and all that ever was created under the Central Cosmic Sun.

It is the highest calling of the Illumined State.  It takes total commitment and dedication to this path.  It is the highest path of supreme purity and it will demand that All.

According to the Oxford dictionary a Mystic is a person who devotes their time to profound thought in order to become closer to God and to reach truths beyond human understanding.  Its root is the Greek word “mustes – initiated person.”

Mysticism is then path of supreme Enlightenment and it is no accident that we inherited the Greek word for this, for in the Greeks always had a great respect for those who sought the ultimate state of Being.

In the last few years I have always been led back to Delphi in my own research as to trying to link the Cathars, my own findings, and the Goddess returning, with my own emerging greater picture of the true history of the planet and the Super-consciousness energy fields.

At one stage interesting personas started to emerge from the Pyrenees, far more ancient than that of the Cathars and understanding dawned that what they knew, or practiced was something was older and something steeped in the Ancient traditions of Mysticism itself.

Interestingly the great fortress of Monsegur, the last stronghold of the Cathars, was a temple dedicated to Artemis, as temple of the moon, while further alongside it was the temple of Sun, dedicated to none other than the twin flame of Artemis – Apollo.  It was via Apollo that the lyre, that instrument played by the Troubadours came into being, as a gift to the nobles of that region, for Apollo is the custodian of the vibrational frequencies of SOUND.

It moves further than this for none other than Pythagoras had his training as High Priest Druid in the Pyrenees and then went on to the temples in Delphi.

Moreover interesting the Visigoths of the Pyrenees, later laid siege on the temples of Delphi, where a great treasure was housed.  It came to pass that they managed to gain access to the strongholds of those temples and then took that treasure to the Pyrenees.  However, a great plague then occurred and people were dying like flies.  It was then that the Druids found that this was connected to the treasure and then the whole of this treasure was thrown into one of the lakes in the High Pyrenees.  The Druids sealed off the whole area and interestingly nothing grows there.

Is it not interesting that the Cathars have also been associated with treasure – a lost treasure.

In essence then Delphi held the keys to Mysticism and the Ancient Mystery schools of the Greeks, which were linked to those in Egypt, Haran, and then also the Himalayas.  In that then the inner schools were always off limits to those outside of these inner teachings, mainly because of the stringent higher pathways of Mysticism itself.

It was no accident that world famous oracle of Delphi formed part of the Ancient Mystery School there.

It goes back to Atlantis and what went before Atlantis, for the High Priestesses were highly trained TRANSMITTER channels and had the ability to tap into the Super Consciousness energy fields and transmit the information directly from the Divine Source.  They acted then as oracles for the people – but only after they were carefully selected for this task and had to go through intense and immense initiations into the higher paths of Mysticism.

Later in Greece as mankind started falling into forgetfulness the role of the High Priestess became watered down, as the male dominance took over.  Yet, these Priestesses were also highly trained in the use of sound in higher healing with crystals – more than that the High Priestess of the Temple of the White Flame held the whole energy grid of the Central 7th Sun under her jurisdiction and she could activate this at will.  She acted as the Guardian and Keeper of this grid, and she held all the crystal keys and codes.

The priestesses also recorded information in recording crystals, which during Atlantis, then were taken underground in order to preserve their knowledge – the Goddess knowledge, the High Priestess knowledge as the female path of Mysticism.

The Cathars themselves had two separate branches:  they had the lower branch, which was the ordinary man or women and then higher trained parfaits, (and that mostly recorded by the Inquisition because they never gained access to the true teachings of the Cathars, despite burning at the stake thousands and torturing them to death)  but another part of these, the upper crust, were carefully trained in the old Goddess pathways of mysticism, and with it the higher understanding of the Teaching of the Sun.

The Sun as in higher pathways of Illumination.  This linked up with the ancient Druidic teachings, but was even more ancient than that – for it linked up directly with Ancient Ones – a hidden Ancient People who live underground.

Monsegur itself is a portal to this underground world – for the Ancient Ones never left the planet from the first civilization, and they act as higher teachers, mentors and guides.

The Cathars understood that the highest pathways of Illumination, were the paths of Mysticism, and therefore one had to go through initiations in the inner and outer planes.

A lot of this has never been understood or misinterpreted – for in essence it is no accident that the Cathars were also known as the PURE ONES.  The inner rites of Purity demanded this.

In as much as the higher pathways to Mysticism was always held by the Ancient Mystery Schools, it now is a fact that the gateways have opened up so that those souls called on these highest pathways, will now start coming together.  They know who they are.

They shall come together from east, west, north and south and they shall be the fire of Illumination which shall light up the earth.

They are ancient souls, and have been involved with the co-creation of this planet from the very beginning.  They have incarnated again, to bring about immense consciousness changes in humanity and they will lift humanity through the octaves of Being, into that higher conscious state.

Within their own souls are encoded and enshrined all the keys and codes for true Illumination and they are all now being activated with the return of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy and the high codes of 777.

It is time.

The ultimate gateways of Illumination have now been opened up in the last two weeks.

It will open up immense inner gateways and portals, within those called to carry mankind through and it will like a massive wave of energies surging through with the fires of Illumination.

Let those who have ears – hear.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those who need to step out – step out.

The time has come.

(Judith Kusel)

The Call to Greatness – living our visions and dreams…. 2015 onwards.


If you can just close your eyes for one moment and just still the mind, what is greatest vision that you have for your life in 20 to 50 to 100 years time from now on, and then where is this going to be in context with the New Golden Age, which isnow truly being anchored in?

A few weeks ago I have given a gigantic vision:  I was standing in front of a massive pyramid, which had been newly built.  I emitted luminescent white-golden-platinum light from within and the whole podium on which I was standing, with my Divine Other was lit up with this same luminescent light.  This pyramid and the two alongside it, which were smaller and the four further down below, were all encased in a sacred geometrical layout, and all were luminescent with the color ray they emitted.

In between all of these, in the street, below, etched with hanging garden and labyrinths, were people.  Masses and masses of people, millions of them…  All were celebrating the total advent into the 7th dimensional state, the New Earth, and in that my Divine Other was leading them in an incantation of the New Age.  It was both a spoken and singing chant – such like I have never heard before.  He was beaming out radiant light, as I was and this was merging into a massive beacon of blinding, luminescent light-rays, more blinding than the Central Sun.  And we were celebrating the return of the 7th Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy.  And here on earth the resurrection of the 7th Crystal Temples of the 7th Sun.

I am sharing this with you today, merely because the potency of this vision nearly knocked me out.  I have had visions before and one of them has materialized – indeed I am living it today, but this one had a frequency and vibration about it, which was from a much higher dimensional state and it was as real as it was happening in the here and now.

It was then that I finally understood what I was working towards with my Divine Other and how what we were working towards would impact the world and how it would bring about a catalyst for change.  So, what we were manifesting into physical form in some way or another, would impact only much later on a massive scale – but impact upon the planet it would.

I also understood why in the last few years since I started my inner and outer journey of discovery and asked myself why I had been born in Africa; the Tree of Life always appeared as a type of honing base for my work.  I made a study of it, for I wanted to understand why that and the Vitruvian Man were always haunting me, and why I felt so intensely that somehow all of this linked up in some way with me – with what I had to bring in and what I had to manifest into form.  With it the pyramids and the energy centers which I am working with right now.

When we are given a vision like this, we tend to shrink, for we think:  “Who am I to do this?”

Maybe then the question should be:  “Who am I NOT to wish to be doing this and to truly make a vast and lasting impact on the world?”

If we are given a vision, a dream greater than the sum total of ourselves, then we can do or be and become no other than the vision itself.

Great men and women who have impacted in some profound way on this planet have had this vision or dream greater than themselves, this profound sense of destiny, and no matter how much they were ridiculed, persecuted, or made out to be fools, that vision and that dream became greater than the sum total of all they had to go through in order to become that vision or dream.

To manifest great visions and dreams into reality will always push you out of your comfort zones and into the unknown and unchartered waters like a great explorer into the infinite and unexplored realms of the vaster cosmos.  You literally do not know what to expect, and you have to take leaps of faith and just trust.

When I first went in search of the information that I had to retrieve for the greater good of humanity and because I could do and be no other, I did not know how, why nor when.  I could not quite understand what was happening to me – I only knew that I had to do this, and I had to trust that wherever I was being led to, and whatever I was given in information and the downloading I was receiving would impact onto the planet and that it was something immensely important and profound.

During that time and even now, I was challenged to the very core.  A lot of people, including my own family thought that I was cookoo, and that I was completely losing it.  Yet, I knew that this was my destiny, and I could not shrink from living it, or I would die with my visions and dreams still within me.  I did not wish to leave this planet with my mission unaccomplished.

I know that in that I was given this greater vision recently that this will mean being pushed even more out of my comfort zones than ever before.  I know that I will not have a home on this planet – for I do not need one.  I am a cosmic Being and my home is elsewhere in the cosmos, but wherever I am with my Beloved is home.

Before we were born or incarnated onto the planet (for a lot of souls are walk-ins) we knew exactly what we were letting ourselves in for.  We had crystal clear clarity of our soul’s mission and purpose and we also had a very clear idea that life on this planet would test us to very core.  It is one of the greatest and harshest schools in the whole cosmos.  So, we knew exactly what we had to do, be, and become.

Visions mainly come in our lives, when we need to be reminded of the bigger picture – in order words where we are heading towards.  We have been given all the tools we need in order to get there, but sometimes the greater the vision, the more souls will be involved in bringing together that completion.

In my case, this affirmed for me that I needed to be united with my Divine Other, and that we were like two mighty rivers of life flowing into one single stream.  We needed each other in order to escalate our missions, and to reach a greater whole.  Whereas we could each do our own thing, our soul were contracted to become as one river, and then the tributaries will flow out into the entire world.

We cannot do all this work on our own and we are given back-up.  There will be souls who will be drawn into our orbit for each one has a specific role to play to bring about the anchoring in of the 7th dimensional state.  Some will be new born, some will still incarnate, some are already in that orbit sphere, some will be magnetized in.  That is not up to us to do this, but is already programmed into those souls who need to come to the party, and they will be drawn there, because their souls can do and be no other.

To me this illustrates that within the cosmos there is a greater Master plan at work on the planet at this time.

We cannot see it, because we suffer from temporary amnesia.  Yet, when we get visions which show where we are heading towards, then we start understanding the immensity of the task ourselves.  We are but mere instruments being used by a master hand, but we all are here on the planet with a mission to complete.

So often when I do soul readings and this greater vision, the greater purpose of the soul reveals itself, I will get letter saying:  “I was in tears.  I recognized myself.  I have always known this a much deeper level, but I did not believe it.”

2015 and the next 10 years will bring us more and more into active service where we can do and be no other than what our souls were contracted to do and become.

Ego has no place in life’s mission.  Most often it is our fears which keep us bound to playing out smallness.  Greatness calls for a lion heart!  It calls for the lion and lioness within us to emerge, which does not shrink from the tasks ahead, but goes forward step by step, because he or she can do or be no other.  Fear of failure has no place in the greater scheme or things and most often we get to live our visions and dreams almost in spite of ourselves, and not because of ourselves!

For the vision, the dream, the calling is greater than the sum total of us!

Such is the calling and vision of these times: we have to step into that higher soul self with all that we’ve got and we have to take leaps of faith and then do so from the heart and soul with all our might, mind, heart and Being.

There is a huge cosmic sign for these times:  No shrinking allowed.  No fears allowed.  It is time to claim your own greatness and LIVE it!

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings:

Also find me on YouTube:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel


The New Emergence – 777 with 11:11


We are moving towards the completion of a planetary phase, the first phase in the birth of the New Earth.

Since 1994 immense changes have come in on multiple levels in order to shift the planet into a much higher frequency band, and therefore all upon her.

A lot of us have been through immense upheavals, literally being uprooted, revamped and reinvented in the last few years, as the old life steadily has disintegrated and a new life slowly but surely started to emerge out of the ashes of the old.  The Phoenix rising from ashes has become our symbol, so to speak, for truly sometimes we could not see for seeing but have to have faith that whatever was happening, was bringing in a new and higher form of life.

The massive portal opened with the harmonic convergence in 1994, 11:11 now is moving into the 777 as the Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy is now starting to make its Presence felt.  It was the sun that affected us in the creation stages of this planet, and will now start influencing us on all consciousness levels, as this is the Sun of Illumination – that which shifts us collectively into much higher gear.

It acts as a portal opening up for those who are ready to step into it, which will allow us to truly now step into our co-creator roles, and into and onto a much higher frequency band for it is that of the earth returning to its origins – its creation and that which it has been created for.

It has to do with the mass awakening of the inner earth, as that inner earth layers, which was originally created, with its massive pyramids and the pyramid grids, will open up (indeed is opening up) and the mass energies released from within, and the 777 energies move in cosmically.  The two work in tandem and are interlinked. The 7 acts like a massive lightning bolt, it not only cleaves open, it ignites, like a lightning bolts is charged with immense electromagnetic energy, the 7 amplified literally is pouring in vast electromagnetic frequencies into planet earth and into our Being.  It brings the full activation of the return of the codes of alchemy and magic – that mystical Beingness.

Indeed it is the ray of ritual, mysticism, ceremony and magic.  It will enable the spiritual and physical to blend, to merge and to become AS ONE.  It is stimulating ancient memory banks opening, ancient higher healing techniques returned and the awakening of SACRED WISDOM.

For the first time in millennia we will be able to create something extraordinary, something that has never been before, and therefore we have to get crystal clear about our intention and what we intend to create in the next few years, for the 7’s will amplify this.

Alchemy always has to do with changing forms – lead into gold – transformation. We are in the process of changing form, being alchemized. Transformed and in transforming all around us is transformed.

Nowhere is this going to show up more than in the area of relationships, which reflect the microcosm and macrocosm of society at large.  If we wish to create a New Earth, first of all we have to get our own house in order, for if we cannot even find unconditional love for ourselves, how can we find it for others?  If we cannot create something extraordinary with our nearest and dearest, how can we co-create the world?

In essence magic has always been the ability to use energy and energy form and then to change that form into something else – therefore shift is some way, to become something else.  Or to use energy and create in amazing ways that which we would love to bring about in some form.

Slowly but surely there will be a new emergence happening here with this shift.  It will be that we find that in the changes of our inner core self, where we step into higher alignment and awareness – become more conscious and more cosmically aligned, that we emerged as new Beings.

We are now learning to take responsibility for what we create!  In other words, every day we become aware of our thoughts, our deeds, our inner seeing, and then focus on what we do wish to create, and not on what we do not wish in our lives.  So the shift here is subtle but sublime.

For with the release of the pyramid energies we will be bombarded with an energy that is so potent, that it will literally pull us into a much higher state of Being.  It is illuminating from outside and within.  When such high frequency energies are released the sluggish density cannot sustain form.

So, all that no longer serves the collective whole will systematically disintegrate.

When we refuse to change nor to be changed, we will not be able to step through this portal.  It is like we are given a flight ticket, and when we arrive at the airport and do not find the correct plane, we will miss the flight.  It is not like the plane was not there – it is that we did not board it on time – it took off without our being on it.

What is now being created is something we have forgotten about, but it has always been there.  It is the deep connection with the cosmos as a cosmic citizen, where we not only see the bigger picture, but we create within the cosmic laws.

I was inspired a few days ago to think about what I would love to create in marriage – what would I love to create with my Divine Other and in what way.  As I was doing this, I was suddenly seeing this new portal opening and what lay beyond it, and I realized that I had the opportunity now to not only put out the intent, but to release it into this new energy field and it would emerge into Being.  Yet, what I wished to create, would also have to be in higher alignment with my own soul and Being, for otherwise I would challenged to the very core, to keep to what I created in some form or another.

The key word here is responsibility – when one steps into the role of co-creator you have to take responsibility for what you are and have created.

What is it that you would wish to create that will have a profound and lasting effect on the New Earth?

What is it that would wish to create in your relationships?

What is that would wish to create in firmly anchoring in your soul mission onto planet earth?

The portal has opened to truly create something extraordinary, something amazing and to do so from the innermost heart and soul and with great love.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings and Twin Flame Soul Readings:

YouTube Channel:  Judith Kusel

The Mass Movement of Energies and Mass Awakening Awareness of Man

1bodyMovement, mass movement of energies are now pouring onto the earth and from the inside of the earth those pyramids and those energy centers are now starting to reactivate which have lain dormant for billions of years, as the greatest epoch of change ever experienced by mankind now rises to the fore.

This year will be a Rubicon year for many, for it is bringing together those forces, those souls, those combined pooling of soul resources on a global scale.
We have to understand just how important this is: – for the first time since Atlantis, we are standing on the threshold of immense earth changes, and changes in human awareness and the way they live their lives.

We have to understand that what has been closed down for so long is not being reawakened.  It never left the planet, but rather, as mankind deliberately wanted to destroy itself (Atlantis and what went before); these mass energy centers and energies were shut down, as the veils of amnesia were put down, in order that mankind learnt the lesson of power.

The Energy of Power is NEUTRAL – it is what one projects onto that power and the way one uses power, that ultimate can build up or destroy.

I have been working intensely with earth energies and energy fields and what is now awakening in the last few years.  I have been shown what is coming for mankind and how this all fits together.  Indeed that is what my soul has come in to do.  More than this I will not say, for the time is not right for me to do so.

At the moment mankind’s understanding and that of science is still too primitive to truly understand that which was put into place billions of years ago on the planet, in the form of energies and energy fields, that it will have to come as a total paradigm shift in their whole thinking and believing, before they will start to grasp what this all about.
These mass energies now being released are like a Tsunami, earth quakes, cosmic fire – the whole works will hit us at once, and shake the foundations to the very core…. indeed, most those foundations will start crumbling and all that has been built upon it that has been false, will disintegrate.
It means that certain souls have been closely working together, monitoring the situation, and have returned since the last World War, to bring about this massive change and to help humanity to bridge this immense epoch – the like of which has never before been experienced by mankind.
A lot of this shaking up is going to happen on the INNER planes, before manifesting on the OUTER planes, because, remember we are working here with ENERGIES and ENERGY FIELDS. These are more subtle forces, than that of brute force.

I have witnessed myself the immense power of such energy vortexes, in dissolving what no longer serves us, and all I can say is that humanity has not even tapped in a fraction of the power of energy and energy forces on this planet.

In that the mass movement of energies, are now disintegrating that old world, those old structures, the old way of thinking, acting, being, this is going to cause havoc in a lot of soul who have as yet not been aware nor awakened.  It is almost like they suddenly realize they are on the sinking of the unsinkable ship – like those who were on board of the Titanic all those years ago.

Think of the unthinkable starting to happen, and there you get a glimpse of what is awaiting us now in this immense shift which will take about 100 to 200 years, before all is in place.
As the souls now become like magnets to each other, and start working in tandem to do the work they are destined to do now, a core group will form, who will form the nucleus of those who will hold the light steady for the rest of humanity, and then MOVE humanity into that new way of life.

They were hand-picked for this immense task, and indeed have formed part of this task force since the creation of this planet.  They have had had many incarnations, existences in life and forms, dimensions and planes of existences all over the cosmos, and therefore have all the knowledge and tools inside of themselves.

Some of these were the twin flames who were on planet earth in what was the first civilization and even before that in what humanity remembers as paradise.  They were the first and will be the last – they are the change and all the keys and codes are encoded within them.
They already know who they are and therefore this is now the year of coming together and doing the work that needs to be done. In such important calling there is no place for ego.
All is in total higher service and with total dedication.

This is a time of expansion – expansion of the mind, for science has to stretch its boundaries into infinite cosmic space.

The old ways of thinking, believing, proving things no longer serve mankind.  It is time for breaking the rules, for breaking the old institutions and those faculties of learning that kept mankind prisoner for so long.

It is time to break through all barriers, and into a totally new science!

A higher science is emerging which is firmly anchored in cosmic understanding and therefore always steeped with the energies of the heart and mind.

More than this, humanity at large will start growing in awareness of their own place in under the cosmic sun and will start remembering what went wrong in Atlantis and will become conscious of their own role as co-creators.

As all the souls who were involved in Atlantis have returned, there will be a mass awakening of their own karma and karmic links which they now have the opportunity of rectifying and therefore bringing into higher alignment again with their true souls and that of the greater soul of the planet and the cosmic soul.

It brings immense opportunities for souls to expand beyond all norms of society and all norms of what is possible and impossible.

It brings in immense higher illumination of the heart, for the true cosmic sun resides in the heart and it is the Sun of Illumination.

This is the rising of the Cosmic Sun and it is the rise of the true illumination of mankind!

Let those who have ears, hear.

Let those who have eyes, see.

Let what is written stand for all eternity.

This is the hour, this is the day.

(Judith Kusel)