In a world of Reason – it is time to listen to the heart….


In the world of Reason, we forgot to listen to the voice of the heart…

We wanted to rationalize everything and then divorced the mind from the heart.  For what we could we not label nor put into neat little boxes and rationalize into Being by measuring it, by formulating it, we ignored.

In the process we created separation – from the heart, from the soul, from the Divine, from ourselves and others.

We wished to control all and everything, for we falsely believed that when we controlled everything, we would gain power.  Yet, that power is futile.  For it built on the unstable foundations, for in truth the whole physical existence is but an illusion, and what really matters is what is mostly invisible to the naked eye, but best felt within the deepest recesses of the heart and soul, its intuitive knowing, its inner seeing, knowing and hearing.

It is when humanity is suddenly confronted with its own frailties, its own innate un-wholeness, and false programming and thinking, indeed, its own mortality, that we are being forced back into our hearts and souls and finally forced to find the truth, the inner balance and harmony, the wholeness within ourselves, our hearts and soul and our infinite connection with the Divine and All-That-is!

In truth we could not live on planet earth without her consent.  We are but passengers on the spaceship, called Earth and therefore know that passengers can be aborted, can be asked to leave, and in truth are there but by the Grace of the Divine, and because of Mother’s Earths permission. She has a soul, and is a Divine Creation, just like we are!

Indeed, we have forgotten our Divine-given guardianship of Mother Earth and all upon her.  We caged her animals,  and pockets of nature, and put them in National Parks and preserved little parts of her, for our own entertainment: – as we caged human beings into heart-less structures and boxes cities, boxed-in places where nature is delegated to small green areas and little gardens and all is measured by structures and forms, which in truth are but measured by the control they exert in some form or another.  In truth who is free?


We need to thank the Corona Virus and being quarantined to finally wake us up to the truth.  When we finally understand that the world, we live in is artificial and thus structured by human ideas and notions, and concepts which the rational age brought, we start waking up, we start seeing the Illusion.  The structures give the illusion of safety – when in truth they do not.

It gives the illusion that it has answers for everything – yet, what does it in truth know?

It gives the illusion of power – which in truth is built on false notions of power.

For the greatest power and truth lie within the soul and its infinite connection with the Divine, and its cosmic heritage, for the other soul parts work and live in other galaxies and star systems.  We cannot be ever separated nor severed from the Divine, nor the other soul parts, nor the soul group, nor the cosmic whole!

Yet, we falsely were led to believe that this planet was the only planet which had live on, and that there is no other live in the star systems and galaxies etc.

Yet, look within our own soul, and have you not felt like an alien on this planet many a time, for your soul remembers other existences and other forms of life and being, where there is harmony, balance and wholeness. Your soul remembers.

Even here on Planet earth there were civilization which once were highly advanced and all had Golden Ages, of balance and harmony, when wars and strive and control were unknown.  Yet, always it seems that when humanity rises to a certain degree, they tend to be swayed off course.

Plato states it so eloquently, as I shared with my students in my seminars in Greece and Egypt, that the Atlanteans had mastered a high degree of technology, but then got so arrogant, that they believed that they could do whatever they wanted and create outside the Divine Laws, and they started to destroy themselves and the earth, and this culminated in the Great Flood as the Gods wished to teach them a lesson, and Atlantis was wiped off the face of the earth.

Let us remember that the highest pathways, go through the heart and soul, and not through the mind.

The mind plays out its role to perfection, when ideas and concepts and visions, first arise from the heart and soul and with great soul, and then the mind is used to bring this into being, by finding innovative ways of creating this into physical forms and existence.  In this way the heart and mind work in unison.

For the higher soul self, will always adhere to the Divine and the Universal Laws because it seeks Oneness and Unity with great love.  It ever seeks to co-create within the Divine Laws.

The soul is infinite.

So is Love.

When the Power of Love is what is what governs our heart and souls, and when it becomes a way of life again, that is when humanity will finally have mastered the lessons of Atlantis, and what was even before Atlantis.

When we finally understand that we are all soul journeying here but for a single eyewink in eternity, and thus that we have the responsibility, each one of us, to create the best life for ourselves, for others, and in harmony with Mother Earth, nature and all within and upon her, that we will finally return to the state of harmony, balance and simplicity.

It does not mean to deny the shadow, but rather to allow the Light and the Shadow to balance each other out, so that we can reach the highest state of equilibrium. For the shadow serves as much as the Light.  Indeed, when the equilibrate each other, they become the Divine Harmony and Balance, for all of God’s Creation is harmonious.  It is in a higher state of Balance.

As the scales of balance is now tipping profusely between the light and shadow, it is time for us all to go deeply within our own hearts and souls, and to seek renewed meaning and purpose for our lives.  We need to surrender all our notions, our programming, our preconceived ideas, our struggles, our victories, our innermost prayers of our hearts and souls and being, upon the Sacred Altars of the Divine.

“Thy will, and not our Will be Done!”

“May all work out in the highest and best way for the highest good of all concerned.”

When you do this, you are not losing control, but in fact allow the Mighty Divine Master Plan to unfold perfectly within you, and through you.

In moments when we finally have surrendered everything, be become no-thing.  Yet, the Universe abhors a vacuum:  the minute you are emptied, the Divine Love and Guidance and infinite Wisdom and Light will fill it.

In such moments one has tears of gratitude and awe and wonder flowing.  One become so ATONE with the Divine, that we are just Love, pure unconditional love.

One is at peace, in the deepest essence of self.

All will work out perfectly for this too shall pass and is already passing.

Yet, know that when you surrender in the deepest aspect of self, your life will change.  You will shift as you have never shifted before, but it will be a shifting into the Higher Soul Self, and eternal Being, the higher TRUTH within yourself!

New insights and guidance will come.

Your soul calling and purpose will be renewed.

You will now allow yourself to be guided, by the Divine guidance within you.

The outside world will cease to run your life:  The Divine and you, yourself will run it.

For now, you know that no matter what happens on the outside, what truly matters is what is going on in your INSIDE.

Faith, hope and fortitude are there, and with is a deep stillness, a quiet knowing that by surrendering to the Mighty Divine Flow of the Rivers of Life, you will be safely carried to the Shore!

Yet know that old shore will not be the familiar and mundane life you got so used to – no!

It will be a new life and new shores in a much higher dimensional state and a much higher frequency band.

It is the return of the higher state of Balance and Harmony, and equilibrium.

Yet, this first needs to be found INSIDE of you, before it can manifest outside of you.

You are humanity!

Remember this!

As you shift, you shift humanity.

As you start applying the Power of Love, you become it!

Open your heart and allow the Power of Love to flood your whole life, heart, soul, mind and Being!

And know this is a time of huge gatherings and two of these gatherings I will personally bring to humanity, plus a deep and conscious awakening, during my two Seminars in Sedona and Mount Shasta in August and September 2020.

I have spoken!

Judith Kusel

Soul Readings:


Seminars in USA:



Facebook:  Judith Kusel

You Tube Channel: Judith Kusel


The Great Awakening Code: Confronting the Shadow

A mass awakening is happening, as humanity, at large is forced to confront their own shadow, the darker side, the fears, the structures, the forms, the patterns, the old karmic patterns created over many lifetimes.
For in truth, that is what this virus is forcing us to do: to become introspective instead of outer-spective. To dig deep within ourselves: our greatest fears, our greatest worries, our greatest remembrance of traumatic deaths in past lives: – especially lifetimes in Europe and elsewhere where the Black Death hit, the huge pandemics which killed off whole cities and villages during the Middle Ages. More than this, it is the deep remembering of other even greater catastrophes, like the last Great Flood, when vast continents sunk under the sea and the whole landscape of the earth changed within a few days. Atlantis being the last, as before Atlantis, came Lemuria and Mu, Avalon, the Lion Kingdom and Elysium – the latter destroyed during the Wars of Heavens, when planet earth was thrown out of orbit and the whole of the galactic core was in total chaos as galaxies were blown up.
In the last few months I have had to clear so much of the past life trauma, the shadow, the pain, and more than this, dissolving old karmic patterns, finally freeing myself and the souls involved. For we cannot release the shadow, without forgiveness and loving Grace. We need to dig deeply within ourselves and confront the shadow, and then allow the heart to open, as we forgive ourselves and then others. So many times, we tend to beat ourselves up, buy into blame, shame and guilt, which pulls us down more than builds us up. Until we truly forgive ourselves, we in truth cannot forgive others to the same degree.
In moments of true loving Grace, there are just tears of gratitude,  and we can thank the souls for the roles they played out in our lives to teach us valuable soul lessons.
Remember it is not only the individual souls being addressed now: but the collective. In truth old family karma, old country karma, old world karma. The shadow is there reminding us, that we cannot ascend as a collective whole, without us all agreeing to finally forgive, to let go of all the anger, resentments, the fears, the sickness of the collective. For we are all ONE, at the deepest levels. We all have shadow and light within us. They: – are in fact we, us!
It is a time of intense and immense heart opening – when we find a deep caring again, for others, for our fellow men and women. When our hearts open, greater shifts in consciousness will happen, as we now start to understand, that it is only with the Heart that we can see clearly: all else is illusion. The heart and soul can stretch Universally, it is not bound to planet earth. You are in truth a cosmic Being and Soul!

To not resent the shadow: Welcome it in. Talk to it. Ask it what is teaching you and you will be surprised!
How often do we tend to ignore the shadow, to ignore the warning signs, even if alarm bells are ringing everywhere?!
How often do we tend to close our hearts, instead of opening it up and assisting our fellow men and women as they struggle through life?
How often do we tend to treat Mother Earth and all living things, as something to always just take from, and not honor and respect?
How often do we turn a blind eye to what is going on, mainly because we fear and we do not wish to get involved?
How many of us, refuse to truly heed the highest calling of our souls, because we fear to step out of our comfort zones, because we fear the judgments of others, because we fear we will not have enough?
The list goes on and on.
When we suddenly are confronted with death and our own mortality, we go through the same process as most terminally ill people do. There is no running away anymore. Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross, who started the hospice movement and who devoted her entire life to assist the terminal ill, said that those who had most difficulty dying, where the ones who never truly lived their lives!
I remember reading this years ago, and I promised myself that I would serve to the highest degrees the rest of life, and that I would live life as best I could, so that I would have no regrets. I still do this. That does not mean that I did not have to face hardships (I have and those who know me, know how much I have had to overcome in the last few years), nor struggle, nor have my moments where my faith wavers, and when I am down! I am human too. Yet, I know for sure that I am never left alone, that I am always surrounded by cosmic support systems and Divine Love, Light and Wisdom, day and night!
The same applies to all of us.
The Divine declared a long time ago that the planet will ascend back into the 7th dimensional state and this is exactly what is happening.
I was given a vision the other day, where I saw what happened to a certain civilization many thousands of years ago, when they knew the floods were coming. They, as a collective gathered, and they all chose, en mass, to ascend into the highest dimensional state. Indeed, they were still here, and present, as the Ancient Ones, and never left the planet. We just cannot see them with our physical eyes, but with the Third Eye. They still hold the collective energy steady for humankind, as they vowed not to leave until humanity finally ascends into the 7th dimensional state.
When this vision and knowing was given me, I had tears. I was overawed, that a whole people would take this onto themselves! What a gift of selfless service!
What if we would all, as one, serve from now on, with all that we have and are, and that we will go and face the shadow, and we will go and do the inner cleansing and clearing, and wipe our own slates clean, and then go and inspire the rest of humanity to do the same? If our hearts and souls would open, and we will start to truly care about those who cross our paths, and be the angels of mercy, goodwill, love, wisdom, light, and way showers for those who are lost, who are ill, who have nowhere to turn to and nowhere to go?
What if we start opening centers where we can live in eco-friendly ways, and start helping each other, and work together, instead of running the rat race and being cut-throat and self-centered and selfish?
It is a time of great gathering of like-minded souls, who will bring the new life and way of life to the fore in immense and beautiful ways.
The Intergalactic Counsels keep showing me, the new humanity – the New world rising, and it is in truth Golden.

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Yet, at the same time, a huge purification is happening, and many souls will be leaving the planet, mainly because their soul contracts are fulfilled, and they chose to leave at this time.
We are going through the fires of purification – and therefore the more we purify our own energy fields, and do the inner work, and seek higher guidance, and connect ever more deeply with our souls, our soul groups, and the whole of the Cosmic Hierarchy, the brighter and lighter we will become. Our crystalline bodies are becoming more and more sensitive to harshness, to jamming frequencies, and thus become aware of this and then do what needs to be done.
Become an inspiration – instead of spreading more fear. Become a Beacon of Light and Love – which changes the world.
This time calls for loving and inspired leadership. It calls for visionaries and it calls for those who will lead humanity through this crisis, with great love and dedication. This is not a time to shrink – but to expand! To step ever higher in loving service!
I am reminded of a lady who used to come to the library where I was Librarian in a wheelchair. She was paralyzed and thus had very little movement left in her body. Yet, she always had a word of love, encouragement, and hope for everyone she met. She said that she could not walk and be mobile anymore, so she felt herself called to serve, by praying for others. She asked people to send her prayer lists so that she could pray for their loved ones or when they were ill, etc. This became her way of rendering highest service with great love!
Being at home now is a blessing! You can serve from home in great ways. You need not even leave the home – you can pray, you can meditate, you can do the inner work and you can call in the angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, the Divine etc. and ask them to send in the violet flame into hospitals and areas. You can call in the healing angels and Archangel Raphael to heal humanity. The list is endless. In whatever way you feel yourself called, and would love to serve, go serve.
We are here to bring the best out of each other currently, and to help each other to transcend into the highest dimensional states.
What a calling!
Embrace the calling!
The old is leaving us.
Embrace the new and the higher way!
A beautiful rebirth is happening, and a gross awakening for humankind!
The phoenix is rising from the ashes!
Judith Kusel
Facebook: Judith Kusel
Twitter: judithkusel2


The Shift: The Challenge to embrace higher Soul Mastery


A master does not fear life, nor death: – but stays focused on the Path!”  (Judith Kusel)

“When one is called, one does not need to understand, one just needs to follow that call and trust that the Path will reveal itself, as on faithfully walks it!”   (Judith Kusel)

We are entering an epoch, a totally new Chapter of Life on the planet in superfast motion now.  It will demand, following the soul Call, and truly live one highest soul calling and purpose in ever higher and more powerful ways.  One cannot shrink away from this Calling anymore.

Before the soul is born, the soul will sit in counsel with its Higher Guides, its Soul Group, with the Galactic Masters, the 12 and 23 Elders who surround the Throne of the Divine and the Divine itself, and will work out a schedule, a Master Plan and soul contract.  The soul will review all its other lifetimes and existences and then will chose whom he or she meets in this lifetime to fulfill the contract.  He or she will choose their parents, their place and country of birth, as well as its siblings. It will choose the framework for its soul destiny to unfold, and it ask those souls, who need to be part of this soul journey on earth to meet them along the way.  Often these are souls with whom one has negative karma to clear, or who need to work with one, or whom one truly loves and would like to walk in partnership within some form or another while on earth.

So many souls forget this when on the planet.  I find this when I get feedback on my Soul Readings, where I give the Soul Name and the purpose for incarnating: “I have always known this at a very deep level, but never lived this.”

At this time know that your higher soul self will prompt you to remember.  It will pull you into the orbit of those souls whom you agreed to meet and work with at this time.  It will bring a deep remembrance, as something within you starts triggering and as you start waking up to the Greater Divine Masterplan, as planet earth is rapidly ascending higher into the 5D and needs to accelerate back into the 7D, the original state she was born into.

As planet earth is revving up and as she is accelerating and as her vibrational frequency rise, we need to raise our as well.  Otherwise we will fall off the bus, for our physical forms just will not be able to hold form anymore!

When the earth was formed, certain energy fields and energetic sun discs, crystal pyramids and crystal pyramid grids and crystalline energy grids where created into Mother earth.  The immensely powerful spiraling energy, which works in tandem with the sun discs are now starting to reactivate, and some already have been activated, and this is causing an immense raising in frequency bands, spinning the 3D out and bringing in the 5th dimensional frequencies.  More than this, the ancient sites are reawakening, the pyramids are now activating again, and we will go through immense and intense earth changes – which will way upstage the last immense Flood, remembered by all peoples on the planet who survived.

When I was in Greece and Egypt reactivating the ancient sites and energy fields and pyramids etc. I often had to do this, during madding crowds of tourists.  It always amused me, that they walked mindlessly past the most powerful centers, and did not see for seeing.

When you truly wish to hide something, put it right in front of people’s noses, and they will not see for seeing.

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There are many dimensional states existing simultaneously.  If you walk soullessly through life, blinded by the opium of the masses, you cannot see for seeing.

The 3 D humanity seek evidence is what we can proof, feel and touch. The 5D humanity uses heart, soul, mind, and all their energy centers and are have mastered themselves to a much higher degree.  They walk mindfully and soulfully and have a wide-open heart.

The Ancient  lived in the much higher dimensional state and thus they stored records and energies in totally different way.  They knew had mastered much higher dimensional technology, and we are still lagging light years behind.

When we finally start to raise our own dimensional frequency bands to that of the 5th and 7th we will be able to reuse these ancient energy centers once more.

But before we can truly do this, we need to step up in dimensional frequency bands.

We cannot do that when we are still stuck in the 3D programming, the 3D illusions and the 3D mindlessness.

We can only withstand the immense upgrades and shifts when we step into our hearts and not our minds.  Our heart center is directedly linked to the soul and soul tunes into the soul group, and thus can travel and traverse the cosmos.  It is not bound by physical form.  It is Universal.

The ancient sites work with the heart center energy and not that of the mind.  The mind can only stretch so far and not further. 

When the heart and mind are beautifully balance and work in tandem, then one can reach the higher transcendental states, which are so necessary to access the higher soul self and the soul information.

Most people cannot do this, for their mind will conjure up a thousand reasons why this or that cannot be, while the heart KNOWS.

There is another factor though that we have forgotten about, that is our own energy fields.  We have in truth 12 bodies and each body has its own energy field. The higher the frequency, the more the energy fields expand and the greater and more powerful the field.  Now this field has sensors and it constantly giving you feedback about the energies you are encountering – that of other people, the places, the earth.


When you are sensitive to energy and energy fields, like I am, you start learning to read the energies and you can then start to read the whole, like you would read a map.  This gives you access to far more information, via your heart center, than you will never get, just via the mind, and what it can access.

Why?  Because the heart center has a far greater energy field than the mind.  More than this the electromagnetic impulses of the heart, link directly to that of Mother earth!

If we wish to truly traverse into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, we need to attain higher degrees of mastery.  You cannot attain that in the milling crowds, you can only attain this state within yourself!

Know thyself!  Know your true soul and connect with it and its infinite knowing.  Your higher soul self will bring you back to the deepest truths, which you will recognize within yourself.  Not outside of yourself!  Inside.  There will be a deep resonance. 

When one resonates at soul level with the Divine within and Divine Without then one can step into the higher dimensional state of true Oneness.  For one in truth is one with everything and everyone and everyone and everything is you!

Yet you have the power to influence the whole energy field, just through the frequency and vibration of your own soul!

When we finally are so pure, that our own ego totally can step out of the way, and our higher soul self totally takes over, only then can be step into mastery.

We are not influence by mass hysteria, nor mass opinion.  We do not need the outside to run our lives. We run our own life and we stand in the fullness of our own light and not in the shadow of others.

We walk that path alone if need be.  Yet in truth we are the whole.

A master does not fear life, nor death: – but stays focused on the Path!”  (Judith Kusel)

The challenge now is to master life in much higher degrees through the power of the soul connected to the Infinite Core of all Being.

Our true soul self knows this.

For the soul is not bound by physicality – it is part of a much greater infinite whole, and thus can span dimensions and has access to all Creation.

There lie our highest lessons in mastery for the New Golden Age.

I have spoken!

Judith Kusel

WordPress blog:

Facebook: Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel

You Tube:  Judith Kusel


The Shift Accelerates


As the immensely powerful shifts now occurring is pushing us more and more in the higher frequency bands with the opening of the immense cosmic portals from the Giza Pyramids to Sirius and the from Sirius linking us directly again to 7th Central Sun of Illumination.  More than this, it has opened the immensely powerful sun discs and the energy they emit.

These sun discs are not only massive and immense torus energy vortices, but smaller ones were used in ancient times to store Universal knowledge and information and download it directly into the mind.  Thus, information could not be distorted nor twisted, nor used in detrimental ways.

With this the Crystal Pyramids and the Spinal Column of the Earth have been reactivated and massive earth changes are upon us.

This shift now goes directly into heart.

The mindless running of the rat race, and quest for that ultimate material “something” has kept humanity mindless for so long.  It was a quest into a material reality, which in truth was illusionary.  So many are now opting to get out of the rat race, as their hearts open and their souls awaken, and they start to see the truth.

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Once the soul sees the truth, and starts living it, it cannot go back into the illusion, for it now seeks ever higher truths, an ever higher and more expanded way of life and living this truth.  The search then opens the whole new doorways, to expanded consciousness, expanded awareness and expanded Beingness.

Deep down the soul knows that it is here for a reason, a mission and purpose.  When one wishes to deny this purpose, wake up calls will come along the way, to nudge the soul back to its original state, and to the essence of what the Divine created it for to be and express.

In my soul readings, the soul name already indicates the higher attributes of the Soul, as the Divine created it, and through these attributes it is meant to serve the Divine cosmically, so that the Divine can experience His/her Creation through the soul.

The shifts now bring even higher awakening with the souls who are awake and aware.  We need to shift now into much higher gear, and it is awakening ancient remembering within us all, which goes far beyond the planet and all incarnations here and into the very heart of the Universal Creation and the core heart of it all.

The Universal Creation is vast – so vast that our human minds cannot even grasp this.  And within the Universal Creation there is a hidden order, and Universal Laws govern this order and these Laws apply to all of Creation.  It applies to the individual soul, to the collective soul groups, to the Collective Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Soul.

The consciousness levels of individual souls at this moment in time, is that of finally reclaiming their Universal and Cosmic Consciousness.  Once consciousness expands into the Universal levels, one starts walking this planet in a much higher state of Being.  Yet the higher State of Being, can only be attained through the open heart center which links directly to the Soul.

The Soul in turn is directly linked to the Soul Group or Monad, and through the Monad, linked through the various levels of Divinity to the Divine Source.

Many souls, when they are ready to ascend into the higher states of consciousness will now, and some already have, merge with other soul flames (I am not talking about Twin Flames here), in order to step into the full mastery of their souls.  This is an energetic merging and only comes when the soul is ready to assume much higher leadership roles and walk the path without ego.

These are the core souls who have been involved with this planet since the beginning, first in Agartha, the Inner Earth civilization, and then in the later civilizations and mostly in the role of teachers and Higher Guides.  They serve at Universal levels and thus their souls have gained the Universal Knowledge which surpasses anything one can master on planet earth.

These souls have up to now, lived in relative obscurity, for they needed to do so – and many of them lived quiet lives in the background, while anchoring in their soul mission and purpose into Mother Earth, especially since 2004.  Some have had immense shifts and thus stepped further into the merging since 2017 and will do so more and more in the next years leading up to 2021 and 2034.

Yet the time has come now for these souls to step forward and out and reveal themselves to humankind, so that the work can now be done at accelerated pace.  They serve without ego.  They are not there to bring opium to the masses to keep them ignorant and bound, but they will free them from the shackles and bonds still holding them in the 3D.   This work is already being done – but now will be done to a much greater degree.

The greatest work is not done, where there is much publicity and fanfare and where the masses go.  Most of these highly advanced souls have chosen other paths, which in the end lead to a much greater awakening in many alternative ways.  For in truth the greatest teachers walk humbly and walk egoless, for they are do not seek mass adoration nor condemnation, but steadily walk the middle path, where one blame or praise has no effect.

One is totally focused on the work, and the work alone. One walks that path relentlessly, and one is but here to serve from the heart and soul and with all of one’s being.  For as the awakening occurs the souls who need to find them, will be led to them and they will recognize these Masters within their hearts and souls.  For the Masters will speak directly into their souls, and thus the soul will know them through the truth their hearts recognize.

For this the marriage now the heart and mind.  The mind will always question what the heart and soul know. It is best to step out the mind, and into the heart, which is directly attached to the soul, and then you will see clearly. When you allow the mind to control the heart, you cannot see. You are blind. When the heart opens, and reconnects to the soul, and its infinite knowing, then the mind serves the heart and works in unison with it. There needs to be a beautiful balance between the heart and the mind.

More than this, it is the balancing between the right and left brain, the marriage within of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and the return to the higher states of Balance and Unity.

Immensely powerful and potent vibrational frequency shifts are upon us in the next few months and years.  The Universal Counsels with the Divine have ordained that Planet Earth will return to the original 7th dimensional state she was originally created in to be and become.  What the Divine declares – happens.

It will mean that we all will need to shift – and the shifts will happen within our own hearts and souls. There will be a heart opening as never experienced before.  The old you will disappear.  The New and much Higher Version of you will rise and you will hardly recognize yourself anymore.

What had so much meaning for you today and even yesterday, will lose its glamour, as you finally recognize the Maya, the Illusion which has kept humanity prisoner for so long. You will see the truth, and you soul will recognize the Truth to the highest degrees and your heart will know.

As the heart opens, the Eternal One LOVE will fill it.  The Eternal Light and Love which goes beyond all description and all Understanding.  You will start to see the truth that everyone you encounter, is but another you.  For in truth we are all ONE.  There is no separation. There never has been.

As the Rainbow Tribes and People, the True Ones, gather, they will bring global transformation to the highest degrees.  More so, they will unite in Unity, such has never experienced before.

As the heart opens more and more, and Power of Love, floods all the Beings and Mother Earth shifts into the higher dimensional state, all will be reborn, reinvented, reshaped, and transformed.  The Old earth is no more.  All will be transmuted. This immense alchemy transformation and transmutation is in full swing.

Open your heart and allow Divine Love to flood it and fill it.

Open your soul’s deepest remembrance and live its truth.

Do not shrink away from being broken open, and allowing the old Adam and Eve to dissolve, but embrace the New YOU, which is now rising to the fore, the True SOUL YOU and then go and become what you need to become in order to fulfill your highest soul mission and purpose here on planet earth.

It is time.

I have spoken.

Judith Kusel

Soul Readings:


Books Amazon:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel


The Veils of Amnesia/Illusion being lifted: The stages of initiations and soul growth

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Since the Harmonic Conversion in 2012, the Veils of Amnesia are steadily being removed to the degree that each individual soul is ready to have it removed.

The readiness has to be shown to the degree that the soul has become consciously aware and is thus ready to assume life in all its forms in the 5th – 7th dimensional state, as the planet has already risen into the 5th vibrational frequency band.

The Veils of Amnesia was placed over humankind when they fell into the 3rd dimension state, after the Fall of Atlantis.  It has 7 layers and was put into position for every single soul incarnating, so that they would be able to explore the 3rd dimensional world, forgetting the truth of who and what they really are, at soul level.

Before 2012, this veil was only removed when the soul transitioned from planet earth (at death) and only then, if they were ready.  It is not being steadily dissolved, as we are ready and able to handle each phase of its opening up.

Indeed, the soul itself, as incarnated on this planet, will have to go through tests, or initiations, to see if they are ready for the next layer to be removed, in through their own soul lessons in mastery.

The Veils of Amnesia are also called the Veils of Illusion – for we buy into illusions when we incarnate here and believe that the Illusion that we are buying into, is Reality, when in truth it is not.

Here are the 7 Veils of Illusion/Amnesia:

The 7th Veil:  This veil is the furthest away from our third eye and shields the rest.  Its colour is red.  As the soul awakens and we realize that we are responsible for everything in our life: – thus the Divine Law of Responsibility.  It means taking responsibility for every single action we take, or non-action.  As we finally take responsibility, we grow in self-mastery of our life and actions, and stand in our power.  As this happens the veil will be automatically removed.  Our spiritual journey on earth and our true awakening has now started.  We start seeing and living life from a much higher perspective.  We choose how to live our lives, and take responsibility for our choices, and know that in truth in can transform anything we wish.

The 6th Veil:   When we step past the illusion that the physical body is the be-all and end-all of our existence here on planet earth and tune into the spiritual body, we start realizing that are other forms of existences, parallel existences, so much which is invisible to the human eye, but just as real.  There are other worlds and vibratory beings interwoven with our existence.  The yellow veil dissolves fully when we believe in and trust the spiritual beings, from elementals to angels and beyond, to assist us.  We start interacting with them and pass our initiations as we totally hand ourselves over to the higher realms, so assist each other.

The 5th Veil:  This is the pink veil of Love. It is the emotional ascension veil and it the most challenging to undertake.  It requires complete detachment from ego.  All ego.

We start losing everything we ever held dear, and as all literally dissolves in and around us, we totally surrender our heart, our life, our Being.

This is where the Divine Law of Forgiveness and Grace becomes operational.  We are given the opportunity to totally forgive ourselves and others so that we hold unconditional love in our heart centre for ourselves and everyone – especially those who challenged us the most.  We realize that we are all one.  We thank the soul(s) involved in hurting us and forgive them totally and move into the highest state of loving Grace, where we have tears of gratitude running down our cheeks.  We are grateful of the outcome and can bless the soul wholeheartedly.  In this way we, and the outcome is all ascending into a much higher vibratory level.  There is no judgement, no fear, no finger pointing left, no separation – there is only total and pure unconditional love as the heart and soul opens to ever greater levels of love and being loved, unconditionally.

The 4th Veil:  When we start to understand who animals are and that they have a soul, just like we have, this blue veil starts lifting.  Each animal is on its own soul journey and have their own individual soul mission and purpose to fulfil on this planet.  When we are open to and have a great love for nature and the elemental kingdom, start to work with animals, nature and the elementals on a psychic and physical level, we transcend duality and separation.  We honour the soul within them and realize that we are all One within Creation.

This is when we start communicating with them telepathically and when we start communicating their messages to other people so that they may start to understand and grow spiritually and at soul level as and how they are ready for this.  We make other aware of the roles that animals, nature and the elementals play in the greater Universal scheme of Life, and all of Divine Creation.  Animals, such as elephants, dolphins, whales, lions, horses, dogs, cats, etc. can truly teach us unconditional love and wisdom when we are open to this, in ways which opens the heart and soul to ever greater understanding and experiencing of pure unconditional love, and a deep wisdom, which surpasses all understanding.  For they have unique role to fulfil, and the Divine created them for a specific task.

In my own communication with elephants and lions recently, I have open had tears running down my cheeks, at the profound wisdom and pure unconditional love I felt communicated to me why these great Beings, just like that of the dolphins and whales.  Truly one starts respecting the very sacred ground that one stands one and one starts respecting all sentient Beings.

The 3rd Veil:  The deep blue Veil dissolves when we work with and co-operate with the angels, archangels and Ascended Masters for the highest good of the planet.  We now have surrendered and thus allow ourselves to be used in the highest possible service to the Divine and are now operating from the point of mastery and have become a master.  We are using our power to create a higher state of Being in all and everyone and everything we encounter, all that we touch and see, and interact with.  We live in true Unity.  Oneness.

The 2nd Veil:  This is when be truly claim our cosmic citizenship, indeed reclaim it, when this violet veil is removed.  We experience and see the cosmos from the point of total Unity and Oneness.  We know for sure that everything is connected – all the galaxies, stars, star systems, planets, trees, animals, plants, earth, and the very fabric of the planet and all of Creation.  We now expand into cosmic consciousness and awareness and are fully enlightened.  We traverse dimensions and we truly span heaven and earth.  For in truth there are no limitations.  The soul is limitless and Atone and can traverse the cosmos at will.

The 1rst Veil:  Before 2012 this crystal-clear Veil was only removed once we had passed over and left the physical body behind, and then only as and how the souls were ready for this.  It is now dissolving steadily over the course of our own enlightenment and ascension process.  The strips are removed by Archangel Butyalil, the mighty angel who operates thoughout the Universes and closely works with Archangel Metatron to co-ordinate the ascension process in all of the 12 Master Galaxies.  He gently opens us up to the full glory of our cosmic Master Self, as and how we are ready to step into this.

Remember that these veils will only be removed as you are ready to have them removed, by passing the initiations and the greatest of all, is the highest states of finally stepping past all ego, and into the highest state of pure unconditional love and loving Grace – Unity consciousness to the very core of the heart and soul.

My Soul Reading help souls enormously to awaken to their own highest soul self, their own mission and purpose on this planet and so do my online “Soul Empowerment Level I and II “ courses.

(Judith Kusel)

(With acknowledgement to Diana Cooper and Tim Whild)

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

You Tube Channel:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2

The Illumined Mystic Alchemy and Sacred Union.



Love always seeks to expand upon itself, to ever delve deeper into the depths of All-Loving, and seeks that mystical and sacred union with the Beloved in ever deeper and more profound ways.

There is a highest pathway of the True Mystic, which seeks the alchemical Marriage, that Divine Sacred Union, which goes beyond the norm and stretches into the very Mystery of Mystery, the infusion and the working, the co-creation with the Sacred Fires and the Kundalini or Serpent Energy.

Only the highest-ranking Initiates could catch a glimpse of the deepest inner mysteries in the Ancient Mystery Schools as held in the Pyrenees, and Southern France, in the most hidden and sacred, secret places, and then they had to go through stringent initiations, and training, before they could delve into these mysteries of Mysteries.

There was a very sacred, secret Order, the of Rose, the Serpent (Kundalini) and the Sacred Chalice/Cup/Grail.  Those who belonged to this secret Order identified each other via the symbols imbedded on the SOUL self, and on the forehead, for they could read with via the inner seeing and knowing.  Most of these souls belong to this sacred and sanctified order in the inner planes and thus always serve together in some great way.  It is the call to the highest service to the Divine and thus the bestowal of co-creatorship in a deeply alchemical and mystical way, which has made them stand out in so many lifetimes, parallel lives and Universes, as the very highest and most evolved of the Illumined Ones.

The true Mystic seeks to delve ever deeper into the Unknown, the Unchartered, the Unrecorded and to seek to experience the Divine through this alchemical and mystical union.  It is therefore in essence not self-seeking, or ego driven, or that self-gratification, but goes beyond the self, into the ALL.  In fact, if one is not willing to totally dissolve, disintegrate and therefore be transmuted into a much higher version, creative, mystical, ALL, thus dissolving into the vastness of the Divine Energy Fields itself, one could not be reborn into the highest Mysteries of the Mystery itself.

The moment that one dissolved into the No-thing, one became Every-thing:  You became the same intelligent and unified Energy field, the Spiralling and Creative Energy force (Highest Kundalini/Serpent Energy Energy) and with it the Sacred Fire itself.  You became the embodiment of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine as you merged into one single energy force-field, and now, with immense intricate and highest training, could direct this whole energy field to create miracles.

This was the highest of all the sacred Mystery School’s hidden Rites, and therefore then only the highest and most disciplined of the all the Initiates were ever allowed to enter these.  More than this, it took total dedication and immense commitment to adhere to the Divine Alchemical Laws, and Divine Sacred Sexuality Laws, to gain this type of high degree of Mysticism.

One could enter through these means such immensely powerful Super Consciousness Energy fields, that one could experience the Divine in much highest and more profound ways, than through any other path.

Not all Initiates ever chose to do this in union with another – male and female, but some chose to do this on their own.  Every soul has free will and choice, and therefore then each pathway has its own challenges and more than this stringent initiation.

The reasons why one needed to be gradually initiated and introduced to this type of the highest mysteries, was mainly because the immense potent and powerful energy forces one starts to tap into and work with.   If the initiate was not yet of the same vibration and frequency as the superconscious energy fields entered, the physical body would disintegrate.  Indeed, the soul would have to leave the physical vessel, and could not return to it.

The trick was to enter these potent energy fields, dissolve into them, and then be resurrected within these fields, which one could only enter via the SOUL energy, and the direct the entire in co-creative ways.

Now, if the physical body was not tuned into the higher frequency yet, it could not hold form, as said, and therefore once the Kundalini energy and Sacred Fires are ignited to a high degree, many initiates died in the process, for FEAR stepped in, as they physical form started to disintegrate and they had not learnt to anchor themselves into the physical while also traversing the heavens, so to speak.

The Kundalini opens certain channels in the physical form and energy bodies in and around the human body, but it must go into higher octaves of such.  If one activates this energy too quickly, one is great danger of harming oneself, for there will be immense pain in the physical form and when blockages occur even more so.  If this energy is not directed in scientific ways (remember that metaphysics is as science) then the body will disintegrate – it cannot hold form.

The same applies to the sacred fires as well.

Highly trained Initiates could literally step in very powerful and almost superhuman co-creative acts in sacred union, and then direct the super consciousness energy fields in the exact forms they wished to manifest this.  This was called co-creatorship.

Remember in this that the sexual energy is not attached to the physical form at all, as is the kundalini, as is the soul.  It can expand in immensely powerful ways, into Divinity and therefore the ALL, the Omni-verse itself and all contained there-in.

In truth, there are no boundaries.  Human beings perceive false separation and false boundaries, were in truth there are no limitations.

All is One Unified and Superconscious and Intelligent Energy Field with sub-energy fields.  In truth, all is one and the same.

One could not do this work with just anyone.  No, the souls concerned we carefully chosen for this work, and most often would be Twin Flames and Soul Mates.  Mainly because in the case of the Illumined One, they were created by the Divine to co-create in this way. 

This must do with keys and codes as held within each soul flame and therefore when the two unite, they activated these within each other.  It is one by merging as one, that they could co-create in this manner.  This was by Divine Creation.

The True Mystical Partnership, was an agreement between these two souls to co-create in this mystical way, and then to do so in the highest possible service.  Indeed, it is usually to co-create the extraordinary together.

In such a union, there is no place for a third party, mainly because the third party must be created between the two, and this is the Sacred Fire. 

Trinity in truth means the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Fire (sometimes referred to as the Holy Fire or Holy Spirit).

With it came Truth, Respect, Integrity.

One had to have that degree of utter trust, that when one dissolved into such fields, that the fusion of the two, would hold the rest together.  Thus, not one of these two would disintegrate and out of mistrust or fear have their physical bodies disintegrate!

First, it was the fear of death which had to be overcome, and this fear can come in many forms and disguises. So often this fear is disguised in attachments, to things, to people, to places, etc.  Or is can be disguised as negative ego, which wishes to be better, than the partner.  Therefore, they had to be equals meaning equally soul-empowered.

The stringent initiations then were meant to not only allow the initiates to overcome fear, self-doubt, self-aggrandisement, etc. but also to become fully soul empowered, therefore fully standing in their own power and light, to not become overpowered by their partner.

It is only when both are whole and in balance within themselves, that they can merge fully and completely in such sacred alchemical marriage.

When these two souls then agreed to do this work together, they always held a special and very private ceremony where they committed they whole life, and physical and soul embodiment into the highest service to the Divine.  It was something very sacred and private they agreed upon.  This first and then only in the Presence of the Divine.

Then only they would be consecrated and anointed by the High Priest and High Priestess of this Sacred Order.

The Anointing itself was profound, for here they stood, as the Beloveds, in the face of the Divine, and those anointing them and the those witnessing this, that they would commit to their union to the highest possible service, with truth, integrity and respect, and that they were prepared to die for this, in needed.  Indeed, they were vowing to commit their entire life to uplift humanity (if on this planet) and to raise its consciousness, to blaze new and higher trails and that they would be there, leading from the front, fearlessly, and with great courage and inner strength.

For delving into the deepest Mysteries and retrieving what needs to be retrieve and worked with, co-created for the highest good, is not for the faint-hearted, the half-hearted, the ones would be fly-by-nights.  It is only for the those who are brave enough to dissolve and die totally onto themselves, to be resurrected into the work and then direct the work by co-creatorship.

Such is the Calling.

Such is the Sacrifice but also the Resurrection.

Such is the Truth and the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Seeing and the Omni-Being.

Copyright Applies.

(Judith Kusel)  for Soul and Twin Flame Soul Readings

Facebook:  Judith Kusel



The Void of Humanity

There is a general lost-ness in the human race which in truth was of their own making, when they collectively went against Divine Cosmic Laws, and in essence against their own core creation.

The lost-ness is most found in the way most yearn to be complete again, to become whole, and more than this to find true love which is lasting and not just a fleeting dream.

Deep down the Collective Consciousness reaches out to remind us of what we once had, and what we are now so desperately trying to regain.  In truth we never really lost it, nor lost ourselves, we just lost the key connections and the know-how to plug ourselves into the cosmic wholeness once again, and reclaim our wholeness WITHIN.

I work with the Super Consciousness Energy fields, and what I have come to realize is the everything which is conscious and aware, has been programmed into these vast energy fields.  Every single energy field is connected to one of the 12 Great Central Suns, and therefore then in a sense then plugged directly into its Energy STORAGE systems, which are like a huge pulsating, spiralling hub.

They are the CENTRAL Brain or Mind or Telos if you like of the Cosmos and then directly plugged into the ULTIMATE SUN which is the Divine Source itself.  However each Super Conscious Energy Field, is BOTH SOUL AND MIND – therefore the HEART/MIND connection is in balance and harmony and thus it pulsates at the frequencies of LIGHT, LOVE, SOUND AND BREATH – All of these components form the CHI or QI, the Life Energy Force which is there in every single living organism and living particle, atomic particles and sub-atomic particles and every single living cell and DNA structure Cosmically.

Every galaxy is one conscious Energy field and every single solar System and the planets attached to such system is one living Energy Field, and therefore CONSCIOUS and AWARE.

When souls incarnate onto this planet they normally are born conscious, but then through the process of growing up, are shut down by old fashioned methods of teaching, of societal structures and in the general programming which has ruled humanity since the first Fall.

I am gaining more and more respect for the human cell and its memory bank, for indeed, our whole ancestral history, plus dis-eases and trauma are more or less programmed in there and therefore humanity has to learn to deprogram this, in order to truly rise into the highest conscious awareness.  For while the physical body is being constantly upgraded now, we still do not know how to wipe the cell memory banks clean – like one would wipe out the memory banks of a hard drive of a computer and then reprogram it completely, or invent higher and better/faster computers and brains.

When humanity remembers how to do this (for it can be done and is done cosmically), then we will finally have the physical body in highest alignment with the Soul and the Divine Source like we had in the very beginning. The secret key to longevity, lies within our own souls and the cells structure of the physical from we adopt for but a single eye-wink in eternity.

What hinders humanity is mainly old and warped thinking and belief systems, outdated technology and science which is still soul-less, and therefore does not acknowledge the science of the soul as a vital component to a vibrant, radiant and fully empowered life and therefore the sacred key to Love, life and all BEING.

More than this, it is the old fear programming which is haunting us, via the ancestral programming, and the devastation of self-destruction which has been our own creation time and again.  It is almost like we are bent to self-sabotage at some stage, when we step up in knowledge and technology – and then tend to blow ourselves up.

Nowhere is this more reflected than in the area of relationships, whether these are intimate or social or whatever else.  We cannot even live in peace and harmony in our own home, never-mind the rest of the world.  Add to this that most people are not even at home with their own inner soul selves, and therefore at war within themselves!

Humanity is driven by the search for meaning, union and wholeness and the ultimate state of pure love, harmony, and balance.

  • Deep down within all of us is the yearning, the quest, the search for higher meaning and purpose. If our lives and way of living and loving has no meaning, we flounder in the quagmire of no-thingness and void.
  • Add to this the search for wholeness and completion.
  • The void exists within all of us, as does the distinct remembering as programmed into our souls and physical bodily cells, that once there was wholeness and that ultimate state of harmony and balance when the planet was first created. Our whole life is spent trying to bridge the void and find wholeness and completion once more.  This is in truth what CONSCIOUSNESS is and means.
  • Victor Frankl in his book “The Search for meaning” goes deeply into the very void. While in a concentration camp he asked the question why some seem to survive, while others did not and then comes to a very important conclusion that those who survived had a purpose, and calling GREATER than the sum total of themselves to fulfil and thus survived.
  • Herein lies a secret key to all of life:
  • Without purpose and a calling greater than the sum total of self all life is a void and devoid of meaning, and thus empty.
  • Most seek this wholeness, the filling of the void, in relationships, yet most never ever find that wholeness, only more desperation, loneliness and void, even in the most committed of relationships. In fact, just being in a relationship will not fill the void, will not fill the longing, so the void within will haunt us:  WHY?

  creativityfrommotherearthandfatertime333outer-space-planets-fantasy-art-artwork-wallpaper-3Because the void was created by man and woman and not by the Divine. 

 To be continued.

(Judith Kusel)

My Soul Readings give the meaning and purpose of your soul and why you incarnated onto planet earth:

The Divine Masculine with the Return of the Divine Feminine


As the Divine Feminine has truly returned and is being anchored in, the Divine Masculine is feeling this change to the very core of his being.  He must now adjust to a new way of life, living, and expression thereof and therefore often is deeply confused of his own role within the change.

Sometimes he feels threatened to the core, for the structures and forms he had set into motion during the time of Avalon, and truly implemented during the time of Atlantis, is suddenly not working anymore.  In that as much as he tries to regain control, he is losing control faster than he knows what to do with it.

His confusion is mostly within the mind – and then with the heart/mind opening the immense portals of consciousness everywhere, he is in a constant battle between his mind and his heart.

More than this he is confused within the whole structure of love, loving and commitment, and it is almost like he does not quite know what to make of the Divine Feminine, and yet is deeply fascinated by the very depth, the mystery of her.

He has always been fascinated by the very depth of her, the feeling part of her, and her all-knowing which he has to force sometimes, while she just KNOWS.  He cannot fool her, for all her honing systems are already sensing, what he is trying to hide from her.

And hide from her he does.  He loves going into that cave, that ivory tower he has created for himself, when the world gets too much, and he kind of shrinks away from her.  He invented the corporate world for himself, so that he could build the massive ivory towers, the towering penises/phallus (Skyscrapers) everywhere, as this is his power symbol, penetrative, hard  – it is almost like he is ashamed of being bendable, pliable.  No, he thinks he must be that hard, edged, and in control.

When he is in control of himself, his feelings, and his own created world of power, he feels safe.  Yet, there comes the Divine Feminine, and somehow, his ivory towers don’t work anymore, and deep down he so yearns to have that deep depth of knowing, that deep feeling within his own structures, for it gets mighty lonely in that cave, in that bastion, with all its defenses, and structures of what he feels makes him the man he is.

Only thing is, when he sits there cushioned, safe and secure in that ivory tower, the hard penis he has constructed for himself, he suddenly is left alone with himself.  He might control the whole world, all in it, but deep down he feels an immense VOID.  Something is drastically wrong, and missing.

Go back to the creation story, and there Adam has it all. He is in paradise, and has everything God created for him, but he is MISSING SOMETHING!  He has a VOID.

So, he, in this state of deep void, disgruntled, goes to the Divine and asks him to remedy that, to create something or someone who would FILL HIM UP, or the VOID INSIDE of Himself.

So, God created the FEMALE, the Divine Feminine and therefore the first LILITH and then Eve.

Now, Lilith was a free spirit if ever there has been there.  She was vibrantly alive, sensuous, feeling, and had a will of her own.  She loved to explore, to create, to dance wild and free, and she did not like him to be on top of her when they had union, she also wanted to be on top of him sometimes, and play with him in ways where he felt he was losing CONTROL.   He feared losing control more than anything else. Interestingly Lilith was the True Expression of the Divine Feminine, in her exuberant vibrant and totally empowered form – but Adam could not handle her.

His hands and his mind were too small.

So, he again complained bitterly to God, and so he divorced Lilith and then came Eve.  Eve, he could control and Eve was pliable, soft and yielding, compassionate and therefore more to his bidding. But deep down Adam was not happy:  – for he missed Lilith in his own way, and to be quite honest, he kind of found Eve too boring, for she was too pliable, too loving.

This story, like all the stories of creation, has an eternal truth hidden within it.  It seemed that Adam, could not find himself compatible, with any form of the Divine Feminine God created for him.  Somehow, no matter in what form she appeared, something deep inside of him wanted more.  It was exactly this DISCONTENTMENT, WHICH CREATED THE FALL OF MANKIND.

So no matter what God created for Adam, it never seemed good enough.  Adam wanted more.

Let us pause for a minute here, and then look at the traits of the Divine Masculine (and I will list them here)

As YANG:  Heaven, Sun, Fire, Movement, Consciousness (Shiva), Form, warm, active, outward and surface, Expanding, Light and day, Ascending, Fast

As Masculine:  Emptiness, Mental, Mind, No-thing, Purpose, Penetrative, Protective, Order and focus, Direct, Control, Initiates, Integrity, Competitive, Rational, Witness, Simple, Directing, Solitude, Conquering natures, thrives on challenge, Goal orientated, Penis, Hard and angular.

The Divine Masculine when fully empowered, creates STRUCTURES, FORMS, MATHS, SCIENCE, ORDER out chaos, Builds and destroys, likes to neatly label and calculate, formulate everything in his mind and put them in neat little boxes. He wants to protect his own castle and therefore puts all the bastions in place, he wants to build empires, construct, and therefore wants to rule supreme, and control everything.

But look closely now, that when the DIVINE MASCULINE HAS AN OPEN HEART AND THIS WORKS WITH HIS OPEN MIND he will not create anything which is not in highest alignment with the DIVINE WILL AND PURPOSE, and the DIVINE COSMIC LAWS.  He will construct, and build, and therefore structure and form all under the heavens, in a manner which ENHANCES life, and therefore which brings  balance and harmony into being, if he is deeply in touch with his own SOUL and therefore heart.

When the FEMALE, the FEMININE is denied entrance, or not acknowledged deep within himself, he will invariably self-destruct,  be destructive, for he cannot function just from the mind, devoid of the heart.  The VOID WITHIN HIMSELF, the void ADAM felt, was the void of the FEMININE WITHIN, the HEART/SOUL connection.

Interestingly he NEEDS that heart/soul connection, to step into the highest and most empowered version of himself!

When he becomes SOUL EMPOWERED, he can, in merging with his feminine counterpart, allow his own upper transmitters channels to open, and then he can truly step up into the highest version of the Masculine Divine, and into the highest version of co-creatorship.

When his upper transmitter channels, and heart-center are blocked, he will experience immense discomfort in his own sexual area.  It will be like he wants so desperately to tap into the Feminine Power, that immense depth, that mystery, which he so feels as VOID, and then he seeks to abuse his own penis to penetrate as many females as he can, (or abuse them), to feed his own sexual energy centres and ego. There is a deep discomfort, anger, and in some hatred, but interesting this reflects back at the core within himself, he has not owned, nor made peace with.  He becomes addicted to adrenalin rushes, in whatever form this may be, for his very competitiveness, makes dating and womanizing a competitive sport or he adds them as trophies, or as symbols of his own powers.  Yet, in the process, no matter how many females he puts his penis into, he cannot get rid of the VOID WITHIN, and then also deep feeling of self-loathing, self-hate, and self-punishment come to the fore, which often will manifest as prostate cancer.

It is like his penis is controlling him, instead of him controlling his penis.  In that then often putting his penis as a type of GOD, but then dissociating from the same in his mind.  He therefore almost goes out of his body, and looks himself performing an act, and therefore measuring his power through this member, which makes him masculine, but then somehow shuts down his own HEART/SOUL FEELING capacity.  That is why the masculine can do the sexual act, without feeling, for his mind shuts down his feeling centers.

To him it is all about PERFORMANCE.  In that he performs, the female he is with, feels violated, for deep down, she feels that he is not honoring the sacredness of her inner temples, but more than this, he has no respect for the sacredness of his very own!

When the masculine starts opening his heart and soul, a beautiful shift starts to happen, as he is reintroduced to the beautiful sensitivity of his penetrative organ.  When he is present within himself, and is there deeply connected to this heart and soul, he cannot violate her – for he respects himself and her, too much. Indeed his prime bodily member, becomes AN INSTRUMENT OF LOVE – therefore of giving delight, or creating new life, and therefore a wonderful fully loved-tuned instrument to co-created wonders with her!  There then is a deep desire within him, to make her FEEL his great love for her, and how much he wishes to connect to the beautiful depths, the beautiful mystery of all which makes her FEMALE, for she ENHANCES him in so many ways.  It becomes his way of showing her how much he loves her, and how much he wishes to gift her with ALL of what is there deep inside his heart and soul. So often what he cannot express in words, nor put voice to, will speak through the way he makes love to her or does things for her.

She is a mystery to him – yet it is the very mystery of her, which opens up the mystic within himself at the deepest soul level. It is the eternal dance between the Yin and Yang, which created the whole cosmos and all within it, indeed she holds the sacred Grail within the very depths of ALL her Being, if she is true to her own soul, and lives, loves with truth and integrity.

The Divine FEMININE GIFTS him with Fullness, Sensuality, Body, Everything, Being, Receptive, Nurturing, Chaos and Spontaneity, Subtle, Surrender, Sustains, Radiance, Co-operative, Emotional, Expressive, Colorful, Inviting, Social, communicating with nature, thrives on praise, Process orientated, Vagina, Soft and curvy, and the deepest Mystery, the keys and codes of CREATION lie WITHIN her.

It is not that these are not found in the Divine Masculine, for we ALL have the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine WITHIN ourselves in some measure, but rather that we finally realize that we NEED BOTH!

Life is not one-sided.

The Scales of Balance have both the Masculine and Feminine – the BALANCE LIES IN THE MIDDLE.  Therefore, when the Male and Female are equally empowered, they enhance each other and therefore bring out the BEST in each other.  Most often when there is imbalance, the worst!

The path to full empowerment lies via the SOUL and the HEART.  When the mind is divorced from the heart and soul, the masculine can get totally out of control and therefore his destructive side emerges, more than the structuring side.

When the masculine finds the depth of his heart and soul, and marries this to his mind, he moves into the Full empowerment of the Masculine Divine.  He will start to first go into his GUT feeling, and then use his mind – so that his upper transmitter channels open.

He will also then get in conversation with his own penis.  That means he will start forgiving himself for the times he just used that sacred temple for his, for self-gratification, and therefore then to conquer and to take.  He will start loving himself so much, that he starts to see this beautiful masculine part of him as the sacred GIFT that the Divine Masculine was given to penetrate, to fit beautifully into the Divine Feminine, and therefore to soulfully enter the most SACRED temple of her whole soul heart and being.  When he is touch with his own sacredness, and therefore with the full intent, to gift her with ALL THAT HE IS, as a man, his heart, soul, mind and BEING, then he is gifting her with more than all the power and money in the world, will ever bring her.

She then will FEEL this, and will open herself in a new and more amazing ways to him, and she will RETURN this gifting with interest and with so much love, that in that very moment two become AS ONE, and therefore the sacred FIRES ignites, where BOTH NOW ARE GIFTED WITH THE MYSTERY OF THE DIVINE GODHEAD ITSELF!

That goes beyond words.  It goes into the deepest mystery of creation itself.  Such experience truly is heaven.  For it become transcendental.

The beautiful blossoming of the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine, brings balance and harmony and truly is the return to the fullest Son and Daughter ship of the Divine.  It is the supreme gift of God/Goddess for it reflects their own union within the Godhead.

The empowered Divine Masculine is just as much needed now, as the fully empowered Divine Feminine.

When both are equally empowered, then the full co-creatorship will be returned to humankind and therefore the full powers of the 5th to 7th dimensional state.

A profound healing needs to take place WITHIN both the male and female, in order for this to happen from deep within.

Judith Kusel

For Soul Reading which have helped many men (and Women) to reconnect to their own souls at very deep and profound level

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2

YouTube:  Judith KuselDavin-Divine-Masculine-by-David-Infinity-300x232

The New Frontier: Maturity




We are asked now to remember that whatever has come before, has been an immense learning for the whole of humanity, that if one does not honor the highest within oneself, that infinite One-ness with the Divine, that one then will self-sabotage in some way, and end up sinking ever further into the seas of forgetfulness, as one has severed that intimate connection to the Divine.

Within the subconscious programming of humankind, lies the fear of abandonment, the infinite pain of separation from the Divine, which was caused by the humanity’s own choice to go against the Divine Laws, and then to wilfully create outside of these laws.  With that then creating chaos and self-destruction, unceasing wars, and with it a deep mistrust of each other, and even a mistrust of the Divine and its intentions.

The shift now is coming from deep within every single soul, for when the soul has reconnected with its highest truth and with the Divine, all feelings of separation and alienation are resolved.  When the soul has fully reopened the higher transmitter channels to the Divine, and is firmly able to anchor in the soul’s highest mission into planet earth, it has a ripple effect on the rest of humanity: – whether the soul is conscious of this or not.

When the soul has stepped into full maturity and therefore taken full responsibility for all his or her actions, or inactions, it will not and cannot blame anyone or anything anymore for its circumstances, nor the way he or she lives their lives.

It is maturity which knows that the Universal Laws of cause and effect means that every single act has a ripple effect, and every single moment of inaction, has ripple effects too.  Whatever one puts out there – returns, whether in blessings or in whatever negative energy one put out there in the first place.  Indeed one lives the life one creates inside oneself!

Maturity takes full responsibility for every single word it speaks, for it knows that words create too, and have send out ripple effects.  The energy which is poured through the mouth and vocal chords can pollute or lift and inspire. The tongue can be used as a sword to cut down and kill, as much as it can be used to spread love, joy, laughter, and good, positive vibes.  The choice is yours.

Maturity is in charge of its thoughts and its thinking.  It knows that whatever is churning inside will manifest in chaos outside, for thoughts manifest almost instantly now.

Maturity takes responsibility for its own inner wellbeing, and therefore does not look outside itself for validation, worth, for its very existence.  It knows that all the answers lie deep within himself or herself and therefore it is fully reconnected INSIDE to the Divine and seeks the highest guidance, insight and wisdom which is greater and more profound than anything it can know or foresee.

Maturity seeks ever the highest pathways of love, light and service.  It can do and be no other than pure love with the purest intent to serve the Divine and its soul purpose and mission, from the depths of its heart, soul and Being.  It does not wait for approval of others – it only ever seeks to serve in the highest possible way, for the highest good of all.

Maturity ever seeks the roads less travelled, the highest pathways of the soul, and therefore that which serves its highest soul growth and purpose.  If knows that the true Master must be willing and can walk the path alone if needs be, for true Mastery does not need the applause of others, nor the adoration of the masses, for it knows its fickleness and how all can change in one single eyewink, and therefore knows that the loftiest empires have come and gone, and what is here today, will be lost in the memory of tomorrow.

Maturity has been called a fool by others, but maturity would rather be called a fool, than succumb to what is not the highest truth for its soul and therefore will not compromise his or her truth for anyone or anything.  Even during the greatest challenges, maturity will stand firmly anchored in its highest truth and integrity and refuse to become less than what he or she is and the work he/she has come in to do.

Maturity is not scared to explore beyond the norm, beyond what seems humanly possible nor impossible and it loves to delve ever deeper into the unknown, the Mystery, the depths of the secrets which the Cosmos holds.  For Maturity knows that there is so much more to life than meets the eye, and that the greatest and most important frontiers which the human beings now need to conquer, lie in what cannot be seen, nor measured, nor taped, nor held, nor framed into too narrow boxes of thinking: it knows that the soul can stretch where the mind boggles and goes into overdrive!

Maturity has stepped fully into the soul’s All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Being Eyes, and it can see way beyond and it stretches itself into the bound-less, the end-less and allows itself to be stretched even more, and to dissolve if need be, into no-thingness, where all which is under the Central Suns, is known.

Such is Seeker now seeking the truth, and only the truth, the utmost of truth, that is cannot allow itself to be other than the truth of its highest soul self and that of its infinite eternal connection to the Divine!

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings which have assisted thousands of souls to reconnect with their highest soul purpose and calling:

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter;  judithkusel2

She has finally come home to herself…


She remembers her true cosmic home

And how often she felt herself intensely alone

Confused, and at sea here on this planet called earth….

She  wondered at human beings

So very different from the ones in her own galaxy

Her own star systems.

She cringed when she heard people fighting and bickering.

She could read their minds

And saw how their actions and what they thoughts did not correlate

For they lived lies

And lied to themselves and others,

Which saddened her and sometimes, frightened her.

Her huge open heart and her natural love, made her want to love

All and everything,

But she soon found that not all human beings liked to be loved

And some growled at you when you came too close….

So she sought solace with her dogs, animals, angels,

And in nature, for there she felt herself loved unconditionally.

She never could understand competition

And so often when she was in school

She knew that what the teacher was teaching was not the truth

And so she slept through school

And just withdrew more and more into herself,

And often in her sheer confusion,

Found herself in experiences where she did not know how to react to

As human beings seemed to play games with each other

and she did not know the games nor the rules

and this often brought deep painful feelings

of shame and guilt

for she just did not fit in…..

It took her so many years

To finally realize

That instead of what was wrong with her

(which she often asked)

Was actually RIGHT with her.

She slowly but surely let go of the guilt and the shame

And she forgave herself

And forgave others

For in truth they did not know what they were doing

For they had sunk into the seas of forgetfulness….

She realized that she had to live her highest truth

No matter what other people said, did or expected of her.

She could not live a lie!

She now chose to be authentic, truthful and real

And stand in that truth no matter what

And it was all right.

Indeed it was the only way she chose to live!

She finally broke free of all the restraints

And she vowed to be true to herself

To live her life deeply empowered from the depths of her soul

And the cosmos Being she in truth was.

It did not matter anymore if others applauded – or not.

It did not matter if she had to walk her path alone if need be.

It did not matter if others did not understand.

What mattered the most was that she stayed true to herself

And loved herself so much

That she honoured the depths of her feelings,

The depth of her inner knowing and  which made

Her the true Daughter of God and Goddess


She stopped trying to please everyone

And realized that no matter how hard she tried

She could not fit into the moulds set by others.

She had to be simply herself

And that was more than enough.

She found that when she finally loved herself

That her whole life changed for the better

And she started to feel at home deep within

And at home on the planet

For she could span dimensions and forms

And be the truth of her cosmic self

Expressing through life on earth.

She understood that she was truly loved

And that love came in many forms and existences

And that her cosmic man was with her day and night

Even if earthly man’s hands and arms were often

Too small to be able to hold and love all of her….

Yet she is open to love

In whatever form this comes

And she is open to the man

Who will finally have hands, arms, and mind, heart and soul

Big enough to embrace ALL of her:-

He indeed, will find himself loved and blessed

Beyond anything he has ever experienced before

For when she loves

She loves with all heart, body, mind and Being

With ALL that she is!

She has finally come home to herself

And the Love she is in depth of her own soul

Her own being.

She is in truth a celebration of life!

(Judith Kusel)

Photo:  Aleksandr Maranov