Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union

When all are present the whole of creation moves, for such union is the mystical union, the ultimate infinite source ENERGY which no-one can define, but it is there, manifesting into myriads or forms and that which is form-less.  It is that which no mind can comprehend – it is that which moves through the soul energies and into that which is the true union between the heart and mind, and then into the EXPERIENCING thereof, which is then the mystical itself.

Source: Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union

Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union

When all are present the whole of creation moves, for such union is the mystical union, the ultimate infinite source ENERGY which no-one can define, but it is there, manifesting into myriads or forms and that which is form-less.  It is that which no mind can comprehend – it is that which moves through the soul energies and into that which is the true union between the heart and mind, and then into the EXPERIENCING thereof, which is then the mystical itself.

Source: Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union

Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union


There is a deep and profound union, which truly is that of the body, mind, heart and soul, which is the ultimate alchemical fusion and transcendental transmutation of the mystical ocean and the deepest deep of that which one can experience in the union between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.


In the Ancient Mystery Schools this was understood, that the Divine Masculine  was in its purest form, it was as proactive force, a force which brought the action into being, as well as all the cosmic equations, the order, the movement, the firmaments, and that which is then the foundation on which the cosmic order is built.  It is the higher mind infused with the Higher Heart Energies which truly creates the concepts, the formulas, the engineering, the architectural, the structures – and puts the firmaments, the cosmic whole into place and positions it.

The Divine Feminine is the receptive and creative force.  When She stands in her highest empowerment, she is that which creates from the core.  She receives the incredible structuring and inventiveness of the Divine Masculine into herself, and CREATES it into being.  In other words, she is that which manifests into being, what he envisions the cosmic order should be like with his higher heart/mind, and she is the creative force which anchors this or creates the metamorphosis.  She is that which can shape shift into anything she wishes to, for she IS all creation and creation is her.  Without her, the male cannot complete cosmos – he needs her to bring in the balance and harmony and through her it creates form.

More than this, she takes his wholeWHOLE into her, and she then ENERGIZES IT.

He gives to her, she receives and then she energizes what he gives her, and gives it back to him in creative energized form!  In the end what they thus co-created, brings new creations into energetic forms and conscious expansions thereof.

Together they fuse into the GODHEAD itself, where the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are ONE and in oneness there emerges the ultimate, the third force, which is sometimes called The Holy FIRE, or Holy Spirit, or Holy GOD-SOUL, and therefore the true GOD ENERGY, is has both the masculine and feminine equally within it, amplified by the Sacred Fire.

When all are present the whole of creation moves, for such union is the mystical union, the ultimate infinite source ENERGY which no-one can define, but it is there, manifesting into myriads or forms and that which is form-less.  It is that which no mind can comprehend – it is that which moves through the soul energies and into that which is the true union between the heart and mind, and then into the EXPERIENCING thereof, which is then the mystical itself.

So, in these Mystery Schools the male and female acolytes where carefully screened, in order to find those souls who would be prepared to be dissolved, dismantled, and then put back together again, with the greatest purity of intent which grows through it all. They often had to go through severe initiations, and tests, in order to gain deeper understanding of the mystical, the transcendental, and therefore to hone their inner soul connections and the soul empowerment from deep within.

Within such experiences the mystical would take on new form and meaning, each one to his or her own, and as the mystical is indeed deeper than the deepest depths of all-that-is, it was a continuous quest to delve ever deeper and deeper into this infinite void – or realm or that which one cannot name – but only EXPERIENCE.

One could only step into the priesthood and later the High Priesthood, if one was prepared to the ultimate in the experiencing of the Mystical itself.  For through the mystical God/Goddess reveals his/her face in millions of ways, and therefore one has to move past all veils of illusions and move ever deeper into the realms of not-knowing, not-being, the no-state, in order to dissolve completely and allow oneself to become reassembled again, in a much greater and higher form.

Very few ever made it to that ultimate state, for they lacked the deep courage, the utter commitment to walk this path, to go on this Quest for the Higher Meaning and Purpose of the Grail, and to truly allow themselves to be opened up, vulnerable, and cleaved open, and then to experience the mystical in sublime forms.

The Mystical Marriage then was that which was given to those who were already in higher insight and understanding, that one could only truly experience true love in its ultimate forms, if one was prepared to go through the process of being reborn on multiple levels. 

One was prepared to allow the self, the ego, that negative part which always is tripping us up in some form with the illusions of fear, of self-service, self-sabotage, and whatever else, and move into the state where one ALLOWED the mystery, the ultimate Life-force energy, the cosmic Ultimate energy flow to move through one.  One became a CONDUIT and TRANSMITTER for the Divine Masculine Energy and Divine Feminine Energy, for in this union, one BECAME GOD AND GODDESS.  Therefore it was considered holy and sanctified, sacred to the very core.

It was within this sacred union, that the third force, the Holy Fire is then activated and it this ultimate energy force, which then brings out the highest and amplified soul frequencies and vibrations, to the fore, which enable both partners to EXPAND their own energy fields and their OWN HIGHEST SERVICE TO THE DIVINE, and therefore amplified BOTH THEIR SOUL MISSIONS.

So what it did, it amplified their own soul energies and soul calling and purpose, and therefore then also the power and impetus this would have on the greater whole.

Their union was then that of total dedication to SERVE in this manner, in order to create the SACRED ENERGY FORCE, which would AMPLIFY their own soul purpose and mission and then create that energy field which would sent ripple effect down the whole cosmic matrix energy fields, or in our case the earth’s energy fields, and also that of the collective consciousness energy fields and the Super consciousness Energy fields.

Yet the latter was only reached at a certain maturity in those partners, which was a total dedication to higher service, but also a true love for the Divine Other, which was such that the love-bond between them was unbreakable. 

Therefore it was known after the fall of mankind, that very few souls would ever be able to regain this sacred mystical union, for most did not have the guts, nor the discipline, nor the compulsion to delve deeper into the mystical union, because they got sidetracked by their baser instincts and the need for instant gratification and also for always looking for self-gratification.

True love is seldom found if one is not prepared to go through the grinding mills together.  Love bonds deepen and ever deepen through having to move through the deepest shadows and the greatest light, in order to experience the mystical in profound ways.

One can only understand the depths of darkness and despair, by going into the Underworld of Hades and then emerge into the Higher High of the Heavenly Light of the Central Cosmic Suns and their blinding light of Illumination.  Both serve in their own way to hone the inner awareness of the soul and then to allow it to experience the transcendental, and then delve into the experience of the mystical itself.

It is a hero’s journey in itself.  For in order to truly experience mystical Love, first of all there has to be BALANCE.

The Masculine Divine is fully empowered, and so the Feminine Divine.

One is not too much – and the other too little.


They walk hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, OUTWARDS INTO THE SAME DIRECTION.


They are very much alike – but also total opposites.  Yet the opposite is needed in order to bring about the Divine Spark, the electrifying effect if you like, the BALANCE.

In is in the paradox that true wisdom is found.

There has to be a positive and negative pole in order to create electromagnetic power.

The sacred union works on the same principals and chemical reactions, as those of the rest of the cosmos, for we were all created from one and the same ENERGY SOURCE.

The ultimate Mystical Union is neither for sissies, nor for those looking for quick fixes or adrenalin rushes or looking for new partners, new experiences, and excitement.  This is not at all what this is about.

If one is not prepared to walk this path with total dedication, and with an open heart, mind, and soul, and then be prepared to be taken apart, dissembled and reassembled, time and again, then this is not for you.

For every time the soul allows itself to go through the highest initiations, it is enabled to experience true love at a much deeper and profound level.  It is also then that the mystical will reveal her face in a myriad of new experiences and forms, which is transcendental.

Yet true love, within the sacred mystical union, is always amplified and empowered to delve ever deeper into the realms of that which is sublime, which cannot be put into words nor form, but is there to be experienced and then to incorporate into oneself and then radiate forth. 

It is the ultimate enlightened state of BEING which emerges from such union, and therefore is then the highest possible path.

Let those who have the innate understanding – understand.

For this is speaking to them.

(Judith Kusel)  

My Twin Flame and Soul Readings are very popular and I have done these for soul globally and they have impacted enormously and positively, empoweringly on those I have done them for

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The Magdalene and the higher Mysteries of Initiation.


Mary Magdalene is perhaps the most discussed woman in that she has been recorded in the past and present as both sinner and saint.  The underlying reason for the continued fascination with the Magdalene, is that she in so many ways epitomizes what women, as a collective have had to go through within Atlantis and then in the aftermath of Atlantis.    She stands for what has been rejected and suppressed, as well as that which has been resurrected and brought into the openness and Light she deserves to stand for.

She, in a sense is that Mystery which embraces all of life, and perhaps more than we realize the fact that with the fall came the judgments, the labeling, and therefore then most often the persecution of what one does not understand, because one is of a lower vibration, and cannot comprehend the higher pathways and calling in life.

I won’t go deeper into the mystery and revelation of Mary Magdalene here, as I was led a path since even before 2008, when my true initiations took on a much higher form, but I have found her popping up in so much of my reading and research, since I can remember, and then just being led to books in which she was mentioned.  She was but like a catalyst who brought about my own inner awakening to the Goddess energies, and the higher meaning of certain hidden things, that she, with Isis, herself became like a guiding light in my journey.

I personally could never relate to Mother Mary, as much as I could relate to these two remarkable women, and in that then immensely glad to finally have to the two put together, like I had already done, and confirmed in the book by Tom Kenyon:  “The Magdalene Manuscript”.  This is then again, as Tom himself states, not a book for those who seek quick fixes, nor do not wish to delve deeper into the mysteries, and just want to have their curiosity fixed.  It was as if finally my own initiations and my own path, and all that I had had in recalls, and knowing in the inner planes, were not only confirmed, but I started to trust my own inner guidance more, and started to trust what has happening to me in ways I could not have before.

All I can say is that there have always been women, like me, who have incarnated and purposefully chose the highest pathways and byways, and therefore had to follow the path of the highest purity.  It was a soul choice and therefore one which the uninitiated will never understand.

It is a path which will lead you into delving into the Mysteries in ways which no ordinary human being can ever understand.  My Mystery Schools were not earthly ones, but they were just as real as what people perceive as real.  There are many dimensions and forms of life existing simultaneously even within the earthly planes, and then I am not even mentioning the cosmos.

As each initiation took me ever deeper into the Mystery of Womanhood, and Goddesshood, I started to grasp an innate understanding that life here on this planet is but an illusion, and that the truth of the soul will always lead to experiencing life on many levels.  Yet, most people will never understand this, and will seek their salvation and their happiness totally in the material world.  Yet the material world is but one single strand in the immense tapestry of interwoven life within the cosmic whole!

I am often asked about sacred sex and the sacred sexual rites, and I have been initiated into the higher mysteries of these, but again, in ways which human beings will not understand.  So many people get stuck on the physical, when the sexual energy transcends just the physical, and is an energy source within itself.  It can be used in animal ways (and even animals do not abuse this energy so much as human beings do) and in higher creative ways, which transcend time and space.

The uninitiated will look at sexual performance, the size of their penis, techniques, having the adrenalin rush, become sex junkies, and all will just add to their being stuck in the denseness of the 3D world.  This is because there is the self-seeking, the self-serving factors here.  It is the “I WANT” factor which is never ever satisfied and will always look over the fence to new excitement and new ways to exploit the energy.  That is what fall of humankind was all about.

The deeper one delves into the Mystery itself, the more aware one becomes of POWER.  Any power, as energy, is like a two-edged sword: – it is neutral within itself, but it can be used in baser ways, or in the highest possible way.  The baser way always brings pain, while the higher way opens the portals to the ultimate state of transcended BEING.

In Ancient Mystery Schools, there were many ranks of initiates, and only those who passed the severest tests of inner resilience, truthfulness, character, and the highest quest for purity, ever made it into the High Priesthood.  Most never even made it to the first initiation into the priesthood, for they simply could not move past their own baser nature, their lower self, and step into their Higher Soul Self.

The Higher Soul self is always connected to the Divine Heart and Mind.  However the Divine heart and mind are EQUALLY empowered, thus the mind does not overpower or rule the heart.  Indeed, the heart is the central hub, or powerhouse of all existence, and therefore the heart brings the balance to the mind, and not the other way round.  When something is HEART-FELT, it moves in with intuition, truth, with authenticity. 

One can have all the knowledge in the world, but what use is it, if the heart-soul is not engaged?  One can only step into the higher states of consciousness, and co-creatorship if the heart and mind are equally empowered and BALANCED. 

It is the same with those higher sacred sexual rites, for here the soul connects in a million ways to the expression of the love it holds within itself COSMICALLY.  This is something which very few human beings understand, nor wish to explore, for delving deeper into themselves, and stopping the incessant chatter of the mind, scares them.  So they rather stay stuck in the baser self, and then play games of manipulation, of control, of using the baser emotions, like jealousy, degrading, etc. in order to make the other party prey to their own desires.

The higher pathways of initiations will always lead you back to your own soul, and your own inner core being.  To deny your soul, and your heart, in anything, is to deny half of your own existence. 

If your intention is true, then it will be that you will have to be willing to walk your talk, to truly be able to walk alone if need be, for most will not understand your path, for they are not able to tune into the higher pathways in life. 

What they do not understand, they ridicule or persecute.

There have always been women, like the Isis, like the Magdalene, who have followed this highest pathway and paid the highest price for it, within this world.

Yet, for those who are highly initiated into the highest Sisterhood of the Rose (and this NOT an earthly one), will always understand the meaning of the thorns, as much as the higher meaning of purity, integrity, authenticity, as well as a total heart-soul connection to the Divine Goddess herself.    She cannot sacrifice herself into the lower nature – she can only follow the highest path – for she has a vow of purity which she cannot transcend.  And therefore this path of utter purity will test her to the very core – and that is her initiation.

That is why, when one finally understands the context of the immensity of this, that it is the greatest irony that Mary Magdalene was remembered in the Bible as a prostitute and a fallen woman: when in reality she was purity itself, for she would not have ranked as she did, if she had not gone through stringent initiations, and therefore the highest rites of purity of the Rose.

Therefore in the context of the ancient sexual rites (as mentioned in Tom Kenyon’s book and in a higher sense I am referring to, but not all of it as that I know):  it demanded the highest pathways of purity and intent, and therefore the male and female both had to go through stringent initiations, in order to finally be able to stand in the total purity, and nakedness of SOUL, and therefore that union was then transcendental, and it was then that of pure love.

They therefore enhanced each other; activated immense power in both of them, and therefore the union became a fire of enlightenment, and the anchoring in of the highest forms of consciousness, which was totally transcendental.  They were as one, and therefore then able to create a greater power energy source which would add more impact onto and into the work/energy they were creating together in balance and harmony with each other.   Therefore they were working in tandem for the greater good of all. 

It  is loving sacred union infused with Divinity, which is the highest kind of love.

The negative ego and the baser animal nature, has no place there.

Let those who have understanding – understand.

Let those who seek truth – know.

Let those who hear with the inner ears – hear.

Let those who seek the higher pathways know that that the highest pathways always go through the SOUL, and therefore one cannot ever take the soul out of yourself, nor anything else.

(Judith Kusel)