The Twin Flames of the Sun Path – The Great Central Sun Illumined Path


When they were created, the Divine wished to make in equal parts that essence of which all Creation exists of, and which itself existed of in two distinctive forms within the Greater Whole of the Godhood.

Therefore he created from the substance of energy of ONE single soul, two forms, a male and female form, so that they would enhance each other.  Yet, at the same time each one would have a little of the other within their being, so that they could understand each other better and find a greater degree of equilibrium, when they truly became AS ONE again.

It was then that creation celebrated the conception and birth of the first twin flames, of the Central Fire of the Central Suns, and they were thus called Man and Woman, and they could only experience the total wholeness of their true soul, when they came together as ONE – thus manhood was created to fit perfectly into wom(b)anhood and in the process of union, they could create another being by becoming as one.

In the ancient Mystery schools of Egypt and those even more ancient that this, it was understood that twin flames had a specific soul purpose and mission to fulfill and acolytes were very carefully screened to see if they met certain requirements.  For the High Priest and High Priestess of the Higher Temples of Ra, would read the soul records of babies when they were born and drew up astrological charts which would more or less confirm the readings and immediately identify such twin flames from the Great Central Suns, as they had a specific combination of attributes which identified them.  They were known as the High Initiates.

Some of these would be reborn at certain times, and would have certain identification marks on their bodies which were read.  A lot of these symbols and signs were in the etheric bodies, or the higher soul bodies, and those priestesses trained to read this, would immediately identify those who were called for higher service.

At the age of three they were then handed over the temple guardians for intensive initiation and training into the secret orders of the Mystery Schools, and they were trained according to their soul purpose and calling and the higher soul work they had come in to do.

In Ancient times these twins would assume leadership roles in maturity, and would have been trained extensively in the Mysteries themselves, and thus also were trained in the ancient sacred sexual rites, which they had been trained to do and to partake in, when they reached a certain age.

Such unions were considered sacred, and thus the higher the soul calling, the more the sanctity of such unions were honored.  It was know that no third party could enter such a union for it would disrupt the sacredness of the creative energy and the focus of such energies to uplift and to expand the power that these two created in their union – or alchemical marriage, for here there were the rites of alchemy and sacred fusion involved and with it the whole cosmic understanding of the higher sun and moon equations, which were that of the sacred mystical paths.

Often in such union the triad would come into play where one would take on the neutral role of holding the space, or energy for the two, for it was known that such potent energy as created between the twins, was like a two-edged sword and thus had to be channeled in the correct ways.

The trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus, then holds within its core this knowledge.

However simultaneously the twins would create another triad, with was then the fusion of the Divine Sun and thus the sacred fire and it in turn brought then the two triads together – that of the earth and that of the cosmic Sun and thus then the magical powers of the energies were unleashed which brought about the elevation of energies from which one then could literally change oneself and all that one aspired to change and in this then this energy was infused into the life mission work that these two then did in tandem and higher soul calling together.

The Mystical Sacred Union of the Twin Flames was never just for the mundane union as we humans now understand it, but rather was used as a specific mystical pathway towards the full radiation of the Central Sun with the two, and then in alchemical fusion to amplify this and thus this would then become that which brought massive consciousness changes in all whose lives it touched.

It was that central leadership role, that full Christedness which emerged once the higher initiatory status was reached and one could then channel this energy completely into the work, and the work would be amplified by these energies and thus these souls then in total higher service would create this energy between them, which would uplift and enhance the rest of the lives of those they ruled over or had under their wings.

It was a highly spiritual soul path, a Mystic path, which was different from any other, and it was higher path of love, which truly became an alchemical force.  One did not embark on such a calling or pathway lightly but with total dedication and one centrally knew that this was never about the ego – but about that combined higher service work which one had agreed to render and incarnated for to complete.

These are the higher pathways of the Mysteries, which were often called the Higher Pathways of Destiny and Fate, and one would literally become that path, in order to be transformed into that higher SUN PATH, which was that of the Great Central Sun.

The initiations along the Sun Path, were incredibly severe and few ever made it to the top – mainly because if one could not hold the alchemical fusion and sacred fire energies because one’s vibrational frequency had sunk too low, one would disintegrate at some level.  It was only the strongest who ever made it through and this meant that one literally was empowered with inner strength, with inner ILLUMINATION, with that MYSTICAL Energy itself and thus one took on the higher paths of resurrection and then ascension, in an illuminated mystical way.

One literally had to die onto the old earth self, and assume that which was not of earth but totally of the Illumined Central Sun.  One retained one’s physical form yes, for the work here, but one was in a different vibrational state, which was cosmic and thus not of the earth.

In such alchemical unions commitment and the total understanding and agreement to walk this path together formed an essential ingredient.  If one was not willing to totally disintegrate upon oneself, and to be revamped, reinvented, and stretched beyond the norm, then such a path was not open – it would be blocked on many levels.

For those Twin Flame who inherently know this, and have now returned, these Sun Paths are something they remember deep down, and when meeting their twin, immediately recognized and knew this.

A lot have had to go through stringent initiations in the inner planes in the last few years, and often felt like all was disintegrating and all was dissolved.  Those initiations were meant to prepare these souls for the highest possible mission, and they know this.  Most have an immense sense of higher calling and purpose – and are driven.  To them this is the only path, the highest possible path and thus when coming together this is total dedication to this path and service and to each other and the Divine.  There can be no shrinking – for it is the highest path for them.  It demands ALL.

There are but a handful of such twins incarnated and they know who they are.

They have always done this work in other incarnations, in other dimensions, and life forms for they are cosmic and not of this earth.

Let those who have ears – listen with the inner ear.

Let those who have eyes – see with the inner eyes.

Let those who know – embark.

The time is NOW!

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings and Soul Readings:


Energy Information Fields


We perhaps have so little understanding of the different energies and the energy fields of the planet, mainly because we have forgotten how to tune into them.

I believe that as Atlantis sunk into oblivion, much of our own inherent senses also sunk into oblivion and with it much of the higher mind and the higher states of consciousness.

As mankind is slowly but surely reemerging from its sleep and the consciousness rises, many are experiencing an upgrade as far their own intuitive powers are concerned, while others are not afraid to question and challenge the status quo in science and technology, and therefore are already blazing new trails.

However inherently there is such a lot that needs to come to the fore in the next 10 years, which will truly lift humanity into a higher state of awareness, mainly in the area of energy and its true power and use.  This is not the fossil oils, and the solar energy I am talking about but the natural and inherent energy fields of the earth, and most importantly the storing of vast memory banks of information in energy fields.

The human higher mind has immense capacity to tune into energy fields and can then transmit such information into Being without having to use electronic devices like computers.  I believe that it is possible to download mass information from cosmic energy fields, just simply by switching on latent systems in the higher mind and then transmitting them.

If one looks at the broader cosmos, stars and star systems, planets and galaxies all abide to some kind of infinite higher mind and higher cosmic order.  Nothing is just randomly there and floating through space – all is in higher alignment with the rest of the cosmos, and therefore intricate life and life forms all exist within one single infinite space.

What if such an intricate order and intricate space memory bank existed within the energy fields of the earth and would just be able to start tapping into it, if one remembered how to?    What if there were such amazing storage devices which kind of kept the energy fields intact for millions of years and then were purposefully sealed off until such time as human kind would remember how to use the information without abusing such information systems?

I remember having to read some books on remote viewing a few years back, mainly because someone was complaining about the content of these books and I was scanning my way through them.  However in reading them, my intuitive mind immediately felt that something was inherently MISSING with all of this.  Yes, the army could use these remote viewers to spy on systems etc. and they could gain access to certain buildings etc. and even gain information on other planets, but something within kind of knew that they were still missing the plot.

I one day sat myself down and truly thought about it.  This had been mainly due to a conversation I had with the woman who was part of a type of cult which had sprung around a certain author and they had long tried to get me involved with this group – but something within myself had always back-tracked from them, mainly because I felt that this was not my path, nor calling.  However, this lady kind of alerted me to the fact that she was using remote viewing for the strange paintings she was kind of channeling.  In these painting a central theme and central figures seemed to be repeating itself and I was wondering why.  It is then that I understood that remote viewing in itself was but a tool to gain access to what was in a certain form – or patterns of forms, and thus one could only access that which was in that accessible form e.g. buildings, human beings, solid mass, to something akin to that.

It is then that I had one of those strange visions or insights rather that I have from time to time, where I literally have the ability to see beyond the norm and I was shown an energy field which in truth seemed form-less.

I found myself in a space of no-space – it seemed like a dark black void.  I became that void and then kind of found myself tumbling into this.  At first there was a profound feeling of disintegrating, of becoming part of this void, and then something strange happened.  In that I and this energy field became form-less the whole started reassembling and then it started forming geometrical patterns or designs.  The next minute I entered those forms, and then I could see that the energy, in sudden ordered patterns, transmitted information at immense light-pockets of information in what I sense were types of beehive patterns.  When one pattern had been transmitted, it would disintegrate into the form-lessness again, and then the next pattern would move in place.

It was then that I realize that energy patterns were holding vital information fields and these fields were in a constant state in disintegration and emerging.  The one seemed to have ripple effect on the others, but all moved within one enormous single energy field.

So, me at the time, when I came out of all of this, it seemed as if I have just stepped into a type of energy field which was not only cosmic, but interestingly that it INCORPORATED the planet earth.

For days afterwards I was reeling and my mind was churning.  I realized that there was something which was so amazing and infinitely THERE, but we humans have forgotten all about it.

I know that scientists talk about the Akashic Energy fileds, the quantum energy fields etc.  but to me all these theories somehow were not quite describing what I had just been introduced to.

That experience has open me up to an understanding that we can have as many theories as we like, we can speculate, we can try an impose our very limited human understanding on many things, but we will only ever understand the truth and the true cosmic mind, once we have finally started tapping into this vast energy field I had stumbled into.

Yet, I also understood that one could only access such a vast energy field, when one had reached a certain consciousness level and therefore would be able to enter this without disintegrating.  More than this I understood that eventually one would be able to tap into this at will, and one would have access to a giant computer with all the information in the cosmos held within that, and it would simultaneously give one access to all energy and energy systems pertaining to our planet, our solar systems, the Milky Way Galaxy etc.

One would be able to download this and then activate it and one would literally not need anything other than this – except the technology to utilize such potent energy fields transmitted through this field.

In the years following this experience I have had many encounters with this energy field, which I do not wish to go into here.  Some it I keep close to my heart, soul and Being, for the time is not right to share this with human kind.  Most would not be able to understand anyhow.

I am merely sharing this today, to make you aware, that we as human beings have still got to catch up to the very basic of the cosmic knowledge in order to truly step up into the higher consciousness states, where we finally come to grips with our cosmic inheritance and cosmic citizenship, without trying to control, manipulate and withhold information from other human beings, and most of all, the power plays which seem some seem to thrive on.

Yet, how far off that time seems to me – if ever.

(Judith Kusel)

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The SOUL – as in pure cosmic energy.


The Soul itself is pure energy.

It consists of self-same energy which is the primordial energy of Creation, the Creative Forcefield, thus the Divine.

The soul itself then, consists of several energy particles, which I personally see as energy which appears flame-like, for it has within itself then the same God-force energy.

The soul then consists of 12 particles of energy, within one single entity of one single energy field, within the greater energy field of the SOUL GROUP, which consists of soul clusters of energy, and therefore in its turn then forms part of the greater Cosmic Energy Force which forms a nucleus around the Divine Creative forcefield.    In this it looks very much like a galaxy in its spiraling formation, and the nearest that I can get to an equation then, would be the Andromeda galaxy.

When we incarnate onto planet earth, and assume very dense and primitive physical forms, we forget all of this, and then suffer from intense amnesia.  Yet, our soul has assumed many physical forms in other dimensions, existences, and in galaxies, and star systems all over the cosmos.  It is not attached to the earthly sphere and neither does it need to incarnate here.  It is basically a soul’s free will and choice whether it wishes to assume a physical form on planet earth – or not.

When I first started becoming aware that I was starting to tap into the Central Super-consciousness energy field of the Divine, the first thing I was reconnected with was my own soul energy.  I remember distinctively the feeling of dis-solving, of becoming no-thing-ness: – there was no I or me anyone, I was Creation and Creation was me: – therefore essentially I AM THAT I AM – I am that which is the energy force field of creation and I AM essentially the thought behind creation, and creation itself.

 Where I begin and end is no-thing-ness, form-less, yet it is also pure energy in perpetual motion and expansion ever upon itself!

This experience made me realize for the first time that in Trust I AM not the persona I have assumed on planet earth – but rather like a dress that I put on for one moment within space-time, and which I will easily and effortlessly shed when I return to my true and infinite energy state, and reunite with my other soul energy flames.

I am going into some details here, for I am often asked these questions by the souls (people) I have done soul and Twin Flame Readings for.

Most people do not understand the concept of their souls being pure energy, and that all the records of the soul (and indeed all of life and life forms – the whole of Creation) is stored in one vast central ENERGY field, which is enormous, yet compact, and this is pure spiraling energy.  At its very core lies the Divine Core Creative Energy Force.  In essence then our soul can never be separate from the very same energy field in which is stored.

Most people think that one’s soul name is one single name, or one phrase – like my name Judith.  Some assume spiritual names on planet earth, given to them by others.  Yet these also fail in bringing the soul essence or expression into Being.

The SOUL NAME vibrates on the same FREQUENCY as the soul and therefore, as it forms part and particle of the Divine Energy, it was created to REFLECT an ESSENCE OR ATTRITUBE of the DIVINE BACK ONTO ITSELF by experiencing that essence or attribute throughout the cosmos in many lives and life forms and all life expression during the soul’s sojourn through infinite space.

As this is pure energy and of such a high frequency band, the human language cannot translate this energy into form – as yet.  This is mainly due to the fact that we lost our ability to communicate with this energy field TELEPATHICALLY.  Therefore when I TRANSMIT these records (and I transmit, and have no recall whatsoever of them afterwards) I have to transcribe energy into primitive sound-words, which most often are inadequate.  Therefore the soul name will be more a description of the attributes of the soul itself.

With my Twin Flame Soul Readings, where two souls have incarnated from ONE single soul entity or energy force field, the names will more or less enhance the energy of the other.  In other words, they will enhance the same type of attributes of the Divine but in different vibrational energy fields.

I personally see this like a double helix energy strand, where the two strands of energy are interwoven.  However, if the energy between the two are not equally balanced (as is most often the case during an incarnation on earth), the helix strands wobble if they are not equally balanced.  If this happens then the unequal energy will bring pain until both are back in balance, and therefore one is not more than the other, and one’s energy is not overpowering the other.   Equilibrium is the middle point between two energies, and nowhere is this more applicable than at soul level.

From the feedback that I have received from all over the world from those that I have done readings for often comment on the way something very deep INSIDE of themselves get triggered with these.  This is because of the soul name energies triggering the inherent soul memory banks deep within.  We all have the ability at some level to consciously tap into our own soul energy field by opening up our transmitting channels, but most people never aspire to relearn how to do this, for they do not trust their own inner voice and guidance, and more than this KNOWING.

I have often wondered about my own ability to do this work – which came only after I started to tap into the energy fields of the planet and cosmically when I started searching for answers and meaning as to why I was born Africa.  I never consciously searched for this – it kind of found me, and started triggering within me, what I have always done on soul level through many lifetimes and existences.  So, this was nothing new to my soul – but to the “me” incarnated at this time.

The more I delve into the realms and vastness of Being, the more humble I become before the immensity of the Being itself.  That a cosmic mind could create such amazing energy fields, and with such masterful precision leaves me often standing in total awe and wonder.  Nothing is ever out of place or missing.

It is our very limited human perception that perceives things as imperfect or missing.

Within the vastness of the Creative Energy Forcefield of Creation all is perfectly in place and all works as one single energy field.

When we start understanding this, we start to understand that our lives on this planet consist of a mere eyewink in eternity, and what our souls have come here to do, be and express is but one single fleeting moment in the infinite journeys of our souls.

It kind of puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

When we finally reconnect with our soul, we reconnect with our own Higher Soul Selves, and our true purpose and mission – and then we can do and live no other than what we have come here onto this planet for.


(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:
