The Return to Wisdom as we remember…..



There were times when humanity sunk into the deepest of darkness, after the heights of Enlightenment had been reached.  Whereas the greatest of Epochs in the collective memory banks were filled with Gods and Goddesses, in truth these were the enlightened, and highly evolved Beings, those who lead humanity at such times, which is most remembered and was embroidered along as time went on.

There are many cultures or civilizations who existed on the planet, and still exist, where the history, the knowledge, that which was the ancient lore and wisdom, was orally related, and taught and those taught were not allowed to change one word, one sentence, one single syllable, vowel etc. of what was relayed.  This was in higher sense that all would be preserved for generations as it was, and not tampered with, misinterpreted, misunderstood, for human ego tends to change higher concepts, higher evolutionary states, into that which it understands, and has a concept of.  Most often great truths we misunderstood and then watered down into what the student understood of the original teachings.

As humanity fell from the higher states and sunk increasingly into the seas of forgetfulness, the Oral Tradition was a more of an emergency measure, than anything else.

We find this practice then, of the oral tradition (learning by heart and reciting, without changing one single word), in both the Celtic Druidic Tradition  (hence no written records) and reflected in the African and other ancient traditions.  In Africa, the current high Sanusi, Credo Mutwa, was severely persecuted by this own people in daring to write and record their oral tradition via his book “Indaba, my children.”  Indeed, his own son was literally burnt to death by an angry mop in Soweto, and Credo barely came out of the township alive.

However, what most human beings do not understand, that in the beginning when this planet was born and highly evolved races from other galaxies and star systems settled on this planet, they had no need for oral traditions, and no need for any recording devices as we know it.  (Please read my book “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” and to be followed by the untold and previously unrecorded true history of Avalon)

They had no use to verbal nor written communication because of the following factors:

  1. All records and everything under the Central Sun is stored in vast ENERGY FIELDS, which is called the Super-Consciousness Energy fields.
  2. Each of the 12 Central Suns, has their own specific conscious energy fields, and each Central Sun operates then as a Source of ENLIGHTENMENT, Illumination, for what is stored within such a Super-Conscious Energy fields is constantly being updated and all is constantly recorded.
  3. There is nothing under the Great Central Sun which is not automatically recorded, taken note of, and stored. The only analogy which human beings would understand as vast Energy Libraries, or Hard Drives, which stores everything which exists in the whole of Creation.
  4. Each Galaxy and Star System and the systems within them belong to a certain Central Sun (ours belongs to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, as recorded in my book). Each Galaxy and Solar System is a subdivision and thus each has their own Superconscious Energy Fields, which they can individually tap in.  In the beginning those on the planet could easily and effortlessly tap into these, via their own souls, and the sophisticated technology which they used, which automatically linked then into the same field, much like our laptops, cell phones etc. link to the Internet and thus has access to Search Engines, etc. and can communicate globally.
  5. The methods used to store information and energy into, were what has been remembered as Sun Discs, and although people look at the what later was created as Golden Sun Discs, these were but trying to reconstruct something that human kind collective remembered once existed, but by then had no access to anymore – or as a symbol of that which one could access, if one possessed the keys and codes of Enlightenment. A high degree of an Evolutionary state where one could remember how to access the information and retrieve it.
  6. The First Civilization did not use their vocal chords for speaking but they communicated telepathically – the human language was only given, after they fell from the 7th dimensional state to the 5th and then to plunged into the 3rd. When the latter happened after the Fall of Atlantis, they literally fell into the depths of Forgetfulness, and now could not communicate with each other in anyway.  They now had to use sound and their hands to communicate, and thus writing developed.
  7. In the Beginning the vocal chords where used for singing, for using sound as a way of raising the vibrations and frequencies, such as chanting, singing, and for healing purposes. The Light Language is a Universal Language of SYMBOLS, which can either be relayed via the vocal chords, or via sacred mathematics (numbers) and Sacred Geometry.

The Celtic Druids, and those of their Ilk, never wrote down their knowledge, because they had no need for doing so.  They belonged to a much older tradition, and a much older Source of Knowledge, which was millions of years older than the Celtic Tradition.  Indeed, they were but part of a pocket of Enlightened Mystery Schools, which had survived Atlantis.  With the Druidic and some of the Other Schools, they had retained this knowledge, in ways that we have forgotten about.

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Although it is known that the later Druids, after the Fall of the Celtic Races, indeed the Gaul’s, had to train for 20 years and they were had to orally learn everything by heart.  (Just like the African tradition).  Now, most of what is recorded about them, was written by their conquerors, who were far less educated they were.  Indeed, the Druids were highly trained scientists, and in the Pythagorean Tradition, they knew the science of numbers and sacred geometries, astronomy, etc. and the Bardic Order were known for not only their ballads, and the way they relayed stories via their music, but how they used instruments in certain ways to create with sound.

Interestingly the Romans report that the Gaul’s used trumpets, and other instruments during battles and made a terrible noise.  It kind of reminds on of story of Jericho in the Bible and its walls tumbling down, with the use of Trumpets and percussion instruments.

In the next 144 years of human existence, we will slowly but surely start remembering that the ancient technology was never lost to humankind, it was just that human beings were so constantly busy destroying themselves, that they lost the plot along the way.  Nevertheless, this is a collective lesson in knowledge for all of us to finally master.

Each individual soul is responsible for its own degree of mastery and the remembering of the Enlightened State and the application thereof.

There are no short-cuts to Enlightenment.  The more Enlightened one becomes the more the responsibility arises from deep within for one’s own actions and non-actions.

Yet so many souls have incarnated now, who truly carry within the depths of themselves the knowledge of how to lift humanity through the wormholes of their own creation, the Dark Ages, into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Within the Soul all the knowledge is contained, and in truth we all have the innate ability to tap into the Super Consciousness Energy fields and to retrieve that knowledge.  However, before access is gained, the soul’s intent is read.

Will the knowledge be used for self-service, and in destructive ways?  Then access will be denied.

Will the knowledge be used to serve the Greater Whole in truly uplifting and enlightened ways and with great insight and Wisdom?  Then slowly but surely access will be granted, to the degree that the soul is open to receiving such knowledge to use with great responsibility.

Humanity in truth is standing on the threshold, as the doors to the New Earth have just opened up, and we have the next 144 years to grab hold of the opportunity to truly rise into our highest soul selves, and our highest hearts and minds, to bring about the impetus needed to truly enter the New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Illumination.



(Judith Kusel)



For Soul Readings tapping into the Super Consciousness Energy Fields:


You Tube Channel:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2

The Omni Verse, the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and the Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth and human consciousness



The Omni verse, the infinity of Creation and the Cosmic is in a mass flux now as it is busy reinventing itself and therefore the Milky Way Galaxy is moving back to its original place in the cosmos under the Great 7th Central Sun, and with it too Andromeda.

This is affecting the earth, as part of the solar system within the greater Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, which is cosmically known as Melchior.

This massive shift is therefore activated certain star portals in the earth, which have lain dormant for billions of years, since the first civilization started on earth.  At that time, everything was 7th dimensional and attuned to the 7th Central Sun, which the Sun of Illumination and therefore hold the Fires of Illumination, and the whole higher Omnipotent Keys and Codes of Illumination, and the higher cosmic consciousness states and super conscious energy fields.

The Super Conscious Energy fields are programmed to carry the keys and codes of all life and life forms, and therefore all which holds life and is conscious.  It links directly with the Co-Creative Energy Force of the Divine, as held within the Masculine Divine and Feminine Divine, and the Fires of Illumination which are created when they merge as one, to create cosmically!

The Illumined State of Being and Consciousness is the highest evolutionary state of Being and is therefore that of enlightenment itself.  It expands into the Divine consciousness and therefore is ever expanding upon itself.

The consciousness of each planet, within each galaxy or star systems is programmed according the energies and super consciousness fields as held in the Central Sun to which they originally were programmed to belong to before the Wars of Heavens had some galaxies being blown up and greater chaos reigned.

So, via the Milky Way Galaxy, planet earth’s whole energy fields and energy systems, were carefully programmed to adhere to and therefore re-act to the 7th Central Sun and its Super Consciousness Energy Fields.

Encoded within the earth, when it was created, the first co-creators, then created energy systems and energy fields, which when fully activated would hold not only the keys and codes of Illumination and the Fires of Illumination, but would also hold the and codes of all life and life forms on the planet and therefore then acts like a vast network of conscious energy fields, which work in conjunction with the Milky Way Galaxies and the 7th Central Sun.


I am sharing this today, mainly because I have worked intensively with these mass conscious energy fields in the last few years, and in the process, have gained a great respect for infinite core of Intelligent, consciousness of such fields.  The Divine Omnipotence literally lives, breathes, sings, projects, expands, creates, etc. through these fields and the 12 to 24 Great Central Suns.

Each Central Sun is fully conscious and therefore programmed to hold a certain collective keys and codes for the rest of creation.  Thus, each Central Sun will work in a unique way, in storing, creating, recreating, and thus feeding or expanding, or creating energy fields, according to the knowledge, technology and advanced energy systems it contains.  It is the central hub and it holds the Sun Discs of Illumined Knowledge – thus the infinite core knowledge of All-that-is and being created.

The human mind cannot hold this information, because it shut down three quarters of its mind capacity when Atlantis fell, because the abuse of the mind powers.  In the process, so much of the human mind’s capacity to comprehend such enormous conscious energy fields has been purposefully shut down, as he sunk lower than the animal kingdom and now had to go through the evolutionary process again, to grow in consciousness and therefore then to finally can break through the barriers separating the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional state of Being.

In the beginning when all these energy fields were laid down and activated, the planet was in the 7th dimensional state, and therefore the consciousness level was way above anything we can even imagine now.

That is why, one needs to reconnect to the soul and soul groups to finally start to work with these fields and not have the mind going into overdrive and therefore short-circuiting.

The soul is ever conscious, and is ever programmed to tap into the Central Sun is originally was created in.  Where the soul origin is galactically, and cosmically, there lies the keys and codes, and therefore the soul will then access what it has been programmed to, per its galaxy of origin.

Each galaxy in turn, has been programmed and created per the Central Sun it belongs to, as said, but there are other factors too, which come into equation.

  1. Each galaxy is programmed to be tuned in cosmically to the Central Sun it belongs to, as originally created.  This will be the ability to work with the Super Consciousness Energy Fields, and the full immense knowledge and storehouses of energy field knowledge, technology, and Divine Knowing it has been created to contain.
  2. With each galaxy, the solar systems then are tuned into the galaxy it belongs to and each planet within such a system is programmed to tune into solar system and then via the solar system to the Galaxy and then to Central Sun it belongs to.
  3. The soul who were first created within these galaxies belonging to a certain central Sun, will therefore be created to be tuned into the same Central Sun, via their galaxy of origin.
  4. With this the soul has its own tonal chord, (sound frequency) and its own Colour Rays. This means essentially that the soul can tune in via its higher soul transmitters into the higher Systems, as each soul has unique keys and codes encoded within it, to be able to do so.

This is something very important to grasp:  With the massive shifts of consciousness we in now, and the planetary and galaxy shifting, we must reconnect to our own souls, to be able to tap into the vaster consciousness energy fields.

If we are not tuned in, we will not be able to communicate cosmically, for the communication systems are different than human beings can currently use and create.

Your soul in fact is cosmically created to have its own set of communication systems already in place.  It is just that we have forgotten how to use these systems and more than this, how to amplify the communication systems via our own planet, and our own galaxy and our galaxy of soul birth and then to tune in the Central Sun we belong to!

The planet though is now consciously tuning in and returning to her original state.  Therefore, as she moves into a much higher frequency band and become more and cosmically reactivated again, humans will not be able to sustain life on her, unless they move into that higher dimensional state with her!

The shift must come from the soul, the heart and then the mind.

There is a hidden order to this which few people comprehend.  The limited mind cannot go where the soul can.

The mind is finite and the soul is infinite.

Therein contained lie the Central Key to understanding all life in the Omni verse.

Who tries to write the soul consciousness out of anything, is only short-circuiting him or herself!


Infinite wisdom lies in the understanding that unless we consciously start tuning in, and consciously allow the opening of our higher transmitting abilities, and the higher reconnection to the 7th Central Sun, which we originally belonged to, we will not be able assimilate the energy changes now happening and to come.

Let those who have inner eyes and inner knowing – understand.

Let those who have inner ears and are tuned in – hear.

Let those who are conscious enough to understand this message, understand.

(Judith Kusel)

Soul Readings (which help you to reconnect to your own soul, galaxy of origin, tonal chord, soul colours, soul name, soul group name)

Facebook: Judith Kusel

Twitter: judithkusel2

Very important first ever seminars: if you miss this you miss immense happenings.


The Sacred Awakening of the Hidden Keys and
Codes of Illumination: Languedoc, France
24 August — 2 September 2016

These keys and codes have lain dormant and carefully hidden for millions of years. Languedoc is the womb of the Goddess and has held her secrets for an eternity. It is time to remember. It is time to heal with the collective of mankind. It is time for the 7th Central Sun to rise again over Languedoc — and with it the lasting legacy of Avalon — and what has been before.


Please note that Judith Küsel does not belong to any order, nor group — all of her information for these seminars comes from cosmic sources and not from earthly ones.

Image 1This program consists of 7 seminars given over 10 days in two Units. Unit One contains three seminars and Unit Two contains four seminars. They work together as a whole, activating immensely important keys and codes within and without which are being returned to planet Earth at this time. As each seminar will activate its own particular set of keys and codes, you may choose to attend only Unit One, Unit Two, or both. It is your own free will and choice.

If you choose to attend the entire program, both Unit One and Unit Two, you will receive a special discounted price.

Each seminar is limited to only 25 people, so it is wise to book well in advance as the interest in this program is global.

In the days in between the two seminars, there may be tours and healing work held at those places which need to be reactivated. Please note beforehand that some of these sites are NOT well known, and therefore not overcrowded. The tours, if Judith is guided to do so, will be announced during the seminars. Priority for the tours will be given to those who have registered to attend both seminar Units One and Two.

If you are attending the entire program — both Unit One and Unit Two — it would be wise to book accommodation in the area for at least the entire 10 days. The area itself is centrally located, making it easy for seminar participants to explore interesting sites on their own as well.

The seminars that are grouped together are meant to be attended as a whole.

Unit One

Seminar 1

This First Seminar in Unit One — Twin Flame Reunion — will cover the following topics:

  • The Hidden Path to true and lasting love.
  • In the beginning: the creation of your soul.
  • Soul Groups.
  • Twin Flames
  • Soul Mates
  • The twins arrive on planet Earth and their involvement in the first civilizations.
  • The legacy of Avalon: Matriarchy and female dominance.
  • The legacy of Lemuria and Mu: Androgyny.
  • The legacy of Atlantis: Patriarchy and male dominance.
  • Imbalance occurs and the Goddess withdraws her energy.
  • The Challenge of the Twin Flames.
  • The Ecstasy of the Twins.
  • Outward, into the same direction.

Seminar 2

The Second Seminar in Unit One — Sacred Union — will cover the following topics:

  • The Mystery Schools of the Ancients: what was before Atlantis.
  • Atlantis goes insane and the teachings and knowledge go underground.
  • The Mystery Schools of Egypt and Languedoc.
  • The Hidden Mysteries – the hidden path and highest calling.
  • The Sacred Rites and the Hidden Initiations and higher teachings, with special reference to the Sacred Temple of the White Flame, etc.
  • The High Initiations and the Fires of Illumination: Ra-A-Ra-Hu, A-Y-S-I-S-Ra-Hu-A.
  • The Serpent (Spiraling) Energy, the inner initiations, and the Crystal Pyramids.
  • Isis, Osiris, Ra in Egyptian remembering.
  • The Essenes.
  • Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ – in context of what was ALREADY THERE long before they came and why they came to Languedoc.
  • The highest pathways of initiations and highest service work – the New Age arises!
  • True Love

Seminar 3

The Third Seminar in Unit One — Feminine Core & Womb — is described below:

This seminar, with meditations, is a deep and profound journey into reconnecting with the Goddess and into the very mysteries of All-That-Is. This day is for both men and women.

It is a journey into the Ancient Knowing, the very depths of the heart and soul and the immense hidden knowledge which was sealed and hidden.

As we reconnect at an immensely deep and profound level with the Feminine Divine and open our hearts, our souls, our Being, we are then led into the hidden teachings of the Sisterhood and the return of their sacred service to humankind.

We open up the thousand petal rose of our hearts and souls.

We work intensely with the higher healing of our sacred womb – our own powerhouse, as we work on cleansing, clearing, thereof and profoundly connecting with our own inner Divine Feminine Core and the Goddess herself – within and without.

We release all past life vows, oaths, pacts, etc., and all which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good.

We celebrate the initiations and passages of life – our whole life, all that we are.

We activate that Goddess energy within and without and the Sacred Keys and Codes of the Sisterhood of Rose, the Serpent and the sacred Chalice.

This is done in preparation of the final rites and passage at the end of this 7 day journey of the Holy Fires of Illumination.

The Womb of the Goddess and the Sacred Seat and Seals, Keys and Codes of Creation, Languedoc: the 7th Central Sun Returns

In Seminar Session Two, which consists of Seminars 4—7, I will delve deeply into the long forgotten history of mankind, into the very core moments when the Earth was co-created, the deeply hidden and unrecorded history of this region and planet earth (which never was recorded in writing, as we know it, because it was not necessary to use such primitive forms of communication at that time).


Seminar 4

The first Seminar in Unit Two — Seminar 4 — Languedoc Womb of the Goddess:

The Creation of Mother Earth and the 12 Master Galaxies.

The 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

The 12 Crystal Pyramid Temples, the Crystalline Energy Grid, and the Lightning Rod of the Earth – the very firmaments of the Heavens recreated plus the Tree of Life.

The 12 High Priests and the 12 High Priestesses.

The 12 Rainbow Tribes.

The 12 Crystal Skulls and keys.

The Sun Discs.

The Spiraling energy of the Goddess, the Mysteries of Creation, the Tree of Life.

Elysium – the crown jewel of creation.

The Wars of Heaven.

The Lion Kingdom – and France/Spain.

The Brothers at war – the whole rearranged.

The rising of Avalon, the Celtic Kingdoms, the Red-haired Giants and the Spiraling Energy.

The Guardians and Keepers of the secret keys and codes.

Languedoc – Southern France and Northern Spain and what has sunk offshore etc.

The Matriarch roots herself in Languedoc – the Goddess, the womb.

The Hidden Central 7th Sun – Ra-A-Ra-Hu an, A-Y-S-I-S-Ra-Hu-A, the sun discs, the Crystal pyramids.

The Ancient Ones, Agartha, inner Earth.

Avalon, the Druidic High Order of High Priestesses – the High Order of the Rose, the Serpent and the Grail.

The High Order of the Bards/Troubadours/Minnesängers and the Sacred Sounds and Circles

The High Order of the Alchemists and the High Order of Merlin and Esclaremonde.

The Chief High Druidic Titles: Merlin and Esclaremonde.

The Sacred Groves and Stone Circles, Pyramids.

The Lyre, the Laurel Wreath and the Grail.

The Hidden Teachings of the Grail Mystery School of the Pyrenees.

The Fall of Avalon, the rising of Atlantis – the patriarchy starts its stranglehold – the Goddess goes underground.

Seminar 5
Please note that Judith Küsel does not belong to any of the organizations or societies mentioned here and she has no earthly connection with them. This seminar is solely the work of Judith Küsel and, therefore, even the Sisterhood of the Rose she works with is not of the earthly planes.

The second Unit — Seminar 5:

The links between Avalon, Languedoc, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Haran, etc.

Apollo, Artemis, and the Oracle of Delphi and Monsegur.

The Treasures of Delphi.

Pythagoras arises.

The Ancient Mystery Schools of Languedoc, far more Ancient than those of Egypt, etc.

The Roman Empire and the rising of Christianity.

Mary Magdalene and Jesus come to Languedoc.

The Cathars and their hidden roots.

The Troubadours ignite the fires.

Knights Templars: Their origin, their legacy, their connection to the Cathars, the Mystery Schools, Jerusalem, Essenes and Hermetica.

The Inquisition and the Crusade

The Truth about the 7th Temple of the Central Sun and the infinite womb of the Goddess herself – Monsegur – the Temple of Illumination.

The Caves of in the Sarbathes mountains and their connection to the Ancient Ones.

The True Secret Treasure of the Cathars

The Truth reveals itself.

The 12 and 24 return.

The Laurel Wreath rises again.

Seminar 6


The Sacred Sisterhood of The Rose, the Serpent and the Grail have requested a deep and profound higher healing of the whole of Languedoc, and so this day will be dedicated to the higher healing of SOUL of Languedoc, of the WOMB of the Collective, men and women.

As we reconnect in an immensely deep and profound SOUL level with the Feminine Divine and Masculine Divine, we will open up the thousand petal ROSE of our hearts.

We will move into the higher healing of our wombs, men and women, for with men this is their prostrate area.
We will move into the higher healing of the infinite SOUL of the womb of the earth, of Atlantis, or Avalon, and what went before.

We will bring our inner man our inner woman into beautiful harmony and balance once more.
We open up our soul keys and codes and whatever comes to the fore, as we are guided.

We open our inner Suns – the Sun Grail, the Inner energy systems and reactivation of the infinite connection to the Sun of Illumination – the Sacred Fires, the highest Consciousness of pure radiant Christedness.

We activate our Lightning Rod, the Tree of Life, the Rivers of Life, Higher Transmitter Channels to the Divine, and the 7th Central Sun.

We will read the Cathar Gospel of love. We will call in the fires of illumination and purification and we open our hearts to unconditional love.

We end the day with a special ceremony of celebration and dedication. We commit ourselves to the highest service.

Seminar 7


The Grand Finale: The Celebration of Sacred Union and return to Wholeness: The Masculine Divine, The Divine Feminine At-one-ness: Unconditional Love
The Sacred Ceremony of the Rebirth – Languedoc reborn as the Fires of Illumination return, the Goddess womb is opened up, the chalice reactivated, and the Rule and Rites of Pure Love return.

The Sacred Ceremony of the Sacred Womb of the Earth – The Power of Love.

The Sacred Ceremony of the Full Reactivation of the Fires of Illumination and the reactivation of the keys and codes of the Great 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

We celebrate with music and song, as we all raise our voices, to sing the Sacred Hymn of the Cathars in unison and celebration.

We remember the legacy of the Troubadours, the Cathars, and all which has come before them.

We celebrate the return of the full activation of the Womb of the Earth, the Sacred Fires of Illumination to Languedoc.

We celebrate our return to wholeness.

We give thanks to the Great Divine Feminine and the Great Divine Masculine, and the immense love which overflows from their sacred union and into us.

We celebrate the immense Power of Love.

We honor the very heart and soul of Mother Earth and the Divine.

Free concert

A Special Evening with Ani Williams

Harpist • Singer
Songwriter • Author
Sound Therapist
Pilgrimage Guide

Ani WilliamsAni Williams is one of the most celebrated harpists and singers of her generation, with dozens of recording credits to her acclaim. A pioneer in the field of women’s sacred music, she delights in performing her original instrumentals and songs at sacred sites all over the world.“—PJ Birosik, Musik International Corp.

With her harp and song, she gives a voice to the Sacred Feminine, The Goddess, the Ancient Spiritual Traditions and Mystery.

Since 1985 she has performed internationally and she also leads Pilgrimages in France, Spain etc.

As a Sound Therapist she developed Songaia Sound Medicine, a beautiful healing tool.

Ani Williams’ website:

Seminar pricing

PRICING: All pricing is in Euros. The Seminars will be held at: Château des Ducs de Joyeuse Hôtel, Allée Georges Roux, 11190 Couiza, France.

UNIT ONE (3 Days) – Lunch Included
24 August — 26 August €1,290.00

UNIT TWO (4 Days) – Lunch Included
30 August — 2 September €1,720.00

If you book both UNIT ONE and UNIT TWO, you receive a 20% discount.

UNIT ONE & UNIT TWO (7 Days) €2,408.00
24 August — 2 September 2016

BOOKING: Since there is global interest in these Seminars, we suggest you Book Early! The cut-off date for booking is 15 July 2016. Each Seminar is limited to only 25 people. Preference will be given to those booking both seminars.

To Book: Email your request to

Upon confirmation of your booking request, you will receive an invoice from PayPal for the cost of the seminar you are planning to attend. Credit Cards are accepted for payment. You will also receive a detailed list of nearby accommodations, restaurants, airports and transportation options to and from the airports.

– See more at:

The Tuning in – Celestially

1472095_10152033151847264_1834986207_nThe movement of the Central Suns, the galaxies, the Universes, the star systems all rest on the very foundations of cosmic order and balance.  It rests upon the same basic Universal Cosmic Laws, within which we have been created as soul occupying physical form on this planet.

To me the last few hours have been one of integration the immensity of the higher insight and understanding of this in some energetic form for I work with cosmic energies and energy fields, and therein the underlying order.

I have for the last ten years of my life steadily been introduced to massive intelligent and vibrant life force energy fields, which form a vital component to the very structures on which the whole Creation is based on.

The more I am shown, and more I record what I am finding, the more my innate respect for the Divine Heart and Mind, the very womb of the Creative Force, in which this gestated and was birthed into being.  I stand in awe and wonder, and I am therefore being shown more and more, that nothing under the firmaments of heaven is ever just randomly there.

The Master Intent placed it in perfect synchronicity with the rest, as it harmonizes into one single symphony of cosmic Beingness, Existence:  life breathing itself and sounding itself into existence.

To me the portent of this time is the steady reawakening of Mother Earth, into the full powers and immense perfection in beauty she was created for and is reemerging again.

It also comes with some wonderful remembering of humankind of what has been before, and what is there to retrieve, to acknowledge and to implement, so that the very foundation of the New Golden Age can be found on solid ground, solid foundation, and immense changes of heart.

The SOUL of Mother Earth is reawakened.

The SOUL of human kind is therefore reactivated, as the higher states of Consciousness rises.

We have forgotten how to communicate on so many levels with the vibrant sounds of the earth, the very songs, the music, the harmony of the cosmic music of the spheres.  We have forgotten the use of the language of light, and the sounding thereof.  We have forgotten that we reverberate on the same frequency bands as the rest of the cosmos, and that our souls sing to the very tunes of the Divine Harmonic impulses of Light, Love, and Sound.

However here are again multiple layers, of hidden meaning found.

For me to be able to do the massive energy work that I am called upon to do, I literally have to TUNE myself into the vibrations and frequencies of the energies and energy fields I am working with.

If I do not tune myself in, then I cannot sing with the frequencies of the earth.

I am using a metaphor in the “singing” here, as a way of tuning in, for I am reminded of a symphony orchestra.  Before they perform, they all tune in their instruments, so that they are all on the same key note.

If one single instrument is off key, the whole collective sound is affected.

My hearing is so fine-tuned, that when someone sings off key, or any musical sound is off key, I literally want to place my hands over my ears to shield them from the jarring sound.  Something within me immediately reacts to the disturbance in the energy field emitted by that sound.

Now, understand, the whole earth is like a massive celestial instrument, and she is tuned in cosmically.  She vibrates on a certain octave of celestial chords, and therefore she vibrates frequency wise, on this chord.

Just like your soul has a unique tonal chord and vibrates on that chord, and is fully activated when that chord is sounded, chanted, or played on an instrument.

The Earth is therefore then fine-tuned to the solar system, the galaxy of origin, and to the Central Sun she originally was born into.  I am not talking about the planet we know as the Sun, but the Centrals Suns, who reverberate throughout the cosmos and radiate forth and they all synchronize to the tunes of the celestial music of the spheres, and the Divine cosmic sounding boards.

I personally have developed a great respect for the magnificence of the Omni verse and the way it vibrates with energy forces.  In German they have the most powerful word (sound) for the whole Omni verse:  DAS ALL!

In other words ALL is ALL.  ALL vibrates on the SOUND OF ALL!  ALL envelopes and encompasses all.

What is happening now with the mass influx of energy changes, as we are being fine tuned to be much higher sounding chord, amplified by the rising of frequencies of planet Earth, as she is being up-tuned to the original frequency of sound she was originally created for, we will start to find that we react more and more to sound, in whatever form this may be.

Something deep inside of us will start feeling this vibrational change, as all becomes less dense and therefore less solid. The very slow, dense, and very solid forms will melt away.

In that it is best  be very selective with what music and tone you tune into.

Those who have had Soul Readings and Twin Flame Readings form me – use your tonal chord.  Play it, chant it, and listen to it.  Crystal singing bowls are wonderful tools to tune into the sounds of your soul and the sounds of the earth.  So are gongs, and instruments which vibrate when playing it:  violin, harp, lute, guitar, etc.   The vibration of the string reverberates energy.  Your soul vibrates on this highest possible frequency transmission of that reverberating sound.

We all know that the sound of water is calming and soothing to the spirit.  I have during my work with energies and energy fields understood certain concepts of the earth’s tuning systems, and also started to grasp how the Ancients knew how to use certain energy spots on the planet in order to fine-tune themselves and their civilizations in immensely powerful ways.

The whole cosmos is now moving into the higher frequencies of new and higher sound vibrations, chords, octaves of sound (we have a very primitive capacity to tune into sound and music for we lost three quarters of our own hearing ability of sound frequency with the fall of Atlantis).

Therefore we will be upgraded now, with Planet Earth, to tune in cosmically on a much higher sound frequency bands.

Therefore those who tune in with the INNER ear will be able to hear sounds which their outer ears cannot hear.  These are the celestial higher frequency chords, notes, music.

Some of the musicians will start tuning into this more and more and will bring this to humanity in a form which will bring in the activation of the greater hearing and tuning ability of mankind in the next 50 years.

I am so inspired by this that when I tune into it my whole body, and the cell of my body starts vibrating.

It is such an immense Renaissance of human understanding which is happening now.

Tune in.

(Judith Kusel) for Soul And Twin Flame Soul readings.

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