Mysticism – Awakened Codes

leo-radiance-from-your-heart-holemanThe higher paths of Mysticism have to do with the preparedness to delve ever deeper in the depths of Being – that state of Being which is the Unknown, the endless infinite realm of the Gods and Goddesses – the Mystery of Life and the Life Force itself.  It delves deep into the cosmic consciousness which is sublime and which is the creative force itself, yet is within all Beings and all that ever was created under the Central Cosmic Sun.

It is the highest calling of the Illumined State.  It takes total commitment and dedication to this path.  It is the highest path of supreme purity and it will demand that All.

According to the Oxford dictionary a Mystic is a person who devotes their time to profound thought in order to become closer to God and to reach truths beyond human understanding.  Its root is the Greek word “mustes – initiated person.”

Mysticism is then path of supreme Enlightenment and it is no accident that we inherited the Greek word for this, for in the Greeks always had a great respect for those who sought the ultimate state of Being.

In the last few years I have always been led back to Delphi in my own research as to trying to link the Cathars, my own findings, and the Goddess returning, with my own emerging greater picture of the true history of the planet and the Super-consciousness energy fields.

At one stage interesting personas started to emerge from the Pyrenees, far more ancient than that of the Cathars and understanding dawned that what they knew, or practiced was something was older and something steeped in the Ancient traditions of Mysticism itself.

Interestingly the great fortress of Monsegur, the last stronghold of the Cathars, was a temple dedicated to Artemis, as temple of the moon, while further alongside it was the temple of Sun, dedicated to none other than the twin flame of Artemis – Apollo.  It was via Apollo that the lyre, that instrument played by the Troubadours came into being, as a gift to the nobles of that region, for Apollo is the custodian of the vibrational frequencies of SOUND.

It moves further than this for none other than Pythagoras had his training as High Priest Druid in the Pyrenees and then went on to the temples in Delphi.

Moreover interesting the Visigoths of the Pyrenees, later laid siege on the temples of Delphi, where a great treasure was housed.  It came to pass that they managed to gain access to the strongholds of those temples and then took that treasure to the Pyrenees.  However, a great plague then occurred and people were dying like flies.  It was then that the Druids found that this was connected to the treasure and then the whole of this treasure was thrown into one of the lakes in the High Pyrenees.  The Druids sealed off the whole area and interestingly nothing grows there.

Is it not interesting that the Cathars have also been associated with treasure – a lost treasure.

In essence then Delphi held the keys to Mysticism and the Ancient Mystery schools of the Greeks, which were linked to those in Egypt, Haran, and then also the Himalayas.  In that then the inner schools were always off limits to those outside of these inner teachings, mainly because of the stringent higher pathways of Mysticism itself.

It was no accident that world famous oracle of Delphi formed part of the Ancient Mystery School there.

It goes back to Atlantis and what went before Atlantis, for the High Priestesses were highly trained TRANSMITTER channels and had the ability to tap into the Super Consciousness energy fields and transmit the information directly from the Divine Source.  They acted then as oracles for the people – but only after they were carefully selected for this task and had to go through intense and immense initiations into the higher paths of Mysticism.

Later in Greece as mankind started falling into forgetfulness the role of the High Priestess became watered down, as the male dominance took over.  Yet, these Priestesses were also highly trained in the use of sound in higher healing with crystals – more than that the High Priestess of the Temple of the White Flame held the whole energy grid of the Central 7th Sun under her jurisdiction and she could activate this at will.  She acted as the Guardian and Keeper of this grid, and she held all the crystal keys and codes.

The priestesses also recorded information in recording crystals, which during Atlantis, then were taken underground in order to preserve their knowledge – the Goddess knowledge, the High Priestess knowledge as the female path of Mysticism.

The Cathars themselves had two separate branches:  they had the lower branch, which was the ordinary man or women and then higher trained parfaits, (and that mostly recorded by the Inquisition because they never gained access to the true teachings of the Cathars, despite burning at the stake thousands and torturing them to death)  but another part of these, the upper crust, were carefully trained in the old Goddess pathways of mysticism, and with it the higher understanding of the Teaching of the Sun.

The Sun as in higher pathways of Illumination.  This linked up with the ancient Druidic teachings, but was even more ancient than that – for it linked up directly with Ancient Ones – a hidden Ancient People who live underground.

Monsegur itself is a portal to this underground world – for the Ancient Ones never left the planet from the first civilization, and they act as higher teachers, mentors and guides.

The Cathars understood that the highest pathways of Illumination, were the paths of Mysticism, and therefore one had to go through initiations in the inner and outer planes.

A lot of this has never been understood or misinterpreted – for in essence it is no accident that the Cathars were also known as the PURE ONES.  The inner rites of Purity demanded this.

In as much as the higher pathways to Mysticism was always held by the Ancient Mystery Schools, it now is a fact that the gateways have opened up so that those souls called on these highest pathways, will now start coming together.  They know who they are.

They shall come together from east, west, north and south and they shall be the fire of Illumination which shall light up the earth.

They are ancient souls, and have been involved with the co-creation of this planet from the very beginning.  They have incarnated again, to bring about immense consciousness changes in humanity and they will lift humanity through the octaves of Being, into that higher conscious state.

Within their own souls are encoded and enshrined all the keys and codes for true Illumination and they are all now being activated with the return of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy and the high codes of 777.

It is time.

The ultimate gateways of Illumination have now been opened up in the last two weeks.

It will open up immense inner gateways and portals, within those called to carry mankind through and it will like a massive wave of energies surging through with the fires of Illumination.

Let those who have ears – hear.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those who need to step out – step out.

The time has come.

(Judith Kusel)

The Call to Greatness – living our visions and dreams…. 2015 onwards.

Ego has no place in life’s mission.  Most often it is our fears which keep us bound to playing out smallness.  Greatness calls for a lion heart!  It calls for the lion and lioness within us to emerge, which does not shrink from the tasks ahead, but goes forward step by step, because he or she can do or be no other.  Fear of failure has no place in the greater scheme or things and most often we get to live our visions and dreams almost in spite of ourselves, and not because of ourselves!

via The Call to Greatness – living our visions and dreams…. 2015 onwards..

The Call to Greatness – living our visions and dreams…. 2015 onwards.


If you can just close your eyes for one moment and just still the mind, what is greatest vision that you have for your life in 20 to 50 to 100 years time from now on, and then where is this going to be in context with the New Golden Age, which isnow truly being anchored in?

A few weeks ago I have given a gigantic vision:  I was standing in front of a massive pyramid, which had been newly built.  I emitted luminescent white-golden-platinum light from within and the whole podium on which I was standing, with my Divine Other was lit up with this same luminescent light.  This pyramid and the two alongside it, which were smaller and the four further down below, were all encased in a sacred geometrical layout, and all were luminescent with the color ray they emitted.

In between all of these, in the street, below, etched with hanging garden and labyrinths, were people.  Masses and masses of people, millions of them…  All were celebrating the total advent into the 7th dimensional state, the New Earth, and in that my Divine Other was leading them in an incantation of the New Age.  It was both a spoken and singing chant – such like I have never heard before.  He was beaming out radiant light, as I was and this was merging into a massive beacon of blinding, luminescent light-rays, more blinding than the Central Sun.  And we were celebrating the return of the 7th Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy.  And here on earth the resurrection of the 7th Crystal Temples of the 7th Sun.

I am sharing this with you today, merely because the potency of this vision nearly knocked me out.  I have had visions before and one of them has materialized – indeed I am living it today, but this one had a frequency and vibration about it, which was from a much higher dimensional state and it was as real as it was happening in the here and now.

It was then that I finally understood what I was working towards with my Divine Other and how what we were working towards would impact the world and how it would bring about a catalyst for change.  So, what we were manifesting into physical form in some way or another, would impact only much later on a massive scale – but impact upon the planet it would.

I also understood why in the last few years since I started my inner and outer journey of discovery and asked myself why I had been born in Africa; the Tree of Life always appeared as a type of honing base for my work.  I made a study of it, for I wanted to understand why that and the Vitruvian Man were always haunting me, and why I felt so intensely that somehow all of this linked up in some way with me – with what I had to bring in and what I had to manifest into form.  With it the pyramids and the energy centers which I am working with right now.

When we are given a vision like this, we tend to shrink, for we think:  “Who am I to do this?”

Maybe then the question should be:  “Who am I NOT to wish to be doing this and to truly make a vast and lasting impact on the world?”

If we are given a vision, a dream greater than the sum total of ourselves, then we can do or be and become no other than the vision itself.

Great men and women who have impacted in some profound way on this planet have had this vision or dream greater than themselves, this profound sense of destiny, and no matter how much they were ridiculed, persecuted, or made out to be fools, that vision and that dream became greater than the sum total of all they had to go through in order to become that vision or dream.

To manifest great visions and dreams into reality will always push you out of your comfort zones and into the unknown and unchartered waters like a great explorer into the infinite and unexplored realms of the vaster cosmos.  You literally do not know what to expect, and you have to take leaps of faith and just trust.

When I first went in search of the information that I had to retrieve for the greater good of humanity and because I could do and be no other, I did not know how, why nor when.  I could not quite understand what was happening to me – I only knew that I had to do this, and I had to trust that wherever I was being led to, and whatever I was given in information and the downloading I was receiving would impact onto the planet and that it was something immensely important and profound.

During that time and even now, I was challenged to the very core.  A lot of people, including my own family thought that I was cookoo, and that I was completely losing it.  Yet, I knew that this was my destiny, and I could not shrink from living it, or I would die with my visions and dreams still within me.  I did not wish to leave this planet with my mission unaccomplished.

I know that in that I was given this greater vision recently that this will mean being pushed even more out of my comfort zones than ever before.  I know that I will not have a home on this planet – for I do not need one.  I am a cosmic Being and my home is elsewhere in the cosmos, but wherever I am with my Beloved is home.

Before we were born or incarnated onto the planet (for a lot of souls are walk-ins) we knew exactly what we were letting ourselves in for.  We had crystal clear clarity of our soul’s mission and purpose and we also had a very clear idea that life on this planet would test us to very core.  It is one of the greatest and harshest schools in the whole cosmos.  So, we knew exactly what we had to do, be, and become.

Visions mainly come in our lives, when we need to be reminded of the bigger picture – in order words where we are heading towards.  We have been given all the tools we need in order to get there, but sometimes the greater the vision, the more souls will be involved in bringing together that completion.

In my case, this affirmed for me that I needed to be united with my Divine Other, and that we were like two mighty rivers of life flowing into one single stream.  We needed each other in order to escalate our missions, and to reach a greater whole.  Whereas we could each do our own thing, our soul were contracted to become as one river, and then the tributaries will flow out into the entire world.

We cannot do all this work on our own and we are given back-up.  There will be souls who will be drawn into our orbit for each one has a specific role to play to bring about the anchoring in of the 7th dimensional state.  Some will be new born, some will still incarnate, some are already in that orbit sphere, some will be magnetized in.  That is not up to us to do this, but is already programmed into those souls who need to come to the party, and they will be drawn there, because their souls can do and be no other.

To me this illustrates that within the cosmos there is a greater Master plan at work on the planet at this time.

We cannot see it, because we suffer from temporary amnesia.  Yet, when we get visions which show where we are heading towards, then we start understanding the immensity of the task ourselves.  We are but mere instruments being used by a master hand, but we all are here on the planet with a mission to complete.

So often when I do soul readings and this greater vision, the greater purpose of the soul reveals itself, I will get letter saying:  “I was in tears.  I recognized myself.  I have always known this a much deeper level, but I did not believe it.”

2015 and the next 10 years will bring us more and more into active service where we can do and be no other than what our souls were contracted to do and become.

Ego has no place in life’s mission.  Most often it is our fears which keep us bound to playing out smallness.  Greatness calls for a lion heart!  It calls for the lion and lioness within us to emerge, which does not shrink from the tasks ahead, but goes forward step by step, because he or she can do or be no other.  Fear of failure has no place in the greater scheme or things and most often we get to live our visions and dreams almost in spite of ourselves, and not because of ourselves!

For the vision, the dream, the calling is greater than the sum total of us!

Such is the calling and vision of these times: we have to step into that higher soul self with all that we’ve got and we have to take leaps of faith and then do so from the heart and soul with all our might, mind, heart and Being.

There is a huge cosmic sign for these times:  No shrinking allowed.  No fears allowed.  It is time to claim your own greatness and LIVE it!

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings:

Also find me on YouTube:  Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel


The New Emergence – 777 with 11:11


We are moving towards the completion of a planetary phase, the first phase in the birth of the New Earth.

Since 1994 immense changes have come in on multiple levels in order to shift the planet into a much higher frequency band, and therefore all upon her.

A lot of us have been through immense upheavals, literally being uprooted, revamped and reinvented in the last few years, as the old life steadily has disintegrated and a new life slowly but surely started to emerge out of the ashes of the old.  The Phoenix rising from ashes has become our symbol, so to speak, for truly sometimes we could not see for seeing but have to have faith that whatever was happening, was bringing in a new and higher form of life.

The massive portal opened with the harmonic convergence in 1994, 11:11 now is moving into the 777 as the Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy is now starting to make its Presence felt.  It was the sun that affected us in the creation stages of this planet, and will now start influencing us on all consciousness levels, as this is the Sun of Illumination – that which shifts us collectively into much higher gear.

It acts as a portal opening up for those who are ready to step into it, which will allow us to truly now step into our co-creator roles, and into and onto a much higher frequency band for it is that of the earth returning to its origins – its creation and that which it has been created for.

It has to do with the mass awakening of the inner earth, as that inner earth layers, which was originally created, with its massive pyramids and the pyramid grids, will open up (indeed is opening up) and the mass energies released from within, and the 777 energies move in cosmically.  The two work in tandem and are interlinked. The 7 acts like a massive lightning bolt, it not only cleaves open, it ignites, like a lightning bolts is charged with immense electromagnetic energy, the 7 amplified literally is pouring in vast electromagnetic frequencies into planet earth and into our Being.  It brings the full activation of the return of the codes of alchemy and magic – that mystical Beingness.

Indeed it is the ray of ritual, mysticism, ceremony and magic.  It will enable the spiritual and physical to blend, to merge and to become AS ONE.  It is stimulating ancient memory banks opening, ancient higher healing techniques returned and the awakening of SACRED WISDOM.

For the first time in millennia we will be able to create something extraordinary, something that has never been before, and therefore we have to get crystal clear about our intention and what we intend to create in the next few years, for the 7’s will amplify this.

Alchemy always has to do with changing forms – lead into gold – transformation. We are in the process of changing form, being alchemized. Transformed and in transforming all around us is transformed.

Nowhere is this going to show up more than in the area of relationships, which reflect the microcosm and macrocosm of society at large.  If we wish to create a New Earth, first of all we have to get our own house in order, for if we cannot even find unconditional love for ourselves, how can we find it for others?  If we cannot create something extraordinary with our nearest and dearest, how can we co-create the world?

In essence magic has always been the ability to use energy and energy form and then to change that form into something else – therefore shift is some way, to become something else.  Or to use energy and create in amazing ways that which we would love to bring about in some form.

Slowly but surely there will be a new emergence happening here with this shift.  It will be that we find that in the changes of our inner core self, where we step into higher alignment and awareness – become more conscious and more cosmically aligned, that we emerged as new Beings.

We are now learning to take responsibility for what we create!  In other words, every day we become aware of our thoughts, our deeds, our inner seeing, and then focus on what we do wish to create, and not on what we do not wish in our lives.  So the shift here is subtle but sublime.

For with the release of the pyramid energies we will be bombarded with an energy that is so potent, that it will literally pull us into a much higher state of Being.  It is illuminating from outside and within.  When such high frequency energies are released the sluggish density cannot sustain form.

So, all that no longer serves the collective whole will systematically disintegrate.

When we refuse to change nor to be changed, we will not be able to step through this portal.  It is like we are given a flight ticket, and when we arrive at the airport and do not find the correct plane, we will miss the flight.  It is not like the plane was not there – it is that we did not board it on time – it took off without our being on it.

What is now being created is something we have forgotten about, but it has always been there.  It is the deep connection with the cosmos as a cosmic citizen, where we not only see the bigger picture, but we create within the cosmic laws.

I was inspired a few days ago to think about what I would love to create in marriage – what would I love to create with my Divine Other and in what way.  As I was doing this, I was suddenly seeing this new portal opening and what lay beyond it, and I realized that I had the opportunity now to not only put out the intent, but to release it into this new energy field and it would emerge into Being.  Yet, what I wished to create, would also have to be in higher alignment with my own soul and Being, for otherwise I would challenged to the very core, to keep to what I created in some form or another.

The key word here is responsibility – when one steps into the role of co-creator you have to take responsibility for what you are and have created.

What is it that you would wish to create that will have a profound and lasting effect on the New Earth?

What is it that would wish to create in your relationships?

What is that would wish to create in firmly anchoring in your soul mission onto planet earth?

The portal has opened to truly create something extraordinary, something amazing and to do so from the innermost heart and soul and with great love.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings and Twin Flame Soul Readings:

YouTube Channel:  Judith Kusel

The Way of the Mystic – Sacred Union

There are always those who seek the higher pathways in life, rather than the lesser.  They seek the ultimate state of Being, which then becomes the quest to experience the Divine essence, the infinite state of bliss, or existence itself, through the medium of going ever deeper within.

It is that reconnection with the soul, the soul group, but more than this, the reconnection with that energy which is the pro-creative energy, the alchemical fusion which transform the mundane into the extraordinary, the sacred, the magical, and therefore the sublime.  Once one experiences the supreme state, one cannot walk the lesser pathways for one has spanned the higher octaves of Being, and therefore has glimpsed the ultimate bliss – that state, or consciousness of the Divine.

The Ancient Mystery schools knew this, and therefore the High Priestess at the birth of a child, would not only read the soul records, but would confer with the Astrologer Priests and birth crystals were programmed to accompany the child for the rest of its life.  With this reading it was already defined if the child had incarnated to be trained and to contribute to humanity by serving in the temples themselves.

There were certain pathways within Mysticism which followed the higher pathways of sacred sexual union in what we would today understand as sacred marriage, and they were trained from an early age, in the various branches of the mystic paths. They would however only fully merge in sacred union when the call for higher service was there.   It was understood that the sexual energy itself, could be channeled in a supreme way, which not only ignited the fires of illumination, but ignited the higher pathways of service.  It was considered the ultimate union of male and female, as their two flames merged, into the ultimate third, and it was then that they certain portals opened up, which ignited the service work being done.  One then became an expanded being – thus one’s soul purpose and mission became ignited, and expanded beyond the norm.

In these schools from an early age then one would be already identified as being called on this pathway in order to serve, and one’s soul partner would be identified as well, and thus trained, would then merge in alchemical union, which was a deep honoring of each other, and very deep and profound union of body, mind, spirit and soul.  These two would share thus the greater calling, vision, and most of all, the higher service to the Divine.  Here two souls were on the same frequency band, and anyone of lesser would distort the energy, and most of the energy would disperse and not ignite the fires of Illumination, but quench it.

The Mystery Schools had their own distinct branches and each one had a symbol worn in the form of adornment or bracelet, and in the case of those who were trained in this mystic art would wear an arm bracelet in the form of a serpent – depicting the spiralling energies ignited, as in the kundalini energy but in a different form in the course of orgasms the female would erupt in a writhing movements which was serpent like – the result of alchemical fusion as she transmitted the higher powers into him, for she was what ignited the fire of illumination and higher service in him.  In this way both of them literally fused into one and entered that state of Divine bliss – the marriage between the masculine and feminine – the God and Goddess as in the Divine, the supreme state of Being and consciousness.

The female was considered to become the Goddess – thus merging with the Divine Feminine and in these transmitting immensely powerful energies through her, and into the partner.  In this way, he, if he was a Master Alchemist or Teacher, would be ignited and his mission illuminated – through her.  The one ignited the other and thus their calling to higher service became AS ONE.

This higher pathway is not for everyone, mainly because it strips open the soul to the very core.  There are not hiding places anymore.  As much as one is naked in body, one is naked in mind, in spirit and in soul.  All that is not loved within one will come to the fore, until it is loved and only in that it is loved, one can open to the other totally.

It was known that there were 7 gateways to sexual alchemical union, and each gateway represented both the shadow and light within oneself.

Very few people can reach these higher states of alchemical union, and it is a path of dedication – not only to each other, but more than this to the highest service, for here one ignites the fires of Illumination, and if not in highest integrity these fires burn – literally singe what is not of the purest intent.

The greatest gift of union, is that experiencing of Divine joy, the delighting, and the supreme bliss, euphoria, and that utter At oneness with the cosmic energy field itself, that Divine state of Being, consciousness – thus that Christed consciousness, the ultimate state of Being.  When this is used in higher service, something profound happens and more than this it was known to be an elixir for rejuvenation and life expansion.

(For reference read “The Magdalene Manuscript”, The Gnostic Hieros Gamus, Isis Initiations, Kabbalistic Higher Sexual Practices etc.)

In Eastern tradition, more or less the same practices were used but differentiate from those used in Atlantis, Egypt, etc.  It is the path of Tantra that originated in India and dates back thousands of years, and incorporates practices such as yoga, meditation, visualization, ritual, transformative touch, and spiritual sex.  Tantra as Sanskrit word, has been interpreted to mean “a loom” or “to weave.”  Such definitions speak to the fundamental Tantric concept of continuity between an individual’s energy and the Universal energy.

It is a spiritual system that sees sex as sacred.  In fact, the act of sex is worshipped as a path to the Divine.  During Tantric sex, lovers harness sexual energy to merge not only with each other’s bodies and beings, but also with the Divine Cosmic Consciousness.  They reach a state of ecstasy that is a sacred experience.  Sex therefore has a spiritual dimension, leading Tantric lovers to the ultimate experience of the Divine.

In Tantra, sexual union merges the masculine and feminine forces in the Universe by bringing together Shiva, the Hindu god, and Shakti, the Hindu goddess.  When the separate energies of these entities unite, they assume wholeness and commune with the cosmic consciousness.  In the way when a mortal man and woman come together sexually, they become one with each other and the cosmos feminine as much as the masculine, it has helped many women achieve harmonious sex lives.  The unique and egalitarian sexual union leaves lovers with profound respect, deep trust, understanding and enjoyment of each other, thereby strengthening the integrity of their intimate relationship.

When one seeks the ultimate union, one seeks a partner who is on the same frequency band and therefore the same octave of Being, and more than this the sacred path which leads to the highest states of conscious awareness, as one becomes the God and Goddess.


For Twin Flame Soul Readings which focus on relationships, and Soul Readings which focus on your own soul, its gifts talents, abilties and higher soul purpose and calling, please visit

(Judith Kusel)