She has returned

She came to Atlantis at the specific request of the Intergalactic Counsel, the Federation thereof to establish the White Flame into the planet once more, and then to be the custodian and guardian of this.

So she left the beloved shores of her home in Andromeda and she came and she did what she could in the Golden Age of Atlantis.  She was then the Guardian, the Keeper, the Custodian, and the High Priestess of the White Flame.  She stood there in her own powers, in that which made her woman she was and the temple stood in its Glory and Magnificence.

Yet, then the visions, the premonitions, the intense knowing came of what had infiltrated Atlantis, and had started to infiltrate the minds of men – the males.

She stood in her majesty and she stood firm and she started warning the women and warned them of not submitting to men and allowed them to abuse their powers.  But the women listened not, for they were ensnared by their men and the way the submitted to them.

It was not that she did not understand that her sisters wanted to be loved and wanted that male essence, the union through their own sexuality: – it was that she understood the potent powers of all and she saw way beyond and repercussions of all, for her insight and sight was greater than the rest.

So, she witnessed the way the male started to take control in order to divorce him from her, and from all which was female and that which he feared.  She slowly but surely saw how her sisters lost their own powers, and how they were mind controlled, manipulated, and how love and sex became a competitive sport, and how women were slowly but surely enslaved.

So, she called all her sisters together, the High Priestesses who had stayed true to the Law-of-one, and those others sister who served, who were all in great pain seeing what was happening, and with those men who stayed true (and there were many), she then devised a Masterful Plan of Action, so that the keys, codes, the inner knowing of the woman High Priesthood and that of the lesser priesthoods, and the knowledge therein contained, would be hidden away, and taken away from the planet, as she would withdraw herself.

So, she did.

She safeguarded the knowledge, she saw to it that all the pyramid grids, the vortices, and all which contained the feminine movements of earth, sun and stars, would be removed and then taken away, and what they then could not take away for safekeeping, they stored in various centers on planet earth.  They sealed everything, and with it the Galactic Counsels, added their seals, and so all of that which pertained to the Ancient Knowledge was shut down, as she withdrew.

She left the men with just enough to keep them going, and to side-track them from the ultimate knowing, for the mastering of soul lessons were theirs to master, as well as all the sister souls who were caught in that snared, that control, the way they were used and abused.

She did come back to earth again at the time of Egypt, when her beauty was such and her powers that again the men feared her.  And so again, the abuse came forth from the men, their power games, and the way they considered the women as shuttles, as toys, and again made love a competitive sport, and not honoring the lessons they had to learn from Atlantis, and then again, the tendency of the male to self-destruct by this own sword.

In that lifetime, she, again with Thoth, and those of his Ilk who had stayed true in Atlantis, and had stayed true in Egypt, she closed down the Sphinx and all it contained, and then she went and shut down all the rest.

She withdrew herself from the planet, but she never left.  She merely, with those sisters who stayed true, took it upon themselves to take on the task of keeping the Fires of Illumination in custody for the rest of mankind, until such time as humanity would finally be ready again to step up in to the highest states of consciousness, and be able to bring back the full powers of the Woman into Being again.

These sisters often took upon themselves the collective pain and suffering of mankind, and then in the midst of all of this, still managed to shine their light and love in such a way that the Fires of Illumination held steady through it all.  She thanks her sisters for this, and the Brothers who also stayed true.

The second attempt to ignite the Fires of Illumination and then also bring back the rise of the Divine Feminine, came in Languedoc, and with the Cathars, and the women who held the secret keys and codes then, but they again that suffer immense pain, and often severe persecution and trauma, in order to hold that Flame steady.

She has returned.  She is here.

She is no longer buying into the power plays of men nor does she allow herself to be drawn into these.

She refuses to buy into the men’s notions that sex and love are a competitive sport and who keep scores of women’s attractiveness, and then control the planet’s views of what women should look like and be.  She sees this as it is, forms of manipulation and a deep disrespect for the Creator God/Goddess, who created many forms of expressions and ultimate Beingness, and there are no flaws in Creation, each man and women is perfectly made, and therefore each one deserves to be honored and loved for who and what they.

She does not buy into the gossip and talk of her sisters, who love to compare themselves with other sisters, in the physical form, as being more beautiful, or ugly or whatever that may be, for she knows that she is perfect just the way she is, and she does not need to compete with her sisters, she is more than enough as she is, and she thanks her Creator for her beautiful body, and she honors and respects, and nourishes that form.

She refuses to engage in any sexual relationship where she is not honored, and validated.  She treasures her own sexuality, and respects her own womanhood, for she learnt from Atlantis that the physical form is as much a temple and therefore anyone who enters there and is disrespectful, abuses that temples, takes it for granted, thinks he owns it, or just uses it for his own means, buys it with money, or whatever form the manipulation and control takes, is not worthy of entering there.

She does all the inner and outer cleansing and clearing work, and she now vibrates at a much higher frequency band and she is at home with herself and all that she is.  She does not need a man to validate her.  She is happy and content on her own for she can delve ever deeper into the Mystery of her own Womanhood, her knowing, the visions the prophesies, the work she is being called to do, and she surrenders herself into the highest possible service.

She knows that the more she works on the healing of self, the more she is healing humanity at large.  She knows that more she loves herself, and finds her own worthiness, the more she will attract goodness into her life, and the more she can co-create the New World.

She knows that if she is meant to be with a man in this lifetime, that he will come with Divine timing,   and she just wishes to be ready for him, to keep her heart and soul open.  For now she is just preparing herself for his coming, for she knows that happiness is something she has to cultivate from deep within herself, and love too.  If he comes into her life, it will be in the fullness of all which makes him a man, and he will be her equal and treat her with love, respect, and then trust will be built.  For this is a man who has found himself, is in balance and harmony, and stands in his own power, without having to resort to manipulation, not power games, nor control games, nor any games at all.  He is genuine, authentic and real, loving, without having to compromise ANY of his manhood, of all which makes him the man he is.  He is mature enough to understand this and therefore is filled with respect for all which makes her a woman.  He is at home with himself, from deep within.

Yet she knows she is always surround inside and outside with Love and when she truly is wishing for that closeness it can come easily from here true love – her own, who is there always there with her, although not incarnated on earth.  She knows the infinite beauty, the immensity, the blessings of such union, were man and women are equal and in balance, and therefore create the bliss, ecstasy, beyond anything known on earth.

She is working now, fulltime, for the return of the White Flame, the Guardian, the Keeper, and Custodian she in truth – for She has returned.

Yes, her sisters have returned too.

And one day she will gather all her sisters who stood by her in Atlantis, and she will thank them for the work they did and still do.

Yet, it is not only the sisters, it the men too.

For she has let go of all resentment towards the men, and forgiveness is her key, and she understands the men’s woundedness, and how they fear all the disintegration of their powers which is happening now.  She sends them love, and unconditional love and she gently leads them back to themselves: – the original innocence they had in Atlantis and what even went before.

For Atlantis was but a repeat of what had happened of yore, and this time men and women will have to master the lessons of power, true power, once and for all.

For power is in truth a two-edged sword.  It can build and create, and Illuminate or it can destruct and destroy.

She knows this and therefore she stands in fully in the power of Love.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul and Twin Flame Soul Readings:


Just Judith 197

The White Flame – the Flame of Power, Wisdom and Truth.


We now entering a new phase of the deep remembering on mankind of what it has lost with the fall of Atlantis, Lemuria, the Lyon Kingdom (Lyra), and Elysium – the first ever civilization on earth.

In that this has to do with the pyramid energies we have lost with most of the original pyramids being so deeply buried and purposefully hidden from mankind, as the Intergalactic Counsel vowed that mankind would not be able to access their energies and diamond/whitegold energy grids again, until they had learnt to use the energies released in a responsible manner.

One of my first past life recalls was a vivid recall of how I used to be a High Priestess in charge of the Pyramid Temple of the White Flame.  It was the biggest of all the pyramids and it stood on an island offshore from the mainland.  It emitted blinding pure white light and incorporated all the color rays into one single flame.

It was here that the Super consciousness Energy Matrix Field was kept, which incorporated all the data collected from all the cosmos, and especially this planet, solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe and the12 galaxies who were involved with the co-creation of this planet.  It was linked directly to the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and to the Galactic Core, and to the 7th Pyramid Temple of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy.  All worked in tandem AS ONE and all life on this planet, all creations, and all knowledge was programmed into this temple flame, for it held all of this at one single central point for humanity.

It was known as the main Temple and it held the Halls of Records (as in the Super consciousness Energy Field – thus not like scrolls, or writing, but pure energy), the Halls of Wisdom and Knowledge, the Halls of Technology and Science, the Halls of Higher Teaching and Mystery Schools, The Halls of Higher Healing.  It was one massive center of higher studies and learning and all of this was held in one single energy field which was then the Super Consciousness energy field, directly linked to the Divine, via Sirius.

I vividly recalled the last days of Atlantis, and then how this temple was bombarded by a massive atomic laser beam directed at it, from those who wished to destroy this temple and all within it.  It was then that a massive rescue operation was launched – The white flame and the Super consciousness energy field were removed and taken to Andromeda for safekeeping and all those places on earth that had held its knowledge collective and the affiliated pyramids and energy grids were sealed off so that no one had access to them anymore.

I, together with Thoth and my life partner High Priest and a handful of other who had stayed true to the Law of One, then took the lesser records of the planet to the Sphinx for safekeeping in Egypt, as by that time Egypt had been developed as a colony of Atlantis.

The sphinx and the pyramids of Giza were much older – they were the remnants of the Lyrian contingent (the lion people) who had a massive civilization in the Sahara long before Ancient Egypt, and that had been blown up – literally because of a massive nuclear war between two brothers, which incorporated the whole Sahara and the Middle East.

The sphinx then was much older than even the pyramids – for the Atlanteans rebuilt the pyramids or rather revamped them on the base of the much older pyramids which stood there before.

The sphinx itself has 72 underground storey’s and the Halls of Records, the lesser ones were then stored deep underground and sealed off with certain energy systems, which work on vibrational frequencies.

It is Atlantis which now is haunting us as so many thousands of souls who were involved in Atlantis have all incarnated again, in order to fulfill the karmic obligations and to finally make right what went wrong.

Atlantis itself worked on many levels and was constructed on the ruins of what were once the great civilizations before it.  It therefore rose out of the ashes of the old and a lot of what it inherited or created in technology was not their own, but rather borrowed from those who went before.  One could also use the word, “retrieved” or “remembered”.  Yet, it was not as sophisticated as before, because Atlantis itself was in the 5th dimensional state and not the 7th, as was before.

It was this fact, most than anything else, which eventually caused its downfall, for although they had then access to this immense technology, they did not know how to use its power.  Meaning, instead of using the power for the greater good of all, they started using it for their own ends, and thus wreaked havoc in the end – self-destructing because of not mastering the lessons of power.

What added to the downfall of Atlantis, was that they opened their doors intergalactically, and therefore had other beings from other star systems coming in and settling here.  It was these beings that slowly but surely infiltrated the minds of the scientists and those who were working with all pertaining to that, also the metaphysical, that ended up in the misuse of power.

As Atlantis is rising and coming to haunt us all, we will all have to master the lesson of POWER.  It is not only those who rule who have power.  We all inherently have power. Indeed, most of us tend to give our power away to others, for we do not value our own power, or we allow others to overpower us.  We are disempowered, and then moan about the state of the world.

The fact is that the world is very much inside of us.  We are the world we create.  It all carries the world inside of us.  What we create inside of ourselves is what we manifest into the world.

Most of the populace of the world live quite lives of desperation, mainly because they do not empower themselves and they do not seek this empowerment.  It is mainly because they have never understood the basic principle that one can be or do anything – no matter what the circumstances are.  If you truly wish to rise above all of that, you can and you will.  The majority do not even try, for they blame everyone else for their calamities excepting themselves.   Yet, some of the greatest leaders of the world have emerged from the most difficult of circumstances and have risen above it.  For they had a dream and a vision greater than the sum total of self and they did not let anyone stand between themselves and this vision.

Moreover then we have the power then to create our lives according to our own inner visions.  Sometimes though what we try to create is not always in highest alignment with the greater good of all concerned.  Most of us know of things we knew in our hearts would hurt someone dear to us, but we still did that.  Or we tried to force our will on others, knowing that we were taking away their own free will and choice.

At this time a lot of those old things will come up from our lives in Atlantis, Egypt, Avalon, in particular.  They are all linked.  It is no accident.

It is bringing to the fore all those clogged energies in the northern hemisphere which has to do with war and destruction, with trauma and pain.  It has to do with the abuse of power.  Power play.  Overpowering. The use of force.

This does not just mean warfare – relationships often are the greatest battlefields and where the greatest abuse of power is played out.  The use of power or overpowering in sexual sense, in marriage, in power plays, in contracts etc.

The same applies to business and the use of power in business.  It applies to education, to science, to technology.  Everywhere where power is used and abused.

Nobody is exempt.  We all have power and we all tend to abuse this in some way.  If we do not do this with people, we do it to animals, plants, the earth itself.

Until we start becoming aware of how and when power plays come into play – we will not master the lessons of those before us.

Therefore we will be brought back to our highest truth and integrity and to the full knowledge that we are in this moment standing on the threshold of immense reopening up of the energy grids of the world, the reactivation of the pyramids, but we have to take full responsibility now, of our use of power.

If we do not master this lesson, then we will not be allowed to use the power unleashed.

It is as simple as that.

The Temple of the White Flame is rising again and the White Flame will only be returned to this planet, when we finally are ready to take on the mantle of responsibility to use this immense power for the greater good of all, and not for self-service.

The carries of this flame have always had to carry the flame for all humanity.  They know who they are, and they, more than anyone else will know that power is a two-edged sword and one to use wisely.

The epitome of wisdom is to know power and use it wisely.

(Judith Kusel)

Photo:  Jean-Luc Bozzoli

The 7th Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy – Returns…..


The Gateways Open Up…..2015

For so long humanity has stood in front of closed cosmic gateways, doors….  Gateways and doors that had closed in their faces by their own making – mostly by not adhering to the Law of One, and then truly separating themselves from the Greater Cosmic Order and Whole.

For many millions of years this planet was thus put under quarantine law, and this was put into place mainly so that the earthly war, as constant as they were at the time, would not spill over into the rest of solar system, and blow it out of orbit, as what happened when the planet between Mars and Jupiter blew itself up billions of years ago.

All those incarnating upon this planet had at one stage signed a contract with the Galactic Federation, that they would partake in an experiment – essentially an experiment about how other life and life forms would adapt to this planet.  Indeed, she had been created first as a type of substation or satellite station for the Intergalactic fleet, and first of all the inner earth, also known as Agartha, was created – before much later on the outer layers and firmaments of the earth were laid down, and thus she became a planet.

It is not necessary now to go into the whole early history of the planet, for I have recorded this in detail elsewhere – suffice is to say, that when mankind fell from the 7th dimensional state, first into the 5th (Atlantis) and then even deeper into the quagmire of the 3rd dimension, mankind literally got lost in the Dark Ages.  The rule of the Underworld of Hades has continued unabated since the fall of Atlantis, and has been therefore now been upgraded steadily, as more and more Lightworkers volunteered to assist the planet to ascend back into the 5th dimensional state.

She could do no other, because of what is happening cosmically.

For, in the very beginning the earth was not part of this solar system at all.  She indeed belonged to the 7th galaxy, of the 7th Central Sun and thus was orbiting around this Sun.  However, in due course, the Milky Way Galaxy changed form, and in a cosmic catastrophe, which started the Wars of the Heavens, some planets attached to the Central Sun, where thrown out of orbit, and literally collided with another solar system attached to the Milky Way Galaxy.  This catapulted three planets into the Milky Way System and they came to thrown into orbit around the current planetary Sun, that we are familiar with.

That was then when the inner earth had been formed, and thus as a type of satellite and when the first space stations had been erected in the inner earth – not outer as yet, like underneath the surface of the new planet.  However, when the first civilization then sprung from that with the first volunteer settlement, there were TWO suns that the earth drew its power from – one was still the 7th Sun, and the other was the new Sun (the one we are familiar with).

However, the planet itself was created to orbit around the 7th Central Sun, and programmed accordingly.  In this transition phase, the scientists tried to stabilize her and Venus, Mercury and Earth and get all of them  back to orbit around the 7th Central Sun again, but this proved to be impossible, as the Milky Way Galaxy then kind of incorporated this solar system with the other planets now being drawn into its orbit as well.  So a new solar system then formed, attached to the Milky Way Galaxy.

However, the Ancient Ones, the first civilization and subsequent ones, always knew about the 7th Central Sun as the giver and creator of life.  For in reality that is what is true, for life on this planet only existed because of what was created from the Central Sun.  I struggle to try and find adequate words, for what I am being shown, is like a massive fire –  a type of cosmic flame, which is then  becomes like a burning mass, and from this mass of fire, came about the first forming of the inner earth, and later then, with the assistance of the scientists abroad the Intergalactic Fleet the outer crust.  But the inner core earth was and still is very much attached to the 7th Central Sun.

The Ancients always worshipped the 7th Central Sun as the life giving force, and therefore they knew that a one stage in the cosmic evolution the earth would be drawn back into orbit around the 7th Central Sun, and therefore return to the state of AT-One-NESS with the greater cosmic whole, as was in the beginning.  They called this the Great Event –an event which they  foresaw as a type of resurrection – the dying of the old earth and the resurrection of the New.

Interestingly the crucifixion stories, the stories of dying to be re-born or re-surrected, all came from this one source, and then became ingrained in the subconscious memory bank of mankind – albeit in a different form.

Some of the highly advanced souls have taken it upon themselves to go through this crucifixion ritual, and the resurrection phase, now, so that they can assist this transformative process of planet earth.  They know who they are – and have been fully aware of this from the beginning.  It is a very specialized type of mission, and therefore is mostly over-lighted by the higher Ranking Cosmic Hierarchy.

What is cosmically occurring now,  is something immense and unpresedented.  Again the Milky Way Galaxy is in immense flux and is re-arranging herself.  She is therefore now moving in on the Andromedan Galaxy, but the Andromedan galaxy has always been part of the 7th Central Sun Hierarchy – and therefore then, the 7th Central Sun is moving in too with the 7th galaxy. So earth is moving back into orbit of  the 7th  Central Sun and into the 7th Galaxy!

This essentially means that the earth will have TWO suns for in the next few years, as we are being thrown out of our orbit in this solar system and into a new solar system being born, which will eventually then orbit around the 7th Sun again!  So we are literally being returned to our SOURCE!  To our origin as children of the 7th Central Sun!

The New SUN Age!

The 7th Central Sun holds the SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS of the whole cosmic realms.  It is a massive energy field which holds pure consciousness.  This is the consciousness of the Creator God itself.  Thus it is then the whole communication system of what the Divine IS!  So, this Central Sun, literally is a  physical manifestation of the energy force field of the Divine Source itself.

It is the Super-intelligent Higher Mind of the Divine.  It is the Super-Creative Higher Love –Heart of the Divine.  It is therefore the central hub of all life attached to the 7th Central Sun and therefore the rest of Creation!

Some soul groups, originate directly from the 7th Central Sun, and therefore literally are the SUN CHILDREN – the daughters and suns of this Central Sun.  One of these are the Illumined Ones.  They are the Illuminating cosmic rays – in whatever form they choose to incarnate into.  Some for instance never take on physical form but exist as pure ray energy.  Some have multi-dimensional existences, and thus exist in multiple forms.

When great cosmic changes are about to happen, and there needs to be extra help coming, then this soul group are those who literally have to hold the Cosmic Rays steady, and then Illuminate the Path for Others.  They therefore take on the role of way-showers, the one who direct the change or those who bring in the knowledge, the technology and the inherent understanding of cosmic law, to these planets or star systems and even galaxies.  They are therefore known as the Teachers of Ages, or the Sages of Ages, for programmed within them is all knowledge, on all levels of existences as held in the Super-consciousness energy fields of the 7th Central Sun.

Their symbol therefore is the Sun and its Illumination of all of Creation.

It is no accident that the highest ranking of this Soul Group have incarnated onto planet earth  at this time and are assisting this whole process, as have other soul groups attached to the 7th Central Sun.

When the 7th Central Sun then becomes our Central Sun, its power will be immensely more amplified than our current dying Sun.  It immensely powerful Illumination of Planet Earth will truly bring about the 5th to 7th dimensional state return to the reign of the Golden Ones – as all the souls then have returned who were part of the first civilization ever on planet earth, which we remember as the first Garden of Eden.  They are then a ascended race and therefore the new race of men.

As such then we are moving into immense earth and galactic changes and therefore nothing will ever be the same again.  The time of crucifixion has arrived – the time of dying onto the old.  We are thus now moving into the Age of Resurrection.

(Judith Kusel)

Ancient Pyramid Energies Released….


In Ancient times when the first pyramids were built, they were built on a type of immense grid system, which worked with the earth energies.  It was a type of vortex energy system which fed the whole planet, as it was then with the central fuel, which supplied the whole planet and all in it not only with energy, but the same energy was used for higher healing, the propelling of all craft, air, land and water, and it was the same energy that was there in the more crystalline and more advanced evolutionary physical form of all life on planet earth.

In the beginning there were 12 Massive Pyramids, made from clear quartz crystal.  They were hollow in side, with massive chambers and in the middle a huge tube which held the vortex energy moving up and down in spiraling fashion – like the kundalini energy moves up and down the spinal column and chakra energy wheels of the body.  In most places there were two pyramids – one pointing upwards and one pointing downwards, so that a huge merkabah-like energy field was created, with the vortex energy twirling and swirling in the middle through the apex of the pyramids.

In that these pyramids were used as conduit for an extremely high technological central energy force, which could literally be used to enhance all life and life forms, and added to the much longer lifespan of people in those ancient times, and for the greater harmony of the planet and people, as this energy enhanced life and it was pollution free.

The Ancients at that time used not only this energy, but knew how to harness the Rivers of Life which flowed through the planet itself, and which added another component of energy, which mankind has forgotten about.  These Rivers of Life literally added to the fuel or the ignition of the vortex energies and were then added as such.

There was another mechanism which worked with the lightning rod of the Earth, and that was the sound of the Earth.  The Earth has her own sound frequency band, which is tune into the greater cosmic frequency bands, of this Universe, the Galactic Core, and then also the Central Suns – in those days we were directly linked to the 12th Central galaxies of the 12th Central Sun, and therefore the lightning rod of the earth, with the sound was fine-tuned into a type of antenna which then could relay this mass ignition of the energy, into the vortex energy centers, and from there directly into the pyramids, which in turn relayed this energy to the rest of the planet.

All combined into one mass energy system which then kept the planet supplied of energy, and it supplied energy for homes, structures, buildings, and all that needed to use this energy.  As it worked with the earth, and these people knew how to use this energy, it did not harm the planet in any way, nor did it harm any form of life.

I have gone into immense details about these pyramid temples in my Book (Why I was born in Africa – which is being edited), but what I want to touch on here, is that because the earth has had pole shifts, the land masses have undergone immense changes – and some land masses have sunk under the sea, and some rose out of the sea, so if one looked at a map of the planet a billion years ago, the whole planet would have looked very different from what it is now.

The pole shifts have not always meant that north and south poles switched places.  Sometimes the earth merely tilted to some degree and the lands mass and water and gaseous substances more and less adjusted themselves accordingly.

As mass meteorites and comets hit the planet in the beginning and during the first civilization, as the wars of heavens still reigned, and Marduk blew itself up in this solar system, this meant that immense earth changes occurred during that time.

So, this means that these first pyramids were literally buried under the onslaught of the cosmic and earth changes at that time.

However, they were never deactivated, as happened with the later pyramids built – notably those in the Sahara (which have not been discovered yet), and those in elsewhere in the broader Europe, Balkans and Americas, and of course those sunk under the sea.

Part of my personal quest in the last few years is to find the pyramids in the Southern Hemisphere or rather to be reunited with them, and then to record the untold history of the world.  Therefore the working with these energies and energy fields has brought a brand-new understanding with it about planet earth and how this fits into the greater cosmic whole.

It has been a fascinating journey in itself, for I have found immensely interesting things carefully hidden in the landscape.  The language of the sound in itself has been given voice in the way rock gongs, very carefully placed, faces, circles, and most importantly that which has been recorded in myths and never understood as something where myths are based on truth, albeit in a form of hidden swirls.

As the pyramids are getting more and more activated, the vortex energy fields are rising and this thrusting up, indeed like sucking us into the 5th dimensional state at such an accelerated rate now, that we will have to adjust to a much higher frequency life and life force at immense speed.

For the Rivers of Life have now also been reactivated, and this is bringing immense and utter changes to planet earth as the antennas get reactivated, and the re-connection to the 12th sun now becomes reality.

(Judith Kusel)


The pulling together of core groups with certain soul groups for the next phase: 2014 -2024


As massive portals have now opened up there is a magnetic pull from soul to soul to unite for specific purposes.

There are core groups of souls from within certain soul groups, who have come in for specific tasks or missions to accomplish.  They were involved with the creation of the planet from the very beginning, and have returned to assist the planet through this phase of transformation.

Some have been working over lifetimes to bring back the ancient keys and codes to mankind and have held them in custody.  They at as the e-missionaries of Love, Wisdom and Power when the earth goes through intense and massive changes, and then lead the rest through such shifts.

It is no accident when such souls are being pulled together – it is by grand design.

There are souls on this planet who have been involved with the establishments of the first Mystery schools in ancient times.  They did this as a special assignment, when the gates of paradise first closed, so that pockets of these mystery schools would hold the ancient knowledge in custody for mankind.   Some of these like the Masters and Mistresses of Shamballah  exist in the higher dimensions, and therefore co-exist with mankind and teach mankind from there.

Others chose the physical realms to have concrete mystery schools, but always hidden.  One had to pass certain tests in order to be allowed to enter these schools as an acolyte, then go through more intense initiations to become a member and then through more intense initiations to reach the higher ranks.

However over time, some of these schools got corrupted too, and power plays started to happen, as one generation succeeded the next.

When Atlantis then fell, it was decided by the Cosmic Hierarchy to gather those core group souls, within certain soul groups together, for a briefing.  They were told that they had to incarnate in successive incarnations, to bring enlightenment to mankind.  All of this would culminate into the greatest mission, when mankind, after sinking truly into the abyss of darkness, would be ready to evolve into the higher states of consciousness once more as the planet wished to ascend.

In this process then, these souls were given certain signs in order to recognize each other when they met lifetime over lifetime.  As they signed soul contract before incarnating the specific time of the meeting had been set.   Each one had a certain sign imprinted on their etheric foreheads, so that only another of the core group would read this and recognize this.

During lifetimes together however it was found that karma did set in, as life on planet earth is the greatest school of life itself, and souls sometimes tended to fall asleep, only to be ignited later.  With it came love and intimate bonds, as with twin flames, and often soul mates, as the work had to be done, and it was for safeties’ sake that they married, but also because the intense love – and more importantly the higher service that they were rendering for mankind.

Since 1994 with the Great Harmonic Conversion, massive changes have happened on planet earth and the gateways to the rising of consciousness opened up.

A lot of these souls incarnated during the 1950’s  just after the last World War, in order to bring revolutionary changes in for mankind.  They were then volunteer souls, but some were also those within these core groups.

Within their soul contracts it was given that they would meet up again, and recognize each other – when the earth would go through its greatest shifts and they would then converge into one single unit, and bring those higher teachings, healing, hidden knowledge, wisdom and keys/codes etc. back to mankind.  In doing so, they would be fully activated, and would have to lead the rest of mankind and take on the mantle of responsibility for their own inner shifts and their own awakening, but then come together for the most important work to be done, once the first massive great cosmic gateway had opened up.

The first stirrings of the opening up of this gateway came about with the millennium change and moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.  Thus from 2006 mass activation  happened for those in core group souls, who had not yet stepped into the leadership roles, and were then pulled into immense initiations in the inner planes, in order to get fully activated.

The next activation came circa 2007 – 2012 with  more souls  from these soul core groups starting to meet recognizing each other, but not necessarily starting to work together as yet.    Some had to go through more activations and more initiations, so that they could join the core group.  Some had to do specific work before this could happen – each one’s specific task would in the end slot in with the core group as a whole.

In 2013 this massive cosmic gateway opened up, and so, those who were within these core groups started to be pulled together more and more.

In the last two days, the immense gateway or portal over the Southern Hemisphere has finally opened up.  It is here that the first mystery schools were brought into being, and it is from here that the massive way of activations for the next 10 years will come.  This force itself has lain dormant for billions of years, and last activated some 500 million years ago.

This will mean that those core groups who need to work together, will now be forged together.  The ancient true teachings now rise from the ashes, and this will lead mankind to the laying down of the true foundations – the core truths, knowledge, wisdom, to built solid foundations for the New Golden Age.

As this fusion happens, those twin flames who have managed to work through their karma will now step to the fore within these core groups, and activated the fire grids of the planet – as the sacred flame is returned to planet earth.  Yet this is on a level that the uninitiated do not understand, for the path of the sacred flame is a path of purity, integrity and truth.

Therefore Lord Maitreya himself is now over-lighting this whole process, as he has promised to work with the Divine Feminine and bring the balance back to the planet – the ultimate balance between the masculine and feminine, shadow and light.  He is also over-lighting those twin flames who have dedicated themselves to higher selfless service within the core groups.

(Judith Kusel)

For soul and Twin flame Soul Readings contact:

Energy fields of the earth

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It is not that the Ancient Ones did not leave signs carved and engrained into the earth – it is as much as we forgot how to read them.
The earth has songs, and heart, and love and within all her energy fields, there lies the full potential of a reborn place, where we will remember the ancient songs, the ancient way of life and the ancient ways of using natural energy, which is there and free for all.
I was standing in an amazing place last week, as early evening dawned and the sun was busy setting on the horizon. I was tapping in deeply and profoundly into the energies there, amplified by the sheer granite rocks all around me, and standing between two huge stones which formed a portal.
There were people all around me, hiking this trail, and sitting on benches, yet they were totally unaware of the energy fields, and the massive vortex arising there. I was standing there, and touching the stones, and I immediately was communicating not only with the whales and dolphin energies, but with the song fields of the earth.
I had been led there, for even before I started my journey south, I had been told that I needed to link up the energy fields here, with Antarctica and with Australia, New Zealand.
Standing there immerse in the interplay of this massive energy field, I again understood that here were multiple dimensions, and multiple layers of energy fields carefully hidden in the landscape. Yet, far more than this, it was a type of FUTURE-past interplaying here. That means the technology within this energy field was so highly advanced, that 99% of human beings, would not even sense it being there.
It is mainly due to the fact that most human beings have been de-sensed, meaning they have lost the ability to SENSE energy fields, and to use their heart energies to read these fields. One can only do so, when the upper chakras from the crown chakra upwards and the earth star, as well as the Light-bridges are activated and one can raise one’s consciousness so much, that one becomes ONE or ATONE with the energy itself.
In these last few months, I was connecting these energy fields to Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, Arkansas and France – and of course the whole of the southeastern parts of Africa. There is a much higher reason for this, and that is that some of the energy fields have been hidden and in such a way, that one has to have your own antenna tuned in to these fields – much like when you tune into the TV station, or radio show.
The more advanced the civilization, the less they left behind in any form of writing, nor monuments, for those they built were of crystalline nature. Some of these were liquid crystalline substances, and some of it just changed form over billions of years.
We have sunk so far behind the incredible knowledge of the Ancients, that we have become a species lost at its very core. In order to find ourselves again, we have to find the core within. Without going deep within, the outer cannot reveal it, for it is with the inner eye, the inner ear, and the inner heart energies, and the sensors in our solar plexus area that we tune into energy fields.
Some people use geomansy to try and map energy fields. Yet, most of these maps, miss vital energy fields, because they have not learnt to use their own sensors, as are there in the heart and soul and the physical form.
In this moment in time, with more mass cosmic energy releases, our whole idea or concepts of what is real in material and physical form and what is real in the cosmic form and energy forms will take massive quantum leaps. This is because our crystalline bodies are now forming more and more, and we are becoming liquid crystal. As we become more crystalline something deep inside starts changing, and the keys and codes of our souls are awakening – that inherent memory bank which is that of our souls and soul groups.
This is no accident, but great design.
If you think of your whole system as one energy field with intricate sensors, then you will also understand, that higher your consciousness grows, the more you can tune into that higher state of Being, and the higher and more potent energy fields.
I have found that I do not need maps, or any person to show me energy fields – I tap naturally into them. For the same energy field that I tap into in order to do soul readings, the Super-consciousness field, is there all around us in certain places on the earth. It is one single vast energy field, and it is cosmic and not earthly bound.
It is simply a matter of being open to receive and being willing to go beyond the norm and move into that un-formed, un-mapped, and un-chartered field, where nothing else exists – but one single energy field.
Such is the mass cosmic gift at this time.
Judith Kusel
For soul readings from the Super conscious field:
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Ancient knowledge and Web of Light Ley lines

Since about 2004, I have become aware that I am able to read the earth’s energy lines and also what is underneath it. I travel through landscapes like the Karoo, and then I find myself, seeing the landscape as it was millions of years ago – and then start talking to geologists and read up about it…. Only to discover that what I have seen is then affirmed by geologists in their own way.

This part of Africa, for instance goes back 40 million odd years….. Yet, the historians wish to say that life at the utmost goes back to the civilizations of Babylon and Egypt. Yet here in South Eastern Africa, life is far older than that, and Michael Tellinger and others, have now dated some of the stone circles and ruins as going back at least 250 000 years.
Around 2004, I asked myself the question why I was born in Africa. What was then revealed was at times mind-boggling, and I have learnt to record what had been given, and then learn to absorb this, first and foremost from the HEART and NOT from the mind – for my mind cannot take it all in…. My heart and soul though knows, because my soul is immortal and does not live within the extreme limitations of my physical form and my physical mind.

I have learnt in all these years, not only to write down and record what has been given, but to keep my camera and journals with me at all time. I often would be led to places without having any idea what I was supposed to be doing there, and then found myself suddenly downloading information regarding the landscape and the civilizations which were here before.
In the beginning I used to rely heavily on what has been written and recorded before, and then found a sense of peace in knowing that there had been others who had recorded things, and maybe left this part of Africa out of the equations. I remember reading Thor Heyerdahl for instance, and his research and travels in on the Maldives Islands, Mauritius and Zanzibar, for instance where exactly the same type of step pyramids are found, which are found in Mexico. Another who goes into this is someone like Graham Hancock, etc. Yet, all seem to do then to Egypt, Babylon, Mexico and Peru and poor south-eastern Africa is lost in the equation.

I sat for hours wondering about that. Geologists have for so long said that in the beginning there was ONE single LANDMASS, so South America, Antarctica, the Island offshore of Africa, which includes Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Australia and New Zealand, all link up, for here where I am living examples of life in the Salt River have been found, which not found elsewhere in Africa, BUT IN AUSTRALIA AND SOUTH AMERICA and here the landmass was torn off and the mountains here were pushed up by immense inner earth activity.

My question then arose = why was this part of Africa then forgotten, or why did it slip into oblivion. My answer came in the mists of time and I have recorded the whole history of mankind since the first civilizations were founded here more than 40 million years ago. I was given details (which I have recorded in my book) which are mind-boggling and this then comes back to the fact that the first inhabitants of the planet were GIANTS and that they were an immensely evolved race of men – in fact they were light-years ahead of us and because of having spacecraft and Mother ships, they left the planet en masse, when these landmasses were torn off – some died in the immense catastrophes, which by the way, were MANMADE……

I do not wish to go further into these stories, for they are a story on its own. Suffice is to say, that this part of Africa, is the oldest, the Cradle of Mankind in so many ways, and it was not the Neanderthal who was the first inhabitant here, not the San people, but in fact there were much older civilizations who have left their fingerprints here in this part of Africa IN THE LANDSCAPE and only those who open themselves to journeys of inner initiations in the Mysteries, will be allowed to read them – so carefully was this hidden.

When the first settlement on this planet occurred, THOTH and his twin flame SESHAT, (and by the way, he goes under many names, like Merlin and Hermes), laid down the WEB OF LIGHT and the ley lines of the planet. The portals, were these lines crossed, had vast CRYSTAL PYRAMIDS built on them and at first there were 12 massive ones.

All interlinked and formed one massive and powerful ENERGY GRID AND ENERGY VORTEXES and thus ALL HAD NATURAL ENERGY TO TAP INTO FOR THEIR SPACECRAFT AND FOR THEIR ABODES AND TEMPLES (a lot of smaller pyramids were built over time).

The landmasses which then were separated, like South America and Australia, still had some of the ley lines and the web of light intact, but over time, the next generations who came in had to do massive repairs on them. In the meantime other vast civilizations them came to the fore: MU AND LEMURIA and ATLANTIS…. All of these then followed the same destructive patterns and started destroying themselves, with the end result of more landmasses sinking under the sea.

The earth has shifted a few times on its axles and the poles have changed places a few times….. So what was originally put it place, is still there, but then some of the lines have shifted over millions of years…. Yet the INNER CORE OF THE PLANET HAS REMAINED STEADY. The whole planet is interlinked with a vast underground tunnel system and underground lakes and rivers. In some cases, like in this part of Africa, that river is GOLD, and this is the FOUNTAINS or RIVERS OF ETERNAL LIFE. (Again my book is about this)

In my studies and revelations of these lines and web of Light I have found that there is a whole science here waiting to be discovered – yet the planet is not ready for this yet.

At this moment in time, there are two places on Earth which need urgent attention and which need healing, one in Africa, and one in Australasia.

A lot of us are souls who are here on SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT – meaning we have knowledge and technology which we need to start tapping into and using in order to start repairing these lines. In my soul readings lately this has come very much to the fore.

We all are interlinked through time and space and we have come in to assist the whole revolutionary progress of bringing this planet into balance once more and then to assist with the repair of the Web of Light. I know my soul was involved with this in the beginning of time and is here to do just that.

We have to learn to step out of boxed in thinking and the sheer confines of the mind and all the programming and control mechanisms which have been placed there to make us forget who and what we truly are and what we have come here to do. We can only remember, once we learn to go back into the space of HEART and learn to open up our third, to 12 inner eyes and learn to tap into the vastness of the SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS field again.

This too is now getting activated in certain individuals who have been handpicked to the task…..