She has returned

She came to Atlantis at the specific request of the Intergalactic Counsel, the Federation thereof to establish the White Flame into the planet once more, and then to be the custodian and guardian of this.

So she left the beloved shores of her home in Andromeda and she came and she did what she could in the Golden Age of Atlantis.  She was then the Guardian, the Keeper, the Custodian, and the High Priestess of the White Flame.  She stood there in her own powers, in that which made her woman she was and the temple stood in its Glory and Magnificence.

Yet, then the visions, the premonitions, the intense knowing came of what had infiltrated Atlantis, and had started to infiltrate the minds of men – the males.

She stood in her majesty and she stood firm and she started warning the women and warned them of not submitting to men and allowed them to abuse their powers.  But the women listened not, for they were ensnared by their men and the way the submitted to them.

It was not that she did not understand that her sisters wanted to be loved and wanted that male essence, the union through their own sexuality: – it was that she understood the potent powers of all and she saw way beyond and repercussions of all, for her insight and sight was greater than the rest.

So, she witnessed the way the male started to take control in order to divorce him from her, and from all which was female and that which he feared.  She slowly but surely saw how her sisters lost their own powers, and how they were mind controlled, manipulated, and how love and sex became a competitive sport, and how women were slowly but surely enslaved.

So, she called all her sisters together, the High Priestesses who had stayed true to the Law-of-one, and those others sister who served, who were all in great pain seeing what was happening, and with those men who stayed true (and there were many), she then devised a Masterful Plan of Action, so that the keys, codes, the inner knowing of the woman High Priesthood and that of the lesser priesthoods, and the knowledge therein contained, would be hidden away, and taken away from the planet, as she would withdraw herself.

So, she did.

She safeguarded the knowledge, she saw to it that all the pyramid grids, the vortices, and all which contained the feminine movements of earth, sun and stars, would be removed and then taken away, and what they then could not take away for safekeeping, they stored in various centers on planet earth.  They sealed everything, and with it the Galactic Counsels, added their seals, and so all of that which pertained to the Ancient Knowledge was shut down, as she withdrew.

She left the men with just enough to keep them going, and to side-track them from the ultimate knowing, for the mastering of soul lessons were theirs to master, as well as all the sister souls who were caught in that snared, that control, the way they were used and abused.

She did come back to earth again at the time of Egypt, when her beauty was such and her powers that again the men feared her.  And so again, the abuse came forth from the men, their power games, and the way they considered the women as shuttles, as toys, and again made love a competitive sport, and not honoring the lessons they had to learn from Atlantis, and then again, the tendency of the male to self-destruct by this own sword.

In that lifetime, she, again with Thoth, and those of his Ilk who had stayed true in Atlantis, and had stayed true in Egypt, she closed down the Sphinx and all it contained, and then she went and shut down all the rest.

She withdrew herself from the planet, but she never left.  She merely, with those sisters who stayed true, took it upon themselves to take on the task of keeping the Fires of Illumination in custody for the rest of mankind, until such time as humanity would finally be ready again to step up in to the highest states of consciousness, and be able to bring back the full powers of the Woman into Being again.

These sisters often took upon themselves the collective pain and suffering of mankind, and then in the midst of all of this, still managed to shine their light and love in such a way that the Fires of Illumination held steady through it all.  She thanks her sisters for this, and the Brothers who also stayed true.

The second attempt to ignite the Fires of Illumination and then also bring back the rise of the Divine Feminine, came in Languedoc, and with the Cathars, and the women who held the secret keys and codes then, but they again that suffer immense pain, and often severe persecution and trauma, in order to hold that Flame steady.

She has returned.  She is here.

She is no longer buying into the power plays of men nor does she allow herself to be drawn into these.

She refuses to buy into the men’s notions that sex and love are a competitive sport and who keep scores of women’s attractiveness, and then control the planet’s views of what women should look like and be.  She sees this as it is, forms of manipulation and a deep disrespect for the Creator God/Goddess, who created many forms of expressions and ultimate Beingness, and there are no flaws in Creation, each man and women is perfectly made, and therefore each one deserves to be honored and loved for who and what they.

She does not buy into the gossip and talk of her sisters, who love to compare themselves with other sisters, in the physical form, as being more beautiful, or ugly or whatever that may be, for she knows that she is perfect just the way she is, and she does not need to compete with her sisters, she is more than enough as she is, and she thanks her Creator for her beautiful body, and she honors and respects, and nourishes that form.

She refuses to engage in any sexual relationship where she is not honored, and validated.  She treasures her own sexuality, and respects her own womanhood, for she learnt from Atlantis that the physical form is as much a temple and therefore anyone who enters there and is disrespectful, abuses that temples, takes it for granted, thinks he owns it, or just uses it for his own means, buys it with money, or whatever form the manipulation and control takes, is not worthy of entering there.

She does all the inner and outer cleansing and clearing work, and she now vibrates at a much higher frequency band and she is at home with herself and all that she is.  She does not need a man to validate her.  She is happy and content on her own for she can delve ever deeper into the Mystery of her own Womanhood, her knowing, the visions the prophesies, the work she is being called to do, and she surrenders herself into the highest possible service.

She knows that the more she works on the healing of self, the more she is healing humanity at large.  She knows that more she loves herself, and finds her own worthiness, the more she will attract goodness into her life, and the more she can co-create the New World.

She knows that if she is meant to be with a man in this lifetime, that he will come with Divine timing,   and she just wishes to be ready for him, to keep her heart and soul open.  For now she is just preparing herself for his coming, for she knows that happiness is something she has to cultivate from deep within herself, and love too.  If he comes into her life, it will be in the fullness of all which makes him a man, and he will be her equal and treat her with love, respect, and then trust will be built.  For this is a man who has found himself, is in balance and harmony, and stands in his own power, without having to resort to manipulation, not power games, nor control games, nor any games at all.  He is genuine, authentic and real, loving, without having to compromise ANY of his manhood, of all which makes him the man he is.  He is mature enough to understand this and therefore is filled with respect for all which makes her a woman.  He is at home with himself, from deep within.

Yet she knows she is always surround inside and outside with Love and when she truly is wishing for that closeness it can come easily from here true love – her own, who is there always there with her, although not incarnated on earth.  She knows the infinite beauty, the immensity, the blessings of such union, were man and women are equal and in balance, and therefore create the bliss, ecstasy, beyond anything known on earth.

She is working now, fulltime, for the return of the White Flame, the Guardian, the Keeper, and Custodian she in truth – for She has returned.

Yes, her sisters have returned too.

And one day she will gather all her sisters who stood by her in Atlantis, and she will thank them for the work they did and still do.

Yet, it is not only the sisters, it the men too.

For she has let go of all resentment towards the men, and forgiveness is her key, and she understands the men’s woundedness, and how they fear all the disintegration of their powers which is happening now.  She sends them love, and unconditional love and she gently leads them back to themselves: – the original innocence they had in Atlantis and what even went before.

For Atlantis was but a repeat of what had happened of yore, and this time men and women will have to master the lessons of power, true power, once and for all.

For power is in truth a two-edged sword.  It can build and create, and Illuminate or it can destruct and destroy.

She knows this and therefore she stands in fully in the power of Love.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul and Twin Flame Soul Readings:


Just Judith 197

The rebirth of Mother Earth….. and Humanity’s Lesson to Master…..


We are entering a time of profound earth changes as the inner core earth mass is shifting.  When I talk about mass I talk about a type of substance that is like a river of fluidity at the moment, as the inner earth is inhabited and called Agartha.  This is the outer crust of the inner earth, and then what we know as the upper earth, the inner core crust.

I see this as a type of molten rock, or quartz and this is in the process of reforming into something else, as the ancient energy centers, which were laid down at the very beginning when the earth was created, are now awakening more and more.  Please note that this was the FIRST, millions of years BEFORE Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, the Lyran civilization in what is now North Africa and the Mediterranean and the Ural Mountains and Siberia.  Thus the VERY first and the other civilizations were more of less built on the remains of what used to be that first civilization.

I was most interested in my own research and delving ever deeper into the geology of Southern Africa, where scientists come to the conclusion that they was a much older SUPER CONTINENT millions of years ago – even older than the ones they already have pieced together.

It is this Super Continent that I am referring to when I speak about energy centers, and I NOT referring to the so-called Web of Light, which had its origin much later, after this first civilization was completely destroyed because of immense catastrophes which happened then which involved asteroids, comets etc. hitting the planet because of the immense damage the blowing up of Marduk, the planet between Mars and Jupiter caused at the time.

As the earth is now being revamped in her quest to move into the higher dimensional states these energy centers are being reopened, as they were sealed off during these immense upheavals, and then emerged in part in Lemuria and Mu.  However with the simultaneous rising of Atlantis, some scientists started abusing the energy resources, and therefore these centers were purposefully closed down again, to prevent some of this scientist from literally blowing up planet earth.

As the Intergalactic counsel had vowed that they would never allow another planet to blow itself up, because of the havoc it wreaked in the whole galaxy and solar system, with planets like the earth being thrown out of orbit, these centers were then closed down, until such time as mankind would reach maturity again, and stop their self-destructive ways.

I was in the last three months often told to look up where the volcanoes were on the planet – and not just the active ones but the inactive ones as well.  In that my attention was specifically drawn to Chile, the South American and North American North coast’s and what is hidden in the Pacific Ocean, and then also to the east coast of America, the islands offshore in the Atlantic ocean, and then the top eastern parts of South America.

My attention was drawn to specific areas where there is an immense movement of energies, and as said this is liquefied – I hesitate to use the word liquid, for it is a churning mass and glow red copper, gold, platinum, and sometimes a fiery red-orange.

In the western parts, this is then is what happened in the time when the landmass between South America and the Easter Islands sunk into the sea.  The Easter Islands are a remnant of the first civilization and they kind of held the energy grids together.  They were the ones who built the very huge structures in South America which the Incas did not built, but were built long before the Incan civilization.

One of the most important energy grid lines goes straight through these centers and links to the Easter Islands and then moves in a triangular fashion towards the west coast of America and then straight towards the Yellowstone National Park, where the energy then moves down again towards Chile.  That whole grid is one boiling mass of this energy and therefore everything there is immensely unstable at the moment and this will cause a lot of movement there – whether these are earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, or just like earth tearing and sink holes appearing, it is then literally a transformation of the upper earth in lieu of the transformation in the inner earth.

The east coast links up to Atlantis, and in certain parts of the east coast very unstable nuclear laser beams were used by those in charge of Atlantis in its last days, to bombard certain cities held within the region that refused to bow to their demands.  This whole region, in a massive triangular fashion, used to house the Goddess energy temples and the Goddess energy grids.  As these nuclear laser heads then designated a lot of that region has immense earth faults, for want of better word, which means that the underneath the ocean there is a type of movement in the earth plating systems, and then on the land mass itself, these are shifting as well.

As the designation of these nuclear devices caused mass destruction in those areas, the Goddess energy grids there are so clogged up, that this is causing something like a heart attack – when the arteries of human body are so clogged up it causes heart attacks, well this is similar.  So literally a type of shocking or contraction movement there and it will take a massive effort from those who can clear energy lines to work with these areas, even in small portions and then go immensely deep.

On the other side of the world Japan, China, the Asian islands and Australia and New Zealand with the pacific islands are in for mass changes as the old land mass is rising.  This is movement of immense scale and is bringing about a rising of the ocean floor in many places and this is moving upwards which could mean that the ocean can start boiling at places and also like geysers erupting, and volcanoes might start rumbling more and more.

The same applies to those areas where there have been volcanic outbursts in the past especially in upper parts of Africa, and then also Europe and even some in the Nordic countries.   At the moment the middle part of the earth (as in longitude) is more sheltered as the rumblings are on either side of these areas, but with all being so unstable everything is possible.

To me this is all part of the rebirthing of Mother Earth and therefore nothing to fear.  We have to understand that those souls who lose their lives in these places have known that this would happen at some level before they even incarnated and were drawn to those places to do extra service work.  They knew that with the cleansing of the earth that they would assist the process by then leaving the planet, as all of this will assist the rebirth of the planet and humanity at large.

If you read the geological history of planet earth you will realize that all of this is nothing new and that this has occurred many times on this planet before.  In essence we are but passengers on Mothership Earth, and therefore she can evacuate us at any time in order for her own rebirthing.  Most often we tend to forget this and we forget to honor her soul and tend to make her ‘soul-less’, ‘life-less”.  Not so, she is a living, breathing entity in her own right and we are given life on this planet with her consent – she allows us here and therefore in reality what are we?

We were meant to a custodian or keepers of planet earth.  Yet so many times we destroy willfully what has been given to us and nowhere was this lesson honed in more than in Atlantis.

Most of the souls who were involved in the final and heydays of Atlantis have incarnated and this is like Atlantis all over again.

In Atlantis there was a mass abuse of power.

In this lifetime human beings’ greatest lesson will be to learn to master POWER and to use it in a way which enhances life and builds up and not destroys.

Whether we have mastered this lesson will show itself in the next few years.

Yet, Mother Earth is in her rebirth stage – whether we learn our lessons or not.

I personally love this time for it is a time when we finally can step past all the dross and trauma of Atlantis, and learn self-mastery, and with learning self-mastery we finally can step into a much higher octave of Being, which will be the new 5th – 7th dimensional state of Being, where we finally learnt to step fully in the responsible role of co-creators.  However if we are not willing to master the lessons, then we cannot enter the New Earth.

It is all about mastery of energies, within and without.

(Judith Kusel)

The Celebration of Soul-Filled love and the adoration of the Beloved…..


Love at its very core loves to be celebrated, for it extends exuberant joy, that rapture, the bliss and the infinite euphoria of the coming together of the masculine and feminine God and Goddess within and without.

There is a certain type of adoration of the Divine within each other, which is there in the eyes of the Beloved.  It is the depth of the Mystery of Love itself, reflected in the eyes of the other, in that the depth of soul is revealed.

Two souls who have know each other from the very beginning within the conception of the Goddess and then birthed as one.  Two souls have traversed many galaxies, star systems, dimensions, life forms and parallel existences.  With the soul self there is no division, no separateness, for the soul is At-one.

We are heading into a totally new paradigm shift, which is already making itself felt and it is here truly that souls will come together who are destined to be together and more important work together:  “Love is not so much gazing at each other, but looking outward into the same direction.”

As much as one then celebrates the Beloved, and one is there in the delving of the depths and exploring and celebration of the infinite depth of the in coming together at this momentous moment in human history, it is also that outward fusion, as one, to serve humanity and the planet at large.  For these souls have done this in the rest of the cosmos, and now have incarnated to do this work now.  Many have been involved with this planet before and have returned to see through the immensity of this shift that is now upon us.

This is a common bond common Quest, which ties these two souls together in a greater celebration of higher service and therefore the celebration of new life, new beginning of life on planet earth.

The adoration of the Beloved can take many forms and many expressions.  Adoration is not just there in moments when we just love to be loved and love in return, but also in moments of challenges.  For the challenges in life are integral parts of life and hone our inner strength and resilience, as is the love we share in good times.  For when the relationship is challenged, it is time to delve deep within, and find that which one truly has always adored, loved, admired, and truly celebrated in the Beloved.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, then we are inspired to move into the higher octaves of Being which motivate us to return to equilibrium point, were we find the balance and see that both are needed in order to complete us, and to bring us ever closer together – almost in spite of ourselves.

The celebration of Love and Beloved, the adoration of such, means that I acknowledge my own vulnerability, all my insecurities, my fears, all that makes me a woman or man, and with it all the past lives, parallel lives, existences, in all dimensions of forms in all of the cosmos.  A lot of those inherent fears come from past life memory banks which get triggered time and again – especially in women at this time, but also in men.

This has to do with the greater higher healing of the soul wounds from Atlantis and what went before.

I have had discussions with many women lately who are feeling this shift intensely and it is literally cleaving them open to the core.  It is there hidden in our emotional bodies, within each vertebrae of the spinal column, in the root, sacral, solar plexus and throat chakras.  It is confronting those memory banks which are opening up of the unspeakable which happened to so many of us in other lifetimes on this planet, and even in this lifetime.

Our throat chakras got clogged up because of being silenced – our voice could not be heard anymore as mankind sunk into the state of insanity and unbalance, as the male went totally into his mind, and tried to cut out the heart and more than this tried to completely disown the feminine, even the feminine within each man.

Women were persecuted for the psychic abilities, their inner knowing and deep seeing, for their knowledge (they held immensely powerful planetary and cosmic keys and codes in the High Priesthood, in the Wise Women Shamanic Lineage, the in Druidic tradition the women had all the powers of transmitting, of prophesy and with it held the power of the oracles, as well as the energy (still hidden) on earth.  They were not only powerful healers because of using these inherent powers, but they also could work with the crystal kingdom, the elementals, the devas, and Mother Earth in ways the men could not understand, because of their ultimate links, through their womb and yoni, to the same in Mother Earth.  There is an immense depth of Mystery to the deepest parts of the womb, which is immense powerful and we have not even started to remember just how powerful this is.

Not only were women persecuted, they were treated worse than animals, enslaved, sold to the highest bidder, forced into marriages because of property or for political reasons, raped, plundered, used as mere chattels to produce offspring.

In Atlantis the soul was taken out of the woman.  She was treated as if she had no soul and was just a THING.  There was an attempt to make her soul-less and feeling-less.

As these immense shifts are occurring, we as women will have to start learning to celebrate our womanhood and to stop trying to be like men – as so many women do when entering the corporate world or in the way they try to compete with men.  There truly is no need for competition.

We have to learn to celebrate our womanhood, our womb, our sacred power center, the very essence of what makes us a woman and not a man.  There are 7 gateways of womanhood held within the yoni, and therefore 7 gateways to our womb.  Our whole pelvic bowl is a massive energy center, and until we learn to reconnect with this immense power base as woman and celebrate out womanhood to the fullest, heal those immense soul scars, we cannot truly be opened up to celebrate manhood, to celebrate love in its expansive form.

At this time all those old memory banks from Atlantis and what went before will start being triggered – in some women these have triggered for the last few years since 2004 especially.

Women have to reconnect with their soul for it was the soul in womanhood which was denied in Atlantis.  A woman in touch with her soul and living her soul purpose and calling and in touch with her womb cannot do and be other than celebrate her womanhood.  It is no accident that the ancient wise women knew that the yoni/womb in a woman, is connect to the yoni of the earth, and therefore a women’s psychic abilities open up tenthousand times more, when she is fully grounded into Mother Earth and its yoni and womb.

A woman who has found her root voice is vibrant, alive, and she cannot stop celebrating life, for she is the custodian and the giver of life.

A man can try as hard as he likes – he can help to create a child, but he cannot give birth to it.

The fact is that all creation celebrates balance – the masculine and feminine.  The one cannot fully function without the other.

The celebration of the Beloved then is in essence first of all, a celebration of self – of the women or man deep inside of you and all which makes you man or woman.  However this goes much deeper – it is in essence the celebration of the Life force itself, and more than this the celebration of soul.  It is then that we start being to open ourselves totally and to the core to the adoration and celebration of the manhood and womanhood in our Beloved and therefore:

Soul meets souls.

Heart meets heart.

Spirit meets spirit.

Higher mind meets higher mind.

Feelings meet feelings.

Body meets body.

All of these make up a man and woman.  Not one iota is ever missing.  All is perfection in motion.

To celebrate the Beloved, is to truly adore him or her.  It is a deep trust, respect, a love which is not earthly bound – it is cosmic.  For it expands past the limitation of the earthly existence into the infinite space where souls are birthed and where they exist as one entity.

When soul meets soul, there is such a deep, intense and profound connection, which light up the cosmic fire in both of them.

To meet the Beloved with an open heart, body, mind, spirit and soul, is to embrace wholeness within and without.  There are no limitations.  One expands into the state of dissolving.  One dissolves into the state of infinite bliss – the cosmic orgasm which created life itself.

A conscious awareness – a state of sublime consciousness which holds both the earth and the cosmos at the core: – It celebrates both the finite and infinite.

Man dissolves from the finite, into the infinite.

Woman dissolves from the finite, into the Infinite.

WE dissolve from the finite – into the Infinite.

When infinite space moves into the finite – enlightenment occurs for the cosmic fire within each of them ignites into one single three-fold flame/fire.

The celebration of life, of love, of consciousness then becomes the adoration itself.  All flowing into one single cosmic stream – the same stream of life which is creation itself.

Such is the gift of this time we are entering into.

When all the muck, the pain, the trauma of Atlantis and all the thousands of years of the removal of the soul in women, finally is laid to rest, man and woman will finally be able to return to the true state of the Garden of Eden – in balance, harmony and simple adoration of each other.

Such is the gift.

Yet each man and woman is responsible first of all to celebrate the man and woman within themselves in order to find wholeness again.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings and Soul Readings:

The Turning tides for man….. the opening up of the vortex energy centers of earth….

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

There is a massive turning in the tides of men, as the old patriarchy is slowly starting to crumble at it seams and the beautiful balance of the Divine Feminine emerges more and more and learning reclaim and step into her Greatness and power.

She is that which the creative force of creation is.  The masculine can think up great concepts and ideas in the mind, can theorize, actualize: – it is the feminine that takes the seed of that concept, idea, and then brings that into form.  She creates that which the male has conceptualized and brings this into being with great love.  She is that which become pregnant with the masculine ideal and then nurtures its life force into Being, and brings into material form.

In that the ancient Goddess energy centers are getting more and more reactivated, and the pyramid power is rising, from deep underground where most of it has been deeply buried and have lain dormant for many billions of years, there is now an awakening happening on massive scale of the ancient vortex energy, which is the spiraling energy of the Goddess itself.

If you look at Ancient cultures, the spiral is depicted everywhere.  Here in South Africa, it has been painted on the ancient sacred site walls and some of it is etched into stone, and it has been part of the Ancient African symbolism since its beginning of time, as has the four-sided cross within the circle.  Both are symbols of the Goddess herself, the creative life-force she represents:  the serpent coil or the Kundalini energy, one and the same.

In that there is a mass movement of energies, which is going to churn out the old – literally churning.  It is vortex like.  It is of almost luminous platinum, which is almost invisible, and it moves in spiraling energy, and creates mass energy fields.

Where this energy moves into human beings through the Stellar gateway and crown, it will work with the spinal cord energies and then with the womb in women and prostate area in men.

The Spinal cord itself acts as a lightning rod, and the ancients had a sacred symbol for it, which was Excalibur, the lighting rod, the Sword of Light.

During the times of Atlantis this energy force was deliberately blocked, by placing control boxes in the cranium of most of the population, to deliberate block this energy flow and to cut off human’s ability to work with this energy, which is essentially the energy of ENLIGHTENMENT and therefore the energy connected to the All-Knowing Tree of Life, and the All-Knowing Third Eye, the Eye of Horus, in its Ancient and complete form, where all seven layers of the third eye, had been fully opened up, and therefore all faculties of the Higher Mind, married to the Heart-center, and the Womb-center, and there the Spinal cord acts as the conduit for ALL of these, and not so much the chakras, although all the chakras work in conjunction with this lightning rod.

It is like one massive machine, which includes the full activation of the pineal and pituitary glands, with the upper pyramid in the forehead and head, and the lower pyramid of the womb area.  This means that the ABOVE and BELOW work in conjunction and harmony with each other.  There are no blockages in the energy fields.

Each vertebrae of the spinal column has a mini-vortex energy centers held within it.  It spins anti-clockwise, and therefore is each vertebra is a mini-energy vortex in its own right.

Each vertebra connects directly with the EMOTIONAL body, the second body we have as human beings, next to the physical body.  Thus stuck emotions and emotional charges are held in each vertebra as it reflects the emotional body in 33 octaves of Being.  Originally mankind had 33 octaves of SOUND, and each vertebra is programmed to react to a certain OCTAVE of sound.  NOTE OCTAVE!  Not one single note, but 12 notes within one single octave.

We have lost so much of our hearing capabilities, and therefore those who can tune in with their INNER ear, will be able to start tuning into these Octaves of sound, which are slowly but surely being reactivated.  At the moment our human brain is just fully functional in order to discern and kind of tune into these sounds, but our higher soul self can.

The third is the MENTAL body, and the fourth the SPIRITUAL.  There are 12 bodies in all.

In Atlantis etc. all 12 bodies were functional and therefore activated.

The lower and the higher then are in harmony and balance.  Thus the upper transmitting channels are totally opened up, and these higher transmitter channel are the real connection the Divine, but more than this to ALL-THAT-IS under the Great Central SUN.

As the vortex energy then of the Goddess moves in conjunction with massive energy fields, this brings in dimensional shifts.

I have systematically in my journeys of discovery here in Southern Africa, been guided to the vortex energy centers in this country.  A year ago I was sitting on a beach where I had identified this vortex energy (and have had it confirmed by others), and interestingly it is most potent at a certain timeframe during the day.

As I sat myself down with my back nestled against sheer quartz cliff and sitting on one of the rocks, with a perfect rock circle in front of me (ancient sacred Goddess site), I was first of all transported exactly as the hour struck, into a type of Celestial SOUND chamber.  It was truly like tuning into the earth song and the celestial music of the spheres.  I literally could HEAR these 33 octaves of sound with my INNER ear!

Then, I was like sucked into this vast vortex energy.  It was massive.  In that moment it felt like I was being dissolved into NO-THING.  I was spanning dimensions of time and space.  I was able to move into that transcendental state of BEING that has no-thing and yet all-thing.  I WAS CREATION AND CREATION WAS ME.

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life.  It has changed my whole concept of understanding what immensely powerful energies there were in Ancient Times.

I was only allowed to experience this, after the Keeper or Guardian of this place revealed himself to me.  In that he appeared as a type of shaman, dress only in a leopard skin, with a red-hair and topknot, copper colored skin, a giant of a man with two leopards guarding him on either side.  It was from him that my connection to the Lion people came and therefore the gateways were opened up.

The essence of all of this has to do with our total understanding that in that we try to block half of ourselves – the masculine trying to block out the feminine, and abuse her – we are denying half of ourselves.  It is only when the masculine and feminine are in balance and harmony with each other, that massive and amazing energy is released.  The negative and positive poles but be in balance.

The Goddess energy was withdrawn mainly because this was the female balance of the whole.  So, it is not so much that the feminine holds the vortex energy – but rather that she ACTS as CUSTODIAN to this force, which is the life-force itself.

In Atlantis this feminine aspect of the force withdrew herself, as she saw that the masculine wanted total control, and that he wished to totally OWN this power.  As he could not do so, without the feminine balance, and without that counter-active force, she withdrew this energy, like before, and therefore these centers were shut down.  He, in retaliation, then decided to try and annihilate her powers and build his own structures over those sites to try and totally annihilate her.  He did not succeed, for it he had; he would have totally destroyed the masculine.  Inherently that was because we all have masculine and feminine WITHIN ourselves.

In ancient sacred sexual union this force has always been acknowledge and understood and carefully been nurtured.  When the masculine is fully present, in his own magnificent manhood, and with total love in his heart, and mind, and the female is present in her total womanhood, that receptive cup, that Holy Grail, and totally is there in her femaleness, her sacredness, then that union unleashes the immense power of the serpent energy – the kundalini.

Yet, if love is not present, if respect and a deep honoring are absent, then this same force will be destructive and will not be used for the highest good of all.

Essentially this is what destroyed Atlantis – when the man went too much in into his mind, and wanted to divorce the mind from the heart.  He wanted to fix and control everything, including the feminine life-force itself.  He started to enslave the feminine, and to take her power away.

In Egypt the feminine aspect when the other way, and started to manipulate the masculine via her sexual powers, and then wanted to control him that way.

The key to human sanity and the ultimate return to balance, is that we finally understand that we NEED BOTH.  We need the masculine and the feminine.

One is not more or greater than the other.  Each has been perfectly created to balance the other out.  That means when each one stands in his or her own power, then they are balanced and in harmony with each other.  The scales of life are evenly balanced.

The whole trajectory of this planet has ancient energy systems in place which truly work on this principle of balance between the masculine and feminine force.  It is not the Web of Light; it is much older than this.  However, it has been purposefully shut down and taken from human memory banks, because of the abuse of this energy and because human beings did not understand nor master the lessons of POWER: – the energy of power is neutral on its own, it is how we use that power which ultimately makes or breaks us.

As these energies now get slowly but surely activated it will churn out all in humanity which is still out of balance with itself.  Therefore all those old emotional scars, wounds, all the trauma and pain, and whatever else needs to get dislodged and dissolved so that the New Earth can be totally reborn.

It these energies are not released, then that balancing act cannot be completed.

Therefore earth quakes, volcanoes erupting, Tsunamis, etc. are all part of this cleansing process and the release of those clogged up energy centers, where human trauma and pain, have clogged up the arteries of this planet.

Since I have experienced that intense dissolving into dimensions I have understood, that one cannot move into the higher octaves of being, clinging onto the old.  One has to dissolve the Old Adam/Eve, all the abuse, the misuse, the bickering, and all the old muck, in order to be reborn.

Such is the portent motion of this time: – The turning of the tides of man.

Let those who have ears – listen.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those whose hears are open understand this message.

Let those who are ready to be activated to the full – be activated.

I have spoken.

I speak.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

The White Flame – the Flame of Power, Wisdom and Truth.


We now entering a new phase of the deep remembering on mankind of what it has lost with the fall of Atlantis, Lemuria, the Lyon Kingdom (Lyra), and Elysium – the first ever civilization on earth.

In that this has to do with the pyramid energies we have lost with most of the original pyramids being so deeply buried and purposefully hidden from mankind, as the Intergalactic Counsel vowed that mankind would not be able to access their energies and diamond/whitegold energy grids again, until they had learnt to use the energies released in a responsible manner.

One of my first past life recalls was a vivid recall of how I used to be a High Priestess in charge of the Pyramid Temple of the White Flame.  It was the biggest of all the pyramids and it stood on an island offshore from the mainland.  It emitted blinding pure white light and incorporated all the color rays into one single flame.

It was here that the Super consciousness Energy Matrix Field was kept, which incorporated all the data collected from all the cosmos, and especially this planet, solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe and the12 galaxies who were involved with the co-creation of this planet.  It was linked directly to the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and to the Galactic Core, and to the 7th Pyramid Temple of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy.  All worked in tandem AS ONE and all life on this planet, all creations, and all knowledge was programmed into this temple flame, for it held all of this at one single central point for humanity.

It was known as the main Temple and it held the Halls of Records (as in the Super consciousness Energy Field – thus not like scrolls, or writing, but pure energy), the Halls of Wisdom and Knowledge, the Halls of Technology and Science, the Halls of Higher Teaching and Mystery Schools, The Halls of Higher Healing.  It was one massive center of higher studies and learning and all of this was held in one single energy field which was then the Super Consciousness energy field, directly linked to the Divine, via Sirius.

I vividly recalled the last days of Atlantis, and then how this temple was bombarded by a massive atomic laser beam directed at it, from those who wished to destroy this temple and all within it.  It was then that a massive rescue operation was launched – The white flame and the Super consciousness energy field were removed and taken to Andromeda for safekeeping and all those places on earth that had held its knowledge collective and the affiliated pyramids and energy grids were sealed off so that no one had access to them anymore.

I, together with Thoth and my life partner High Priest and a handful of other who had stayed true to the Law of One, then took the lesser records of the planet to the Sphinx for safekeeping in Egypt, as by that time Egypt had been developed as a colony of Atlantis.

The sphinx and the pyramids of Giza were much older – they were the remnants of the Lyrian contingent (the lion people) who had a massive civilization in the Sahara long before Ancient Egypt, and that had been blown up – literally because of a massive nuclear war between two brothers, which incorporated the whole Sahara and the Middle East.

The sphinx then was much older than even the pyramids – for the Atlanteans rebuilt the pyramids or rather revamped them on the base of the much older pyramids which stood there before.

The sphinx itself has 72 underground storey’s and the Halls of Records, the lesser ones were then stored deep underground and sealed off with certain energy systems, which work on vibrational frequencies.

It is Atlantis which now is haunting us as so many thousands of souls who were involved in Atlantis have all incarnated again, in order to fulfill the karmic obligations and to finally make right what went wrong.

Atlantis itself worked on many levels and was constructed on the ruins of what were once the great civilizations before it.  It therefore rose out of the ashes of the old and a lot of what it inherited or created in technology was not their own, but rather borrowed from those who went before.  One could also use the word, “retrieved” or “remembered”.  Yet, it was not as sophisticated as before, because Atlantis itself was in the 5th dimensional state and not the 7th, as was before.

It was this fact, most than anything else, which eventually caused its downfall, for although they had then access to this immense technology, they did not know how to use its power.  Meaning, instead of using the power for the greater good of all, they started using it for their own ends, and thus wreaked havoc in the end – self-destructing because of not mastering the lessons of power.

What added to the downfall of Atlantis, was that they opened their doors intergalactically, and therefore had other beings from other star systems coming in and settling here.  It was these beings that slowly but surely infiltrated the minds of the scientists and those who were working with all pertaining to that, also the metaphysical, that ended up in the misuse of power.

As Atlantis is rising and coming to haunt us all, we will all have to master the lesson of POWER.  It is not only those who rule who have power.  We all inherently have power. Indeed, most of us tend to give our power away to others, for we do not value our own power, or we allow others to overpower us.  We are disempowered, and then moan about the state of the world.

The fact is that the world is very much inside of us.  We are the world we create.  It all carries the world inside of us.  What we create inside of ourselves is what we manifest into the world.

Most of the populace of the world live quite lives of desperation, mainly because they do not empower themselves and they do not seek this empowerment.  It is mainly because they have never understood the basic principle that one can be or do anything – no matter what the circumstances are.  If you truly wish to rise above all of that, you can and you will.  The majority do not even try, for they blame everyone else for their calamities excepting themselves.   Yet, some of the greatest leaders of the world have emerged from the most difficult of circumstances and have risen above it.  For they had a dream and a vision greater than the sum total of self and they did not let anyone stand between themselves and this vision.

Moreover then we have the power then to create our lives according to our own inner visions.  Sometimes though what we try to create is not always in highest alignment with the greater good of all concerned.  Most of us know of things we knew in our hearts would hurt someone dear to us, but we still did that.  Or we tried to force our will on others, knowing that we were taking away their own free will and choice.

At this time a lot of those old things will come up from our lives in Atlantis, Egypt, Avalon, in particular.  They are all linked.  It is no accident.

It is bringing to the fore all those clogged energies in the northern hemisphere which has to do with war and destruction, with trauma and pain.  It has to do with the abuse of power.  Power play.  Overpowering. The use of force.

This does not just mean warfare – relationships often are the greatest battlefields and where the greatest abuse of power is played out.  The use of power or overpowering in sexual sense, in marriage, in power plays, in contracts etc.

The same applies to business and the use of power in business.  It applies to education, to science, to technology.  Everywhere where power is used and abused.

Nobody is exempt.  We all have power and we all tend to abuse this in some way.  If we do not do this with people, we do it to animals, plants, the earth itself.

Until we start becoming aware of how and when power plays come into play – we will not master the lessons of those before us.

Therefore we will be brought back to our highest truth and integrity and to the full knowledge that we are in this moment standing on the threshold of immense reopening up of the energy grids of the world, the reactivation of the pyramids, but we have to take full responsibility now, of our use of power.

If we do not master this lesson, then we will not be allowed to use the power unleashed.

It is as simple as that.

The Temple of the White Flame is rising again and the White Flame will only be returned to this planet, when we finally are ready to take on the mantle of responsibility to use this immense power for the greater good of all, and not for self-service.

The carries of this flame have always had to carry the flame for all humanity.  They know who they are, and they, more than anyone else will know that power is a two-edged sword and one to use wisely.

The epitome of wisdom is to know power and use it wisely.

(Judith Kusel)

Photo:  Jean-Luc Bozzoli