Sirius and mass Star Gates opening up and TRANSFORMATION FOR PLANET EARTH!


Sirius has always been one of 12 Master Galaxies involved with planet earth, since the very beginning.  In this then it acts as a type of central hub or star-gate from which life on planet earth is constantly monitored.

When the earth was put under quarantine after numerous occasions when the warring faction on planet earth nearly blew up the planet, massive inner earth star-gates were closed down as well as the energies emitted from the pyramid grids and the vortex energy centers of this earth.

This was done purposefully and central keys, codes and also blocking devices were put into place, so that the very high technology locked into these places, would only be accessible to mankind again, once they have finally mastered the art of balance again, and also unity consciousness: – therefore stopping their warring ways, and finally understanding the value of true brother- and sisterhood, which does not harm, but rather works together for the greater good of all.

There are certain sites on earth that have been so purposefully hidden that even our most advanced technology will not as yet pick these up, because those in government still have not shed their controlling programs and their warring ways.

However, in the meantime planet earth has pledged to ascend into a much higher evolutionary state, and as she is one of the Thrones created by Source and a living entity whose physical manifestation is the planet, she has agreed to go through mass changes in order to evolve.

She has also taken it upon herself to ascend into these higher evolutionary states with the rest of this solar system and counter-solar system and Universe/Counter-Universe.  As she is part of much greater and intricate whole, whatever happens within the Universe and cosmos has massive catalyst changes for her too.

We are mere passengers on this planet, and at some stage we as souls all signed contracts with the Intergalactic Counsel and the High Lords of Sirius, that we would agree to partake in an EXPERIMENT of life on planet earth.  Therefore we are never to forget this, but understand that the planet agreed to have us participating in this experiment and thus at any time this experiment can be terminated – especially if mankind does not adhere to cosmic laws and keeps on repeating its old destructive patterns.

However this is neither the time nor the moment to go deeper into this (I have recorded this in detail in my book:  SOUL EMPOWERMENT which you can order directly from my website,

What is important to understand is that at this moment and because of the planet’s agreement to stepping up the evolutionary process, mass star-gates inside the earth are opening up and with these mass star-gates in Sirius.

This is bringing in massive shifts in the inner earth, and has for some time, but now accelerating and immensely fast.

With this that the star-gates on Sirius are now busy being opened up, this is creating  massive vortex-like energy fields, and as the pyramid grids are now being activated as well (most of them have not been re-discovered and are purposefully hidden as well) which, combined with the vortex energy being beamed down from Sirius, is creating a vast tunnel – or wormhole if you like.

This has then a sucking movement.  It is literally SUCKING the whole planet and all life upon her into a different dimensional and evolutionary state.

In the next ten years, this will accelerate, and as the full impact of all of this hits home, very few souls on planet earth will be able to withstand the intense energy releases as this is pushing us into an incredibly high frequency band.

Whatever is too dense a mass will start disintegrating and is already as the old way of life is now dissolving faster than we know what to do with it.

Most Light workers have been aware of this since after World War II and have steadily been warning mankind of the advent of the New Golden Age.  Most of the star children carry within them as programmed in the higher frequency band transmitters, which will enable them to step into this new dimension, if they did not get stuck on the wayside.

Most affected will not only be those affected by the mass earth changes, but also those who do not have the ability to adjust to the higher frequency bands and higher dimensional state, as this sucking movement will accelerate.

A lot of the first wave of Light workers have completed their mission and will return home.  Some have volunteered and been assigned to stay with those on earth and assist them through the massive changes.

The Indigo and Crystal children born since 1950’s will now have to carry the rest of mankind through these changes, as they have the keys and codes to do so, if they are fully awake and activated.

The New Children born since 1994 have all the tools in place and will be able to move through these changes as their higher crystalline bodies can adjust more easily to the higher frequency bands.  Most of them are also very much connected to the Motherships of the Intergalactic fleet and their home galaxies who are constantly monitoring their process.

This is then mass TRANSFORMATION into something NEW.

There is nothing to be afraid of.  When you are in totally tune with your own soul and therefore empowered from deep within, and you are in higher alignment with the Divine, then you will be able to raise your frequency band with the help of the angelic, Archangelic realms, and those of the Cosmic Hierarchy who are assisting us en masse at the moment.

They have been recently reinforced by those Higher Ranking Light-Beings from the 7th Central Sun and the 9th Central Sun and then now coming in are the Beings from the 12th.

Be aware that this is a mass return to Unity Consciousness and the advent of the new reign of peace on planet earth, as has been decreed by the Divine Source and Cosmic Hierarchy and the High Lords of Sirius, under whose direction we fall.

So be it! It is done!

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

Photo: Sirius B http://


Crystalline Portals – New Chakras, sacred geometrical forms, energies

images (25)Within the cosmic energy fields there are certain crystalline patterns, which some of us know or are familiar with as sacred geometrical shapes and forms. In essence these are certain blueprint patterns and forms which the whole of Creation reflects in some form or another.

In the creation of crystals the same patterns and forms are repeated – indeed in our own human form and in all other life forms.

Crystalline forms within geometrical patterns, also have encoded within them certain COLOURS and these then bring in VIBRATIONAL healing which works then with the sacred geometrical form and the vibrational healing frequency of that colour. Add to this SOUND and HIGHER HEALING STEPS IN….

When we open up our HIGHER chakras, and more and more of our latent chakra systems are getting activated now, from 12, 24, 36 to the eventual 72 and if one’s quest for immortality reigns supreme eventually 330 chakras are opened up: – we open ourselves up to ENERGY WHEELS INCORPORATING THE CRYSTALLINE PATTERNS AND SACRED GEOMETRICAL SHAPES. In fact they move in groups of 12 – and once we have reached a certain platform we reach a portal, through which we have to step in order for the next 12 to be activated.

So, if in meditation you see your higher guides working with what looks like energy wheels and the colours pouring or radiating out from this, and then flowing in an double or multiple strand helix around your upper body and then moving down into your lower body, this means that these COLOUR RAYS are now being assimilated into your chakras and then your AURIC field and then into your other bodies – also the physical one.

You do not just have ONE physical body, in fact you have into 12 bodies, and each body incorporates a different frequency of vibrational octaves of the life-giving energies.

Your physical form might not KNOW or SENSE these other forms, but they exist. You can, the higher you go in obtaining mastery, start moving between these forms, which means you can literally up your frequency rate by stepping into the higher bodes and then become INVISIBLE to others or move between walls and also teleport yourself. These are all techniques we have forgotten.

In Celtic tradition this was called SHAPE-SHIFTING – we all are capable of this in one form or another and might even be doing this, without our knowledge.

I have experienced this myself sometimes, when I had to step up and into my higher state of consciousness, and I know I do this when I tap into the super-consciousness field in order to do soul readings. In normal consciousness I cannot just do that – I have to go into an altered and much higher frequency rate to be able to do this. (This is NOT a trance state – it is merely switching between the bodies and then stepping into the much higher frequency band of the extended SOUL).
Another way I experienced this, is when I had to stand in my MASTERY in order to open up a massive portal – it was not the conscious me – but the HIGHER CONSCIOUS ME which IS IMMORTAL. THUS I WAS IN MY MASTERY: THE I AM WHICH MY SOUL IS IN THE HIGHER DIMENSIONS OF BEING.

To come back to the energy wheels…. A lot of people, when they start seeing or sensing this via their third eye, shut down, because they do not know what is happening to them and then get scared.

The best thing to do, is when you start seeing this, to totally surrender your ego and ask for your HIGHER SOUL SELF to step in and then to invoke Archangels Raziel and Metatron to step in and assist the process of assimilating these crystalline forms and energies into your 12 bodies.

Your own extended blueprint and 12 bodies incorporate a massive space around you – in fact if you would step into all 12 bodies at once, you would take on a giant form and be immensely powerful – too powerful to sustain life on this planet because your body at this stage has not been able to incorporate all these bodies and is still in the birthing stage of remembering how to BE this.

In these next months and years those of us who are ready will find that we will have abilities, talents and know-how returned to us via these crystalline energy wheels being reactivated. I see this as staircases to heaven – literally, for like you go up in the musical scale to reach the higher notes, so your whole being is stepping up now in frequency bands and you will start remembering more and more the TRUTH of who and what you are – thus your expanded soul self.

I get feedback from all over the world from those I have done soul readings for. In the first instance when they are suddenly reminded of what their soul TRULY IS and what they are CAPABLE of being, they shrink ….. Or they say, yes, deep down I have always known this… They are stunned… Then after some months they come back and said to me: – now that I know this incredible things have started happening… I am so much clearer about my path and my memory bank is getting triggered….
We all have these amazing talents and abilities and we have forgotten how to use them. Now we are stepping into the time when mankind NEEDS this know-how again, and we ARE the ones who will have to go through this WHOLE PROCESS OF REACTIVATION OF OUR CRYSTALLINE PORTALS IN ORDER TO TRULY ANCHOR IN THE NEW GOLDEN AGE.

The more we open ourselves up consciously to receive the blessing of these higher crystalline patterns, forms and colour rays to work with us and through us, the more we will get activated and we are asked to truly open our hearts and souls, so that we can assimilate them unencumbered.

It is a process and whatever serves us no more – in other words, that which is blocking these energies in stuck emotions, or whatever else, will start disintegrating and changing form, until we have assumed a whole new bodily energy system which is totally in synch with the Higher Soul Self and its vibrational frequency.

This is truly a miraculous time we are living in and one which is truly changing us inside and out to very core!