The SOUL – as in pure cosmic energy.


The Soul itself is pure energy.

It consists of self-same energy which is the primordial energy of Creation, the Creative Forcefield, thus the Divine.

The soul itself then, consists of several energy particles, which I personally see as energy which appears flame-like, for it has within itself then the same God-force energy.

The soul then consists of 12 particles of energy, within one single entity of one single energy field, within the greater energy field of the SOUL GROUP, which consists of soul clusters of energy, and therefore in its turn then forms part of the greater Cosmic Energy Force which forms a nucleus around the Divine Creative forcefield.    In this it looks very much like a galaxy in its spiraling formation, and the nearest that I can get to an equation then, would be the Andromeda galaxy.

When we incarnate onto planet earth, and assume very dense and primitive physical forms, we forget all of this, and then suffer from intense amnesia.  Yet, our soul has assumed many physical forms in other dimensions, existences, and in galaxies, and star systems all over the cosmos.  It is not attached to the earthly sphere and neither does it need to incarnate here.  It is basically a soul’s free will and choice whether it wishes to assume a physical form on planet earth – or not.

When I first started becoming aware that I was starting to tap into the Central Super-consciousness energy field of the Divine, the first thing I was reconnected with was my own soul energy.  I remember distinctively the feeling of dis-solving, of becoming no-thing-ness: – there was no I or me anyone, I was Creation and Creation was me: – therefore essentially I AM THAT I AM – I am that which is the energy force field of creation and I AM essentially the thought behind creation, and creation itself.

 Where I begin and end is no-thing-ness, form-less, yet it is also pure energy in perpetual motion and expansion ever upon itself!

This experience made me realize for the first time that in Trust I AM not the persona I have assumed on planet earth – but rather like a dress that I put on for one moment within space-time, and which I will easily and effortlessly shed when I return to my true and infinite energy state, and reunite with my other soul energy flames.

I am going into some details here, for I am often asked these questions by the souls (people) I have done soul and Twin Flame Readings for.

Most people do not understand the concept of their souls being pure energy, and that all the records of the soul (and indeed all of life and life forms – the whole of Creation) is stored in one vast central ENERGY field, which is enormous, yet compact, and this is pure spiraling energy.  At its very core lies the Divine Core Creative Energy Force.  In essence then our soul can never be separate from the very same energy field in which is stored.

Most people think that one’s soul name is one single name, or one phrase – like my name Judith.  Some assume spiritual names on planet earth, given to them by others.  Yet these also fail in bringing the soul essence or expression into Being.

The SOUL NAME vibrates on the same FREQUENCY as the soul and therefore, as it forms part and particle of the Divine Energy, it was created to REFLECT an ESSENCE OR ATTRITUBE of the DIVINE BACK ONTO ITSELF by experiencing that essence or attribute throughout the cosmos in many lives and life forms and all life expression during the soul’s sojourn through infinite space.

As this is pure energy and of such a high frequency band, the human language cannot translate this energy into form – as yet.  This is mainly due to the fact that we lost our ability to communicate with this energy field TELEPATHICALLY.  Therefore when I TRANSMIT these records (and I transmit, and have no recall whatsoever of them afterwards) I have to transcribe energy into primitive sound-words, which most often are inadequate.  Therefore the soul name will be more a description of the attributes of the soul itself.

With my Twin Flame Soul Readings, where two souls have incarnated from ONE single soul entity or energy force field, the names will more or less enhance the energy of the other.  In other words, they will enhance the same type of attributes of the Divine but in different vibrational energy fields.

I personally see this like a double helix energy strand, where the two strands of energy are interwoven.  However, if the energy between the two are not equally balanced (as is most often the case during an incarnation on earth), the helix strands wobble if they are not equally balanced.  If this happens then the unequal energy will bring pain until both are back in balance, and therefore one is not more than the other, and one’s energy is not overpowering the other.   Equilibrium is the middle point between two energies, and nowhere is this more applicable than at soul level.

From the feedback that I have received from all over the world from those that I have done readings for often comment on the way something very deep INSIDE of themselves get triggered with these.  This is because of the soul name energies triggering the inherent soul memory banks deep within.  We all have the ability at some level to consciously tap into our own soul energy field by opening up our transmitting channels, but most people never aspire to relearn how to do this, for they do not trust their own inner voice and guidance, and more than this KNOWING.

I have often wondered about my own ability to do this work – which came only after I started to tap into the energy fields of the planet and cosmically when I started searching for answers and meaning as to why I was born Africa.  I never consciously searched for this – it kind of found me, and started triggering within me, what I have always done on soul level through many lifetimes and existences.  So, this was nothing new to my soul – but to the “me” incarnated at this time.

The more I delve into the realms and vastness of Being, the more humble I become before the immensity of the Being itself.  That a cosmic mind could create such amazing energy fields, and with such masterful precision leaves me often standing in total awe and wonder.  Nothing is ever out of place or missing.

It is our very limited human perception that perceives things as imperfect or missing.

Within the vastness of the Creative Energy Forcefield of Creation all is perfectly in place and all works as one single energy field.

When we start understanding this, we start to understand that our lives on this planet consist of a mere eyewink in eternity, and what our souls have come here to do, be and express is but one single fleeting moment in the infinite journeys of our souls.

It kind of puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

When we finally reconnect with our soul, we reconnect with our own Higher Soul Selves, and our true purpose and mission – and then we can do and live no other than what we have come here onto this planet for.


(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:


Co-creatorship and the Law of Intent


In essence we are now more and more stepping into that higher state of Being, where we can start assuming all those powers that we once had at the very beginning.  To me this is in essence then, that stepping into co-creatorship.

We all innately at soul level have the ability to co-create with the Divine Creator.  The only stipulation ever placed upon us was that whatever we create would fall within the Divine Cosmic Laws, the Laws upon which the foundation of all that was and is created in the Cosmos rests.

The firmaments in heavens were laid on these foundations.  All the energy and energy fields were created resting on the same principles.  That is why there is greater order and harmony in the whole.  The one part cannot function without the other parts, and one single part enhances the whole.

The Tree of Life which was in the First Eden was not so much off limits to those living on Earth at the time.  It merely contained the whole principles of cosmic laws, and contained therein were the Laws of Co-Creatorship.  It also worked on the principle of Free Will and Choice and taking responsibility for whatever you then chose to create.

The law of responsibility meant that if you created something, then you would also be responsible for the outcome – thus you would be responsible for the way that whatever you created would function, grow, or be within the greater whole and SERVE the Greater Whole.

This made whoever was then using this ability, very careful what they wished to create in their own lives, and in the broader cosmos – for after all, if they had to one day, stand before the Creator with the mantle of responsibility resting on their shoulders, they would also stand accountable for how their creations affected the greater whole.

Now, the first law of co- creation is the Law of Intention.

At the first seed of inspiration, or vision, or whatever, there comes then a moment, where we have to set the intention that we wish to create this, or bring it into form. However before we put that intention out, it is wise to just for one moment bring that intention in higher alignment with the cosmic laws.

For it is here that humanity, at large, has had the Tree of Life, all Knowledge and then when they finally understood that they had free will and choice whether to create within the cosmic laws, or not, they created their own fall from grace, by not adhering to those laws.

In other words, they had not mastered the most important principle and that was, that before you can create you have to ask yourself if what you are creating is for the higher good of all, or will it destroy more than it builds up.

For example, Hitler had that inspiration and most certain had a calling.  Yet, what did he create?

The Dalai Lama had a calling and inspiration – what did he create?

For whatever we create in some form we are responsible for, and whatever we create will impact the world in some form or another.  It might not impact so much on this generation, but certainly on all the generations to come.

One can only look at family dynamics to understand, that often within families you inherit was has been created before, and you yourself leave something behind for the next generations.  What you leave as a legacy, might appear three or four generations down the line, but it certainly started somewhere within you.

I love this whole concept of creation, and what I find so fascinating, is that in essence  what has been created before, in civilizations long gone and buried beneath the sea or sand or just forgotten about in the mists of time, have left us lasting legacies of what they created.  However, what I am finding in my own quest for what I am uncovering about energy and energy fields, is that that they were Light years ahead of us as far as Light energy technology and its use was concerned, and somehow, many thousands of years later, human kind has forgotten how to tap into this energy field.

This is to me a shining example of creating something wonderful, and then somehow creating that which destructed it – so much that it disappeared, and then with the destruction came a fall down from evolutionary scale into the state of forgetfulness, the Dark Ages, and only now at this time, are we able to climb up that same ladder again.

What is so fascinating is that we invented the ladder, and then destroyed the same ladder, and fell down to the very last rung.  Now we have to reconstruct, recreate the whole ladder and all the rungs in order to climb up to where we once were. 

When I do my Soul and Twin Flame Soul Readings, I am always astounded at the gifts, talents and abilities that souls have inherently encoded and programmed into them to be co-creators.  Indeed all souls have been created to enhance creation and to expand upon it.

In some lifetimes on earth, especially in the very beginning, they knew how to use this and did not suffer from amnesia.  Indeed some soul readings leave me stunned at to the incredibly high technology and higher healing abilities these souls have and I battle to translate this into everyday language what I transmit, for this does not exist on the planet today.  So these souls have all this high advanced knowledge within them and have not yet learnt to tap into this and return it to the planet.

We so often we trip ourselves up, because we do not use these gifts, talents and abilities, or we are too timid, too differently programmed, too indoctrinated to start using them, and most often when to want to use them, we do not know how.

Most often as children we remember, and use these gifts but somehow along the way our systems get shut down and most never wake up again.

“Deep down, I have always known this,” is the reaction I get most of time from those for whom I did my readings, as they start to remember.

What I find so exciting about my own life and then all our lives, is that we now have this window of opportunity to truly step into that inner ability to co-create and to use our soul gifts and talents in higher service.

However first we must delve deeply into ourselves and then get crystal clear about how we are going to share these with the world.  It is then that we have to set the intent.  In using these gifts, talents and abilities, in creating this, how am I serving the Higher Good, and how does what I am creating impact on the lives of others?  How will it make a difference?  How will it serve the greater whole?

It is same with love.  If I set the intention to love someone and to walk some part of the life path with them, then I also have to get crystal clear about what I intent to create with this relationship.  For love needs to be tended, nurtured, and looked after just as much as one would tend, look after, adjust, innovate, as with setting up a business, or bringing your gifts, talents and abilities into the world.  If there is no communication about the common goal, the common intent then where is this all heading too anyway?

It reminds so much of a quote I love from Antoine de Saint-Exupery:  “Perhaps love is not so much gazing at each other – but outward, in the same direction.”

So it is with all of life.  If we wish to create a new world with harmony, with rainbow nations coming together, then we have to set the intent and get crystal clear about how we are co-creating this in our own lives.  For we cannot just leave that to others – we have the same responsibility to partake in the new creation as everyone else.  Essentially what we create in our own lives does have a ripple effect on the whole, just as what happens in the greater whole has a ripple effect on our lives.  It is all one and the same.

Make sure your intentions do not come from the ego but are for the highest good.  Universal energy supports intention.  It is the basis of manifestation.

An intention is like an arrow in flight.  Nothing can deflect it.  So aim carefully.

When your intention is honorable and noble, even if your plan does not come to fruition, you will be cosmically rewarded for the purity of your ideals, for what you intended.

I leave you with a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer:  “Rather than praying to God or a saint for a miracle, pray for the miracle of an inner awakening, which will never leave you.”

When the inner awakening, the visions, the dreams, the quest will always be in higher alignment with your soul purpose, and calling, and when that triggers, one is in higher alignment with the greater Divine plan and will.  When one then sets the intent, miracles do happen and the rest of the cosmos conspires to assist us in our co-creatorship in all and every way it can.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul and Twin Flame Soul Reading:

May brooks and trees

Activation of Keys and Codes Within


In its purest form your soul is pure energy and it consists of 12 flames of energy.  One part of this energy is forever attached to the Divine Source, while one part stays attached to your planet of origin with a galaxy or star system.  Thus, when you incarnate onto a planet like earth, only one or at most three flames will incarnate into a physical form.  All the other parts of you are thus fully functional on different levels. 

All these parts together, as one single flame, form you Higher Soul Self. 

Your Higher Soul Self again forms part of a soul group.  A soul group consists of 144 other flames and the soul group, forms part of much greater group of soul groups which forms a soul cluster of 144 000 souls (groups).

The Soul Group is THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, as it reflects a Divine character trait, back to the Divine and therefore expresses the I AM in a certain manner, tone, frequency and vibration, as well as color.

Your soul within your soul group has been created to express some aspect of the same soul expression or Divine attribute or value back to the Divine itself.

Therefore the Graces, reflect the state of grace back to the Divine – both the receiving and bestowing of Grace.  The Illumined Ones reflect illumination from within and without back to the Divine.  So, this attribute or value, then is the whole reason for their creation.  All that is encoded within this soul group therefore, will have to do with the frequency and vibration of this attribute of the Divine, as it expresses itself through multiple dimensions and life forms throughout the cosmos.

Within each soul group there are Ascended Master souls, who are act like the elder sisters and brothers of those souls going through an Incarnation.  So, the more in tune we are with the Mighty I Am Presence, as our soul group, the more we start amplifying our soul mission on earth, for now our soul is amplified or over-lit by the 143 other souls within the group we belong to.

Before we were born our soul undertook certain missions, or it was agreed that when we have brought our soul frequencies and mission up to a certain level, that keys and codes within our souls, our soul group etc. would be re-activated as our soul is ready to take on the added responsibility. 

For with each key and code activation the soul would be called in to do higher service work.  Therefore the active service there would take priority over anything which its negative ego might reject or not feel itself worthy of.  The ego is the soul personality as it expresses itself, and not to be confused with the I AM and Higher Soul Self.  One could say the ego was the lower or baser self which is very much attached to the physical.

These then the soul key and codes programmed directly into the soul.

The Cosmic Hierarchy, when one opens the upper communication channels, and one is able to raise one vibrations and frequencies to the christed consciousness state, will from time to time, as they see fit, (for they monitor your soul process the whole time), will activated the higher codes and keys within you, which will enable you to step up in mission.  This means that they will start transmitting certain information, or energies, or codes and keys, that pertain to your higher soul mission through you – much like a satellite transmits information in encoded form and the receiver then transmit pictures, sound, etc.

However, most of the time the soul has to indicate that it is prepared to take on higher service and thus wishes to be used in this way.  Again, the cosmic Masters, and the Advisory Board of the 12 and 24 Elders who surround the throne of God, will sit in conjunction with the Lords of Karma, your Overlighting Ascending Master(s) and the Archangels working with you, as well as the Overlighting Masters of your own soul group.  Only when all agree with your soul, that the time is right for you now to take on the added responsibility and are free to do this work, will these keys and codes be activated.

In others words – you will not be given more than your soul can handle at a given time.

In order to explain this more – the keys and codes work with pure and very high light code activation and they are soul specific. 

Your soul has a type of energy Mandela with a sacred geometrical pattern designed within it.  These light activations or keys and codes, then work with these sacred geometrical patterns of light and sound, and then transmit it into you. 

All life and life forms have energy patterns, and all of these energy patterns are stored in a vast Library or memory bank made of up pure Divine energy, which is the Super-consciousness field.  This is a cosmic field, which holds all the energy blueprints and mandalas etc. for all of creation.  It is pure crystalline and therefore is pure light and sound energy. 

From time to time, as you are ready, and move more and more into your Lighted Body activation and in higher alignment with a specific soul mission and purpose/and or task you will be given the keys and codes you need for the next activation.  It will be like a gathering of masters in the higher planes, or you will have a symbolic download.  For instance, I often get my down-loads via crystal skulls and keys.  These appear in my higher states of consciousness, and much altered states – yet always spontaneous and I have never asked for them.  I know that they will be given, as I am at the correct moment in my life and the correct frequency band to be able to receive such downloads.  I have had instances where the crystal skull’s top part dislodges itself from the bottom part and top part then fits over my head and downloads mass of information into me.  This information will then be transmitted into me, and I will download it as it becomes necessary for downloading to occur. 

I have friends who transmit via paintings or music.  We are all differently wired and not all of us will have such experiences, nor have the same type of downloads, because we are all unique and special in our own right.

All the keys and codes held within your soul can only be activated by you alone and with the assistance of the Archangels and your over-lighting Ascended Master, as well as the over-lighting Ascended Masters of your own soul group.  Here one has to do the inner work, before this will manifest into form.  A lot of these keys and codes are not something tangible, like a crystal skull for instance  – they are more like heart energy and soul energy activations and are downloaded via the Soul Star and Stellar Gateway chakras, and then transmitted into your crown chakra.  Thus the higher portals or gateways have to be opened up, before such activations can occur.

My soul readings will often pinpoint to keys and codes specific to your soul and most importantly what mission or purpose your soul has and why it is here, as well as your soul name, soul group name, galaxy of origin, tonal chord and soul colors.

For bookings and information: or

The Immensity of Being and the Higher Cosmic Rays

380760_328664343889193_86592140_nThe Immensity of Being can only be experienced, when we expand our whole vision, our whole imaginings of what life should be, and step past the boxed-in and very limited thinking our minds, and into the infinity of Life and Love itself…
When the search of MEANING – the search of whatever it is that is greater, and more profound than oneself, expands and grows into and from the HEART space, then we start reconnecting with the greater cosmic Heart and the greater spectrum, expression, forms and infinite possibilities, which are totally beyond the scope of our minds.
Those who healing, often will find, that the moment, that they allow themselves, to be used as instruments, come out of the state where the heart is truly opened up and love is flowing from the heart, and into their whole bodies and hands, that they have miraculous healings…. In that instant, when the Ego totally steps out of the way, and the body, heart and soul, become AS ONE, then the heart energies, and the higher healing energies, flow as one, and become one and the same. This is when love is truly radiated out and forth and into the physical body and heart of those whom we heal and the healer and the one being healed, become AS ONE AND THE SAME.
In the totality in which we allow our hearts and soul to open up at this momentous time in the history of mankind – that same totality will be able to step past the limitation of our minds, and all that we have gathered up on our pathways through life, the good and the bad, become something which is greater than sum total of ourselves.
As the rising of consciousness is occurring, this will become more and more the norm, and not the mere few one-off moments of inspiration, when the heart energies flow and reconnect to the cosmic heart and flow.
For this is essentially what this momentous time is all about – to allow ourselves to expand with ENERGY and then with the Golden Ray of the Christed Energies, which are WHITEGOLD, and the ray of the Archangels and Angelic Realms, the EMERALD Ray, which brings in balance, trust, higher healing and wisdom, the Ruby Ray, which brings in the ability to communicate with a depth of wisdom and knowledge, which surpasses all understanding. Essentially also, those who work with the PLATINUM rays are the ones who anchor in joy. They are, with the dolphins, the keepers of the sacred wisdom of the Ancient Ones, and are becoming the Keepers of the Planet. The Silver Ray brings grace and harmony, and when the gold-silver-violet rays merge, that is the Flame of Transmutation, where the negative, is fused into the sheerest form of new energy. The Sapphire Ray brings the powers of communication a high level, power, strength and higher healing.
The highest ray, and those who have been the ones who have been the Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge, Wisdom and Purity, Eternity and clarity, truth, honor and divine purpose, are the carriers and the Keepers of this Ray. It demands the highest path of purity, purity of intent, and where the ego steps totally of out the way, where the heart and soul opens up to the very core of the its Being, and in nakedness, stands – crystal clear, pure and thus the highest transmitter channels for the Divine Source itself.
Those who work with the Diamond ray of absolute purity can be no other than crystal clear and pure and anything not of this will fall by the wayside. It is a reflective ray, which takes those who work with it to the higher dimensions, and thus works then with the Super consciousness Fields and then anchors this into the planet at this time. Only the purest or pure can ever even aspire to work with and for this ray, and they are chosen specifically for this work because of over-soul or group soul working with and through them. They work under the direct instructions and jurisdiction of the Advisory Board of 12 who work with the Divine Source, and thus are the highest ranking Masters of all of Creation.
The more we start to work with the higher cosmic rays, the more we need to be purified. No-one can aspire to work with the higher states of consciousness, who are not willing to walk the higher path of initiations. For you shall be initiated into the various and higher states, and all which no longer serve you, will fall by the wayside – as you cannot afford to be distracted from this higher path.
So many aspire to walk these higher paths, and then still wish to life in the 3D world, with its relationship, social, work and other challenges. All of these merely distract the soul from its highest pathways. One cannot be in higher service, and then still wish to have all those others who tap into your energy fields, and pull you in all directions.
This is mainly due to the fact that the higher the consciousness level goes, the more the soul calling will kick in – literally. The souls then know that the soul mission and soul contract which they signed before incarnating here is more important to complete, than the sum total of all else.
Absolute and total dedication to higher service is demanded at this time, for all of those serious desiring to walk the higher path. There cannot be compromising here – for by compromising you are short-selling yourself, and then you cannot function at optimum level.
I have found this true for myself time and again. When I allow myself to get side-tracked or pulled into other people’s dramas, or even create dramas in my own life, then my own higher abilities suffer. I then am always reminded of this, and have to start seriously doing a lot of mirror work on myself. When, I cut those ties, and get totally focused on higher service once more, then my higher abilities return and I am back on track and more is given to me. Yet, at any time I have the free will to allow myself to sink back into the 3D dramas, or to rise above them and anchor in the higher cosmic will and love.
I have been called upon to teach this higher path and that is why I have now opened up my Mystery/Mastery School. My Soul Readings give people the vital clues they need to know what they have come to do and be in this lifetime.
Some of us simply forget all of this, yet that inner yearning and inner knowing that there must be more to life than what you are living, will haunt all of us until the end of time – for unless we start working and living completely and utterly from our hearts and souls, and step past the dramas of the 3D world and into the higher states of balance and harmony, we will always feel a deep void – a deep sense of not being true to our highest soul calling and highest dreams and aspirations – which are always centered in the heart and soul, and not in the mind!
The more I teach, the more soul readings I am doing, the more I allow myself to explore the Super consciousness fields, the more I realize that The Ancient Ones knew how to work with the cosmic energies, and engage fully from the heart and soul. Yet, there is more to this, and this is what I am now learning to implement and incorporate into my own life.
Yet, if I do not work constantly on myself, shedding skin after skin, and release what no longer serves my highest good, then I cannot do the work. In these last few weeks I have had to dig deeper into my own ancestral memory banks and release the emotions, the trauma, the bitterness and anger of the collective with regards to war. It has taught me the valuable lesson, that we are responsible for clearing this, for whatever happened is, as the Bible says, carried over to the third and fourth and successive generations, albeit often unconsciously so.
We are thus asked to remember to not only take on the responsibility for our own lives, and our own consciousness, but for the collective as well.
We are within the greatest evolutionary changes mankind has experienced for millions of years, and here in Africa, this goes back at least 40 million years ago, and we need to break the old patterns of destructive behavior and come into the balance of ourselves and all life and all life forms which ever existed on this planet, in one form or another.
This is not a time to shrink – but a time to allow ourselves to get fully activated and to grow into the greatness of our true soul selves – and there within your own soul, is all the knowledge and know-how that you need, supported by the soul group and the Divine, in order to accomplish your mission.
Go then and BE!

Electromagnetic cosmic storms – heart, spinal cord energies…

There are immense changes happening in the stratosphere above the Planet, and then electromagnetic storms are wreaking havoc within the solar system.
The reflective rays of the sun, which is now breaking up, into multiple new parts, as the Milky Way Galaxy is going through a massive rebirthing, this is affecting then all the electromagnetic fields in and around the whole solar systems, Universes and in fact the whole galaxy.
We have to understand that we are never apart of the greater whole. Whatever happens in the macrocosm will happen in the microcosm.
As above – so below.
Our whole human physical body, is one massive energy field, and thus is part of the cosmic and earths energy fields. “From dust you were made, to dust you return”.
This is mainly because mankind forgot their own immortality, which they possessed at the beginning of time, in what the collective mankind remembers deep down as the Garden of Eden. It is only, when mankind fell, from the 7th dimensional state and into the 3rd, that death as such was known.
I am merely trying to make you understand that the microcosm and the miniature reflection of it are built on the same principles. So in essence, we can never think ourselves on this planet as an entity on its own. Yet, so many think that this planet is the end-all and be-all of all existence. Not so, it is one of the greater microcosms within the macrocosms of a much greater and even vaster energy field.
We all deep down remember this in some way. The Gods and Goddesses of mythology were real men and women, albeit their stories have been mythologized as mankind forgot the advanced technologies etc. which they had used.
As we are slowly awakening from the sleep of forgetfulness the veils of amnesia are lifting and those who had a strangled hold on the planet, are now losing their grip. More and more people are waking up, and starting to allow these energies to flow through the heart center and thus a mass awakening of the heart energies.
At first mankind knew this, but then, those came in, who deliberately closed the heart and started to manipulate the mind. The mind can conjure up many things, it mostly can also conjure up fear, and the rule by fear, then feeds on the fear of the masses, and then the masses, themselves, are easy to rule.
The more awakened one becomes at soul level, and the more the heart center opens, up the more one connects to the greater macrocosm. One has expanded knowing, and being, and one thus knows one is not the physical body, nor the physical form- one is a cosmic Being and thus a citizen of the cosmic whole.
One then, starts understanding that one is here but for an eyewink. One is not this physical form, one is greater than that. One is essentially a Divine spark and the more one reconnects with the Divine essence deep within one’s heart and soul, the more empowered you become.
It is also the shift towards balance – the balance between the masculine and feminine – the male and female.
In the beginning, in lands such as Lemuria, the bodies and physical form were ANDROGYNOUS – thus male and female. Then the masses decided to split the form into two – male and female. Since then immense shifts have happened and the two aspects drifted further apart. This has caused tremendous collective pain to mankind, and this balancing between the male and female, is now coming to the fore, as the collective consciousness has to heal.
This is one of the reasons why relationships are floundering, for one has to first find the balance, the wholeness deep within one, before one can truly love or relate to the perfection of balance in another. As long as there is imbalance, then there will be a shift either to one or the other.
In reality the two are always in perfect balance – it is just that there on earth, we still have the perceived imbalanced, which now have to cleared out of the collective psyche once and for all.
Coming back to electromagnetic fields: these are intricately linked with that of the heart center of this planet, which in turn then is linked with the heart center of the Milky Way Galaxy and thus our own heart centers.
In this whole process of these massive cosmic storms, our spinal cords are getting activated. Each vertebra is reflected in the 33 octaves of sound, and each one represents an emotion. When more and more of the energy centers, within each vertebrae is activated, as we step more and more into the higher frequencies and become more and more aligned, this will trigger emotional responses, and then in turn will trigger the chakras or energy wheels, where those memory banks are housed.
It is therefore important to work with the energies, in that one starts to also allow that energy flow consciously from the top of the head, thus crown, and then down the whole spinal column and then into the energy centers below our feet and then, into the earth and then into the heart and spinal cord energies of the earth.
In this way, we are activating our Light bodies more and more and then, those of us who are already stepping or have stepped into the 5th and 7th, will get more fully activated.
This then, is the great shifting which there electromagnetic storms are bringing to our bodies, and also to the earth.
This is truly a revolutionary change and bringing us into alignment with our own true selves again, as we were at the beginning of civilization on this Planet.