Musings on Life….


The intenseness of Being itself is vaster than the cosmic sea.

Some of us dangle between the lines, between the earth and sky and feel lost in the space in between.

Some try so hard to just survive on the planet that the rest is just not there – in the sense of being concretely there.

Some are trying to ascend into the higher state of Being, without truly understanding that ascension at this time means bringing down the higher states of evolution and transmitting it back into Mother Earth.  Therefore bringing heaven down to earth – in all and everything we do and are aspiring to be.

A lot of us, wish to dishonor the Earth, and to cut ourselves lose from the life breath that sustains our physical form on planet earth.  Yet, without a physical form, we cannot anchor that heaven into earth, as much as we try to.  Whatever we see in some form in the higher states has to take some concrete form on earth. 

I was trying to explain a concept yesterday, whereby I was pointing to the fact that the inner earth is rearranging itself – therefore there is much activity going on in the inner earth.  We live on the outside and then when earth quakes, tidal waves and whatever natural catastrophes strike, we tend to lament about the forces of nature and blame Mother earth – but we never took the time to truly honor her soul and understand that she is a living and breathing entity, much like ourselves.  Her physical body is just vaster than ours – but that does not make her something to raped and exploited and destroyed?

Interestingly a lot of our inner world does manifest into outer form.  When everything is churning inside, and when there is no peace inside, and self-destruction or death wishes are there, then we will manifest that in some form on the outside.  If we hate out inner guts, then we will activate hate somewhere in outer form and will hate the guts of all around ourselves.

Within our own physical body, the whole micro-organism of the earth is reflected in our guts.  So, even if we wish to dissociate ourselves from Mother Earth, she literally lives in every cell and fiber of our bodies.  What happens in the microcosm happens in the macrocosm and vice versa.

I am touching on all of this, for often the nucleus of what we perceived to non-functional in the outside world is reflected inside of us.  It might be that certain organs are dysfunctional, or certain aspects of our physical bodies are in pain, or are trying to hone into ourselves, what we have not released or made peace with in our inner world.

I was reminded of this the other day, when I was going through a period of pain in my body.  I tried to heal the physical body, but the cures were not helped.  When I refused to go for in depth examination, and decided to get to root of the problem, I found that I had a lot of inner clearing and cleansing and releasing to do.  Past life memories started coming up, and with the help of a healer friend, intense things were removed from my spinal column and throat, and my sacral chakra.

But still the pain lingered.  It only when I went to for Reiki that the Reiki Master innocently asked me to go back to an incident in my childhood, and when I remembered and released the feelings of intense guilt of a five-year old, and cradled that child in my arms, that I could let go of the memory banks.  Interestingly, when I did that, the pain disappeared.

So, with the multiple cleansing and releasing of the emotional pain and memory banks, I could delve ever deeper into my soul, and truly go deeper into the soul scars and wounds I have carried into this life – as all those karmic links and ties which I have come to resolve in this lifetime, will come to the fore, as I am ready to release that memory bank and forgive myself and others.

With this has also come a deeper understanding, of how we have soul contracts with other souls to fulfill.  With some souls this has come over many lifetimes, and sometimes we were part of a specific group of souls who came in to do specific work on the planet.  

With the advent of the fall from the 7th dimensional state into the 3rd a lot of that work needed to be done all over again or at least if had to resurrected again at some level.  Some had to hold certain codes steady, or take it into themselves at some level, in order to retrieve it at a later date, when mankind would be ready to finally understand these again, or have raised their consciousness sufficiently enough.

Some of us, during the training in the ancient mystery schools, had to go through severe initiations, and sometimes died during those.  So some of the deep rooted fears might have something to do with the method used, or the fear of failure, or then a deep seated fear of failing the tests so to speak.

Some might have been persecuted for speaking the truth, or for practicing healing methods or doing things which were not understood or feared by those who were not able to see. 

Some might have positions of power, and then misused that power – so there will fears at some level of stepping into one’s power.

Most people have a great fear of money and wealth.  That is because of being in some religious order where they had to take vow of poverty, obedience, chastity, and still have the begging bowl syndrome and the feeling that someone else has to take care of them.  Some truly expect others to pay the bills etc. for they see this as their right – to live in their own worlds and then have other people having to sustain their lives at some level.

If you at some level fear money, or hate money, then you will attract more to hate and fear.

For essentially like power, money is ENERGY.  It does not have a negative or positive connotation, except what you conjure up in your mind or in some memory bank of your own soul.  When you start blessing the energy of money, and you start releasing all those vows, and you start moving into higher states of awareness, you start to understand that when you reject money at some deep sense deep inside of you, and always believe that other people have to pay the bills and keep you at some level, that is what you will manifest in your life.

The minute you change the inner awareness regarding money, and start sending it loving energies and blessing it, you will start attracting more money into your life.  You have to live and sustain yourself on this planet, and you have to do this at some level to be able to anchor in your soul mission in life.  If you do this abundantly, you can create more job opportunities for others, and more goodness all around you. 

Remember the energy of money is NEUTRAL.  What you do with the money is your own free will and choice.  Because other choose to use the energy of money for self-service or control is their own karma and not yours.  Choose to use the energy of money wisely and responsibly, and you will enhance your own life and that of others and in the end all works for the greater good and greater whole.

The same applies to all energy and all else.

I have used and use a higher healing meditation where you literally start releasing fear – fear from all past lives, all fear programming, and removal of other blocks and hindrances, caused by your own inner belief systems.  It is amazing how this works in multiple ways.  It has made become more aware of how deep-rooted our fears are, and how deep-rooted our angst, insecurities, and programming – inherited over many lifetimes.

I am sharing all of this today, just to make you aware of what you create inside yourself and outside yourself.

The more conscious you become, the more aware you get, of your actions and reactions and how you choose to create your inner and outer life.

The responsibility for your life lies solely with yourself and nobody else.  It does not lie with your husband, your lover, your boss, your family, society or anyone else.  It is solely your own responsibility.  At the end of your life you cannot blame anyone but yourself for what went right or what went wrong.  You stand before your Maker stark naked and stripped to the very core.  That is when you whole life is reviewed – the lessons you have mastered and ones you still have to master.  That will be another life and another life experience.

So, why not make the most of the time you have here and now, to truly create the best life for yourself you can possibly manage and take full responsibility for your own well being and for anchoring your unique soul mission into planet earth, and make heaven manifest on earth?

11 thoughts on “Musings on Life….

  1. Pingback: Musings on Life…. | Judith Kusel

  2. Pingback: Salud, Meditación Y Más – REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA VIDA….por Judith Kusel |

  3. Pingback: Musings on Life… @ Judith Kusel | | Pauline Battell | Star Seed | Lightarian Rays Master-Practitioner | Reiki Kundalini Master-teacher |Spiritual Channeller | Lightworker |

  4. Reblogged this on NR Wishart Healing and commented:
    Beautiful and to the point! This is what I like about Judith. We do not have time any more to mince our words, beat around the bush or tread carefully. Now is the time for us all to be as clear as possible. And that also translates into the words we speak and the sentences we write to each other. It must come from the heart, and when it does, it is felt within the receiver. A nice simple and clear ancient truth!

    Namaste x

  5. Pingback: AGHARTAN: ¿Qué es la multidimensionalidad?:::REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA VIDA….:::sharing | obassi2011

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