Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body.

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Intricate portals move into activation in the next few years, as the planet is being revamped and revitalized.  Therefore there are massive fractures in earth crust and with it the inner stirring of mass liquid mass, which will bring about volcanic activity, even in those volcanoes which have been dormant for some time and with the eruptions in the inner earth, as liquid mass explodes this will cause earth eruptions, earth quakes and in some cases the sea will start boiling.

It is therefore imperative for mankind to understand that as the earth is reinventing herself, so human beings are being reinvented as they too are being re-formed, reinvented and even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline in nature and therefore contain higher frequency bands.

Most human beings are not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies, nor are they aware that a lot of changes are happening in the way the chakras and the spinal cord energies now move into higher octaves of being.

A lot of discomfort in the body is not caused so much by what we human being term “DIS-EASE” but rather by blocked particles of energies within these centers and therefore now are being worked on galactically to prepare mankind for the massive shifts with the portals opening up.

It is known to the Intergalactic Federation of Light, that the human body will have to be readjusted immensely, as the portal energies open up, as the normal human is not consciously aware enough to know about energies and energy centers and are not consciously seeking to activate these, do not work on the daily cleansing and clearing process, the healing of the emotional body, and more than this the healing of the mental body as well.

BOTH the emotional and mental bodies need to be healed and in balance with each other, as the last 26 000 year cycle has separated the heart (emotion/feeling) from the mind (rational, dissecting, fixing, creating/inventing without love or feeling).

Most people concentrate on the balance between the masculine and feminine WITHIN, but fail to understand the importance of the balance of heart and mind.  One cannot step into full co-creatorship without there being balance between the heart and mind, between the feelings and rational, for if the heart is not fully opened up and the vital energy flow of Love is not in balance with the mind, one is imbalanced and it was imbalance which caused mass trauma since the fall of Atlantis.

When the heart energies and mind energies, are in balance with each other, a state of balance reigns within and without: –  One starts then creating within the Universal Laws, as one applies them in HARMONY with the balance reigning elsewhere in the cosmos.

There are higher energy centers which work on the higher 36 chakras which were shut down after the fall of Atlantis, because human beings went out of control when the mind ruled and created the chaos that sunk Atlantis.  It was done as the 3rd dimensional form of the lower DENSER physical form, could not hold the immensely high vibrational frequency which the opening up of 48 chakras would entail.

In the previous civilizations before Atlantis 72 chakras were fully opened up which meant that they lived in a much higher frequency band and therefore their physical forms where of much higher light body form.  In Atlantis this was shrunk to 43 (12 + 36) and after Atlantis this further shrunk to 7 only.  There are 330 chakras in all, and the more one activated the higher chakras the more one evolves by octaves of Being.

It speaks for itself then how far mankind has sunk into the sea of density and forgetfulness.

However the chakras are not the only energy centers held within the body!  The nadis and meridians play a huge role, and these are not just held within the physical body, but also within the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  To only treat the physical body, is the lowest form of healing there is.  When one starts treating ALL the bodies, disease cannot sustain life within the bodily form.

Take this one step further, and it was known that together with the chakras, the nadis and meridians, the 33 Vortex energy centers held within the spinal column had to be fully cleansed, healed and activated.  It was known that each vertebrae, held soul memory banks and only in releasing these soul memory banks could such a center be fully activated.  Each vertebrae acts like a mini computer chip, and records all that is held in the emotional and mental bodies.

Unless each vertebrae is treated like living entity in its own right and higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function nor can it be fully activated.  There is more to the spinal column here, than I will divulge now, but to confuse this energy with the Kundalini energy is to play down the importance of these energy centers.

The Kundalini rises yes, through center energy channels in the spinal column, however it is but one single energy force, and not the whole.  It is but cog in the Universal wheel – not the be-all and end-all as some would have it be.  Again, forgetfulness and the wrong interpretation of ancient scripts and the handing down orally of teachings, has left immense gaps in human knowledge and understanding of vital truths.

As mankind sunk into forgetfulness a lot of the teachers, could not understand the greater whole, and therefore started sharing only what they knew and could understand.  What went beyond their own understanding they could not teach.  They might have handed down certain texts, or what was recorded in such, but the earliest civilizations recorded such not in the form of writing, but in the form of ENERGY.

As the human body is this massive and very sensitive energy field, in combination with the emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve lightbodies, so is the earth.  Every single aspect of the human body reflects within the body of the earth.  She is as much a living, breathing entity as we are – it is just that we tend to forget that.

To me the earth changes and the opening up of the portals brings in a higher understanding of just how linked our physical forms are to planet earth.  But not only our physical forms and the rest of our bodies are linked – OUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS ARE ALSO LINKED THE PLANET’S!

Consciousness and awareness levels are not only linked to the earth’s but also to that of the 12 Central SUNS and the 12 Central Galaxies.


What is exists in the macrocosm exists in the microcosm and vice versa.

The portals opening up, come from the energy beamed down from the Centrals Suns, into the consciousness energy center of the planet earth.  The Central Suns are one vast energy center of highest Consciousness and the Highest Mind/Heart pulsation.

As human beings our whole energy systems are geared to PICK up the cosmic and earth’s frequency bands and the more consciously aware we become, the more we have the ability to TUNE into the cosmic and earth energy fields and systems!

If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions.  If the earth energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the earth energy transmissions.  BOTH have to be equally activated and opened up, before we can truly step into the 5th dimensional state, and this is even truer stepping into the 6th – 12th dimensional states.

Most people are not even aware of the earth’s energies, let alone the cosmic ones: -The walking, living, sleeping dead.  They will not be able to hold the higher frequency bands as the earth moves more and more into higher activation and with it shifts into higher cosmic frequency gear.

It is not only human beings who will not be able to hold their physical forms anymore as this happens, the same applies to animal and plant life – indeed any living organism.

It is the dying of the Old Adam and Eve and the birth of the new human race.

It is the dying of the Old planet Earth and the birth of the New EARTH.

It is the dying of some parts of the Milky Way Galaxy and the birthing of a new galaxy now being born.

We are in the process of a massive COSMIC rebirthing, revamping process and therefore should not fear the changes, but rather embrace them!  Whether these are earth changes or bodily changes or a total clean-up of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – and all the rest.

One only fears what one is not consciously aware and part of.

The more consciously aware one becomes, the more COSMICALLY aware becomes. 

Our souls are intricately linked to the Central Suns and to the Divine. 

Our SOULS are immortal, eternal, and therefore KNOW all of this.

There is truly nothing new under the Great Central Suns!

Photo credit  Visionary Artist Jean-Luc Bozzoli


(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

Immense energy changes coming in….

There is a higher state of Being which is truly something so deep, so immensely and totally there and is best connected to deep within ourselves.

It is that BEING which is behind all life and life forms, the very Higher Mind, the Higher Heart and Soul, and that which is beyond all of that.

In this moment, that is what we, who have been prepared for this for so long, are stepping into in the next few years.  It goes beyond whatever went before, and into a much higher octave of consciousness.

I understand this as pure energy and energy field, and it is there in every living cell, atom, and particle of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and all other bodies (12 in all) and it moves with very patterns and symbols, sounds of creation itself.

We can only tap into this from very deep inside of us, for it moves through certain energy systems in our physical bodies and then once those are unclogged and activated again, we move into a much higher frequency band.

I have been led to do intensively interesting transmissions on the spinal column for instance, and that has made me more aware of how this part of our physical body is an amazing device in its own.  When I say device I mean just that and I mean it in the context where it is linked to planet earth and then most of all cosmically. It acts as an intricate cosmic transmission center on its own.

We know all about chakras, and energy wheels, and the other bodies, but we have forgotten all about other vital components of moving energy fields and energy devices within our own human bodies.

I won’t go much more into this as my book is still the process of completion where I delve very deeply into this – all I want to say is that it made me aware that the cosmic law AS ABOVE SO BELOW and WITHIN SO WITHOUT as the very foundations, the whole strata-pattern on which the whole of the cosmos rests.

I am so much in awe of what creation is sometimes, that I have tears of awe and gratitude running down my cheeks.  WOW!  AHA!

Anyone who does not believe in a Greater Intelligence and a Greater Creative Force is not present in the heart and soul – for the more one if fully present, the more one starts activating the latent energy forces within all our bodies, and at the moment the higher 5 – 12 bodies will be slowly but surely activated when we are ready to fully step into our true power with responsibility.

This does not mean that some have not had their activated yet – it merely means that there is a immense stirring cosmically to now wake up human kind to truly start remembering and claiming their cosmic citizenship and take full responsibility for their own powers and the higher use of them, in higher alignment with the rest of the cosmos.

So, expect immense shifts now in energy and energy fields – it will be a whole and total reshuffling of energies and it will truly start working intensively with our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies now, as the 5th dimensional state makes itself known and present.

(Judith Kusel)


Energy shifts


We are now going through the greatest phase of being revamped and this will continue throughout and more or less until 2024.

It is an intense time of wakening up to the new and ancient energies being released.  It is something so powerful and potent, that I am doing my best to translate this into a language that you will be able to understand, as I have had mass downloads of energy field knowledge yesterday, with intensely important keys and codes getting activated.

In this there is a huge shift now from what we had in the industrial and technological ages, where all was in the mind.  The balance is now returning into that the mystical and magical is now returning.  With magic I am really referring to changing energy forms – therefore whatever one can dissolve and then reassemble is but a form of high technology.

Remember that in ancient days, magic basically was to understand the alchemical laws of fusion.  It was also a method of dissolving what looked like solid matter, into tiny particles and then rearranging it into a different form.  Therefore it was understood that all of life was but energy, and because one was energy one could have an effect on other energy fields, if one just knew how.  One was consciously rearranging energy fields and creating them into new patterns and forms, within the cosmic laws of creation.

It truly was not magic, but just a much higher state of consciousness and a more advanced evolutionary state.  Please do not confuse this shamanic work – I am not referring to this at all.

One of the components in doing this, was sacred geometry.  Another was sound and yet another was the vortex energy field as in the use of quantum energy fields.  This is something mankind will start remember how to do in the next 50 or so years – at the moment we are not even grabbling with an inkling of what this was all about.

In what I have been shown recently, there is thus a whole immense type of energy field now opening up within the earth which has lain dormant for billions of years.  It was removed or deactivated a long time ago, and it is now going to make itself felt. 

For want of a better word I will call this a marriage between the vortex energy fields and Goddess energy fields but in reality the two are one and same.  It is a vast creative force and it works via the intuitive heart-mind.  Therefore certain energy channels in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies have to be activated in order to be able to allow this energy to move through one and then to activate certain unused chambers within our third eye-brain, dormant for so long, and within our heart and solar plexus areas.  In reality this all links up to our spinal column – as this works in tandem with our chakra energy systems, but the higher chakras, need to be activated in order for all of this to start functioning and one whole.

I have had some amazing experiences in the last few months as I was shown this and I was being activated within so that I could move into this advanced technology – I had to get my own frequencies and vibrations up to that level in order to even glimpse this.  This is such advanced technology – but it is ancient – and it is like stepping into the quantum future of this planet, but in reality it is stepping into the past.

In a lot of ways we have to be reprogrammed to move into a different state of advanced being, where we can remember all of this.

The triggers therefore are not so much then in our energy fields and that of the planet, but are far more intricately evolved that this.  It works with the SOUL energies, as each one of us has unique soul frequencies and vibrations, and some souls are programmed to activate at certain times, when they get into contact with certain vortex energy fields in the planet – often they do not do this consciously but subconsciously, when they are being pulled to a certain place and then just feel like they FEEL better, or more activated there.

With all of this which is being now reactivated within us, we need to understand once and for all that the old ways are leaving us.  It does not help to try and rationalize this, nor go into fear patterns, nor try to run away from it – for indeed how can you run away from your own soul and its soul contracts?  How can you run away from what you knew would happen when you would incarnate onto planet earth?

It is just that most have been so controlled and programmed by the society and institutions that they cannot think for themselves, and more than this, they have not learnt to question and find the truth from deep within. 

All paths lead within.

I would not be able to share all of this with you, if I had not been brave enough to leave behind my old life and then follow my visions and calling and move into a totally different way of seeing and experiencing life. 

I know this to be true of many people who shared their stories with me.  We all at some point lost everything, in order to regain our soul and be led to expand in many ways.  This expansion has given us a whole new conscious awareness – but the old first had to disintegrate completely, and we had to be reprogrammed so to speak from our soul connections, and cosmic citizenship, in order to remember and then allow this to be activated from deep within.

So these next few months and years are going to bring us in truly more and more quantum shifts in consciousness.  It will literally shake us awake from the sleep of billions of years and the depths of forgetfulness. 

I have found the more I remember, and the more I am getting activated, that there is a sense of familiarity – some part of me knows this and has known this for eternity.  I just fell asleep for awhile, that fraction of me that is incarnated in the here and now on this planet.  The rest of me as access to the most amazing information held in the whole cosmos, for it is all one and same vast energetic field – all creation is one vast energy field.  It is a matter of learning to tap into this vast field and claiming your own keys and codes within it.

(Judith Kusel)

The Awakening…. deep within…

The awakening in consciousness is the true movement of higher energy fields, into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of mankind and planet earth on multiple levels and in different forms.
When one thinks of energy one has to understand that in essence all energy is made up of minute particles of light, which vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore the new energy now works on multiple levels, and that is color and sound. Both combine to form the nucleus of the new technology which will become the way of life, in the New Golden Age.
First of all in order for us to be able to tap into and utilize this energy and the energy fields being released to the optimum, we have to awaken from deep within. For in reality we ARE pure energy – our bodies are pure energy, and the earth is pure energy.
In the 3D world this energy was sluggish and very dense, and now that we are moving into the new dimension, this energy is becoming lighter and less dense. This is because the light quotient levels are going up, and thus we are able to absorb higher frequencies etc.
Our greatest source of energy absorption comes in two major forms or structures in the body: the chakras or energy wheels, and the 33 vertebrae of our spinal column. The other energy fields are there in the crown of our heads, in the heart center and in the coccyx bowl. It is when all of these are functioning as one single unit that we can raise our vibrations to such a conscious state, that we can easily teleport, levitate, and thus live off the prana, or vital force alone.
The Yogis in the Himalayas have done this for thousands of years, so it is in reality nothing new – it is just that we have forgotten vital components of how to do this.
I was listening to someone playing the Tibetan singing bowls, from the biggest to the smallest, and I could feel the energy vibrating through my whole body. As each set of bowls was tune to a certain tone, this tone then had the deep tones and the high tones, and all in the one single key, which was either A, D, E, F or whatever, and each one of these then attuned the chakras in question. As this happened, I found my whole spinal column reverberating, as the spinal column in one huge tuning fork, and it is through this incredible instrument that enlightenment happens, in attunement to the chakra wheels. Note the word ATTUNEMENT, for indeed that is what it is.
In that moment I understood, that we are like a violin – and the Master musician has to fine-tune us, so that we vibrate at exactly the correct tone or chord or musical note. If one single string on this violin is not perfectly tuned in, the Maestro cannot make beautiful and profound music, for the one string out of tune, will add discordant sound.
It is inherent to man to be in any way discordant, for we are made up of the same stardust, of which the Universe and all of Creation have been formed. Thus within ourselves we have the music of the spheres. It is a matter of being retuned, and restrung by the higher energies, so that we can at last claim our cosmic heritage and become and grow in perfect harmony with the rest of the cosmos.
Yet, in essence this is a very personal thing. As much as we can ask other people to bring our own energy centers in higher alignment, in as much something within us will not be tuned in, until we do the inner cleansing and clearing work.
What clogs up our energy systems the most is all the emotional baggage which we tend to accumulate and lug around with us. Some of this has come over many lifetimes and in multiple existences.
Every time we hang onto anger, or pain, and nurse resentment, discord, and blame ourselves and others, we clog up our systems, just like a drain gets block when too much debris is washed out it and the system gets clogged.
Sometimes these resentments and blame move through generations, and the bitterness is brought from one generation into the next. This clogs up the whole DNA and ancestral lineages.
In places where there has been war or intense trauma, that collective pain stays there for thousands of years after this has happened. I have stood on battlefields and the trauma there was palpable. Such collective trauma clogs up the earth’s energy fields and needs to be released.
In essence the rising of consciousness is a personal responsibility and a personal quest. Not one of us will have had the same awakening, or the same initiations. It is a very unique and special experience for each individual soul. There are many levels of awakening and many levels of consciousness. To each his or her own – this is what makes us unique and special, yet part and particle of a greater whole.
However, as each one of us consciously wake up and consciously clear our energy systems, and consciously work towards the greater good of whole, then we affect the level of consciousness all around. One has a ripple effect on many, and the more the one works with the many, the more the one becomes the many, and becomes a powerful catalyst for change.
Never under estimate your own power to effect changes. You might not even be aware that you are impacting on the lives of others, but you are in your own unique way. We are not all meant to be leaders in society – a lot of highly evolved souls chose to incarnate and lead ordinary lives, and do this work in total obscurity. It is not always those who make the most noise, who have the most potent effect on society. Most often changes come from the unknown and the few.
In the greater cosmic sea, every single soul is validated and every single soul is worthy in his or her own right.
Never under estimate the power of ONE, for here the law of the One and Many is applied.
Just like one single cell in your body, has a ripple effect on all the other cells, so does your presence cause a ripple effect somewhere and somehow here on planet – whether you are aware of this or not.
This is time of mass awakening.
So many of us already have been through the mill and back again, and now step into a great maturity as souls, so that we can lead the others. This does not mean that we can stop doing all the inner work – it merely means that we have found a type of inner balance and peace, which will help us through the next few years, until 2024, when the Golden Age will truly be anchored in, and on multiple levels.
As with all, there will be massive earth changes and changes within society by then. It is up to us to hold the light steady, and to truly step up and out in mission.
(Judith Kusel)

Crystalline Portals – New Chakras, sacred geometrical forms, energies

images (25)Within the cosmic energy fields there are certain crystalline patterns, which some of us know or are familiar with as sacred geometrical shapes and forms. In essence these are certain blueprint patterns and forms which the whole of Creation reflects in some form or another.

In the creation of crystals the same patterns and forms are repeated – indeed in our own human form and in all other life forms.

Crystalline forms within geometrical patterns, also have encoded within them certain COLOURS and these then bring in VIBRATIONAL healing which works then with the sacred geometrical form and the vibrational healing frequency of that colour. Add to this SOUND and HIGHER HEALING STEPS IN….

When we open up our HIGHER chakras, and more and more of our latent chakra systems are getting activated now, from 12, 24, 36 to the eventual 72 and if one’s quest for immortality reigns supreme eventually 330 chakras are opened up: – we open ourselves up to ENERGY WHEELS INCORPORATING THE CRYSTALLINE PATTERNS AND SACRED GEOMETRICAL SHAPES. In fact they move in groups of 12 – and once we have reached a certain platform we reach a portal, through which we have to step in order for the next 12 to be activated.

So, if in meditation you see your higher guides working with what looks like energy wheels and the colours pouring or radiating out from this, and then flowing in an double or multiple strand helix around your upper body and then moving down into your lower body, this means that these COLOUR RAYS are now being assimilated into your chakras and then your AURIC field and then into your other bodies – also the physical one.

You do not just have ONE physical body, in fact you have into 12 bodies, and each body incorporates a different frequency of vibrational octaves of the life-giving energies.

Your physical form might not KNOW or SENSE these other forms, but they exist. You can, the higher you go in obtaining mastery, start moving between these forms, which means you can literally up your frequency rate by stepping into the higher bodes and then become INVISIBLE to others or move between walls and also teleport yourself. These are all techniques we have forgotten.

In Celtic tradition this was called SHAPE-SHIFTING – we all are capable of this in one form or another and might even be doing this, without our knowledge.

I have experienced this myself sometimes, when I had to step up and into my higher state of consciousness, and I know I do this when I tap into the super-consciousness field in order to do soul readings. In normal consciousness I cannot just do that – I have to go into an altered and much higher frequency rate to be able to do this. (This is NOT a trance state – it is merely switching between the bodies and then stepping into the much higher frequency band of the extended SOUL).
Another way I experienced this, is when I had to stand in my MASTERY in order to open up a massive portal – it was not the conscious me – but the HIGHER CONSCIOUS ME which IS IMMORTAL. THUS I WAS IN MY MASTERY: THE I AM WHICH MY SOUL IS IN THE HIGHER DIMENSIONS OF BEING.

To come back to the energy wheels…. A lot of people, when they start seeing or sensing this via their third eye, shut down, because they do not know what is happening to them and then get scared.

The best thing to do, is when you start seeing this, to totally surrender your ego and ask for your HIGHER SOUL SELF to step in and then to invoke Archangels Raziel and Metatron to step in and assist the process of assimilating these crystalline forms and energies into your 12 bodies.

Your own extended blueprint and 12 bodies incorporate a massive space around you – in fact if you would step into all 12 bodies at once, you would take on a giant form and be immensely powerful – too powerful to sustain life on this planet because your body at this stage has not been able to incorporate all these bodies and is still in the birthing stage of remembering how to BE this.

In these next months and years those of us who are ready will find that we will have abilities, talents and know-how returned to us via these crystalline energy wheels being reactivated. I see this as staircases to heaven – literally, for like you go up in the musical scale to reach the higher notes, so your whole being is stepping up now in frequency bands and you will start remembering more and more the TRUTH of who and what you are – thus your expanded soul self.

I get feedback from all over the world from those I have done soul readings for. In the first instance when they are suddenly reminded of what their soul TRULY IS and what they are CAPABLE of being, they shrink ….. Or they say, yes, deep down I have always known this… They are stunned… Then after some months they come back and said to me: – now that I know this incredible things have started happening… I am so much clearer about my path and my memory bank is getting triggered….
We all have these amazing talents and abilities and we have forgotten how to use them. Now we are stepping into the time when mankind NEEDS this know-how again, and we ARE the ones who will have to go through this WHOLE PROCESS OF REACTIVATION OF OUR CRYSTALLINE PORTALS IN ORDER TO TRULY ANCHOR IN THE NEW GOLDEN AGE.

The more we open ourselves up consciously to receive the blessing of these higher crystalline patterns, forms and colour rays to work with us and through us, the more we will get activated and we are asked to truly open our hearts and souls, so that we can assimilate them unencumbered.

It is a process and whatever serves us no more – in other words, that which is blocking these energies in stuck emotions, or whatever else, will start disintegrating and changing form, until we have assumed a whole new bodily energy system which is totally in synch with the Higher Soul Self and its vibrational frequency.

This is truly a miraculous time we are living in and one which is truly changing us inside and out to very core!