Twin Flame Reunion: The Sacred Fire 2015 to 2025


I greet you on this the 24 December 2014, with all my heart, soul and Being and may your heart and soul be open to receive this message with great love.

For we are standing on the threshold of an immense change in the way life is going to lived as the New Age truly is not only dawning, but has been birthed.  It is not something in the far distant anymore – it is here and now and with us every single breathing moment of the day and night.  We are already LIVING it, whether we are conscious of this of not.

I have been called upon in the last few years to do Twin Flame Soul Readings, and I do believe that this has something to do with my own soul and what I have retrieve from the Ancient Memory banks, and from the what has been lost to mankind, with my Twin Flame in a lot of ways, the import of which will only truly reveal itself in the next years.

For I have been shown again last night, of how important the next ten years will be, in our whole human development, and nowhere will this be more felt than in the relationship areas.  For the old way of relating will dissolve, as these old patterns, the way we behaved and lived since the fall of Atlantis, is leaving us now.

It is no accident that so many of us, have created patterns with our Twin Flames and those whom we had relationships with,  that come back to haunt us in this lifetime.

Not all relationships were ever forged in love – some were forged in times where dowry agreements were considered more important than anything else, and women became bargaining tools for political and other alliances.  It goes without saying that a lot of women were literally sold into slavery, into harems, as mere chattels, vessels to be used and discarded at will.

So, all of these relationships,  then coming to haunt us, as has happened and will happen more and more in the next few years, as we have to heal deep inside of ourselves:  – it is not only the women who have to find the deep love and forgiveness inside of themselves for the men who took away their dignity, their right to be the Goddess of their own bodies and their own lives, but also the men – for in that the old control mechanisms fall away, some kind of balance has to be reached, where we can relate at deep and profound soul level again and understand, that when we love at soul level, then the physical love has to manifest into form in the same way.  For the soul is Divine in itself, and is innocent and pure.  It can be no other in the sight of the Divine, who created the soul in perfection.

Mostly it is the deep shame and guilt that we all felt at some stage, when we incarnated onto planet earth.  Most often we tended to be ashamed at what happened to us, whether we were responsible for what happened, or not.  We tended to beat ourselves up for the rest of our lives, because we felt that should have had a better deal in life.  Shame and guilt can be carried over, over many lifetimes, as the old negative patterns, the negative cords, attachments, and hooks that are there in our sexual area, and still keep us tied to those who entered there, even from lifetimes ago.

I believe that higher healing is now going to become the norm, as balance and sanity returns to mankind.  For one moment, in Atlantis, insanity reigned – now sanity is returning and with it these deep soul wounds and scars will have to be cleaved open to the very core in order for us all to heal: – men and women.

We are all one and the same, whether we were the ones who abused their power, or who were abused …..

The true and deep lesson for the whole of humanity lies in the correct use of power – for all power at its core is neutral, it has no negative nor positive charges.  It is what we do with the energy of power  that has brought the destruction of mankind time and again.

We now will be forced to delve ever deeper into our relationships, not only with our Twin Flames, or other souls, but with ourselves and the Divine, we will be cleaved open to the very core.  It means shedding skin after skin after skin – until there is just the naked soul in all its glory and innocence and in its true Son- and Daughtership of God and in the role of co-creator.

What is it that we wish to create with our relationships?

What is that we wish to create with our love for each other?

How is our love relationship going to serve the rest of humanity and the cosmos at large?

How are we both going to serve our highest soul purpose and calling, and still find that deep love for each other, and serve by loving each other in new and sacred ways?

How are we going to use the sexual fire for the greater good of all and in higher service?

In the Ancient Mystery Schools the soul had to go through stringent initiations into the rites of Love and the Sexual Energy.  It was no joke.  Both were considered the most powerful gifts that the Creator God bestowed upon his/her creation!!!!  Read this again:  the most powerful gifts bestowed!

It is what we do with these most powerful gifts that make or break us!

The Ancients knew this!

That is why one had to go through initiations, so that the inner strength, the inner fortitude, that inner soul self, could be trained to find that deep love inside themselves, in such a way, that that love would sustain them through life, no matter what life brought in both challenges and support.  For once the soul was deeply anchored in the LOVE DIVINE, it would be able to deeply love itself, and when it deeply loved itself, it could then love the other, in the same measure as the love for self was there and the love for the Divine.  The sacred Trinity!

For in any relationship there are not just two souls involved – there is the third force, and that third force is the governing force, the POWER itself.

For in true and deep union, there is a deep and profound honoring of the other.  There is a deep and profound understanding that the Divine lives within that soul as it lives in the body, the mind, and spirit.  With it a deep respect for the power of the sexual energy, for when it is used in the correct way, then egos have to get out of the way, and a sacred flame/fire is ignited, which will singe and burn and harm if not understood fully.

It was no accident that those men who truly had powerful life’s missions to fulfill always had a twin flame with whom to perform these ancient Sexual rites, because of the fire of the sacred flame – for the woman is the transmitter of this energy more than the man, and he can only step into his fullness of his own power and higher maturity of his mission, with her being empowered totally within.  Read that again:  SHE HAS TO BE TOTALLY EMPOWERED FROM DEEP WITHIN AND AT SOUL LEVEL.

With this is also no accident that true maturity, the true wisdom, and the true initiations were only considered to be fully activated at the age of 60!

Yes, 60, for then one was considered to have finally come of age, to understand the deeper Mystery and to use its power with responsibility.  So all the other years were spent in initiations, so that one could then step into full power at the age of 60!  If was also accident that when these sexual rites were performed within that maturity that the next fire was ignited – the fire of longevity!    One literally could expand the life span, by finally understanding the deeper mystery of Twin Flame union – and all the energies involved.

If there is not balance within the male, and balance within the female, then there is imbalance, and imbalance creates immense pain and suffering in any form!

It means that he stands in his full power – but this is not brute force, but it is tempered by love, deep and abiding love and a deep understanding of the Mystery of Love and Life to which even he most bow and bend to, and be flexible within.

It means that she stand in her full power – which is there in her womb, her sacred soul self, her emotional center.  She has to fully empowered by the mystery of the Spirit and Soul, and all that is Love at its deepest mystery.  She can only transmit the sacred fire via her womb, if she is firmly anchored into the Mystery of the Goddess herself, for she BECOMES the Goddess in the sexual act!  If she is not thus empowered, she will go off kilter and then will withdraw from the male because she is not within the supreme balance of life itself!

See, then how much of this mankind has lost.

See, then how much we have to re-member and re-learn.

Only when we truly seek with all our hearts and soul to love another, as we love ourselves, and then the Divine above all, can we experience the very depth of the Mystery of the Sacred Fire itself.

Such is cosmic law.

If one does not honor cosmic law, one will reap what one has sown, and that is pain and suffering, and destruction.

Inherently the greater return to the higher state of Balance, lies in the understanding of soul relationships and in the higher understanding of the sexual energy, as in the Sacred Fire.

Without that we cannot truly find a new and higher ways of loving each other, and finding that beautiful sacred union, that is the ultimate gift from God.

May 2015 bring this understanding to all who read this now.

This is an adventure and a deep unfolding in itself and only those who seek, truly seek with an honest and open heart, will find the keys and codes given to them to unlock the sacred fire.

Such is the importance of this time!

Let those who have ears listen and those who hear, hear!

(Judith Kusel)

Karmic Links and Ties in Relationship Patterns


A marriage is God’s gift to a man and woman.

It is a gift that should then be given back to Him.

A marriage can be a blessing on to the world, because it is a context in which two people might become more than they would have been alone.

(Marianne Williamson)

In my Twin Flame soul readings, which mainly deal with relationships, and in my own life, I have come across certain karmic patterns which have been created over many lifetimes here on earth.

In essence this is not about Twin flame relationships per se but rather about patterns that were created between two souls in context of a relationship – whether they were married in a past life, or lovers, or in whatever form.

There are positive and negative patterns.

I was shown today, that positive cords and patterns created have a beautiful and profound spectrum of pure love and light.  Within these sacred geometrical patterns created, the flower of life itself looks like it has been lit up from deep within, and it looks like a star-filled galaxy with all the color spectrum of light beaming through it.  These are loving cords and loving ties, which were form in moments of pure and utter love.  Moments when the ego disappeared and true oneness made itself felt, on multiple levels.  Such pattern can be uplifting and eternally there, for they were created from the purity and essence of Love, in its most beautiful Divine essence.

However, dark patterns, and those infused with trauma and pain, betrayal, jealousy, lust, control, ownership patterns, are filled with dark strands.  Some of those cords and ties are slimy black things, and some look like dark tentacles hooked into some area of the body, and then tie two people together for lifetimes.  Some look like spider’s webs and are filled with this dark and sticky matter.  That is how I have seen and sensed them in myself and others.

To me these patterns between two souls reflect the collective consciousness of mankind, since the balance between the masculine and feminine was distorted, and ownership became the norm.  Often marriage was a matter of dowry, so someone was literally sold to another party, because of political and property alliances and had nothing to do with love.  Others were enslaved and used as concubines, or eunuchs, or merely were seen as possessions with no feelings and no soul.

The problem with such relationships which were formed is that because of karmic links and ties two souls will be drawn together, for those marriage vows, those sale contracts, or political alliances etc. are still in place in the ethers.  So soul meets soul and still feels they OWN the soul and therefore can demand the right of ownership in this regard.  Unless these vows and contracts are released, the angels administering these vows will keep them in place.

Often because of soul contracts these soul will be drawn into relationships, even if negative patterns were created, for they now have a window of opportunity to release these outdated vows and pacts etc. and finally dissolve these unhealthy patterns.  Yet, some souls get so caught up in a love/hate relationship that they tend to repeat this pattern.

This pattern is exasperated when the man in question had a harem at some time in his lifetime.  So now he has this ego of owning more than one woman, and they might appear in his lifetime.  So, there is this idea that he owns more than one, and then wonders that the women concerned are not very amused by all of this – indeed in some lifetimes these same women might have been very jealous of each other, for there was a lot of intrigue in such harems, as a lot of the alliances again were political.

If you think of your soul therefore as having had multiple existences and in various forms, then you will realize that you might not only have had relationships with one soul, but with many souls, and at some time in this lifetime you will meet up with them.  Then there is that instant attraction, and that sense of familiarity – because of what happened in past lives.

Yet all relationships at the very core have amazing lessons to impart, and maybe the greatest lesson of all is to never give one’s power away to anyone nor anything.

To me this just is one of the most amazing things which is happening now: – as the feminine Divine returned to the planet, women now have at last the opportunity to step out of that slave, that political or property pawn stage, and enslavement and claim their birthright.  That means that we now have the opportunity to cut those negative cords and attachments and free ourselves up from old vows, contracts, enslavement etc. and become free in more than one aspect.

This does not mean that we have to throw the baby out with the bathwater – rather to we take our own power back, and grow in love and a loving state.  When we do the inner house cleaning, the collective consciousness rises, and the new woman emerges, who is not allowing herself to become a pawn nor a slave anymore.  Yet, she does not go overboard and then returns like with like by enslaving men – rather she moves into the heart of compassion, where she forgives the past and lets go of the pain and trauma and empowers herself on all fronts.

Her power is different from a man, for it is heart-centered and at core compassionate.

This does not mean that men were never enslaved nor owned – of course they were and a lot of men are embracing the feminine side of themselves, which is leading to more balance.

I am merely here pinpointing to something which going to come to the fore more and more, as the higher energies come in and more cleansing and clearing happens, and nowhere will this happen more obviously then in the relationship framework.

I see this as stepping into the powerful role of CO-CREATOR, where we now have the opportunity to dissolve old unhealthy patterns and create positive and uplifting new ones, which will be the foundation of the new way of life now emerging and the higher states of consciousness.

What a beautiful and profound gift this is!  Wow!

(Judith Kusel)


The Wayshowers – the FIRST

The most profound truths have remained hidden to mankind for thousands of years, as the mainframe minds of men and women were hijacked by those who wished to control others because of their own agendas.  It has not been so much as serving the self, as in wanting to have some powers and then using these powers solely for self-service and then in order to, as said CONTROL.

Yet in a strange way this has served some souls…. For these are the souls who came in and truly shone their light, refused to adhere to the status quo and in such, gained immense insight into what the make-up is or was of those who imposed such restrictions and rules.

In a higher sense these were old patterns of behavior repeating itself.  It was that imbalance created when the one half or even a quarter of the population of this planet and other solar systems and galaxies got infected by a certain dark or mass consciousness, which tended to suck in and then destroy.   It was a consciousness which existed even when the Divine Source was birthed out of that darkness and it suddenly appeared, or rather made itself felt as a power.  It was then when the wars of heaven broke out for the first time and since then it has gained in some ways and lost itself in others.

There are always moments when enlightenment come and when those who seek the path of truth will find it reveals it hidden face to those who truly seek it.

In the very beginning of time, this planet has ONE landmass and then it was the time, when those who first decided to settle here, knew that they were partaking in an EXPERIMENT.  No-one knew how this would work out…. The plan was there, the guidelines set out, yet what would be created out of it all, this is the one factor that no-one quite knew.

This was a relatively new solar system, and the planets nearest to the Planet, the SUN, which suddenly out of nowhere, started to orbit this sun, was Mercury.  It was from here that the first life started in this solar system, and then Venus, with Jupiter following, then Saturn, and then the other planets.  Mars was a relative newcomer and therefore linked to Planet Earth, while the Planet which blew itself up between Mars and Jupiter, was the one, who had been the first of such experiments to be created, as a satellite space station, between Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn etc. towards the sun and then, also, at the same time, acting as a type of portal or wormhole from which the other galaxies could be reached.

This planet as such as then just a mass of gasses starting forming in shape and then the scientists aboard the great Mother ships and then from the Federation of the Brotherhood of Light, started to work with the settlement of this planet, thus forming its gasses into matter and then first her waters, then the landmass and then started introducing plant and animal life to the planet.

These Mother ships were proverbial ARKS, in that they had on board a vast collection of plant, and insect life, as well as animals.  Most of these animals, were volunteers from these species and then they agreed to participate in this experiment, as they too wanted to evolve in some extend and with it all wanted to see how life would or could develop on this new planet.  It was supposed to have been the Crown Jewel of Creation and everyone wanted to make her something very special, like a great act of higher service to the Divine.  When this is done, these scientist then do this, as CO-CREATORS and thus within the Divine and Cosmic Laws.

What essentially made this planet different was that the moon was first used as a satellite station and then the underground cities, the underground space stations on this planet were in place.  This was essential at that time, for already there were stirrings of the wars of heavens starting to overflow into this galaxy and then into these universes and solar systems.  Thus, by going underground, all who then sought shelter there could do so, from asteroids which were then very real, as the wars continued to create havoc.    It was also a way, then of having a resting place for the crews of such Mother ships, when they could not go home, because of these self-same wars.

As the landmasses settled then, the sea life was introduced and then plant life and then slowly but surely the animals.  The elemental Kingdom worked closely with this whole process as in the forming of landmass etc. crystals naturally formed between the layers and then also were USED to create – thus the scientists used crystals to create and stabilize and then the same elementals would assist with supplanting their own life forms onto the planet.  ALL WORKED AS ONE, for this was how it was in the beginning.

Animals have souls and are part of soul groups, just as we are.  Most volunteered as said, to partake in the experiment on planet earth to experience, learn and teach, just as we do.  Some are highly evolved and maintain a fifth-dimensional energy while on this planet.   Most take their experiences back to their home planets to enrich them.  Once on Earth they way we treat the animals affects their incarnations and their spiritual growth.

The following galaxies, stars and star systems, constellations were involved in this EXPERIMENT: 

ANDROMEDA:  They are a very tall race with mostly white to golden blond hair, as well as the red to auburn, and are WHITE skinned.  They have very large and beautiful eyes, are gracefully built and have mastered the art of peace and eternal life.  This however came at a great cost, for they at first, being one of the first 12 galaxies to be birthed by the Divine Source, the wars in heaven brought its toll, and a quarter of their own home galaxy got destroyed.  They thus saw that wars bring only destruction and then they pledged to bring peace to all the far outreaches of the cosmic heavens.  They are very highly evolved, and thus have such high-frequency physical bodies, that our eyes cannot see them, unless they beam their bodies in holographic form, so that we can see them.  (I come from Andromeda, and I remember my friend, who can see your true celestial body, saying to me that all she could see in the beginning was flashes for immensely high energy light.  It was only later that she could see my true form and then said it appeared to be see-through).  They are a very gentle, loving race and bring immense CREATIVE abilities with them, and hold the codes and keys of WISDOM, ILLUMINATION, HIGHER TEACHINGS, KNOWLEDGE AND HIGHER HEALING.  They act as the Keepers of the HIGHER SECRETS AND CODES, THE HIGHER ALCHEMICAL FORMULAS AND THEY CREATED THE WEB OF LIGHT, THE ENERGY CENTRES OF THE PLANET, THE PORTALS ETC.    They were involved with this planet at first via the ARCTURIANS and the PLEIADEANS.

THE PLEIADES:  The Pleiades star cluster is often know as the SEVEN SISTERS and it radiates feminine energy light and wonderful blue healing energy.  Their healing is based on wholeness and truth.  Beings from the Pleiades are bringing healing to people and places on this Planet.  A lot of the old races on this planet remember this in their myths and legends and thus acknowledge them as one of the creators of the planet.  One of these are the SAN or BUSHMEN people of South Africa who particularly point to the fact that they got their sacred animal, the ELAND from there and the Praying Mantis. 

ORION is known is the planet of enlightenment, where there are many established training schools for those souls who are ready to accept cosmic wisdom.  Beings from here have very fast-frequency energy in their auras and open others to their special light.  They got especially involved after the first major slip in consciousness arose and were most prominent in Atlantis and then later on Egypt etc.

SIRIUS and LAKUMA:  Sirius in the constellation of CANIS MAJOR, the Greater Dog, is the brightest star in the night sky.  It is known as the star of Isis.  The Dogons of Africa are from Lakuma.  They hold wisdom of Sirius and dance its movements.  Sirius holds spiritual technology and sacred geometry for this galaxy and downloads it to those who are ready to visit its training establishments in the inner planes.  The children being born who incarnate from or through Sirius are programmed with the new higher technology for use in the New Age.  Horses, Cows, Deer, Camels, Elephants and dogs come from Sirius.  All the birds come from here and had to step down their frequency considerably in order to be able to function here.

The LION people come from Sirius and Orion and they were one of the first volunteer races to settle here.  

ARCTURIUS brings in the higher states of awareness and consciousness.  It brings in the healing through sound and then the higher understanding of how sacred geometry and sound work together AS ONE.  It brings in the knowledge of how to use crystals in the working with the body, mind, spirit and soul and they are known as the Higher Healers of the Cosmos, as also the first true herbalist and those who use the geometrical structures of plants in higher healing.

PEGASUS has always worked with ANDROMEDA and from these combined galaxies, come the higher teachings, wisdom, healing and understanding.  They were the ones who laid down the WEB of LIGHT, the energy centers and then also the ones who built the first CRYSTAL PYRAMIDS on this planet.  They are also the ones who work with the energy of Earth, the Cosmic Energies, the balancing of the mind, body, spirit and soul.

These then were the MAJOR role players, in the FIRST SETTLEMENTS, although other galaxies and star systems were involved, via the Intergalactic Federation of the WHITE Brotherhood, which does not depict the colour of the root races involved, but who was behind it all! 

 For instance from PISCES:  the fish species and all related species stem from here.

The others who were involved in the first settlements, where those from the BEAR Constellation, from URSUS MAJOR and of course our own MILKY WAY GALAXY.   The ones, who came much later and influenced the shape of mankind, were the NABIRU, who came to the planet uninvited and caused much havoc.

Those planets involved here from our own solar system, were Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter with Saturn playing a lesser role.

The first colonies were set up on the SURFACE of the earth, thousands years after the first settlements INSIDE the earth, and mainly because those working on the surface loved this so much, that they asked permission to settle here.  Thus the first settlements on the surface arose and thus the EXPERIMENT OF PLANET EARTH BEGAN.

In the beginning all was beautiful, balanced and in harmony.  It seemed as if all life forms were adapting well to life here and indeed, would thrive….. That is until things started going dreadfully wrong in another part of this solar system and then spilt over to planet Earth.  Yet, this is a story for another time and space….

Hidden in there are the patterns created by the mass consciousness of the first volunteers at the time, and what went wrong there, has repeated itself over thousands of years.  We now have to BREAK those patterns, and CREATE new ones…..

DNA – Clearing of Karmic Family Residue…

Through time and space your soul wished to be here.  It wished to be part and particle of a dramatic series of events, that would change a lot of the old mistakes, which have been made over millennia on this planet.

When this planet was first made habitable, a lot of volunteer souls, ASKED to be part of a huge experiment.  It was an experiment that would see to it, how life and lifeforms from other galaxies and star systems would survive on a planet, within a universe, which was one of the latest being created and birthed within the Milky Way Galaxy.

In the beginning there was harmony and balance… and there was no such thing as strive, hated and war.  However, during the course of this first settlement, the offspring of those who first colonized this planet, started coming into contact, with those who Beings who had conquered and destroyed other star systems.  These Beings first settled on Mars, and the planet which blew itself up, (in a massive war) between Mars and Jupiter. 

These Beings, who stem from a Black Mass of consciousness, infiltrated the planet, and then proceeded to destroy the first civilization…. Their destructive tendencies, then went on to destroy the subsequent civilizations which rose from the ashes of the first, and they were called Mu or Lemuria and Atlantis.

Since then, civilizations have risen and always ended up destroying themselves, repeating the age old karmic patterns, that have kept this planet prisoner, since those from the Dark Mass first infiltrated the mass consciousness…

A lot of the souls now incarnated, have either been involved at the beginning of time, as scientists CREATING this planet and settling in the first life forms… or were involved as the first VOLUNTEERS…. Some of them were the first ones from the DARK MASS consciousness who subsequently introduced the self-destructive tendencies….  All of these souls, now have to confront not only their OWN PERSONAL KARMA, but also whatever they CONTRIBUTED TO THE MASS CONSCIOUSNESS….

Then there are those souls who have no karmic links with this planet, but have merely volunteered to assist this planet at this time, with the raising of consciousness.  Yet, they also, at some time, have had connections with this planet, in one form or another.

When we start understanding that SOME PATTERNS, such as SELF-DESTRUCTION have haunted this planet for millennia, then we also understand, the importance of our SOUL MISSIONS on this planet at this time…




This is because, when Lady Gaia, in a dispensation to the Divine Source, asked to be assisted, as she is slowly dying, they agreed to assist, and to send in a mass of LIGHT WORKERS AND VOLUNTEER SOULS TO ASSIST, WHO WOULD ANCHOR IN THE HIGHER COSMIC RAYS AND HOLD THE LIGHT STEADY SO THAT THIS SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS COULD OCCUR!

The Good News is that we, who are the volunteer souls, are succeeding in this, as the old patterns start breaking up.  However, OUR GREATEST TASK IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS WILL BE TO INCREASE OUR OWN LIGHT LEVELS AND OUR OWN FREQUENCIES AND VIBRATIONS, SO THAT WE ANCHOR IN EVEN MORE COSMIC ENERGIES.

How do we do this?  First of all, it is work on self, and then work on family karma, and then work on social and mass karma.  The next step, once this has been done, (and this will happen in 2013 – 2024), will be A MASS CLEARING OF THE CLOGGED ENERGY CENTRES OF THE TONAL CORD ENERGY CENTRES OF THIS PLANET, SO THAT NATURAL ENERGY RESOURCES CAN BE RETURNED TO THIS PLANET.

It is most important now, that when your own life start falling apart (or has already done so in the last few years, as most Lightworkers have been through an initiation to raise their consciousness and purify their souls for this work), and that of your family, and social structure, is to ask for clearing of personal and family karma.  This is mainly because, in order to incarnate onto this planet you had to chose your family.

However, within your FAMILY DNA, certain PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOUR have been programmed in.  Your task is to consciously break those patterns, or in other words, clear those karmic patterns, so that, with the changing DNA, those patterns CAN BE RELEASED AND REPROGRAMMED!

The best way to do this, is to, in meditation, ASK TO SEE THE LORDS OF KARMA.  You will be introduced to them.  Then consciously ASK THEM FOR THE CLEARING OF PERSONAL AND FAMILY KARMA. 

They will ask you to specify what it is you wished to have cleared.  You may then ask for clearance ONE THING AT A TIME.  For example: – within your family there might be a tendency for suicide.  Then ask for that pattern to be cleared and released.

You may have to do this once a month for some months, as this is a ongoing process, and as 2012 advances, more and more karmic patterns will start emerging.  You might not even be aware that they are there, but things will start happening that will make you aware for them, and then you can deal with them one at a time.


This message has been given to me, directly from the Divine Director, Lord Rekovsky, who was the teacher of St. Germain.  He is in charge of the Lords of Karma for this planet and thus is working closely with all of us, at this time.

Our DNA has to be cleared, so that the next generations, will be freed from the repeating patterns, and can truly anchor in the New Golden Age.

People who push your buttons and soul contracts….Karma…

I am often asked why certain people seem to give one such grief in life… and why some seem to really push your buttons….

This is indeed a very interesting question, mainly because two aspects come to the fore: – If a person is pushing your buttons, then they mirror back to you something you have not made peace with in your very own life and deep inner self. 

The second is that some people, sometimes groups of people or souls, have karmic links with us…. and we, as a collective are repeating some old karmic patterns, which are now going to come to the fore more and more…

Sometimes, however, the souls who LOVE us the most, agree, just before we incarnate, to take on the role of challenger, persecutor, or whatever, as we decided to master certain lessons  BEFORE we are born here…

Your soul, before it is allowed to incarnate onto this planet, is sent to a SOUL SCHOOL or UNIVERSITY, in the Pleiades, and also then on Uranus.  Here they are briefed about what an incarnation here on this planet entails.

You are then taken, with those souls who are contracted in to incarnate with you, or have already incarnated, and then your previous lifetimes on this planet, as well as elsewhere are taken in consideration.  The Lords of Karma look at your COLLECTIVE SOUL CHARTS from all incarnations (whether on this planet or not) and then advice you, as to what soul lessons you have not mastered or experienced before…

They then look at the souls in your soul group and other soul groups who would volunteer to assist you to master those lessons and hone your soul’s inner strength and abilities.  You chose your parents, brothers and sister, for this reason.  We also chose certain aspects, we cannot experience in any other form on any other star system or galaxies, and that is pain, feelings, emotions, to such a polarity of opposites, as is experienced here.

Sometimes a soul might decide to choose too many lessons to master, and then it will happen, that the Divine Director will simply advice the soul, to rather not attempt too many  lessons, as those souls, tend to forget how harsh and hostile life sometimes can be on this planet…. Or simply have never incarnated here before…

So, instead of condemning the people for what they do, have done, and will do to you… or how much pain, anger etc. they are causing you, why not sit down for one moment and think this through: –

What valuable lessons have you learnt because of their behaviour?  Has it made you more independent… more responsible…?  Has your pain, assisted others, as you have had more empathy and understanding, because of it?  Has it given you courage and strength,  that you never even knew you had?  Has this taught you persistence?

The deeper you dig, the more you will find that there is always something that you learnt from the experience…

For example:  You might have a pattern of having too little money, or losing money.  In fact, this seems to run in the family…. Well, then has it not taught you, that even if you had absolutely no money, you still somehow survived?  Did not people help you that you never expected to?  Who supported you, emotionally?  Who showed sympathy?  Who gave you money?  Windfalls, etc.?  Until you learn to love and appreciate the energy of money, and then decide to see it grow, instead of spending it all, the energy of money will always evaporate around you….

Or it could be, that you had already experience lifetimes, where you had wealth, good fortune, etc. and you CHOSE to have this experience, for soul growth…..

Ask yourself too, to what extent, does this person or persons, or circumstance,  reflect something WITHIN YOURSELF that you have not acknowledged or have avoided seeing about yourself?  There lie you shadow side, waiting for you to embrace…

For we all, while on this planet EMBRACE BOTH, THE LIGHT AND THE DARK.  We are here to FIND EQUILIBRIUM…. The BALANCE POINT!

When we reach this point, we become grateful for the lessons.  We start seeing how these souls have SERVED us… We start releasing the emotional charges associated with people and places, and we start LIVING AND LOVING with open hearts.


There is not one single soul on this planet that is so very lost, that they cannot be healed by a little love, nor in need of some… and there is not one of us, who does not understand the value of being loved and accepted for WHO AND WHAT WE ARE and not for what others want us to be….

This is why family, often are the ones who hone these lessons home: – have you ever seen how siblings can fight – and then a third party wants to make peace and two turn against that person, and then that person becomes the perpetrator?

This is because those two fighting, are actually teaching each other some soul lessons, and the third party is not supposed to interfere with that lesson!

So the next time, someone pushes your buttons, ask yourself what you have not mastered about yourself and what you are denying about life?

We are all souls on a journey called life… and we might as help each other understand and master the lessons, while we are here: – the LESSONS OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF SELF FIRST AND FOREMOST AND THEN OF OTHERS!

As we master each soul lesson… learn to forgive those who have hurt and harmed, intentionally and unintentionally and forgive ourselves, then the lessons disappears and we can move onto the next…

The higher the cosmic frequencies, at this time, the more of all the unresolved stuff and patterns from this lifetime and other will come to the fore… as our souls wish to be freed from the karmic debt and move into higher and higher octaves of being and also the different dimensions of Being….

It is surely a time, to get rid of all the excess baggage, so that when your soul plane takes off, and into the new life, it won’t be weighed down by being over the weight limit