She – Fullness of Goddesshood


She is no longer looking at men to validate her worth

.She is no longer begging to be loved for her soul, and all of her being, for she understands that her soul is infinitely connected with All-that-is.

She feels deeply and profoundly, for she is that heart-felt Being, who creates with great love, and all whose lives she touches can drink from that eternal fountain and find the love that is expressed in trillions of millions of ways.

She loves what she does, and she does what she loves, and she is not waiting anymore for the approval of others, for she understands that she is unique and special, and needs to live what she is truthfully and from her heart and soul.  Whether others understand this, or not, is none of her business – her business is to live her life as best she can, with all that she is and aspiring to be.  The rest she leaves in much Higher Hands.

She embraces abundance in all its forms, and she knows there is more than enough for all and she applies the law of equal giving and receiving and counts her blessings every single day, and blesses all whom she encounters and all the earth and sky.

She is not afraid to be Other-worldly for she always knew that this planet was not her home, and that she belonged between the galaxies and stars and in infinite abodes, where earthlings have long forgotten they dwelled.

She converses with the Angels, Archangels and so many of the unseen worlds, for she knows that they exist just as the physical earthly denser realms exist and are just as real.  For she knows deep in her heart and soul those times when she shed quiet tears deep in her own heart and inner chambers and in her own space, which no-one has ever seen.  There were times when she depth of despair called out the deep nights of the soul, when she had nowhere to go to, nobody to confide in, nobody to share this with, but her guardian angels, God and all of the Archangels, and her higher guides were there to assist her and she will always remember this.  So she does not wait for the down times to come, she asks them every single day to be with her, to guide her every step of the way.

She knows things which men will never know nor understand, and she trusts her inner knowing, her inner seeing, hearing and intuition, for it always is right.  She has long since learnt when she ignored it; she would get herself in trouble.  Now she just trusts what is given, even if sometimes she cannot see the bigger picture as yet.

She knows things and has that insight and vision, the wisdom of All Ages deep within herself, and she has loves delving ever deeper into the mystical, the magical and infinite wonder of life and that which is beyond what is just of the earth.  She wants to know the inner workings of the all that is, and what lies beyond, and she is not afraid to explore beyond the norm, and then to trust that whatever is given her, is the truth, for she searches for her own truth, the truth of her soul and what rings true to her.

She has started loving herself, for ALL that she is, and she is learning to love every curve, every sinew, muscle, wrinkle and cell, for she is finally realizing the gift of the Sacred Temple that is God/Goddess given, and she is grateful for ALL of it.  And she gifts herself with self-pampering time, inside and out, and she is not snoop with allowing herself ME-TIME, time to just be!

She feels vibrantly alive, and filled with the very gift of life, and she stops looking at that propaganda,  the false hype, the false images of what a woman should look like, and be,  stops comparing herself with others and beating herself up, and looks rather deep into her own soul for what is truthful, authentic and real for herself and she honors her body as sacred, special and unique in its own beautiful way.  For everyone is beautiful in their own way, and all was created unique and nobody is better made than the other – God/Goddess made them all perfect, whole and complete and nothing is missing.

And when the men (and women) try to make her fall into the trap of competition with others then she quietly smiles and goes her own way.  She is the Goddess after all, she spans dimensions and outer space with her inner Being, and she knows that in all the cosmos there is enough room for everyone, and nobody has to compete for attention, for their own place under the Central Suns: – for God/Goddess created the vast firmaments of the heavens and what is even beyond all of this, and her soul knows no competition there, as everything slots in perfectly where it should be.

She is very aware now, and discerning about her own sacred space, her womb, her most treasured and most beautiful womanhood, as a sacred gift to herself and to love.  She loves herself, nurtures herself, and she does the inner healing work and releases all the emotional negative cords, hooks and ties, and she asks Archangel Michael to cut all of these, and she frees herself of all the emotional baggage, and refuses to drag the past and all the past lives, and all the ancestral baggage any longer with her.  She is learning to fly unencumbered and free.

And she knows that she loves deeply, profoundly and when she loves she gives it her all, because she can do and be no other: – but she refuses to allow anyone to use her as a doormat to wipe their feet on, and she refuses to be treated like second, or third class, or even like someone without a soul, for she has learnt that boundaries are healthy, and she has mastered the fine art of self-respect, self-worth and self-love.

Because she now honors her own soul and her inner soul radiance, and her most sacred space, she is very fussy and discerning about whom she allows into her most sacred space.  She no longer is begging for crumbs, she refuses to change and lose herself for any man, and to allow anyone into her energy fields who is not on the same wavelength and same frequency band as herself.  She has finally learnt that she is capable of walking her path alone, and with strength, rather than allow herself to become disempowered and give her power away, to someone who does not see her inner beauty, and does not wish to stand there, as she is willing to, stripped naked and vulnerable to her core soul, with her heart and soul open, nowhere to hide.  If he cannot open himself in the same manner, then there is imbalance, and she at last understands, that where one is too much, and the other too little, imbalances cause pain.

It is not that she is not willing to be in relationships: – it is just that she finally understands the fullness of her womanhood and the fullness and power of her Goddess hood.

She has been through the mill and been grinded into the finest of dust, been reassembled, reinvented and through it all, and she finally understands that her power lies in her authenticity, her truthfulness, her faith, her inner strength, her inner beauty, her loving heart, her ability to ride out the storms and still come out of it all in one piece.  There never was a time when she ever was without a roof over her head, a bed to sleep on and food on the table, for she has been carried on the wings of the angels, and she knows for sure, that she never ever is abandoned, nor alone.

Now she claims her full Goddess hood, and she claims all that she is, and she no longer shrinks away from the power of womanhood, but she embraces it all.  She stands there fearless, and stands firmly rooted in Mother Earth, as she is firmly rooted in the Divine Cosmos, and all that is, and will ever be, and she does not need to be validated for who and what she is!  SHE IS ALL.

Therefore, she will love fiercely, loyally, and with her whole heart, mind, soul, spirit, body and being the man who is fearless in loving her too.

 The man who is willing to love her totally, complete, and not shrink away from her power, but stands fully in his own manhood and power too.

She does not want a half-man, or an unconscious man, she wants him to be there fully conscious with her, whether he understands her or not.

Love needs not to be understood, but best felt and lived every moment with every single breath and beyond all of this, into the mystical where one has to chart new journeys and cleave open new ways of relating and being, and therefore true love.

When she stands in the fullness and glory of her own womanhood, yet open, vulnerable, authentic, real, honest, and in her higher soul love, and he in the fullness, glory, vulnerability, authenticity, realness, honesty, without masks, then they both are there in their innermost soul and the magnificence of their soul beauty, and then they can finally meet as equals, as partners, in balance and create something extraordinary together.

And finally they see that they are not in competition with each other, they are not at war, they are not pulling each other in different directions, not causing each other pain: – but they are finally realizing that their soul calling and purpose is greater than the sum total of all, and when they are  able to find each other on so many levels, that they are meant to work together in tandem, in partnership, outwards into the same direction, sharing the same vision to raise the consciousness of Being, and to work towards the greater good of all.

At last there is the freedom to create new and greater levels of love in relationships, without the one being overwhelmed by the other, but each one equally empowered and in love.  Walking in love, talking in love, partnering in love.  This does not mean that there will not be fireworks, thunder and lightning, and times when the rain washes away all at the seams: – rather that one is mature enough, to ride out the storms, and to truly harness that inner soul strength and then to find that in the end all has knitted one closer together and one finally understands the immense gift of TRUE LOVE.

She finally has come home to a deep resting place, deep inside herself.  She has lost all in the process, her work, her home, her family, her friends.  The old life has disintegrated at the very core.  Yet, she has found a deep inner belonging, a deep inner peace, a deep love, which spans all dimensions and forms.

She is realizing that happiness is something deep inside herself, and she no longer looks for it outside herself.  She knows that she is whole and complete, and therefore there is no neediness to find someone to fill up the void – for the void is no longer there.

Now she can love with a love deeper and more profoundly, for it is soul love. And she can be all whom she wishes to be and more.

And she is learning to fly high like an eagle and to soar even higher than that, into the galactic and cosmic spaces.  She knows no bounds.

And one day, he comes, her eagle, her mate, and they fly and soar and do the mating dance.  And she finds they are equally matched – and then, she flies high above him, and he below her, and she closes her wings and free-falls: – and he catches her with his wings, as she has trusted him to do.  Then they reverse the process and he free-falls and she catches him with her wings.

On total trust, respect, and a deep honoring of the soul in each other, they now mate on higher and greater levels before:  not because of all the scars, the dark nights of the soul, and all else, but rather in spite of them all, and because those battle scars where hard won and served their souls in immense ways, to finally be able to love on a far deeper and more profound level, and experience the transcendental, Universal love, of the Divine Male and the Divine Female, and ultimately the true state of bliss.

And then, one day, she stands there, on the high mountain, and she thanks Mother Earth for giving her life, for giving her this body for an eyewink in eternity and to experience life on planet earth.   She thanks the Goddess for teaching her to stand in her own power, and for reveling and dancing in her own beautiful and profound womanhood, and for giving her the opportunity to finally understand the immense gift of life in this form.

As she raises her hands to the heavens and lifts her face to the sun, waves and waves of love energies run through her and radiate out into the cosmic whole.

She has finally come home.




(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

Suns within Suns: – Lessons in Planetary and Soul Mastery.

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We are preparing for the re-entry of massive ancient energies and energy fields which have lain dormant for billions of years.

With it come the age-old challenges for souls who have incarnated onto this planet – some who have been here from the beginning, and some who incarnated in later civilizations and the last huge one, which was Atlantis.  Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Mexico, Peru, China, etc. were build on the foundations of what has been before, merely building on the same building blocks, but haven lost most of the higher meaning and the potent energies, higher dimensions of that time.

All of the soul who incarnate onto this planet, are briefed before entering on the conditions on this planet, the life and lifestyle and that they would be entering one of the toughest schools there are in soul growth.  In that it is mainly because of old “negative” patterns which mankind created in all those billions of years of life on this planet, which were self-destructive.   It was almost a cycling tendency of mankind to always build and destroy and then destroy more.

The higher meaning is that we, as humankind, were about the only species in the cosmos who managed to fall from the 7th and higher dimensions and the state of Light-Being into the 3rd and animal world, and so, this lifetime is all about mastering the lessons of what has come before and to create new, and more holistic life patterns which will finally have taught us some incredible lessons in self-mastery, and in harnessing the forces of the cosmos, not in a self-destructive way, but in a life-enhancing way.

When I do soul readings I often will tap into the greatness of the lives of the souls in incarnations before and then I often wonder, how it is that souls who had experience such power and greatness in one lifetime, would somehow fall under the spell of power and abuse it in the next.  Or they would allow their own power to be taken away from them, although in most cases this was more or less the trend of the whole humanity at the time, e.g. when women lost their power and were more or less enslaved by the male principle who wished to mind control everything, and to take the soul out of the female principle.

Underlying all human behavior patterns is FEAR.  Fear not only keeps the soul prisoner of the Maya, the Illusion spun by the mass consciousness of the planet, but also most makes human beings behave in irrational ways.  With fear, mostly come shame and guilt, and the tendency to self-destruct – which means beating oneself up, believing one has not worth, that one is somehow flawed, or not measuring up.  It also the fear of the Unknown and what you human beings do not know, nor understand, they fear and wish to destroy.  Yet, what one is not measuring up to, nor understands,  is but another illusion spun by the mass opium of those who wish to keep the masses in fear and imprisonment of their own minds and belief systems.

Perhaps the greatest lessons to master for all souls and on all levels, is the acknowledgement that most fears as but illusions of the mind.  It is not that fear does not serve a higher purpose: – it does!  It teaches us to question the truth of the illusion and to act in spite of it all, for once we act the fear vanishes, like mist evaporates on a sunny day.   There are of course those situations in life where the innate fear is a warning signal that all is not kosher and that we should be on the alert, but again it serves in immeasurable ways to teach us to question what lies within and without and what is withholding our action into expanded Beingness, by buying into that fear.

I have found that the more I question, the more answers come.

The more one knows: – the less one knows.

When one stand at the expansive KNOWING and KNOWLEDGE of the cosmos, one tends to shrink, for truly there is so much vastness and infinite space of infinite wonder to explore and make your own in the cosmos: -you can never say you know it all, nor that you have even reached a fraction of knowing that is available on the cosmic scale.

The infinite higher mind is always re-creating itself and ever expanding upon itself, and so the is the infinite higher heart-love energy.  It is never stagnant and therefore souls go through the same evolutionary process, ad infinitum.

What we know, or think we know, on this planet, is indeed very primitive compared to the immense knowledge that other galaxies and star systems have, and we all stem from the 12 Master Galaxies of the Great Central Suns who created planet earth all those billions of years ago.

We are but infants in the cosmic playgrounds, and who are we then to think we know it all?

On earth power games, mind games, are nothing – they have no clout in infinite space and once we start realizing to what extend we allow ourselves to buy into the illusions of power play on this planet, we allow ourselves to be shrunk on soul level.   When we stop allowing ourselves to be shrunk, we step into infinite possibilities of soul growth and reclaiming our soul power, which in truth is infinite.

As above – so below.  As within – so without.  The law of cause and effect.

These three infinite Universal Laws are the keys to all existence and to all of creation.

What is there in infinite space, repeats itself in earthly planes, to the TEE.

What is there WITHIN us reflects without.

We are not power-less but power-full.

The more we connect at deep and profound SOUL level to the infinite BEINGNESS which is our central place under the Central Suns, uniquely our own, within the greater SOUL GROUP we belong to, and we LIVE our soul name, calling and higher purpose, the more we can tune in cosmically.  We do not need the earthly knowledge and earthy realms to keep us bound to their way of thinking and being.  We are freed up to be, and become in infinite ways.  We are not earthly bound anymore.  We have claimed our cosmic citizenship and our right to cosmic Being.

We realize that we are but on this planet for an eye-wink in eternity.  Yes, not even an eye-wink, not even one single God-breath in the infinity.

Yet, we think it is a big deal.  We shrink ourselves; we allow others to shrink us.  We buy into illusions of how our lives should be, or not be, of how we should live, what we should eat, how to dress, what to have in order to be a “somebody”, but even being a “somebody” does not bring the ultimate state of evolvement, nor enlightenment.

It is buying into the insanity of being and trying to find saneness.

Maybe I should replace that with saint-hood.

Why this planet is the greatest and toughest school of soul mastery there is, is just because of this insanity and the attempt to imprison the mind and soul of those therein.  In the insanity, there is sanity, for it teaches the soul immense lessons, of finding it own way out of the Maya, Illusion, and into the realms of infinity WITHIN the SOUL.

The Higher Mind and the Higher Soul is always connected, plugged into the Infinite Source.  It cannot be other, for one fraction of the soul is remains attached to the Divine Source, ad infinitum.  We cannot ever be separated from the Source.  It is impossible.

All paths lead within.

Yet we all have free will and choice what we do with the life eye-wink on earth.  With every single act, comes a reaction.  With every single thought – a creation.  We create in a sense our own cages, our own prisons. 

When we start tapping into the infinite freedom of the soul, and higher mind within, we expand into someone other – the Higher Soul Self, the Higher Mind, and we literally can span dimensions, move into remembering parallel lives and existence, and claim our cosmic heritage and citizenship.  We are boundless, we have our home in galaxies and star systems and infinite possibilities of ever greater expansion of cosmic awareness.

There is nothing new under the Great Central Suns.  The infinite expansions, ever upon it-self, continue and new Suns are born, but all the Suns are still the Suns of the Suns.  Ad infinitum.

The lessons in power are essentially the lesson of each soul.  We are what change the world.  The outer world we manifested over the ages, the self-destructive ways, will only change to the extent that we allow ourselves to change WITHIN.

Such is the truth of the heavens.

And such are the immense lessons in Soul Mastery.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings:

The White Flame – the Flame of Power, Wisdom and Truth.


We now entering a new phase of the deep remembering on mankind of what it has lost with the fall of Atlantis, Lemuria, the Lyon Kingdom (Lyra), and Elysium – the first ever civilization on earth.

In that this has to do with the pyramid energies we have lost with most of the original pyramids being so deeply buried and purposefully hidden from mankind, as the Intergalactic Counsel vowed that mankind would not be able to access their energies and diamond/whitegold energy grids again, until they had learnt to use the energies released in a responsible manner.

One of my first past life recalls was a vivid recall of how I used to be a High Priestess in charge of the Pyramid Temple of the White Flame.  It was the biggest of all the pyramids and it stood on an island offshore from the mainland.  It emitted blinding pure white light and incorporated all the color rays into one single flame.

It was here that the Super consciousness Energy Matrix Field was kept, which incorporated all the data collected from all the cosmos, and especially this planet, solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe and the12 galaxies who were involved with the co-creation of this planet.  It was linked directly to the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and to the Galactic Core, and to the 7th Pyramid Temple of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy.  All worked in tandem AS ONE and all life on this planet, all creations, and all knowledge was programmed into this temple flame, for it held all of this at one single central point for humanity.

It was known as the main Temple and it held the Halls of Records (as in the Super consciousness Energy Field – thus not like scrolls, or writing, but pure energy), the Halls of Wisdom and Knowledge, the Halls of Technology and Science, the Halls of Higher Teaching and Mystery Schools, The Halls of Higher Healing.  It was one massive center of higher studies and learning and all of this was held in one single energy field which was then the Super Consciousness energy field, directly linked to the Divine, via Sirius.

I vividly recalled the last days of Atlantis, and then how this temple was bombarded by a massive atomic laser beam directed at it, from those who wished to destroy this temple and all within it.  It was then that a massive rescue operation was launched – The white flame and the Super consciousness energy field were removed and taken to Andromeda for safekeeping and all those places on earth that had held its knowledge collective and the affiliated pyramids and energy grids were sealed off so that no one had access to them anymore.

I, together with Thoth and my life partner High Priest and a handful of other who had stayed true to the Law of One, then took the lesser records of the planet to the Sphinx for safekeeping in Egypt, as by that time Egypt had been developed as a colony of Atlantis.

The sphinx and the pyramids of Giza were much older – they were the remnants of the Lyrian contingent (the lion people) who had a massive civilization in the Sahara long before Ancient Egypt, and that had been blown up – literally because of a massive nuclear war between two brothers, which incorporated the whole Sahara and the Middle East.

The sphinx then was much older than even the pyramids – for the Atlanteans rebuilt the pyramids or rather revamped them on the base of the much older pyramids which stood there before.

The sphinx itself has 72 underground storey’s and the Halls of Records, the lesser ones were then stored deep underground and sealed off with certain energy systems, which work on vibrational frequencies.

It is Atlantis which now is haunting us as so many thousands of souls who were involved in Atlantis have all incarnated again, in order to fulfill the karmic obligations and to finally make right what went wrong.

Atlantis itself worked on many levels and was constructed on the ruins of what were once the great civilizations before it.  It therefore rose out of the ashes of the old and a lot of what it inherited or created in technology was not their own, but rather borrowed from those who went before.  One could also use the word, “retrieved” or “remembered”.  Yet, it was not as sophisticated as before, because Atlantis itself was in the 5th dimensional state and not the 7th, as was before.

It was this fact, most than anything else, which eventually caused its downfall, for although they had then access to this immense technology, they did not know how to use its power.  Meaning, instead of using the power for the greater good of all, they started using it for their own ends, and thus wreaked havoc in the end – self-destructing because of not mastering the lessons of power.

What added to the downfall of Atlantis, was that they opened their doors intergalactically, and therefore had other beings from other star systems coming in and settling here.  It was these beings that slowly but surely infiltrated the minds of the scientists and those who were working with all pertaining to that, also the metaphysical, that ended up in the misuse of power.

As Atlantis is rising and coming to haunt us all, we will all have to master the lesson of POWER.  It is not only those who rule who have power.  We all inherently have power. Indeed, most of us tend to give our power away to others, for we do not value our own power, or we allow others to overpower us.  We are disempowered, and then moan about the state of the world.

The fact is that the world is very much inside of us.  We are the world we create.  It all carries the world inside of us.  What we create inside of ourselves is what we manifest into the world.

Most of the populace of the world live quite lives of desperation, mainly because they do not empower themselves and they do not seek this empowerment.  It is mainly because they have never understood the basic principle that one can be or do anything – no matter what the circumstances are.  If you truly wish to rise above all of that, you can and you will.  The majority do not even try, for they blame everyone else for their calamities excepting themselves.   Yet, some of the greatest leaders of the world have emerged from the most difficult of circumstances and have risen above it.  For they had a dream and a vision greater than the sum total of self and they did not let anyone stand between themselves and this vision.

Moreover then we have the power then to create our lives according to our own inner visions.  Sometimes though what we try to create is not always in highest alignment with the greater good of all concerned.  Most of us know of things we knew in our hearts would hurt someone dear to us, but we still did that.  Or we tried to force our will on others, knowing that we were taking away their own free will and choice.

At this time a lot of those old things will come up from our lives in Atlantis, Egypt, Avalon, in particular.  They are all linked.  It is no accident.

It is bringing to the fore all those clogged energies in the northern hemisphere which has to do with war and destruction, with trauma and pain.  It has to do with the abuse of power.  Power play.  Overpowering. The use of force.

This does not just mean warfare – relationships often are the greatest battlefields and where the greatest abuse of power is played out.  The use of power or overpowering in sexual sense, in marriage, in power plays, in contracts etc.

The same applies to business and the use of power in business.  It applies to education, to science, to technology.  Everywhere where power is used and abused.

Nobody is exempt.  We all have power and we all tend to abuse this in some way.  If we do not do this with people, we do it to animals, plants, the earth itself.

Until we start becoming aware of how and when power plays come into play – we will not master the lessons of those before us.

Therefore we will be brought back to our highest truth and integrity and to the full knowledge that we are in this moment standing on the threshold of immense reopening up of the energy grids of the world, the reactivation of the pyramids, but we have to take full responsibility now, of our use of power.

If we do not master this lesson, then we will not be allowed to use the power unleashed.

It is as simple as that.

The Temple of the White Flame is rising again and the White Flame will only be returned to this planet, when we finally are ready to take on the mantle of responsibility to use this immense power for the greater good of all, and not for self-service.

The carries of this flame have always had to carry the flame for all humanity.  They know who they are, and they, more than anyone else will know that power is a two-edged sword and one to use wisely.

The epitome of wisdom is to know power and use it wisely.

(Judith Kusel)

Photo:  Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Cosmic Ripple Effect – the Radiant Soul


We are not meant at this time to shrink away from our highest soul purpose and calling.

Some of us have worked many lifetimes for this ultimate raising of the consciousness levels of mankind, as we witness the fall of the same from the 7th dimensional state and into the third.  Some of us vowed that we would not rest, until mankind finally learns to ascend into the higher states of Being once more and therefore incarnated at this time to see all of this into completion.

I have been working intensively with the spinal column of the planet, the pyramid energies and the Rivers of Light, the Tree of Life in the last few years.  It has brought to me a type of understanding that the earth is intricately linked to the human body.  Indeed, the body of the planet reflects our physical forms.  As we are of the earth, so we return to earth.  As the planet moves into the higher octaves of being, we move into it as well.

With this comes the understanding that we all are cosmically wired as well.  So, although the earth is part and particle of our bodies, our soul is cosmically linked to the rest of creation.

It is only when we incorporate BOTH heaven and earth into our daily lives,  that we start to function at a greater level.  As long as we are in denial of any aspect of earth and cosmos we are not balanced.

In that we expand our consciousness, we expand into ever greater understanding that nothing is ever at random, but all fits perfectly into a greater Master-plan, a cosmic one.

As above – so below, as within – so without!

In that the human cell is an amazing and intricate cosmic machine in itself, reflects the immensity of the Being who created the human body and whether we inherited this form via our ancestors or from cosmic Beings, is of no essence: –  for all is part and particle of one single Masterplan and the same Mastermind which created all.

If one single cell in our physical bodies can have a ripple effect on all the other cells and organisms in the human body, then imagine how your own soul sends out ripple effects to the rest of the cosmos.  You are not on this planet randomly, but because your soul chose to be here at this time.

So, with every single thought you think, with every single moment that you live life on this planet, you are sending out, or rather radiating out energy into the greater whole.  That is how powerful you are.

Imagine then, that you are sending out these ripple energies into the earth and having an effect on all the people that you meet in some way or form.  How are you impacting then?

Are you like a sickly cell that is effecting the other cells of human consciousness in downwards spirals and it part of the dis-ease in the collective of mankind?

Or are you a healthy and radiant cell, bringing in more radiant life-force energy and love into Being and thus lifting the greater humanity into the higher states of Being?

If one becomes aware of this, something deep inside is awakened, and one starts to live life differently.  You start to take control over your own life, and the way you are living it.  You start empowering yourself from soul level and then reconnecting to the cosmic soul and the heart-force energy of all life itself.

I cannot stand in the understanding of all of this, without standing in awe and wonder at the magnificent and omnipotence of all of Creation.  When I understand that my own soul is pure energy, and I transmit this energy in all that I am and am aspiring to be and to become, then that means that I act as a type of energy force, which is a co-creative force.

I can use this energy for the greater good of all – or for the destructive and splintering of all.  That is how powerful I am – and you.  For we all have this inherent ability deep within ourselves!

Perhaps then, the more we understand energy and energy forms, the more en-light-ened we become, the more we are lit up from deep within.  That light is our birthright as children of the Sun.  Like the Great Central Sun radiates out from the inner galaxies, which were the core 12 galaxies ever created around  the Great Central Sun, there are different octaves of Being.

For there are 12 Octaves of Divine Being in itself, and each one of the radiant Galaxies reflect this.  Therefore the 13th holds the Master Key encodements.

The whole energy shifting on this planet is all about understanding this.  It is more than this the understanding that we are all cosmic Beings, and have the ability to expand beyond the norm and into the extra-ordinary, the higher octaves of Being, not only via the planet but also via our own souls.

For truly there is no higher calling, than to become ignited from deep within, and then to ignite the rest of the world and the greater cosmic whole.

(Judith Kusel)

Cosmic Law 1: As above….. so below

Cosmic Law 1: As above – so below.

Cosmic laws are spiritual and soul laws, which apply all over the cosmos and there are 33 basic laws, which apply to all souls, ad infinitum.

It is only when we violate these basic laws, that we incur pain and the karmic laws starting to come into operation.

LAW 1:  As Above – so below.

What happens in the macrocosm happens in the microcosm for all is ONE and the SAME.

The Divine created magnificent patterns and blueprints for all of creation.  Your own soul is part of a greater soul group, who in turn form part of a cluster of soul groups, which then are as ONE massive macrocosm of life expressing all aspects, character traits of the Divine and all it created back to Itself. 

Therefore nothing is at random – but all is perfectly synchronized to form a great cosmic whole.  There is not one minute particle of life that is not perfectly designed and created to fit into the great whole.

All is designed to form one huge macrocosm, which is all one and the same.  Thus what is created within this macrocosm has been reflected in the microcosm of the Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar System, our planet, and all our 12 bodies.

We ARE All-that-is and All-that-is is us.

You ARE that:  I AM THAT I AM, for you reflect that in all that you are.  There is not one single iota or nuance or whisper of yourself which is not reflected in the macrocosm, as not one single iota or nuance or whisper or vastness of macrocosm is not reflected in you. 

We can never be separated from the macrocosm or the DIVINE, for WE ARE the macrocosm.  We ARE all of creation.  Creation breathes through us and experiences life through us. 

Therefore, your soul group has a Divine blueprint of vibrational frequency pattern which is uniquely its own.  As your soul is part and particle of this Divine Blueprint, you have your very own Soul Divine Blueprint, and pattern, frequency band, and soul expression, tonal chord and soul colors.  Your soul then is a micro energy field, within the cosmic energy field, and therefore vibrates at the frequency of the tonal chord, which in turn forms a part of harmonic frequencies of the Divine, which is in reality the same symphony of sound, which is the music of spheres.

The Divine therefore holds that soul Blueprint, that perfect creation of you, as a picture in its mind.  That is the real essence of you.

It holds this Divine and perfect vision and frequency band of you within itself, no matter what you do.  This is the perfection of macrocosm, which holds all of you within itself.

When we are on this planet, we forget all of this, and because of the conditioning and the false indoctrination of the educational systems, we forget all of this, and a huge sense of separateness takes hold: – the feelings of loneliness, abandonment, of not being good enough, even as if there is something dreadfully wrong with us.  This is a lie.

Your soul is but incarnated to experience all of this and to remember the TRUTH of you.  When you start remembering your own soul truth and who you are at deep and profound soul level, then the remembering returns, for with the remembering come the deep re=connection to your soul group and to the greater cosmic whole, where you can never to lost, cannot be alone, nor abandoned.  YOU ARE THE GREATER WHOLE AND THE GREATER WHOLE IS YOU!

The Divine and the macrocosm wait without judgment as we experience and learn during our life on earth.  When we are ready it opens up new portals within us, so that we start remembering and re-connection deep inside of us.

When you start remembering, your heart and soul open up, and a deep sense of belonging, of being part and particle of a much greater cosmic whole emerges and you start assuming COSMIC citizenship – which has been yours all along.

As you start remembering, you start acting, living, and being from the depths of your heart and soul.  You start doing what you love, and love what you are doing.  You are so filled with love from deep within, and your neediness vanishes and completion and wholeness assumes.  Therefore you can love and be in overflowing and rejoice in each moment of being alive and well and on planet earth.

When challenges come, you will take that as great lessons to master, those lessons which will reflect an aspect of life back to the Divine, and will assist your soul evolution.  Instead of resenting challenges you will embrace them as great learning curves, for in obtaining mastery; you can assist the whole of life to master that aspect too, and with it comes empathy and compassion for all living things.

When the realization dawns that you are part of the macrocosm, and part of the Planet Earth herself, for she IS you, then you realize you are standing on holy and sanctified ground.  You ARE part and particle of EVERY SINGLE micro organism on this planet, and the macro organism, you are part of every single plant, animal and every form of life on this planet and beyond all of that.

When you harm one single iota of life on this planet – in any form – you are harming yourself. 

It brings a deep and profound respect for life, for other human beings, for cosmic beings, for all forms of life – for all forms and expressions of life are YOU.

Therefore this is the most important law to grasp and understand.

Dis-ease, dis-comfort, dis-harmony, dis-cord, all reflect being out of synch, or not in higher alignment with the greater cosmic whole. 

When you create within the greater cosmic macrocosm of WHOLENESS, then you cannot create anything that is not in higher alignment with your own being and that of the Divine, for then you create discordance, and dis-ease in YOURSELF.

Therefore this is the first law to understand – and therefore is the master Key to all of life and the understanding there-of.

(Judith Kusel)


The Cosmic Dance of the Twin Flames

TwinFlames 4 Judithimages (33)The Cosmic dance of the Twins.
The soul itself is not bound by time and space, but lives eternally. It lives as sheer Light energy, which emits not only light, but sound and colours. It vibrates in harmony with the light frequencies and sound (tonal chord) frequency band of the soul group, or Over soul. This in essence is the I AM presence, which is present in all of us.
When the soul is fully activated, it has 12 distinct flames, and these flames then form part and particle of the 13th flame, which in essence is the flame of the Holy Spirit, or the flame of the Oversoul, as embodied in soul group spirit – that collective, which in turn forms part of the greater cosmic flame – the threefold flame, of LOVE, POWER, and WISDOM.
When we incarnate onto a very dense and hostile planet (and this is NOT Mother Earth who makes is so, but so who wish to control her for their own hidden agendas), the soul has amnesia. As a child we might remember something but the status quo soon tries to shut down our pineal and pituitary glands, so that we cannot receive cosmic transmission of Light from our soul group and the cosmic hierarchy and most importantly the Divine.
I am going into some detail here, so that you can understand that in essence you vibrate at a soul frequency (which is hidden in your soul name – by the way very different from any earthly name for it epitomizes the frequency band your soul vibrates on) and that when this frequency band is fully activated, someone who is not of that frequency band, will fall off the bus, so to speak. For a frequency band will only be able to sustain what is on the same frequency band, and when more or one tune into that same frequency band, then there is unity and harmony. Anything discordant to that, cannot exist there – it might disrupt the frequency band, but when it is fully activated and over-lighted by the collective soul group, and the Divine itself, it will automatically revert to its own frequency band.
You can think of this a radio…. When you tune into the frequency band of your favourite station, you might find disturbances, until you are tuned in a exactly the right frequency band and then you can hear properly and sound is not distorted.
In this lifetime all of us search for that ultimate in love and loving and we all dream of that ultimate happiness, the unity, that we, on soul level, and remember that state of harmony and bliss.
Our soul, in all its 12 flames or particles has had many lifetimes, in many forms and existences, and not only on this planet. For example: I know that a part of my own soul is pure light frequency. It vibrates at such a high frequency band that psychics have often told me that they cannot see form, but only streaks of pure Light. This part of me is attached to the Divine Source, and that is where is works in Temples of Halls of Wisdom, Higher Teaching, Healing and Records. This is one of the reasons that I can tap into the highest and purest soul records. Another part of me, is attached to the Andromedan and Galactic Core Federation, and very much that of the Pleiadean and that of Sirius. There are then different parts of me, working and living simultaneously, with this form of life I have chosen here on Planet Earth. In reality only a tiny fraction of me, has incarnated, the others are still elsewhere in the cosmic whole, working there.
In reality I am a cosmic Being, having a short sojourn here on Planet Earth and mainly to complete mission.
It has taken me while to understand this whole concept, and I am often asked about it, and that is why I am sharing this with you today – not to boast, but in all humbleness, so that you might have a greater understanding of the magnificence of your own soul.
On this planet we are deliberately withheld from the truth of our soul, our soul group and the Divine truths, which have been hijacked along the way and distorted. Until we start reconnecting to our own soul, and build our Lightbridge back to the Divine, activate our Stellar Gateways and our Soul Star chakras (which are huge transmitters and connect us to our own Divinity as held within our soul groups), we cannot be fully activated and empowered.
At this time, this planet is in a major state of revamping, and so is the collective whole. Some of the souls who have incarnated since after World War II are the same souls who were involved with this planet from the very beginning and have now returned to hold the Light steady and to anchor in highly advanced knowledge and understanding. They thus are here on a specific mission and for a specific and very specialized task. I call them the ILLUMINED TASKFORCE.
Some souls are VOLUNTEER souls, and come from other galaxies and star systems, which have never experienced war of any kind – not even the Wars of the Heavens. They came in with immensely powerful technological tools and higher healing abilities which will assist the planet to move from the third to the fifth dimensional state, and once that state is reached, their soul memory banks will get triggered (if not already) and they will be the ones who bring in the UNITY and the HOLISTIC ways to use the earth’s energies and cut out all the use of fossil fuel and will bring the planet back into balance and harmony. They are specialists too and I call them the VOLUNTEER TASKFORCE.
Others are from soul groups which have been involved with this planet for millennia and came here fleeing from the Wars of the Heavens and none more so than those who blew up their own planet, Marduk, which was between Mars and Jupiter. They are the ones who control the planet at this moment in time ( I call them the infiltrators).
When one starts to see this bigger picture, you will start to understand, that your soul is not here by some fluke, but rather by design, but it is not your WHOLE soul, it is but a fraction of it.
In some cases, when a planet is about to ascend, and thus move into a higher frequency band or consciousness (as the whole of the Milky Way Galaxy is at the moment) more than one particle of the soul will incarnate. I will call them then Twin Flames, for want of better word to describe them.
The Twin flame differs from and soul mate, in that the soul mate comes from the same SOUL GROUP e.g. THE LOVING ONES, and the twin flame comes of the SAME SOUL, thus is one of the 12 flames which make up your own soul.
In this the soul is equally divided into masculine and feminine particles, as is all of creation. This is equally balanced, for all of creation has a positive and negative charge. In essence then a particle of the soul will have a more negative or positive charge, remembering that this is pure frequency of Light.
I don’t know if you have ever been in a science class where a positively charge ball meets and negatively charged ball – then electromagnetic energy explodes where they meet. This is in essence what happens if two particles of the same soul meet on this planet, called Earth – there is an immense spark ignited, which will find itself expressed in the sexual energies aroused, but unfortunately that is where most people stop.
Relationships in essence are not just about sex – relationships in essence are about a profound sense of INTIMACY, which goes beyond the stripping off of clothes and having good sex.
In the depth of INTIMACY, lies the TRUST.
If I can, at deep and profound SOUL AND HEART level, stand naked, vulnerable and open in front of my Twinflame – totally open: the light and the shadow and there is no hiding whatsoever, no secret agendas, nothing but the purity, the absolute purity and innocence of my soul, and TRUST the other to become ATONE with me, totally opened up at soul level and stripped naked to the core of him or herself, then the two flames merge AS ONE and create a THIRD FORCE which is the SOPHIA or HOLY SACRED FLAME.
As long as there are any parts of me, which are not in higher alignment, which are not opened up, which are not in balance and harmony, the Flame of the Twin will consume and burn me in all those places where I have not made peace with myself, my other flame and most importantly life itself. All those unloved parts of me, will stand there, waiting for me to OWN them and love them – before I can to the same in my MIRROR, my twinflame.
For nobody MIRRORS you as much as the Twin does – after all he or she is part and particle of YOU – of your soul. The Twin knows me inside and out and my shadow and light.
Whatever you hate about yourself, will show up in the Twin. Whatever you love about yourself, will show up in the Twin.
For we all are both, light and dark, positive and negative. It is the BALANCE we seek, that harmony WITHIN, which is ultimately were we TRUST ourselves, that we TRUST the other to come into our most vulnerable, most precious, most treasured parts of ourselves, where we normally do not let another soul in, and be open enough to take him and her completely into ourselves and become AS ONE BEING.
The Twin teaches of about SELF-MASTERY. To the extend we are the master and High Priest, the mistress and the High Priestess of our own Temple, we are able to bring about profound union or reunion with our Twinflame.
The union between the Twinflames, can be the utmost in ecstasy, bliss and euphoria, or can open up the floodgates of Hades and the Underworld. In essence, that is where we are tested the most. That is where our true initiation into sexual sacred rites happen. It is the opening up of the seven veils of our inner sanctuaries within our own physical bodies and that of our heart, our third eyes and soul.
For to the extent that all these seven layers of being, move into the higher octave of Being, which is the 13th elevated state of the Tree of Life itself, the kundalini or serpent energy which we raise in our union, will either burn and consume us or lift us into the higher dimensions of Being.
Why? There is the secret and hidden chamber between our pituitary and pineal glands which gets activated by the serpent energy. If we burn each other rather and unite into one single flame, we short-circuit the energy fields and boomerangs onto us and that is where we are consumed with pain. When we learn to become as one, both flames EQUALLY CHARGED then this chamber ignites and we are moved in the sacred and higher realms which are cosmic in proportion and are in essence the true knowledge of the Tree of Life – the knowledge of eternal life.
It essential comes back to the soul empowerment of BOTH, before the ultimate in union can happen. All roads in life, lead WITHIN.
Until I nurture the sacredness and sanctity of my WHOLE being, and become ATONE within, I cannot ignite the same in my Twinflame and become ATONE with him or her.
The cosmic dance of the Twins, is in reality the cosmic dance of the masculine and feminine and the flame of ATONENESS – harmony, balance and bliss.
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For Twinflame Soul Readings please contact me:
(Judith Kusel)

Moving into Infinite Space….

There are massive electro-magnetic storms and other activities going on within our solar system, the solar sun bursts, the universe and counter-universe and the Milky Way Galaxy itself. This means that there a huge, like an electro-magnetic energy field in upheaval, like a massive cosmic storm
In this it is starting to push all of us, not just Planet Earth, for she is but part of the greater whole, into a different state of Being. It is creation re-forming herself on multiple levels and becoming something different – it is restructuring itself into a form of life and moving into a higher evolutionary state of Being.
We on this planet are not entities on our own, and Mother Earth has given her whole-hearted agreement to also be changed and reformed- and restructured. She is therefore too in a tremendous state of flux. Her core inner earth centers are being refurbished, re-structured as is all the rest of her.

We are being re-formed, re-structured and re-invented – that is why nothing of the old ways is working anymore…. Wars will start dissolving themselves, as if a Master hand had just played chess in a huge form and just started to shuffle around the pieces and has called the end to the game.

That reconstructing has come in the form of completely new infinite space, which is of a much higher frequency and vibratory level. It is in essence an immense cleansing, clearing and purification of particles, and thus every particles dissolves into a swirling mass and then reforms into a different pattern. This is essentially what is happening. The old patterns have already disintegrated and the only way that it is still in some form is because of some souls refusing to wake up and who are clinging and holding onto for dear life to their power base and their old controlling ways.

To me this is the time when we truly have to stop striving and pushing and moving because then we expend energy in the incorrect way. By trying to push, we are moving against the tide, instead of allowing ourselves to dissolve with the tidal wave and then become ONE with it. Here lies the crux.

As long as one resists – then that same force of resistance pushes one into more resistance. While is one become One with the force, one BECOMES the force. One thus becomes one with the GREATER WHOLE. ONE IS THE GREATER WHOLE. ONE IS THE FORCE OF CHANGE and ONE IS PART OF THE ENERGY WHICH IS RECREATING ITSELF.

I have learnt in the last few weeks, to truly allow all of Being to surrender to this force and then to open my hearts center more. This means I consciously reconnect with my heart and the heart of the planet and the cosmic core heart. When I am held within the space of my heart, then I am held within the core creative force itself, for this IS the creative force, where all is BIRTHED. It is that feeling of being held in the womb of the Great Mother, and held in the love that is immensely powerful. Held within the middle of the churning and swirling mass energy, I am safe, loved and secure.

Think here of the fetus held within the mother’s womb. It is there growing, nourished and fed by the mother and womb. So this is where one has to be now, safely held within that womb and one is part and particle of the Mother reforming and re-invention herself.

At the moment the Mother is showing herself as the one who brings in the massive changes, the dissolving, and disintegration. This is as should be. She is all of creation, and sometime when the new is forming, is has to dissolve – what has to dissolve is all those destructive methods that were used in order to keep mankind prisoner for so long. It is the Divine Feminine now saying: “Enough is enough. It is time for all of this to stop. I wish to recreate you in the TRUTH of who and what you truly are – Divine and much Beloved Sons and Daughters of the DIVINE! You ARE that – you ARE infinite beings. It is time to embrace love and to live love and to recreate with me the ONENESS and dissolve all those feelings and beliefs of separateness. Dissolve the ILLUSIONS and step into the reality of ONENESS.

When we allow ourselves to go with the flow of this massive surge of energy, and allow our hearts to open up even more, we allow the Mother Earth to be re-birthed and re-invented, and as she is re-invented, so are we. We ARE Mother Earth, just as much as she is us. There is no difference. WE ARE ONE.

Simply allow. Allow life to be in flux and in churning vortex energy.

I do a simple meditation every morning where I reconnect with the Divine and whole Cosmic Hierarchy, and then with my own Soul Group, and my soul, and then I ask for the Spiritual vortex to cleanse and purify and to churn out, which is not of my higher Divine and Soul Group monadic blueprint. In this way, all is dislodged which no longer serves my highest soul good, and keeps me in higher alignment with my Soul Group Higher Soul Purpose and evolutionary state and the Divine blueprint for my soul and life.

I open my heart and my whole four bodies for the Divine Feminine to move into, so that every single cell, DNA structure, part and particles of ALL my bodies, not just the physical, are flooded with the LOVE consciousness, the Christed consciousness of the Divine Feminine. I ask that my whole life becomes the Gospel and the expression of Love.

Then I surrender completely ….. and allow the creative force to simply flow through me. I therefore am ONE with it and ONE with ALL creation. I AM CREATION AND CREATION IS ME.

This is why I love doing soul readings. These immediately put you in touch with your own higher soul self, your soul group and your Divine Blueprint. It triggers mechanisms, keys and codes deep within so that you remember who and what you truly are. It helps you to LIVE your soul purpose, and most of all to LIVE in the higher octaves of Being, which is truly what your soul desires to do and become.

At this time, this is vital for those souls who have not yet understood their own higher reasons for being here at this time, and those who wish to remember more and to have the inner codes and keys awakened.

Being in touch and in alignment with your own soul and soul group, helps you to flow with these immense cosmic changes and to have the full support of the WHOLE within and without and thus truly help to flow with the Life-force stream itself.

It brings in the sense of belonging and being part of a much vaster Master plan.

However, the ground work, the spade work still has to be done by the soul itself and that mean that reconnection has to come deep from the heart and soul.

We are on the threshold of something vast, immense and it is beautiful, profound, and immensely life-giving, life-changing and much more than that. It is like stepping into the realms of infinity, the boundless, and immensity of BEING itself.


The Expanded Vision becomes a journey of the heart and soul….

mqdefaultWhen the vision of expansion, becomes the journey of the heart and soul, then we become inspired and we inspire others….
For we are the expansive vision of the heart and soul, in essence, BEING, and living…..
A few years ago, while we were still stuck in the density of the 3D world, we might have wished to become the norm that society set for us. We tended to believe that we have to go to school, get higher education, get a job, and then retire one day. Yet, in the process of trying to live a life like this, we felt a quiet deadening of our soul-self, and the inner yearning of our hearts and souls increasing: – SURELY THERE MUST BE MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS?
In the process of conforming, we so often find that our inner yearning never stops. It is as if we KNOW deep down, that we were meant for greater things and we meant to do things from very deep inside of us – we were meant to truly LOVE what we do and then bring that love forth in all we are and thus gift the world with loving service.
To me this is the INNER CALL TO LOVING SERVICE, when the Higher Soul Self is fully and actively engaged in bringing the soul gifts, talents and abilities back to this planet and making a difference in its own unique way. This is when our souls sing in tune with our hearts, bodies, mind and spirit and when we start dancing to the cosmic melodies and tunes which have been programmed deep inside of us.
For every single one of us has a SOUL BLUEPRINT. I see this as a unique and special pattern. If you think of a soul as being held within a round circle (its looks pretty much the same as a HUMAN cell) and then this cell is made up of many particles or strands, just like the DNA is make up of multiple strands interwoven into one… so your soul has many multiple strands which make up the ONE SOUL ENTITY.
Your soul then, within these multiple strands, has got MULTIPLE PHASES OF EXISTENCE. One part of you, stays with the Divine Source (I call God/dess THE DIVINE SOURCE, for I find that many people who have had problems with the male figure in their life, have great difficulty relating to a paternal God only….. so when I talk about the DIVINE, I embrace the GODHEAD in its multiple forms, one its manifestations then the Triple Goddess, the Divine Feminine, and the Other The MASCULINE and PATERNAL the ETERNAL MALE – the DIVINE SOURCE THEN EMBRACES BOTH and the HOLY SPIRIT which is the radiating forth of whole DIVINE GODHEAD). So, then a part of your soul entity, WORKS AND STAYS with the Divine: – it can NEVER BE SEPARATED FROM THE SOURCE WHO GAVE IT LIFE!
Another part of you will stay attached to the GALAXY of origin – this means that part of the cosmos where your soul first embodied life. A lot of us, have this inner yearning for a place called home, when in reality it is that yearning for the celestial home, which is where our soul is truly home. In my soul readings this comes through, for essentially a lot of us come from galaxies where life is highly evolved and where Beings have ascended into the higher realms and dimensions of Being. There is no war – no strive, and thus we remember this, more so than the Garden of Eden, which once existed on this planet.
Another part of you may be embodied in other multiple strands of your soul, and have other forms and existences, while only a tiny fraction of your soul is incarnated onto this planet at this time.
The last years of my life, where I truly started to delve deeper and deeper and more profoundly into the inner mysteries of life, I was made aware of all of this, for essentially I have had to reconnect with all those strands of my own soul, in order to remember all of this. In this process I remembered, that the part of my soul, which is with the Divine Source, works with the SOUL RECORDs of all souls in embodiment, and this is one of the reasons why I can tap into these soul records, which are housed at the Divine Source itself.
In actual fact, it is a SUPERCONSCIOUS field and it is one which all human beings will be able to tap into when they start walking the path of purity and pure intent, for this is a path which demands purity and total commitment to be used as a transmitter channel for the Divine.
The SUPERCONSCIOUS field, is not to be confused with the AKASHIC records. This planet its own Akashic records, as does this universe and this galaxy. Most psychics work with these records. I work with DIFFERENT records, which are held at the DIVINE source as said, and thus are a higher recording system, or a mainframe computer if you like, and thus holds ALL the records, since the beginning of time.
To me, the whole journey of life, is merely a rediscovery of who and what you REALLY are, at SOUL LEVEL and then to bring these gifts back to mankind, mostly to INSPIRE AND TO EMPOWER YOURSELF AND OTHERS.
It is the call to Higher Service and it is the call to reach out beyond the self and then to bring in the beautiful qualities of love, of grace, of higher teaching, wisdom and understanding to mankind.
In my soul readings I am finding that a lot of souls in order to fit into society have been short-selling themselves on so many levels. Deep inside something is churning, and something is wishing to burst out and take form, but often fear comes in the way, or the self-doubt and the fear of survival.
There are souls who have amazing technological knowledge and who can bring back the use of free energy to the planet. There are those who have amazing gifts of healing and some who bring in the gifts of working with crystals, with earth energies and the healing of such…. Some have gifts of music and healing with sound…. Some have the gifts of raising humanity into a higher level of consciousness…..
Yet, we shrink in a way which I sometimes find myself puzzled with. We believe ourselves small, when we are in reality truly amazing, gifted and talented, beyond our own scope of understanding. When I have done soul readings (and I have done these for doctors, for health professionals, for people from all over the world) it takes some time for their own greatness to sink in – even just reading about their own abilities makes them shrink – and then, something bursts and blossoms into Being. They write to me months afterwards, thanking me, and saying that they read and re-read the reading and it gave them the confidence and the momentum they needed to step out of their own limitations and more and more into their inherent power.
For these soul readings will trigger something deep inside – it will trigger the soul’s memory banks and it will bring that to the fore, which needs to be brought out and to the fore and which needs to be gifted to mankind at this time.
A lot of souls, have had past lives where they were persecuted, or where they were burnt at the stake, or poisoned – some were thrown into snake pits… and this is haunting them in this lifetime. It is that they fear that when they truly step into their power, that the same will happen. When they recognize where the fear comes from, and start working for healing of the memory banks, then they are free to step past their fears and into their own empowerment.
The more we are empowered at soul level, the more we start assisting others to do the same, and with this we then become those who are putting the foundations down for the building of the New Golden Age for the planet. We have incarnated at this time, to do just that, and when we are not doing what we have come here to do, then there will always be that feeling of failure, or not living our lives to its full potential, of short selling ourselves.
My soul readings also will pinpoint where there is trouble in relationships, where this comes from (sometimes from other lifetimes) and where the healing of old patterns are needed and then the soul is free to turn a problematic situation into a beautiful and loving state. For sometimes the cutting of cords is more soul empowering for both partners than the bringing on of more and more soul wounds.
Often we cling to relationships which have already served their purpose, and just need the understanding and wisdom to take empowered steps and then to regain our own equilibrium and set ourselves and other free, with great love…. Or it can move us into a higher state of understanding and therefore a higher state of love.
2013 is the year of true empowerment and of stepping more and more into our highest soul selves and our own magnificence. Make this the year where you truly shine in your own unique way, and gift the planet with whatever makes your own heart and soul sing and shine and fly higher than ever before!
Judith Kusel
March 4, 2013