Twin Flames: The Highest Pathways of Love and being Loved: EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT


To love and be loved is an infinite Precious gift.

If this gift is not nurtured, treasured, and truly honored from deep within, it will dissipitate and ultimately cause more woundedness.

It is the sublime gift of the first coming together in love, harmony and union of the Divine Masculine in total balance and bliss with the Divine Feminine – those moments of Creative Oneness which spans the whole cosmos and brings wonder and awe.

As the male found awe and wonder in the first union with the female, she felt the awe, wonder and bliss of being filled with his male-ness, and being brought into a greater expansion of awareness WITHIN, as she in turn gave back to him, the expansiveness she had just experienced, which he, in his maleness could not experience as that expansive force.

There is a hidden Mystery here, that was taught in the Ancient Mystery School, and which added to the Christed consciousness and awareness, if such a union was within done with in purity, and with the purity of Love rising into a new dimensional expansion and therefore into the Higher States of God Awareness for BOTH partners.

Therefore they had to be in total balance and harmony.

One perfect whole, meeting another perfect whole, and therefore the awe-inspiring expansive gift, of conscious awareness expanded within and without.

Such was the gift of those who trained in the profound Mysteries, that they knew, that unless the INNER man, the INNER woman, was in harmony and balance WITHIN, then they could manifest this WITHOUT with their Divine Union.

In fact, one was taught that to attain the ultimate of En-Light-en-ment one had to fist understand of the depth of what it means to be a man within and without, and what it means to be a woman within and without, and then, only then, such union was possible.  Without doing the INNER work, the outer could not manifest into form.

In the Garden of Eden, both male and female were in the state of Innocence.  They knew this type of union as they knew the Ultimate bliss.  However they appreciated it not.

The Fall from Grace, was in a higher sense the fall from INNOCENCE.

The Minute that man started to divorce the sexual energy from the very life force WITHIN and from the Loving state of highest SOUL consciousness within, they started to feel SEPARATE from each other, and therefore separate from God.

Since then mankind has sought WHOLENESS again, and most of all the male and female sought WHOLENESS in their loving relationships with each other.

But God/Goddess declared that that they will only be able to return to the Higher States of Innocence, when they used their WOUNDEDNESS in order to heal themselves, and when they healed themselves, they would be find the keys and codes back to wholeness within.

But the central key here is WHOLENESS and BALANCE WITHIN.  Meaning, that unless one is willing to work on the INNER WOUNDEDNESS one would not be able to return to the INNER states of Bliss, and Innocence, and only when one attained this state, would one be able to bond again with the Divine Other, as he or she has worked through their own woundedness.

It is in our own WOUNDEDNESS, our ability to stand naked and stripped to the core of our heart, mind, soul and Being, that we can achieve the ultimate state of awareness and also the ultimate state of Bliss.

The truth is that unless one is willing to do the INNER work, the outer will not manifest into form.

In Ancient Mystery Schools one was taken through a whole series of INITIATIONS (meaning one had to do the INNER work to regain the state of Innocence) before one could experience ultimate union, in DIVINE PARTNERSHIP with the Divine Other.

It was a true and deep UNION, which was then of two souls, equally whole and balanced, and who had been taught the way back to experience wholeness through the coming together on ALL levels, MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND SOUL.

Therefore the physical body became a TOOL in which one could experience the physical union, but SIMULTANEOUSLY amplified, with the union of mind, spirit and soul – thus the WHOLE man and WHOLE woman.

In such union then lies the ultimate EN-LIGHT-TEN-MENT, as then one could ignite the THIRD force, the God-Force, the Creative Force, that which brought the Christedness, the CENTRAL SUN CONSCIOUSNESS into the state of ILLUMINATION through union.

It was no accident that Jesus had Magdalene, Simon the Magus had Helena, the Pharaoh and her consort in the beginning were the highest initiates of the Mystery School and evenly matched, thus the Cobra as sign of the state of the ENLIGHTENMENT within, and the true use of the Creative Force.  Shiva and Shakti, the list goes on and on.

It was union between a man and woman as in the Ultimate State and then the higher pathways of Loving Union would ignite the HIGHER SERVICE in BOTH partners and not just in one.

Here two people had a greater vision, and greater purpose to work towards.

They looked and worked outwards into the same direction, feeling the profound calling to highest service in tandem with each other. 

True Love.

True Partnership.

Equal partners.

Walking hand-in-hand, working shoulder-to-shoulder and ever moving towards the greater Creation that they were creating together.

Thus one was not less than the other. 


THEY ENHANCED EACH OTHER – thus bringing out the Higher Cosmic Consciousness within each other, and then AMPLIFYING this through merging of all their bodies into ONE single force.

Two mighty Rivers of Life flowing into ONE, but like a double helix strand, and then the THIRD, the GODFORCE as a LIGHTNING ROD upholding and IGNITING the two, as they all merged into ONE SINGLE ENERGY FORCE.

Jesus could not have done his work on earth without Mary Magdalene, for she was the force behind his force.  Jesus and Mary Magdalene were in fact the characters created out of the TRUE GNOSIS, TRUE UNION, which had been known to mankind since the Garden of Eden, but only taught and understood by a very few, and most of those trained in the Ancient Mystery Schools of yore.

It is the highest path of purity, innocence and the ultimate path of En-light-en-ment.

It was something very much kept under wraps, secret, for most human beings work with the lower animal nature, and lower sexual energy force, and never attain the ultimate in union, because they refuse to do the inner work.  Most are just ignorant and believe all that society has programmed them to believe.

Only the true seekers ever attained this, and then had the discipline and focus to do the work INNER work required.

Here lies an Ancient Hidden Knowledge and this awareness expands the more one understands the Mysteries within and is given them by truly SEEKING.

Let those who have inner eyes – see.

Let those who have inner ears – hear.

Let those who are ready to receive this message, receive.

I have spoken.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings:


The Cosmic merging of Twin Flames


There comes a time in Twin Flame Love when all the old squabbles, the old discord, that which makes one run away, and then towards each other again, fades away.

That first adrenalin rush has settled.

Those moments of pain – and all that was there in one form or another, is slowly fading away.

One starts now to move more and more into a stage where the inner YOU, has gone through transformation and you have become whole in many ways.  Before the insecurities, the low self-worth, all the old dragons that used to haunt you, are slowly but surely disintegrating.

A new you has emerged – a greater and more balanced you, that revels in that sacred sanctuary of your heart, womb and soul, and finds that life indeed is just a matter of loving and that one can love in new and more profound ways than ever before.

It is not so much that twin has changed – as one has changed.

It is not so much that one finds the other in a different way – it is because the neediness that you once felt has vaporized before the inner Sun now emerging deep within yourself and your old fears and all the old patterns have dissolved for they no longer serve your highest soul growth and good.

When all has been said and done, only love remains.

The love for yourself.

The love for the Divine Other.

And more than this, it is a love which grows through each moment of union, through each moment of bliss, through each moment when one feels intense unity in motion – that cosmic merging which is truly not of this world.

It is then that one finally realizes that the Power of Love spans all dimensions of space and it is ever expanding upon itself – ad infinitum.

It is not earthly bound.

It is cosmic love, which has been there since the very beginning and will be there eternally.

Just for this moment, this single moment, you are united as one.  Yes ONE.

Two Soul souls merging into the greater God-fire, God-flame and this is what resurrection is all about.

It is not so much found in gazing at other as moving towards, looking outwards, merging towards a greater cosmic movement, where this merging is used in Higher Soul Service, and in merging one is paving the way for infinity to move into conscious Being on planet Earth.

There is a joy, a delighting in each other, and sometimes that profound moment, when one is moved to tears – tears of awe, gratitude and intense love.  That love is so great that heart opens to the very core and in the merger, one expands to that state, where words are superfluous and tears of immense grace and gratitude mingle.

One has touched the heart and soul of the Divine in sacred union.

One is that which is the Sacred Divine Merging.

Such is the ultimate blessing of Twin Flame Union – that moving into the infinite space of the true merging of soul with soul, body with body, heart with heart, love with love.

Supreme euphoria and bliss.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings on Special Offer until end of May:

The Celebration of Soul-Filled love and the adoration of the Beloved…..


Love at its very core loves to be celebrated, for it extends exuberant joy, that rapture, the bliss and the infinite euphoria of the coming together of the masculine and feminine God and Goddess within and without.

There is a certain type of adoration of the Divine within each other, which is there in the eyes of the Beloved.  It is the depth of the Mystery of Love itself, reflected in the eyes of the other, in that the depth of soul is revealed.

Two souls who have know each other from the very beginning within the conception of the Goddess and then birthed as one.  Two souls have traversed many galaxies, star systems, dimensions, life forms and parallel existences.  With the soul self there is no division, no separateness, for the soul is At-one.

We are heading into a totally new paradigm shift, which is already making itself felt and it is here truly that souls will come together who are destined to be together and more important work together:  “Love is not so much gazing at each other, but looking outward into the same direction.”

As much as one then celebrates the Beloved, and one is there in the delving of the depths and exploring and celebration of the infinite depth of the in coming together at this momentous moment in human history, it is also that outward fusion, as one, to serve humanity and the planet at large.  For these souls have done this in the rest of the cosmos, and now have incarnated to do this work now.  Many have been involved with this planet before and have returned to see through the immensity of this shift that is now upon us.

This is a common bond common Quest, which ties these two souls together in a greater celebration of higher service and therefore the celebration of new life, new beginning of life on planet earth.

The adoration of the Beloved can take many forms and many expressions.  Adoration is not just there in moments when we just love to be loved and love in return, but also in moments of challenges.  For the challenges in life are integral parts of life and hone our inner strength and resilience, as is the love we share in good times.  For when the relationship is challenged, it is time to delve deep within, and find that which one truly has always adored, loved, admired, and truly celebrated in the Beloved.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, then we are inspired to move into the higher octaves of Being which motivate us to return to equilibrium point, were we find the balance and see that both are needed in order to complete us, and to bring us ever closer together – almost in spite of ourselves.

The celebration of Love and Beloved, the adoration of such, means that I acknowledge my own vulnerability, all my insecurities, my fears, all that makes me a woman or man, and with it all the past lives, parallel lives, existences, in all dimensions of forms in all of the cosmos.  A lot of those inherent fears come from past life memory banks which get triggered time and again – especially in women at this time, but also in men.

This has to do with the greater higher healing of the soul wounds from Atlantis and what went before.

I have had discussions with many women lately who are feeling this shift intensely and it is literally cleaving them open to the core.  It is there hidden in our emotional bodies, within each vertebrae of the spinal column, in the root, sacral, solar plexus and throat chakras.  It is confronting those memory banks which are opening up of the unspeakable which happened to so many of us in other lifetimes on this planet, and even in this lifetime.

Our throat chakras got clogged up because of being silenced – our voice could not be heard anymore as mankind sunk into the state of insanity and unbalance, as the male went totally into his mind, and tried to cut out the heart and more than this tried to completely disown the feminine, even the feminine within each man.

Women were persecuted for the psychic abilities, their inner knowing and deep seeing, for their knowledge (they held immensely powerful planetary and cosmic keys and codes in the High Priesthood, in the Wise Women Shamanic Lineage, the in Druidic tradition the women had all the powers of transmitting, of prophesy and with it held the power of the oracles, as well as the energy (still hidden) on earth.  They were not only powerful healers because of using these inherent powers, but they also could work with the crystal kingdom, the elementals, the devas, and Mother Earth in ways the men could not understand, because of their ultimate links, through their womb and yoni, to the same in Mother Earth.  There is an immense depth of Mystery to the deepest parts of the womb, which is immense powerful and we have not even started to remember just how powerful this is.

Not only were women persecuted, they were treated worse than animals, enslaved, sold to the highest bidder, forced into marriages because of property or for political reasons, raped, plundered, used as mere chattels to produce offspring.

In Atlantis the soul was taken out of the woman.  She was treated as if she had no soul and was just a THING.  There was an attempt to make her soul-less and feeling-less.

As these immense shifts are occurring, we as women will have to start learning to celebrate our womanhood and to stop trying to be like men – as so many women do when entering the corporate world or in the way they try to compete with men.  There truly is no need for competition.

We have to learn to celebrate our womanhood, our womb, our sacred power center, the very essence of what makes us a woman and not a man.  There are 7 gateways of womanhood held within the yoni, and therefore 7 gateways to our womb.  Our whole pelvic bowl is a massive energy center, and until we learn to reconnect with this immense power base as woman and celebrate out womanhood to the fullest, heal those immense soul scars, we cannot truly be opened up to celebrate manhood, to celebrate love in its expansive form.

At this time all those old memory banks from Atlantis and what went before will start being triggered – in some women these have triggered for the last few years since 2004 especially.

Women have to reconnect with their soul for it was the soul in womanhood which was denied in Atlantis.  A woman in touch with her soul and living her soul purpose and calling and in touch with her womb cannot do and be other than celebrate her womanhood.  It is no accident that the ancient wise women knew that the yoni/womb in a woman, is connect to the yoni of the earth, and therefore a women’s psychic abilities open up tenthousand times more, when she is fully grounded into Mother Earth and its yoni and womb.

A woman who has found her root voice is vibrant, alive, and she cannot stop celebrating life, for she is the custodian and the giver of life.

A man can try as hard as he likes – he can help to create a child, but he cannot give birth to it.

The fact is that all creation celebrates balance – the masculine and feminine.  The one cannot fully function without the other.

The celebration of the Beloved then is in essence first of all, a celebration of self – of the women or man deep inside of you and all which makes you man or woman.  However this goes much deeper – it is in essence the celebration of the Life force itself, and more than this the celebration of soul.  It is then that we start being to open ourselves totally and to the core to the adoration and celebration of the manhood and womanhood in our Beloved and therefore:

Soul meets souls.

Heart meets heart.

Spirit meets spirit.

Higher mind meets higher mind.

Feelings meet feelings.

Body meets body.

All of these make up a man and woman.  Not one iota is ever missing.  All is perfection in motion.

To celebrate the Beloved, is to truly adore him or her.  It is a deep trust, respect, a love which is not earthly bound – it is cosmic.  For it expands past the limitation of the earthly existence into the infinite space where souls are birthed and where they exist as one entity.

When soul meets soul, there is such a deep, intense and profound connection, which light up the cosmic fire in both of them.

To meet the Beloved with an open heart, body, mind, spirit and soul, is to embrace wholeness within and without.  There are no limitations.  One expands into the state of dissolving.  One dissolves into the state of infinite bliss – the cosmic orgasm which created life itself.

A conscious awareness – a state of sublime consciousness which holds both the earth and the cosmos at the core: – It celebrates both the finite and infinite.

Man dissolves from the finite, into the infinite.

Woman dissolves from the finite, into the Infinite.

WE dissolve from the finite – into the Infinite.

When infinite space moves into the finite – enlightenment occurs for the cosmic fire within each of them ignites into one single three-fold flame/fire.

The celebration of life, of love, of consciousness then becomes the adoration itself.  All flowing into one single cosmic stream – the same stream of life which is creation itself.

Such is the gift of this time we are entering into.

When all the muck, the pain, the trauma of Atlantis and all the thousands of years of the removal of the soul in women, finally is laid to rest, man and woman will finally be able to return to the true state of the Garden of Eden – in balance, harmony and simple adoration of each other.

Such is the gift.

Yet each man and woman is responsible first of all to celebrate the man and woman within themselves in order to find wholeness again.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings and Soul Readings:

Twin Flame Love:  Seeking the Mystical Path as a higher way of commitment and deeper love in Highest Service to the Divine.


The soul itself, when created as 12 flames first and foremost has been created to reflect a Divine Attribute back to the Divine.  Therefore the soul experiences this attribute or the essence, or value trait of the Divine in all its forms and expressions:  – the shadow, the light, so that the Divine can experience this through his/her Creations.

In the very beginning of time, when the first volunteer settlements occurred on the SURFACE of the planet (the inner Earth civilization AGARTHA, existed long before the outer crust of the earth was formed as a satellite civilization from the Intergalactic Fleet), there came a time when it was felt that there was a need to use the twin flames to uplift and to like co-create with the earth’s energetic fields and the cosmic Super-consciousness energy fields.

In this regard there was a specific call for specific twin flames, in a specific milieu.  Most of these had been involved with the planet from the very beginning, as scientists aboard the great Mother ships, and also because there a great love had been born for the planet.  They were then first and foremost involved on a VOLUNTEER basis, and then secondly to do SPECIFIC work.

In the Ancient Mystery schools which were established from the very beginning, and attached first of all to the first 12 Crystal Pyramid Temples of the 12 Tribal People of the first 12 Tribes that developed out of these settlements.  This happened more or less because each Temple worked on a different Cosmic RAY, and thus it had a different colour vibration and frequency, and also the inner Temple Staff worked on a specific ray which performed a specific task.  Sometimes these Temples had more than one task to fulfill, but this is neither the time nor space to go into details here.  This is covered in my book: “Why I was born in Africa – the true and untold story of the first civilization on Planet Earth…..”

SPECIFIC soul groups were involved in this whole venture, e.g. The Illumined Ones, The Loving Ones, The Graces, etc.   Those twin flames from these specific groups normally have a very high sense of CALLING.  That means from the time they were born (some of course are walk-ins, but they KNOW this and are very focused on this) with a deep and profound sense of DESTINY.  It is as if they know for sure that they have incarnated to do specific work and are normally very much SERVICE orientated.  In other words they will be drawn to professions where they can serve the community at large: – it does not matter whether this is as an engineer, architect, doctor, healer, counselor, librarian, writer, teacher, philanthropist, etc …. They will serve in all and every way they can and will often blaze new trails for humanity.

When the twin flames of these specific groups meet, it is an instant recognition of the Divine Other.  THEY JUST KNOW.  With it will come the deep knowing that their union is here to serve a GREATER PURPOSE – that is combining their souls mission and purpose their own mission will be amplified and thus with the union, and in the merging between the two flames, they ignite the third, and GREATER FLAME or FIRE, and thus will then reach a far greater scope of audience, or work-frame, or larger platform than just doing the work on their own.

It is here that the proverbial chaff is separated from the corn, for these Twin Flames, will always have a common ground of the MYSTICAL calling somewhere along the line, and it will not just be one of them – it will be BOTH of them, for they reflect this in each other.

It these Twin Flames I am addressing today: – the Twin Flames who are called on the Highest Mystical Path, and therefore called into the total dedication towards serving the three-fold flame of LOVE, POWER and WISDOM.

Not all Twin Flames fall in this category and those who follow this path, will have recognized this long before I have recorded this.

These twin flames have a long history of serving and being initiated into the Ancient Mystery Schools of Elysium, Lyra (Lion Civilization), Lemuria, Atlantis, Greece, Egypt, Balkans, Ural Mountains, and Mexico.

All of them have within their energy fields certain symbols engraved which identifies them and those who can read these will immediately identify them for who and what they are and in what capacity and under which ray they are serving. 

The higher the rank of these souls, the more these signs will be illumined within their forehead and also under their left breasts and on their upper arms. 

In the Ancient Mystery Schools in the Great White Lodge on Sirius, a record of these is kept, as well as in the Super-Consiousness Energy field of the Divine.  These cannot be faked nor can they ever be removed.  They were EARNED.

That means that these souls had to go through stringent initiations in the inner and outer planes and the Mystery Schools of the Divine Source itself, and therefore these symbols then were EARNED and they recognize these in each other.  It is a subconscious recognition of high initiates and they KNOW.

These then are those who were always and are then drawn to the mystical.  They do and be no other and there is no other pathway which appeals to them as much, as that ever delving deeper and deeper into the Mystical, the Gnostic, the Tantric,  the Trinity, the eternal three-fold flames and those attributes of God which makes it the greatest Mystery of Eternal life and love force there is.

For these Twin Flames there is a great calling then to supreme dedication on the Highest Paths.  They will then go through intense initiations into that inner seeing, that inner opening up of the heart energies, and then the 7 gateways to the Sexual energy, that meeting of male and female on a profound level.

This path is not for all Twin Flames, for if both of these, the man and woman, do not wish to be cleaved open to the very core of themselves, to be stripped totally naked in their innermost self, and become vulnerable, fragile, (in Afrikaans they have a beautiful word “BROOS” which is more than fragile) and then allow love to re-form, re-birth them, then this is not the path for them.

This is essentially the highest path of crucifixion.  It is the path where the Old Adam and the Old Eve has to die, completely die, in order for the New Adam, the New Eve to be born.  It is in dying that resurrection comes and with it the Knowledge of the Tree of Life and the portals to Eternal Life open up.

In that dying moment, the third force makes itself felt, the force of resurrection.  It is that eternal life force itself, that eternal something which is Divine.  It that force from which all life has sprung and it the eternal breath, the eternal Presence, that eternal Mystery, as deep as the deepest cosmic ocean and inexplicable, unthinkable, unknown – eternally creatively there!

It is through that intense moment of union, when one loses oneself completely in the orgasmic spasms, the woman writhing with the immense release of the serpent energy, the hovering between worlds that one experiences this inexplicable force.

If one is not opened up to the very core or all life, and has that profound yearning to become at-one with the Mystery itself, then one cannot expand into this vast energy field where one literally dissolves into Nothingness and becomes the Divine Force, only to be reassembled again.

The greater the love, the greater the flame between the Flames and there then the ever greater call to Higher Service. 

This union is not about ME – it is also not about US – it is about WE: – as one heart, one mind, one body, one soul.  It is about how we can SERVE the greater whole with our union.

How can our union then serve the greater whole?  How can our love for each other, our calling, our purpose, our serving, ignite the eternal cosmic flame in the hearts and souls of many?  How can our union make a difference to the world? 

See, how everything shifts.

This is what Christedness is all about.

It is that flame, that eternal quest of the soul to truly SERVE the Divine in all and every way it can, but through this Mystical pathway of Sacred Sexual Union.

It is a PATH.

It is a CALLING.

It is a supreme way of serving, but only if the heart and soul are Pure and the Intent is there to serve.

Ego has no place there.

It is not about how many orgasms one can reach and how much for how long.  That is getting the wrong end of the stick.

It is in this sense the deep honoring of the soul in the other, like seeing the Divine there, and in this moment of union, man is fully present in his deepest manhood, with his heart and soul, and through his beautiful manhood gifts her with all his soul-being and she opens up her whole womb, her most sacred womanhood to receive him with her whole heart and soul and being fully present there, and she gifts him in turn by enveloping him, by giving him back in equal measure the immensity of her heart, soul and being.  It is then that both sink into the Depth of the Mystery itself… dissolve into it… become it…. Experience it…..

In that moment the eternal life fire is lit, the fire of Illumination.

That is the supreme gift of the Gods.

Yet, never this to used in self-service, only in highest service.

Let those who have ears – hear.

Let those who have eyes – see.

Let those who have the inner understanding – understand.

The rest sleep the sleep of forgetfulness.

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame Soul Readings:

The Higher Pathways of Love – the Quest for deeper and more profound Love.


Show me the depth of your own inner soul self,
that inner self that is there, where no one can see you,
nor look into you.
That is the truth of who and what you are.
It is then, and only then,
that Love reveals its true face.
(Judith Kusel)

All my life I wanted to know the very depths, the core of the Mystery that lies behind what is seen and into that which is unseen, and which holds the greater cosmic whole together.  It became a Quest in itself, for I have a natural inquisitiveness and I very deep sense of destiny which is somehow all connected to this and have had that since I can remember.

For the deeper I delve into the Mystery of life and all of Creation, the more I am being brought to the energy of Love itself, for Love, and Life are intertwined and one cannot separate the one from the Other.  It is one and the same.  For without love we wither and die, like a plant without water and too  much sun: – without love life itself loses meaning, for we were created to love what we do and do what we love, and love beyond even that.

It is love more than anything else that gives meaning and purpose to life.

Then how is it that we human beings are having such great difficulty to love ourselves and all of life?

In 2009 I went on the journey, a Quest to find out why I was had been born in Africa, which became an inner and outer journey of discovery itself.  It taught me things about life and love which I never set out to find, and yet it gave the core meaning to the new life being formed within me.  In itself it became a journey of initiations into the higher realms and into the Mystery itself.

At the very same time, then my inner memory bank started triggering, which intimately was linked to meeting my Twin Flame again, and then just having memory bank, after memory bank cleaved open, and with it intense pain.  That pain came from this lifetime, and the dark nights of the soul which I had been plunged in before meeting him, but then kind of triggered more on finally meeting him, whom I yearned for all my life, and of whom I had vivid dreams when I was 17 years old.

So, off I went, leaving all behind and in this I wanted to heal, and I wanted to find the truth in all, and I knew that I could not shrink away, and that somehow my soul took this onto itself and I had no other option.  I had to delve into the Mystery that was unfolding for me, not only because I started tapping into vast energy fields, and into immense information never before accessed by man (as in now), and at the same time, having to delve deeper and deeper into my own soul memory banks, and start releasing the anger, the pain, and whatever baggage there was – not only from this lifetime but from what came before – more than this a deep distrust and fear for the very man I loved.  Where did that come from and what did it mean?

I am sharing this with you today, for in a sense I know now that ultimately the Higher Pathways of Love will demand this from all and every single one of you.  Not going on Quests or journeys like I did, but rather being prepared to delve into the very depths of yourself and then to go and release all the pain, the hurts, the anger of yore. 

For a lot of the souls who incarnated since World War II and who then volunteered to assist this whole evolutionary process, had karmic links, ties and patterns with this planet, and this comes from long before Mu and Lemuria, and then to those first civilizations beyond those.  This I have recorded in my book “Why I was born in Africa” which I hope to complete this year.

It was in these first ever civilizations that the seeds were sown for what later became the karmic patterns of man, of the collective, and then also the individual souls.  As some of the soul groups have been involved with the planet from the very beginning, in co-creative roles, they have returned now to finally put the old to rest, to dissolve and release all the karmic patterns, the links, and all that still needs to be done – so that can move on in the evolutionary process of soul groups and souls and do not have to return here again.  We on planetary level cannot evolve unless we have finally cleared and brought the imbalances into balance once more.

We have not all been angels – and we all have the shadow, the light and every human trait within us.

For the whole cosmos evolves – ever evolves and expands upon itself continuously and so it is with souls and soul groups as well, for they are then moving into the higher dimensions and the higher evolutionary states of existence and work in the greater cosmic realms.

We all had soul contracts that we drew up, under the guidance and the great loving care of the Lords of Karma, so that we could meet up with them again in this lifetime at a given time in our journey through life.  With some we have karmic debts to clear, old negative patterns to clear, and therefore they will show up in our lives as those who challenge us most, but also those whom we love the most.  Some will come in for just a short time, and some for a whole lifetime, and some for just a period of time, but all bring with them immense lessons of love.

So often we resent these lessons of love, for they challenge us to the very core.  For hate is very much akin to love, and with some souls more than any other.  Yet, behind all the pain, anger, love, and whatever else, there is fear.

Fear to love, fear to truly love and more fear to open to love. Fear of being hurt.

For love is the greatest power there is.

As long as we can point fingers at others, we do not need to delve into the heart and into the realms of love, for we close off the heart, and we refuse to love.  Yet, in doing just that, we make ourselves ill and bitterness, resentment, emotional baggage result which smothers our very life force and removes the joy of life and the miracle of living a soul-full, love-full life!

Whatever the other reflects back to us, are but parts we have not owned nor loved about ourselves and most often whatever we see is something which has come over more than one lifetime and needs to be resolved once and for all.  Otherwise we will be bonded to that soul for all eternity – until we finally learn the lesson of Grace.

I have found that the more the soul memory banks got triggered, and I could release that old baggage, the pain and karmic links and patterns, the more my heart and soul could open to love.  I have healed in so many ways, and my fears have dissipated like mist before the sun.  For the first time in my life I am able to love, totally, unconditionally, and to completely.  I could not do that before.

I can finally love my Twin Flame for who and what he is, for the soul memory banks have been cleared, and with immense loving Grace.  Now I can see the immense Love, the caliber of the man himself, and I can love to the depths of my being and trust with all my heart, soul and the rest.

For pain is a great teacher.  It teaches us that something is not kosher, that something is amiss, and most of all, that somewhere there are dragons to learn to love, to tame and befriend.  Most often those dragons are not in the person pushing our buttons and challenging us to the very core, but those dragons lie there INSIDE of ourselves, and all that we have not loved nor acknowledged before.

I am standing today in great respect for the cosmic laws, which are eternally there, and once one starts understanding them, it is like the whole cosmic order reveals itself in a few simple words.

Nowhere is this more truth than in this law:  WHAT IS WITHIN IS WITHOUT.

What is WITHIN ourselves will reflect on the outside and what is there that is not resolved and churning inside will manifest in form on the outside.  What we fear we attract.  What we reject, rejects us.  What we do not love about ourselves, others will not love about us.

With all my heart, soul, mind and might I want to delve ever deeper into the Mystery of Love itself, and into the Mystery of Life itself.

I want to feel, to experience, to know the depths and breadth and the whole cosmic Being of Love and become that Love with all that I AM.

I don’t want to lose out on the depths of Being – that living my inner truth to the core.

It is not easy, yes, and it pushes me way beyond the norm and always has.  But I cannot be true to other than what is there inside my soul and what is there for me to learn and more than this, this lies in the realms of the soul, love and life.

I am tired of walls, fortresses, of all hurts and pain.

I want to live life in pure love and stand naked and stripped to the core.

I am tired of pretend – it never served me.

I am tired of nursing hurts – all it did was hurt me more in the end.

I wish to embrace life and life more abundantly.

I wish to embrace love and love more abundantly.

I wish to delve into the depths of Love and let that ocean of Love carry me wherever it wills.

I wish to love more deeply, more profoundly and love with all my heart and soul.

I wish to embrace my Beloved, with all that he is, and delve into the depths of his heart, mind, body and soul, and then to find that Love is everywhere, in every atom, energy, cell, being, for it is there in the Mystery of what makes him the man, the soul, he is.

I don’t want to shrink in this Quest.

I don’t want to move through life not experiencing Love in all its myriad of forms and disguises.

More than this, I want to open my heart to more and more Love, and Love infinitely and eternally and then even beyond that.

There is a huge sign in the heavens and it reads:  NO SHRINKING ALLOWED!

(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Reading:

My Book SOUL EMPOWERMENT goes in depth in to souls, soul groups, and Twin Flame Relationships.  You can order it via my website (link above) or Amazon.

Find me on YouTube: Judith Kusel2

Face book: Judith Kusel and Twitter:  JudithKusel2

Twin Flame Reunion: The Sacred Fire 2015 to 2025


I greet you on this the 24 December 2014, with all my heart, soul and Being and may your heart and soul be open to receive this message with great love.

For we are standing on the threshold of an immense change in the way life is going to lived as the New Age truly is not only dawning, but has been birthed.  It is not something in the far distant anymore – it is here and now and with us every single breathing moment of the day and night.  We are already LIVING it, whether we are conscious of this of not.

I have been called upon in the last few years to do Twin Flame Soul Readings, and I do believe that this has something to do with my own soul and what I have retrieve from the Ancient Memory banks, and from the what has been lost to mankind, with my Twin Flame in a lot of ways, the import of which will only truly reveal itself in the next years.

For I have been shown again last night, of how important the next ten years will be, in our whole human development, and nowhere will this be more felt than in the relationship areas.  For the old way of relating will dissolve, as these old patterns, the way we behaved and lived since the fall of Atlantis, is leaving us now.

It is no accident that so many of us, have created patterns with our Twin Flames and those whom we had relationships with,  that come back to haunt us in this lifetime.

Not all relationships were ever forged in love – some were forged in times where dowry agreements were considered more important than anything else, and women became bargaining tools for political and other alliances.  It goes without saying that a lot of women were literally sold into slavery, into harems, as mere chattels, vessels to be used and discarded at will.

So, all of these relationships,  then coming to haunt us, as has happened and will happen more and more in the next few years, as we have to heal deep inside of ourselves:  – it is not only the women who have to find the deep love and forgiveness inside of themselves for the men who took away their dignity, their right to be the Goddess of their own bodies and their own lives, but also the men – for in that the old control mechanisms fall away, some kind of balance has to be reached, where we can relate at deep and profound soul level again and understand, that when we love at soul level, then the physical love has to manifest into form in the same way.  For the soul is Divine in itself, and is innocent and pure.  It can be no other in the sight of the Divine, who created the soul in perfection.

Mostly it is the deep shame and guilt that we all felt at some stage, when we incarnated onto planet earth.  Most often we tended to be ashamed at what happened to us, whether we were responsible for what happened, or not.  We tended to beat ourselves up for the rest of our lives, because we felt that should have had a better deal in life.  Shame and guilt can be carried over, over many lifetimes, as the old negative patterns, the negative cords, attachments, and hooks that are there in our sexual area, and still keep us tied to those who entered there, even from lifetimes ago.

I believe that higher healing is now going to become the norm, as balance and sanity returns to mankind.  For one moment, in Atlantis, insanity reigned – now sanity is returning and with it these deep soul wounds and scars will have to be cleaved open to the very core in order for us all to heal: – men and women.

We are all one and the same, whether we were the ones who abused their power, or who were abused …..

The true and deep lesson for the whole of humanity lies in the correct use of power – for all power at its core is neutral, it has no negative nor positive charges.  It is what we do with the energy of power  that has brought the destruction of mankind time and again.

We now will be forced to delve ever deeper into our relationships, not only with our Twin Flames, or other souls, but with ourselves and the Divine, we will be cleaved open to the very core.  It means shedding skin after skin after skin – until there is just the naked soul in all its glory and innocence and in its true Son- and Daughtership of God and in the role of co-creator.

What is it that we wish to create with our relationships?

What is that we wish to create with our love for each other?

How is our love relationship going to serve the rest of humanity and the cosmos at large?

How are we both going to serve our highest soul purpose and calling, and still find that deep love for each other, and serve by loving each other in new and sacred ways?

How are we going to use the sexual fire for the greater good of all and in higher service?

In the Ancient Mystery Schools the soul had to go through stringent initiations into the rites of Love and the Sexual Energy.  It was no joke.  Both were considered the most powerful gifts that the Creator God bestowed upon his/her creation!!!!  Read this again:  the most powerful gifts bestowed!

It is what we do with these most powerful gifts that make or break us!

The Ancients knew this!

That is why one had to go through initiations, so that the inner strength, the inner fortitude, that inner soul self, could be trained to find that deep love inside themselves, in such a way, that that love would sustain them through life, no matter what life brought in both challenges and support.  For once the soul was deeply anchored in the LOVE DIVINE, it would be able to deeply love itself, and when it deeply loved itself, it could then love the other, in the same measure as the love for self was there and the love for the Divine.  The sacred Trinity!

For in any relationship there are not just two souls involved – there is the third force, and that third force is the governing force, the POWER itself.

For in true and deep union, there is a deep and profound honoring of the other.  There is a deep and profound understanding that the Divine lives within that soul as it lives in the body, the mind, and spirit.  With it a deep respect for the power of the sexual energy, for when it is used in the correct way, then egos have to get out of the way, and a sacred flame/fire is ignited, which will singe and burn and harm if not understood fully.

It was no accident that those men who truly had powerful life’s missions to fulfill always had a twin flame with whom to perform these ancient Sexual rites, because of the fire of the sacred flame – for the woman is the transmitter of this energy more than the man, and he can only step into his fullness of his own power and higher maturity of his mission, with her being empowered totally within.  Read that again:  SHE HAS TO BE TOTALLY EMPOWERED FROM DEEP WITHIN AND AT SOUL LEVEL.

With this is also no accident that true maturity, the true wisdom, and the true initiations were only considered to be fully activated at the age of 60!

Yes, 60, for then one was considered to have finally come of age, to understand the deeper Mystery and to use its power with responsibility.  So all the other years were spent in initiations, so that one could then step into full power at the age of 60!  If was also accident that when these sexual rites were performed within that maturity that the next fire was ignited – the fire of longevity!    One literally could expand the life span, by finally understanding the deeper mystery of Twin Flame union – and all the energies involved.

If there is not balance within the male, and balance within the female, then there is imbalance, and imbalance creates immense pain and suffering in any form!

It means that he stands in his full power – but this is not brute force, but it is tempered by love, deep and abiding love and a deep understanding of the Mystery of Love and Life to which even he most bow and bend to, and be flexible within.

It means that she stand in her full power – which is there in her womb, her sacred soul self, her emotional center.  She has to fully empowered by the mystery of the Spirit and Soul, and all that is Love at its deepest mystery.  She can only transmit the sacred fire via her womb, if she is firmly anchored into the Mystery of the Goddess herself, for she BECOMES the Goddess in the sexual act!  If she is not thus empowered, she will go off kilter and then will withdraw from the male because she is not within the supreme balance of life itself!

See, then how much of this mankind has lost.

See, then how much we have to re-member and re-learn.

Only when we truly seek with all our hearts and soul to love another, as we love ourselves, and then the Divine above all, can we experience the very depth of the Mystery of the Sacred Fire itself.

Such is cosmic law.

If one does not honor cosmic law, one will reap what one has sown, and that is pain and suffering, and destruction.

Inherently the greater return to the higher state of Balance, lies in the understanding of soul relationships and in the higher understanding of the sexual energy, as in the Sacred Fire.

Without that we cannot truly find a new and higher ways of loving each other, and finding that beautiful sacred union, that is the ultimate gift from God.

May 2015 bring this understanding to all who read this now.

This is an adventure and a deep unfolding in itself and only those who seek, truly seek with an honest and open heart, will find the keys and codes given to them to unlock the sacred fire.

Such is the importance of this time!

Let those who have ears listen and those who hear, hear!

(Judith Kusel)

Twin Flame Love: Tending the Rose Gardens of the heart ….

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Trust is a gift that comes from deep within the heart and soul.

There is perhaps no greater trust than that of an open and loving heart.

In that one then wishes to embrace the other totally – and utterly, and then trust that the other will honor the sacred space within, and not break that trust.

For within each of us there are sacred sanctuaries – the innermost gardens of our hearts.

It is here that we cultivate our deepest wishes, our deepest dreams, and highest aspirations.  It is here that we can sit quietly and think things through.  It is here that our inner seeing, hearing, knowing, and gut feelings have room to guide us forever onto the pathways of the heart and soul.

It is where we tend the rose gardens of the heart.  It is here that we lovingly nurture ourselves, and often retire here when we have been hurt, or are bewildered at the turn of events.  It is here that we find our inner strength and resilience – our deepest joy, our most profound feelings and experiences.  It is here that we remember bliss.

When we invite another into these most sacred spaces, and more importantly those inner sanctuaries also situated within our sacral chakra, we need to feel secure, validated and loved.  We need to know that we can share our deepest joys, and fears, our most longed-for dreams with the other, and not get ridiculed or laughed at.

We wish the other to embrace us in totality as we embrace the other in totality.

When the outside world tries to come in with its incessant chatter, and tries to bring discordant sounds and feelings, it is wise, to retreat here for a while and to get back into the heart and soul – to reconnect what truly matters most, and then to know that it is okay to love deeply, utterly, completely and to allow the other in.

Other people might not understand the breadth of our love, but we do.  Other people might want to come between us, and sow those discordant notes, but here in our private sanctuaries, we allow nobody else in, for this is between you and me – and nobody else.

And as I open up to receive ALL of you into my most innermost Being, I want you to know, that you are welcome here – a long-awaited soul whom I have loved for all eternity.  I want you to know that I open myself so much, that I want you and I to become as one – one heart, one breath, and one BEING.

Perhaps the greatest love comes when I have seen the depth of your shadow and mine, when we both have been to underworld of Hades, and emerged into a new spring, a new life and a new beginning, and then have come to the state, where love is all there is – truly, completely, and beyond norm.

It does not matter anymore what yesterday brought – or what tomorrow may bring.

Here is in this moment there is just Love.

Love in all its expression, nuances, the life force itself.

No end and no beginning….

All is One…


One Heart

One Soul….

Let the rest take care of itself…..

We have loved.

The Gods have blessed us.

It is enough….

Ad infinitum….

(Judith Kusel)

The Cosmic Dance of the Twin Flames

TwinFlames 4 Judithimages (33)The Cosmic dance of the Twins.
The soul itself is not bound by time and space, but lives eternally. It lives as sheer Light energy, which emits not only light, but sound and colours. It vibrates in harmony with the light frequencies and sound (tonal chord) frequency band of the soul group, or Over soul. This in essence is the I AM presence, which is present in all of us.
When the soul is fully activated, it has 12 distinct flames, and these flames then form part and particle of the 13th flame, which in essence is the flame of the Holy Spirit, or the flame of the Oversoul, as embodied in soul group spirit – that collective, which in turn forms part of the greater cosmic flame – the threefold flame, of LOVE, POWER, and WISDOM.
When we incarnate onto a very dense and hostile planet (and this is NOT Mother Earth who makes is so, but so who wish to control her for their own hidden agendas), the soul has amnesia. As a child we might remember something but the status quo soon tries to shut down our pineal and pituitary glands, so that we cannot receive cosmic transmission of Light from our soul group and the cosmic hierarchy and most importantly the Divine.
I am going into some detail here, so that you can understand that in essence you vibrate at a soul frequency (which is hidden in your soul name – by the way very different from any earthly name for it epitomizes the frequency band your soul vibrates on) and that when this frequency band is fully activated, someone who is not of that frequency band, will fall off the bus, so to speak. For a frequency band will only be able to sustain what is on the same frequency band, and when more or one tune into that same frequency band, then there is unity and harmony. Anything discordant to that, cannot exist there – it might disrupt the frequency band, but when it is fully activated and over-lighted by the collective soul group, and the Divine itself, it will automatically revert to its own frequency band.
You can think of this a radio…. When you tune into the frequency band of your favourite station, you might find disturbances, until you are tuned in a exactly the right frequency band and then you can hear properly and sound is not distorted.
In this lifetime all of us search for that ultimate in love and loving and we all dream of that ultimate happiness, the unity, that we, on soul level, and remember that state of harmony and bliss.
Our soul, in all its 12 flames or particles has had many lifetimes, in many forms and existences, and not only on this planet. For example: I know that a part of my own soul is pure light frequency. It vibrates at such a high frequency band that psychics have often told me that they cannot see form, but only streaks of pure Light. This part of me is attached to the Divine Source, and that is where is works in Temples of Halls of Wisdom, Higher Teaching, Healing and Records. This is one of the reasons that I can tap into the highest and purest soul records. Another part of me, is attached to the Andromedan and Galactic Core Federation, and very much that of the Pleiadean and that of Sirius. There are then different parts of me, working and living simultaneously, with this form of life I have chosen here on Planet Earth. In reality only a tiny fraction of me, has incarnated, the others are still elsewhere in the cosmic whole, working there.
In reality I am a cosmic Being, having a short sojourn here on Planet Earth and mainly to complete mission.
It has taken me while to understand this whole concept, and I am often asked about it, and that is why I am sharing this with you today – not to boast, but in all humbleness, so that you might have a greater understanding of the magnificence of your own soul.
On this planet we are deliberately withheld from the truth of our soul, our soul group and the Divine truths, which have been hijacked along the way and distorted. Until we start reconnecting to our own soul, and build our Lightbridge back to the Divine, activate our Stellar Gateways and our Soul Star chakras (which are huge transmitters and connect us to our own Divinity as held within our soul groups), we cannot be fully activated and empowered.
At this time, this planet is in a major state of revamping, and so is the collective whole. Some of the souls who have incarnated since after World War II are the same souls who were involved with this planet from the very beginning and have now returned to hold the Light steady and to anchor in highly advanced knowledge and understanding. They thus are here on a specific mission and for a specific and very specialized task. I call them the ILLUMINED TASKFORCE.
Some souls are VOLUNTEER souls, and come from other galaxies and star systems, which have never experienced war of any kind – not even the Wars of the Heavens. They came in with immensely powerful technological tools and higher healing abilities which will assist the planet to move from the third to the fifth dimensional state, and once that state is reached, their soul memory banks will get triggered (if not already) and they will be the ones who bring in the UNITY and the HOLISTIC ways to use the earth’s energies and cut out all the use of fossil fuel and will bring the planet back into balance and harmony. They are specialists too and I call them the VOLUNTEER TASKFORCE.
Others are from soul groups which have been involved with this planet for millennia and came here fleeing from the Wars of the Heavens and none more so than those who blew up their own planet, Marduk, which was between Mars and Jupiter. They are the ones who control the planet at this moment in time ( I call them the infiltrators).
When one starts to see this bigger picture, you will start to understand, that your soul is not here by some fluke, but rather by design, but it is not your WHOLE soul, it is but a fraction of it.
In some cases, when a planet is about to ascend, and thus move into a higher frequency band or consciousness (as the whole of the Milky Way Galaxy is at the moment) more than one particle of the soul will incarnate. I will call them then Twin Flames, for want of better word to describe them.
The Twin flame differs from and soul mate, in that the soul mate comes from the same SOUL GROUP e.g. THE LOVING ONES, and the twin flame comes of the SAME SOUL, thus is one of the 12 flames which make up your own soul.
In this the soul is equally divided into masculine and feminine particles, as is all of creation. This is equally balanced, for all of creation has a positive and negative charge. In essence then a particle of the soul will have a more negative or positive charge, remembering that this is pure frequency of Light.
I don’t know if you have ever been in a science class where a positively charge ball meets and negatively charged ball – then electromagnetic energy explodes where they meet. This is in essence what happens if two particles of the same soul meet on this planet, called Earth – there is an immense spark ignited, which will find itself expressed in the sexual energies aroused, but unfortunately that is where most people stop.
Relationships in essence are not just about sex – relationships in essence are about a profound sense of INTIMACY, which goes beyond the stripping off of clothes and having good sex.
In the depth of INTIMACY, lies the TRUST.
If I can, at deep and profound SOUL AND HEART level, stand naked, vulnerable and open in front of my Twinflame – totally open: the light and the shadow and there is no hiding whatsoever, no secret agendas, nothing but the purity, the absolute purity and innocence of my soul, and TRUST the other to become ATONE with me, totally opened up at soul level and stripped naked to the core of him or herself, then the two flames merge AS ONE and create a THIRD FORCE which is the SOPHIA or HOLY SACRED FLAME.
As long as there are any parts of me, which are not in higher alignment, which are not opened up, which are not in balance and harmony, the Flame of the Twin will consume and burn me in all those places where I have not made peace with myself, my other flame and most importantly life itself. All those unloved parts of me, will stand there, waiting for me to OWN them and love them – before I can to the same in my MIRROR, my twinflame.
For nobody MIRRORS you as much as the Twin does – after all he or she is part and particle of YOU – of your soul. The Twin knows me inside and out and my shadow and light.
Whatever you hate about yourself, will show up in the Twin. Whatever you love about yourself, will show up in the Twin.
For we all are both, light and dark, positive and negative. It is the BALANCE we seek, that harmony WITHIN, which is ultimately were we TRUST ourselves, that we TRUST the other to come into our most vulnerable, most precious, most treasured parts of ourselves, where we normally do not let another soul in, and be open enough to take him and her completely into ourselves and become AS ONE BEING.
The Twin teaches of about SELF-MASTERY. To the extend we are the master and High Priest, the mistress and the High Priestess of our own Temple, we are able to bring about profound union or reunion with our Twinflame.
The union between the Twinflames, can be the utmost in ecstasy, bliss and euphoria, or can open up the floodgates of Hades and the Underworld. In essence, that is where we are tested the most. That is where our true initiation into sexual sacred rites happen. It is the opening up of the seven veils of our inner sanctuaries within our own physical bodies and that of our heart, our third eyes and soul.
For to the extent that all these seven layers of being, move into the higher octave of Being, which is the 13th elevated state of the Tree of Life itself, the kundalini or serpent energy which we raise in our union, will either burn and consume us or lift us into the higher dimensions of Being.
Why? There is the secret and hidden chamber between our pituitary and pineal glands which gets activated by the serpent energy. If we burn each other rather and unite into one single flame, we short-circuit the energy fields and boomerangs onto us and that is where we are consumed with pain. When we learn to become as one, both flames EQUALLY CHARGED then this chamber ignites and we are moved in the sacred and higher realms which are cosmic in proportion and are in essence the true knowledge of the Tree of Life – the knowledge of eternal life.
It essential comes back to the soul empowerment of BOTH, before the ultimate in union can happen. All roads in life, lead WITHIN.
Until I nurture the sacredness and sanctity of my WHOLE being, and become ATONE within, I cannot ignite the same in my Twinflame and become ATONE with him or her.
The cosmic dance of the Twins, is in reality the cosmic dance of the masculine and feminine and the flame of ATONENESS – harmony, balance and bliss.
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For Twinflame Soul Readings please contact me:
(Judith Kusel)