New Energies: Disintegration of lower soul self.


This is the time for immense energy changes, and what will impact the most at this time is the disintegration, the leaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can be resurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve Kadmon Lightbodies.

So many of us have been put through severe initiations in the last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memory bank after memory bank.  We have been stripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then some more.

That little boy, the bewildered teenager, the little girl and the bewildered teenager, has to be released, for it is the LOWER soul self, the animal self, which makes us sometimes behave irrationally, and holds on prisoners of fear:  the fear of truly opening ourselves to love and being loved, the fear of abandonment, of loss, the fear of dying, the fear change, the fear of having to move out of our self-made prisons and into the utter freedom of just BEING.

The Higher Soul Self KNOWS  and is not planetary bound, but flies free cosmically.  It is the infinite expanded version of ourselves, the limitless soul which has had billions of lives, parallel lives in cosmic Universes and Omni verses.  It limitless, eternal and therefore knows no time and bounds.  It is free to BE – just BE in any existence or form.

In Ancient times those high adepts and initiation could easily shape-shift into any form they wished to adopt for certain energy work.  They literally BECAME the force, in allowing themselves to be disintegrated and reassembled.  There was no fear of loss of the physical form, for one was not attached to this form.  One knew that the physical body was but a vessel, a vehicle one adopted for a short eyewink in eternity, for its true soul-form was that of pure Light-energy.

The Higher Soul Self knows just LOVE. It cannot be other than love ever expanding upon itself.

However, when our lower soul self rules us while we are here on this planet and are sinking into the Sea of Forgetfulness, fears move in to hold us prisoner, and blame, shame and low self-confidence, low self-worth, make us shrinking violets who fear the power of love and who fear the catalyst of change.  We hold on for dear life to our pain, our fears, and our limitations.

The Higher Soul Self knows only love, and in expanded form, knows no fear, knows no loss, knows no boundaries, for it only functions, operates from a cosmic KNOWING and deep inner WISDOM, that knows that there is no such thing as fear, no such thing as ever losing love, nor gaining love, nor does it see limitations.  It only knows the cosmic expansive BEINGNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS in its limitless form.

I gained this understanding of the limitless, the expansiveness of the Higher Soul Self, in those times when I was asked to open up massive energy portals, and I literally had to allow myself, my lower soul self, to be disintegrated, so that my Higher Soul Self, could totally step in and allow itself to BECOME the energy and energy fields and then allow all to shift as it should.  The I, as in my lower self, the fearing, bound, I, had to completely leave so that this energy clearing work could be done.

It gave me immense understanding that when I was totally able to step up and into my Higher Soul Self, then it did not matter what happened in and around me, it did not matter how everything disintegrated, I could stand fully in my power, my Higher Soul Self power, and allow myself to be expanded cosmically into the infinite realms, where I BECAME that which was ever Present, ever expanded, ever re-creating itself.

There was no fear of loss, no fear of disintegration, no fear of losing self, no fear of losing bodily form, no fear of change or expansion.  I had nothing to hold onto, to cling to, no self-made empires, no self-made prisons, and no self.  The SELF had disappeared, but simultaneously activated the limitless ME, the limitless SOUL-SELF, the TRUTH of who and what I am.

This is now exactly what is happening to all of us at this time.  The Old Adam and Old Eve served their purpose.  This was the lowest form of existence the human soul ever experienced on this planet in the 3D world.  This is now disintegrating.

We will only fear change, fear to love another soul with all that we are, or fear pain, or fear to lose ourselves totally and our self-made prisons, if we refuse to let go.  Some people cling onto their little boy, girl, then teenager, the lower self with all they have, for that little one is like a bewildered and scared self, who is scared to lose, scared of loving with an open heart, is scared of being hurt, is scared of being abandoned, is scared of the world at large.  It conjures up fierce and scary monsters, where in reality there are none.  It always find excuses not to love, not to be, not to expand, not to get out of its own prisons and comfort zones.  It fears its own power most of all, and it fears taking responsibility for its own life, in the measure of what the soul wishes to bring in.  Once it was hurt or pained, it builds fortresses around itself and its heart, and then some more for the very frightened and hurt inner child, wants to cuddle back into the mother’s womb for protection and not face the world at large.

There is no need for that little child anymore.  That little child and teenager, has to now step up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truth it cannot go there.  It has to disintegrate in order for the true soul self to step through the portals opening up, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher Soul Self, which knows no limitations.

Only the Higher Soul-Self can step into the full power of Co-CREATION, which is what the New Earth will be created from.

I see this as expansive consciousness, the conscious awareness of co-creatorship and taking full responsibility for what one creates.

One cannot truly love another human being, as long as that fearing inner child is present, for one will always hit out where one is most vulnerable, create fortresses because one fears pain, and separation, one fears that in loving the other, something will have to give way – one fears a dying inside and outside oneself.

This has to be released so that one can step into full soul maturity and full soul activation as well as incredible high ranking service work.

We cannot allow ourselves to be shrunk by the lower soul self anymore in these next few months and years.  We have to step into full maturity and full activation, as well expanded cosmic service.

The Old Adam and Eve and all the fear-based personas, the lower self personas, the masks, the pretense, ALL of it, has to go.  If we are not willing to let go of this consciousness, parts of ourselves will disintegrate, and if we cannot sustain our physical form because of this, we will have to leave the planet.

This is the reality of this time.

As the earth ascends in to much higher and more potent frequency bands, our lower selves have to be put through the fires of purification and this is what this time is all about.  Purification.  Disintegration, so that we can be reassembled into the much higher version of ourselves and into expanded consciousness and BEING.

Let those who have inner ears – hear with full activation.

Let those who inner eyes – see with full activation.

Let those who have knowing – understand with full activation.

Let this be written.

Let this be done.

So it is for all immortal cosmic Sun consciousness.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings, Twin Flame Soul Readings, etc. please visit my website

The Shift in Consciousness escalated by the return of the 7th Sun and reconnection to the Central Suns’ energies


In the next few months there will be an escalated shift in consciousness, the likes of which human beings have never experienced before, and it has to do with the return of the Suns, as mentioned in one of my previous articles, but also in lieu of what is happening in the inner earth.

In the last years I was called upon to work intensively with certain earth energy grids of what has lain dormant for many millions of years, and is now being reactivated and rising to the fore.  As I was made more and more aware, of what it is that is being reactivated and released, the more I became conscious of how this will be shifting humanity into much higher gears of life and living.

Massive earth upheavals and earth changes are upon us – not to be feared, but rather to be welcomed, as this is the New Earth truly rising to the fore.

The new cannot rise with the old still in place, and therefore the old is making way for the new.  All of life forms part of the spiraling dance of life, where in order for new life to rise, the old has to disintegrate, dissolves, so that the new can form on the destruction of the old.

We cannot go through this massive shift without also experiencing an INNER shift.  In order for the Old Adam to die, the New Adam is emerging out the ashes of the old – in other words, the Old Adam Kadmon (prototype) body is making way for a much higher frequency body, more crystalline in nature, and therefore more able to hold the higher vibrational frequency bands of the New Earth.

One of the reasons why so many people have had a total disintegration of their old lives and the proverbial carpet being pulled from under them, had to do with this total paradigm shift, and most, like me, have felt the old life totally disintegrating and new still forming in so many ways.

With the rising to the fore, we cannot take the old emotional baggage, the trauma, the pain, the scars, with us into the new and higher way of life.  Therefore we will be cleaved open to the very core so that all the old puss can be released, so that the old ways of acting, living, being, can disintegrate, be released, so that we become so light in body, mind, and spirit, that we can make that shift, without being weighed down with excess emotional baggage.

Just like our personal lives are disintegrating on so many levels, the relationships, the social, the governance structures, indeed all of life and the way we interact with others will start feeling this disintegration on many levels.  The old structures too no longer serve our highest soul growth and good – indeed, they do not serve the collective anymore, and the collective consciousness is therefore now moving into the higher octaves of being and so the old structures have to be reinvented.  It is like reinventing the wheel, but the cosmic wheels of life, and not the earthly ones, for we are stepping into our cosmic citizenship.

We have essentially been prepared for this since the Second World War and it we look back in just these last few years how we have moved into a much higher technologically advanced society, with wonderful tools like the Internet, Cyberspace, and etc. being developed and returned to the planet, then imagine how much will shift in the next few years?

The New Children have the inherent genius programmed into them to truly lift humanity into the higher octaves of consciousness and Being, and they will truly bring about a revolution in technology and consciousness, which will make this massive shift we are currently going through, look like child’s play.

To try and hang onto the old life and lifestyles is futile.  In as much as we are willing to allow ourselves to be transformed, to be guided, to be revamped and rejuvenated, in as much will we are able to make it through this immense shift with all the tools to assist us and help us through this all.

However, we have to let go of the old ways.  We have to let go of all that no longer serves our highest soul growth and good and that of the collective.  We cannot move into this New Earth being created now, with all the old ways of thinking, acting, relating, And Being.

Therefore the best is to do that daily cleansing, and clearing, and to be open to change.  No more clinging onto that which is disintegrating and rather welcoming in the changes.  When our mindset and heart-set change from deep within, we focus on truly being ready to shift with the incoming massive energy tides, we will find that we are being lifted by this mighty force and it comes almost effortlessly.

However if we resist at some level, there will be pain and great feelings of intense loss, of being lost at sea.

It is best to remember that no changes can occur, without something giving way to create a void.  Once the void or vacuum is created, the higher energies can move in.

Such is the wave of change now upon us.

2015, truly is a year of paradigm shifts in consciousness – yet it only paves the way for more and more intense changes coming in, for the next 50 to 100 years.

In a thousand years a space traveler will hardly recognize this planet – such has been the massive revamping, reforming, and reinvention of the planet and the human species.

The Cosmic Master Plan Unfolding – The New Human Master Race Emerging


We on this planet never were entities on our own – in reality we form part of a much greater confederation of galaxies, star systems, etc. under the Great Central Suns.

Therefore when cosmic changes occur on a very grand scale in and macrocosm, this will affect life on this planet in all microcosms in existence – whether this is human life, or any other living organism and life form.

What is above reflects below.  What is ordained in the Greater Cosmos is relevant on Earth and this has always been so.

In that last years since the Second World War, life on planet Earth has steadily been transform as massive paradigm shifts started happening.  Nowhere has this been more orchestrated cosmically as for the influx of highly evolved volunteer souls from the Centrals Suns galaxies, who came in to assist with this massive change, and to truly bring their inherent genius, the knowledge, technology, etc. to planet earth.

As these souls were briefed what to expect on their sojourn here (some had been here before) they knew that the danger would always be to fall into the sleep of forgetfulness and forget who they in truth are, and more than this, to never wake up to their own inherent genius and what they came in do to.

The greater Galactic Federation knew that this would happen, and therefore have always carefully monitored the situation and have seen to it that certain souls with important missions would be woken up at certain stages in their lives, so that they could be activated for Higher Service and then render such.

In the process of these years, then since 1949, steadily the DNA and the Cell structure of human beings have been carefully changed, in that those who are in charge of the greater life and life forms in this galaxy, have been steadily working towards developing a new prototype of human being, who will be able to withstand the immense upheavals coming towards us now, and would be able to sustain the greater shifts in consciousness, but also, at the same time, would be the FUTURE HUMAN RACE.

In that various prototypes were developed and then fine-tuned, it was found that the first volunteers had to cope against tremendous odds.  They were the baby boomers of the fifties and then those of the Sixties, seventies.

The next prototype which followed were those of the late seventies, eighties, nineties and then in different modifications, as their bodies were already more crystalline in structure and formation that those of the first.

The next prototypes, even more fine tuned and modified, genetically, etc. were those born from 2004 onwards until about 2010/11.   They form part of a new generation of Children who have never incarnated onto this planet before and are new souls.  These souls were created to be able to span dimensional states, and therefore will be the new human prototype living in the fifth dimension.

However because of the density of the earth, and the fact that human beings themselves, seem to not be able to understand the basic principle that they have to adjust their sciences in order to adopt higher and more advanced medical and technological advanced systems to help these children to cope with life on planet earth, and also to assist to immediately nurture and develop the genius – they are the SPECIALISTS, in other words, they have been born with the knowledge, wisdom and technology to build a highly advanced new Earth, with technology we cannot even dream of now.  So, they have the ability to create the new Earth, with their inherent genius.

In that is was found that the parents, teachers, the medical profession still were using primitive and outdated methods of treatments, of understanding the basic education needs of these children, and even more interesting, the innate inability of human beings to understand that new prototypes of the human race will not fit into old paradigms, old systems, and more than this old medical practices, and teaching methods.

In that then the next few months and ten years, will bring in an even more advanced prototype which is the ADAM and EVE creation and therefore those of the fifth and seventh to eight dimensional state.

They will have genius far beyond anything we can even understand right now and will be unlike any of the other prototypes as far as intelligence goes.   In this they will be much taller as the old master races are making their genetic codes felt at this time.

I have been alerted to these new Prototypes for the last few months, and all I can say is that these are true CENTRAL SUN children.  They are radiant.  They glow as if they have an inner Sun, and in truth they have.

What truly struck me about them is that they appear to have a longer skull and larger eyes, and with it a type of more advanced body, which purely crystalline.  It is of a much higher frequency than ours and even the children born in 2010 and they vibrate thus at higher frequencies and have more chakras or energy systems in their bodies activated.  They also have more strands of DNA and they carry within them a more advanced and newly programmed Master Cell system which is inherent their own.

These children will slowly but surely incarnate and some will be conceived in the next few months.  However they will seek out only those parents who can assist their higher life passage and development – thus high frequency parents, who have a high consciousness level and who are on track with their missions and also sensitive and empowered enough to help these children to adapt to live on planet earth.

That means that most children conceived will still be the older prototypes, as these new prototypes will be gradually introduced as the development of the forerunners as carefully monitored.

During this time the older children will become more and more unreachable and also treatable with old educational systems which simply do not work anymore, and medical practices which are totally outdated.  They will cause human beings to scientifically advance into the much higher consciousness level where science and spirituality meet on so many levels that it will transform into a new way of life on this planet.

This truly is then the New Earth emerging now, and I am so inspired by this, that I stand in awe and wonder.

To be able to bring in these children, to truly be able to work with them and to nurture their inherent genius is a PRIVILEDGE.

Let us serve these children with open hearts, minds and immense love.

Let us help them to adjust to life on this planet and truly change ourselves, so that the old can now leave us and the new emerge into being.

(Judith Kusel)

Just Judith 197

The New Emergence – 777 with 11:11


We are moving towards the completion of a planetary phase, the first phase in the birth of the New Earth.

Since 1994 immense changes have come in on multiple levels in order to shift the planet into a much higher frequency band, and therefore all upon her.

A lot of us have been through immense upheavals, literally being uprooted, revamped and reinvented in the last few years, as the old life steadily has disintegrated and a new life slowly but surely started to emerge out of the ashes of the old.  The Phoenix rising from ashes has become our symbol, so to speak, for truly sometimes we could not see for seeing but have to have faith that whatever was happening, was bringing in a new and higher form of life.

The massive portal opened with the harmonic convergence in 1994, 11:11 now is moving into the 777 as the Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy is now starting to make its Presence felt.  It was the sun that affected us in the creation stages of this planet, and will now start influencing us on all consciousness levels, as this is the Sun of Illumination – that which shifts us collectively into much higher gear.

It acts as a portal opening up for those who are ready to step into it, which will allow us to truly now step into our co-creator roles, and into and onto a much higher frequency band for it is that of the earth returning to its origins – its creation and that which it has been created for.

It has to do with the mass awakening of the inner earth, as that inner earth layers, which was originally created, with its massive pyramids and the pyramid grids, will open up (indeed is opening up) and the mass energies released from within, and the 777 energies move in cosmically.  The two work in tandem and are interlinked. The 7 acts like a massive lightning bolt, it not only cleaves open, it ignites, like a lightning bolts is charged with immense electromagnetic energy, the 7 amplified literally is pouring in vast electromagnetic frequencies into planet earth and into our Being.  It brings the full activation of the return of the codes of alchemy and magic – that mystical Beingness.

Indeed it is the ray of ritual, mysticism, ceremony and magic.  It will enable the spiritual and physical to blend, to merge and to become AS ONE.  It is stimulating ancient memory banks opening, ancient higher healing techniques returned and the awakening of SACRED WISDOM.

For the first time in millennia we will be able to create something extraordinary, something that has never been before, and therefore we have to get crystal clear about our intention and what we intend to create in the next few years, for the 7’s will amplify this.

Alchemy always has to do with changing forms – lead into gold – transformation. We are in the process of changing form, being alchemized. Transformed and in transforming all around us is transformed.

Nowhere is this going to show up more than in the area of relationships, which reflect the microcosm and macrocosm of society at large.  If we wish to create a New Earth, first of all we have to get our own house in order, for if we cannot even find unconditional love for ourselves, how can we find it for others?  If we cannot create something extraordinary with our nearest and dearest, how can we co-create the world?

In essence magic has always been the ability to use energy and energy form and then to change that form into something else – therefore shift is some way, to become something else.  Or to use energy and create in amazing ways that which we would love to bring about in some form.

Slowly but surely there will be a new emergence happening here with this shift.  It will be that we find that in the changes of our inner core self, where we step into higher alignment and awareness – become more conscious and more cosmically aligned, that we emerged as new Beings.

We are now learning to take responsibility for what we create!  In other words, every day we become aware of our thoughts, our deeds, our inner seeing, and then focus on what we do wish to create, and not on what we do not wish in our lives.  So the shift here is subtle but sublime.

For with the release of the pyramid energies we will be bombarded with an energy that is so potent, that it will literally pull us into a much higher state of Being.  It is illuminating from outside and within.  When such high frequency energies are released the sluggish density cannot sustain form.

So, all that no longer serves the collective whole will systematically disintegrate.

When we refuse to change nor to be changed, we will not be able to step through this portal.  It is like we are given a flight ticket, and when we arrive at the airport and do not find the correct plane, we will miss the flight.  It is not like the plane was not there – it is that we did not board it on time – it took off without our being on it.

What is now being created is something we have forgotten about, but it has always been there.  It is the deep connection with the cosmos as a cosmic citizen, where we not only see the bigger picture, but we create within the cosmic laws.

I was inspired a few days ago to think about what I would love to create in marriage – what would I love to create with my Divine Other and in what way.  As I was doing this, I was suddenly seeing this new portal opening and what lay beyond it, and I realized that I had the opportunity now to not only put out the intent, but to release it into this new energy field and it would emerge into Being.  Yet, what I wished to create, would also have to be in higher alignment with my own soul and Being, for otherwise I would challenged to the very core, to keep to what I created in some form or another.

The key word here is responsibility – when one steps into the role of co-creator you have to take responsibility for what you are and have created.

What is it that you would wish to create that will have a profound and lasting effect on the New Earth?

What is it that would wish to create in your relationships?

What is that would wish to create in firmly anchoring in your soul mission onto planet earth?

The portal has opened to truly create something extraordinary, something amazing and to do so from the innermost heart and soul and with great love.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings and Twin Flame Soul Readings:

YouTube Channel:  Judith Kusel

The Mass Movement of Energies and Mass Awakening Awareness of Man

1bodyMovement, mass movement of energies are now pouring onto the earth and from the inside of the earth those pyramids and those energy centers are now starting to reactivate which have lain dormant for billions of years, as the greatest epoch of change ever experienced by mankind now rises to the fore.

This year will be a Rubicon year for many, for it is bringing together those forces, those souls, those combined pooling of soul resources on a global scale.
We have to understand just how important this is: – for the first time since Atlantis, we are standing on the threshold of immense earth changes, and changes in human awareness and the way they live their lives.

We have to understand that what has been closed down for so long is not being reawakened.  It never left the planet, but rather, as mankind deliberately wanted to destroy itself (Atlantis and what went before); these mass energy centers and energies were shut down, as the veils of amnesia were put down, in order that mankind learnt the lesson of power.

The Energy of Power is NEUTRAL – it is what one projects onto that power and the way one uses power, that ultimate can build up or destroy.

I have been working intensely with earth energies and energy fields and what is now awakening in the last few years.  I have been shown what is coming for mankind and how this all fits together.  Indeed that is what my soul has come in to do.  More than this I will not say, for the time is not right for me to do so.

At the moment mankind’s understanding and that of science is still too primitive to truly understand that which was put into place billions of years ago on the planet, in the form of energies and energy fields, that it will have to come as a total paradigm shift in their whole thinking and believing, before they will start to grasp what this all about.
These mass energies now being released are like a Tsunami, earth quakes, cosmic fire – the whole works will hit us at once, and shake the foundations to the very core…. indeed, most those foundations will start crumbling and all that has been built upon it that has been false, will disintegrate.
It means that certain souls have been closely working together, monitoring the situation, and have returned since the last World War, to bring about this massive change and to help humanity to bridge this immense epoch – the like of which has never before been experienced by mankind.
A lot of this shaking up is going to happen on the INNER planes, before manifesting on the OUTER planes, because, remember we are working here with ENERGIES and ENERGY FIELDS. These are more subtle forces, than that of brute force.

I have witnessed myself the immense power of such energy vortexes, in dissolving what no longer serves us, and all I can say is that humanity has not even tapped in a fraction of the power of energy and energy forces on this planet.

In that the mass movement of energies, are now disintegrating that old world, those old structures, the old way of thinking, acting, being, this is going to cause havoc in a lot of soul who have as yet not been aware nor awakened.  It is almost like they suddenly realize they are on the sinking of the unsinkable ship – like those who were on board of the Titanic all those years ago.

Think of the unthinkable starting to happen, and there you get a glimpse of what is awaiting us now in this immense shift which will take about 100 to 200 years, before all is in place.
As the souls now become like magnets to each other, and start working in tandem to do the work they are destined to do now, a core group will form, who will form the nucleus of those who will hold the light steady for the rest of humanity, and then MOVE humanity into that new way of life.

They were hand-picked for this immense task, and indeed have formed part of this task force since the creation of this planet.  They have had had many incarnations, existences in life and forms, dimensions and planes of existences all over the cosmos, and therefore have all the knowledge and tools inside of themselves.

Some of these were the twin flames who were on planet earth in what was the first civilization and even before that in what humanity remembers as paradise.  They were the first and will be the last – they are the change and all the keys and codes are encoded within them.
They already know who they are and therefore this is now the year of coming together and doing the work that needs to be done. In such important calling there is no place for ego.
All is in total higher service and with total dedication.

This is a time of expansion – expansion of the mind, for science has to stretch its boundaries into infinite cosmic space.

The old ways of thinking, believing, proving things no longer serve mankind.  It is time for breaking the rules, for breaking the old institutions and those faculties of learning that kept mankind prisoner for so long.

It is time to break through all barriers, and into a totally new science!

A higher science is emerging which is firmly anchored in cosmic understanding and therefore always steeped with the energies of the heart and mind.

More than this, humanity at large will start growing in awareness of their own place in under the cosmic sun and will start remembering what went wrong in Atlantis and will become conscious of their own role as co-creators.

As all the souls who were involved in Atlantis have returned, there will be a mass awakening of their own karma and karmic links which they now have the opportunity of rectifying and therefore bringing into higher alignment again with their true souls and that of the greater soul of the planet and the cosmic soul.

It brings immense opportunities for souls to expand beyond all norms of society and all norms of what is possible and impossible.

It brings in immense higher illumination of the heart, for the true cosmic sun resides in the heart and it is the Sun of Illumination.

This is the rising of the Cosmic Sun and it is the rise of the true illumination of mankind!

Let those who have ears, hear.

Let those who have eyes, see.

Let what is written stand for all eternity.

This is the hour, this is the day.

(Judith Kusel)


The New Earth and cosmic citizenship

Let there be peace in your mind, heart and understanding.

Let there be love in your heart and soul as you read this.

For here is the undiluted truth of Ages:

You create your own reality and how you live this reality.

In essence this is what is happening all over the cosmos and your soul chose to incarnate at this time, in order to bring certain gifts, talents, abilities to the fore.  Thus honor these, and live them and do not shrink from giving of self to the world.

Yes, there are a lot of you that have karmic links and karmic residue to work through:  this is a lifetime when you can work off 51% of all karma and you may ask that this be released and cleansed, so that your soul can be purified and you free to step up and into higher service for mankind.

Understand then, that it is truly up to you to choose this path.  A lot of souls move onto the higher pathways, and then let the detractors, the ones who are not awakened tread on their visions, dreams, highest hopes and aspirations and then back into the state of numbness and forgetfulness.  This then pulls down their whole energy field and it becomes sluggish and more and more dense, as the accumulated emotional pain and baggage never gets worked through and transmuted.

There is so much fear in some, that they do not understand how fear then clogs up the whole energy systems and then moves them into a kind of robot-like existence, where they cannot be freed from this existence, for it is their own free will and choice to live this kind of life – in bondage to fear.

However, as much as there are these lost souls, let us remember that there are immense changes then in so many – the ones who truly are holding the light steady for the rest of humanity.  They are stepping more and more into that higher state of Being, where understanding dawns that one is captain and master of one’s own soul and therefore one’s own life.

It is here that one has to be aware of the negative ego, that that voice which tries to pull one down into the hysterical state of the masses.  Do not buy into that illusion: – yes, you will always stick out by the mile, and yes, others will cling to you for dear life, for they see you as a type of savior and one who is more enlightened than themselves.  However, you cannot allow this to happen, for each soul is responsible for its own well being, and for the well being of its own soul, and life in its myriad of forms.  No one can drag another into the higher states of Being – only themselves.

This is truly now an illustrious time in the history of planet Earth.  As the Milky Way is stepping up on a vast evolutionary scale, so is planet Earth.  She cannot wallow in the lower states any more, and she cannot allow those living on her surface to keep her from ascending and moving into the higher evolutionary states.  Therefore she has to cleanse and purify herself, and she will shed those who are clogging up her arteries, and spreading dis-ease in her body, for she has no other choice.  She is rejuvenating and she is stepping into a new form and she is claiming this form.  Therefore you have to be aware of how you are assisting and assimilating this process, and how you are contributing to the general well-being of the planet and are then ascending in sync with her.

Yes, this is the higher states of being now opening up more and more.  It is a beautiful and precious state.  It is the state of inner peace, harmony, and that sense of wholeness, which transcends time and space.

It is time to embrace the cosmic citizenship and live within the cosmic laws of One.  There cannot be divisions, there cannot be competition, nor strive – for each one, in his or her own way, is allowed to shine and to simply be.

Thus, look not at what your brother or sister are doing, or not doing.  It is truly none of your business.

Rather look at how you can step more and more into the truth of who and what you are, without shrinking.

You do not need to fit into anyone’s idea or norm.  You are meant to expand every single moment, and with every single breath you take, into a higher evolutionary state.

You are meant to step more and more into truth and authenticity.  You are meant to step into that state of unconditional love, where no matter how much you are being challenged, you will not lose that state, but it will become a higher way of life and living.

As a cosmic being you will understand that perfection reigns.  There is no right or wrong, just ways of life expression.  There is no need to defend anyone, nor is there a need to stand on a soap box and preach.  Let each soul find its own way into the higher state of Being, and let them sort out their own mess, in their own time.

This is not to say that you cannot lend a helping hand: — rather to understand, that you can heal another, up to a point.  Then they have to heal themselves.  Some cling onto di-sease for it is comfortable and it is a way of gaining sympathy.  That is their own free will and choice.

Remember then that yes, there will be those who wish to pull you down into their own darkness, for they hate the light.  Let this not affect you.  Do your cleansing and clearing every day, for you know not what comes to you nor is directed to you, but know that with every level of existence which you cleanse and clear, even into the cells, the DNA, and generic history, and ancestral lineage, is blessed, for this is higher service work.  The more this is done, the more you assist planet earth, for then the energy fields are getting opened up even more, and the energies ascend and as the old dense and dark gets transmuted into pure light energies and can then be recycled and used in much higher and better ways.

Understand that a new state of Being is formed – and always this state of Being, is found from deep within.  It is not found without. 

For the outer world will spin illusions – it will try and confuse you and it will show you all the harshness and the unforgiveness of old world:  that is its final death throws and its way of trying desperate to claim its power back and its control. 

Remember who and what you truly are and claim your divine birthright as a true son and daughter of God.

Stand firmly anchored in love and light – no matter what plays out on the world stage around you – stand there firm and unshakable, anchored into the very firmaments of the cosmic foundations, and therefore unshakable, unmovable, and so anchored in love and light, which fills every part of your Being, and with great peace, contentment and love inside of yourself.

More than this know – that you are now truly anchoring in the new Golden Age – there is no going back!

This is Age of the Golden Heart and the immensity of a new and higher state of Being, firmly anchored in love, wisdom and power, the three-fold flame of life itself, as embodied by the Divine.

(Judith Kusel)

(For soul readings in finding your life mission and purpose, soul name, galaxy or origin etc. please look at my ABOUT page here on WordPress or visit my website:

Photo:  Jean-Luc Bozzoli


The Shift in context of the Super Consciousness fields….

In these last three months I have found myself moving deeper and deeper into the Super-consciousness fields, which opened up for me in my inner and outer journey through this part of Africa, since 2008.

I am realizing more that consciousness has many levels or octaves of Being, just like musical notes form octaves of sound. 

When one looks at a spiral and spiraling vortex energy, like a springing coil, then on understands that the vibration at the bottom of the coil is very different from that at the top of coil.  So it is with the Super consciousness fields.

In the process of all of this I have found that one cannot just tap into the higher fields, without having the inner keys and codes to match the frequency field which one wishes to tap into.

In essence then the Ancients, who had access to this field, and who have had to vacate the planet very quickly, were forced to shut down this field, but leave it hidden in many forms, which we will only be able to access once more, when we raise our own consciousness to a certain advanced level.

They communicated telepathically, and had no use for a written language.  Their communication system was in high tech energy forms, which we have not yet rediscovered on this planet.  Because they used their whole brain capacity, and not just a fraction, like we are doing on this planet, they were far more advanced in the uses of energy and energy fields than we are.

As they had no use for written language, they often used sacred geometries in the designs of their buildings, and then the pyramid structures, and domes.  They did not use the later squares and blocks, which we tend to favor in architectural designs, which came much later, and were inherited from the Greeks and Romans and some of the buildings in Egypt.

However, what remain of the general structures are but the foundations of such buildings and not the whole design.  For the squares would just be the foundation, for much larger domes and pyramid structures, which in turn were used in multiple levels, with the key then geometry, but sacred geometry.

I am trying to get a concept across here which will not be easy to understand, unless one gets past the notion, that the first man, who lived on this planet, was a Neanderthal.  They existed much later, than the original civilization on earth and only after several disasters had happened and then was the survival of a certain species which were left behind, in the rush to evacuate the outer planet.

To come back to the energy fields:  As this planet is now moving into a higher consciousness field, the whole of its energy centers then are also now moving into a much higher octave of energy frequency.  The whole inner earth (apart from the civilization in the inner earth Agartha), it made up of layers of octaves of energy centers, and they move with certain fluctuations according to the cosmic energy fields.  The earth itself, is a living being, and is made up of certain minerals, etc. which are conduit of energy fields.

So, instead of this solid mass, we imagine her to be, she is an immense powerhouse and conduit for sheer energy. 

This energy does not need to mined, not does it need to be extracted from the earth, but this energy only needs to find the correct conduit for it, which is naturally made up, and the whole earth and all that lives on it, will have an endless free energy supply for humanity to tap into and for all the rest of life!  Such is how the Ancients created their energy fields, when they first laid them down.

Please do not confuse this with the so-called ley lines or Web of Light.  I am talking of something completely different here.

As the consciousness of Mother Earth rises, this energy will make itself felt more and more, and the very dense human body, in its 3D state, will not be able to sustain life on this planet anymore.  It is too dense to hold its form at this high energy frequency.

This is one of the reasons why the new crystalline body is forming around the spinal column.

However, and this is the crux:  There are certain immense energies which will be released all at once, for there are centers on this planet, where the ancient energy fields have been severely blocked.  When these open up, from the sheer pressure within, it will bring in massive earth changes, e.g. Volcanoes erupting, land masses sinking, landslides, Tsunamis etc.  It is all part of the rising of consciousness and the energy fields on this planet.

The deeper I delve into this energy field and the more that is revealed to me, the more I understand that this is going to cause a mass EVOLUTIONARY change, in all of life, at molecular and atomic particle level.  So, not only our physical bodies are changing, but also that of the animal and plant life on the surface of the planet, underneath the surface and in the oceans.

All is evolving into a much higher frequency band of existence!

This is what this shift is truly about, and unless we learn to raise our own energies, and releasing what is clogging us up, we will not be able to sustain life on this planet. 

This is immense and it is happening now!


Mother ship Earth moving deeper and deeper into the vortex energy….

Moving into the massive Vortex on Mother ship Earth

In the midst of earth and cosmic whole there is intense flux and there is a moving, a creation and re-creation going on which is beyond the scope of what has happened over millions of light years and now culmination into a new rebirthing and a new re-creational order of life itself.
As the planet is and never was an entity on her own, her own rebirth and re-emergence is therefore now happening and there is not form of life on and within her which will go untouched. She is moving in higher state of Being, as this whole solar system and Universe is being transformed. Our sun is being transformed and the great Sun too. So there is not one particle how small or big which is not being transformed in its own essence.
This is not the first time the planet and greater cosmic whole has gone through massive transformations like this – it has happened before and therefore one must understand that in essence all the souls who are now in this planet KNEW this before they were born. They also knew that the old order would disintegrate and that a new one would be formed and will emerge as there has to be a new 72 000 year cycle and with it a new way of life.
In this one has to understand that all souls, in some measure have trigger mechanisms deeply ingrained and built into them. Some have prepared this planet for this shift through a number of lifetimes, working in tandem with other souls from their own soul group, and then now having returned to see this work to completion.
Sometimes ideas or concepts were brought to fore in a form when the planet had slipped into forgetfulness, and the majority were not prepared as yet for the changes. Often they were persecuted, or burnt or simply cast out of society, because what they were trying to bring across was not understood and what is not understood is feared and what is feared is then cast out or exterminated. However, the concept will move forward and on, until those are not able to suppress or stem the tide anymore.
At this moment there are two major forces at work and this need to be understood in order for the rest to be understood:
1. The ancients worked with two powers and one of these was the vortex sound energies, which emitted sound. These vortex energy centers were essential to the greater well being of both the planet and masses. It was controlled by those who used this for the greater good of all at the time. And this energy is now making itself felt again, in ways which most human beings still do not understand. They stand in front of stone emitting sound frequencies and energies and measure them and look at them from all angles, wondering how they got there and were assembled, when they fail to HEAR the messages and songs these stones are singing. LITERALLY SINGING for they are emitted messages from the stars and relaying them, for they are TRANSMITTERS of cosmic energies, and are reactivated by the vortex energies.

2. The pyramids and such-like structures were never used as tombs or whatever other purposes, than ENERGY places and higher healing and energy transmitting stations.

3. The human body is undergoing immense changes at this time, and therefore the entire old karmic residue, the unbalanced emotions and all the old stuck patterns which were created over thousands of years, and often by the self-same souls now returned, have to be dissolved. There is reluctance on the part of some to let go of spouses, or others whom they have trodden a long path with. However, if the soul is not free and thus tied down by those who are not as evolved or as tune-in as they themselves are, and then such relationships are not serving their highest soul purpose anymore. Some like to brag about the fact that they have withstood all the storms for many years – when in reality this is a sham and the relationship is shaking and disintegrating at the seams. Now is the time, when those foundations will truly crumble and disintegrate, for what is not authentic and real, no matter how much glue is used, will just disappear. It is to free these souls up to move into a new reality where a new way of relating and loving is now being born and this is essentially a totally new way of life and living. Why cling to the old when the new is being born?

4. Never underestimate the power of your own soul to guide you home to the truth and to the heart of whom and what you are. It is your own heart and soul that are connected to the Over soul and the Divine Blueprint for your life. Even if you have lived your life a certain way for 50 or so years, it does not mean that you have done and lived it all and know it all. Far from it – it is now that you are only getting activated to the fullest, and therefore what served you even five years ago, is no longer serving you now. Be prepared for all to dissolve and move into something totally new.
See this as a portal in cosmic time having opened up, and spaceship earth, like a great Mother ship, moving into a new galaxy which it has never explored before and therefore now moving into life and life forms and coming across such as she has never encountered before. Therefore and she, and those abroad her are moving deeper and deeper into the new they find that their old tools, the old way of thinking, feeling and being of nil and void in this new space. Therefore they now have to adapt and create a totally new of life, and invent new tools and new ways of living, relating and being.
See yourself as pioneers, as adventurers and then just go with the flow. Stay firmly centered and anchored in the heart and let the mind not lead you astray.
Hone into your inner guidance system – it is true and the greatest instrument of navigation you have and know that the art of moving into the new, is to be open to re-create, to re-think and re-love and re-invent a totally new life and new way living.
This is the greatest moment of time-travelling, of being a pioneer explorer into the infinite new space being opened up now with this massive vortex the planet is now moving deeper and deeper into.
All is disintegrating at its seams, but the new – the new is being created and what a journey of exploration this is!
(Judith Kusel)