The Collective Subconsciousness: Alpha and Omega

We are stepping into the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of what has been before (since the birth of this planet and human history) and into the New Alpha and Omega, the New Beginning.

In the last weeks, I have had many things coming up which needed to be released, and a lot had to do with the COLLECTIVE Clearing and Cleansing – thus not so much my own soul’s clearing and cleansing, but that of the collective.

C.G. Jung called it the collective subconscious mind- I call it the collective cellular memory banks of humankind, since the Tree of Life was taken away from humankind.

The Tree of Live itself is often misunderstood and misinterpreted by human beings, as being a type of Tree of Knowledge or Good Evil.  What is truth humanity lost, was their co-creatorship with the Divine, because they abused their powers, and they did not adhere to the Divine Cosmic Laws, on which the whole firmaments rest cosmically – indeed the whole Creation rests upon these Laws, which regulate the forms and structures of all life and life forms, indeed the WHOLE OF CREATION.  There are many tiers of these Laws, but when adhered to it brings balance, harmony, order, peace.

In truth the Tree of Life, is a Cosmic Superconscious Energy Matrix Field, which does contain all Knowledge, Technology, and Wisdom all levels of Creation and it holds the 7 and 12 Sacred Fires, the Fires Letters of Amrita, the Lost Yod (Finger of God/Goddess) Fire knowledge, the knowledge of the Crystal Pyramids and Pyramid Crystalline Energy Power Grids, the Lost Knowledge of Ancient Ones pertaining to the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, and the All-trinity Triad Knowledge, with the original Adam Kadman Knowledge as held in the original cellular memory of the first volunteer races on earth, as I have recorded in my new book “Why I was born in Africa:  the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom”.

With this lost knowledge comes the Phi and PSI(Y) energies, as the Phi holds ONLY ONE COMPONENT of energy and sacred Golden Mean.  The PSI Counterpart, the FEMININE aspect and all the mathematical equations and the Sacred Geometries and all knowledge contained therein was REMOVED from the Planet by the Divine Feminine, when she withdrew her knowledge and technology from the planet, with the downfall of Atlantis.

We cannot regain the knowledge of the Pyramids and how they truly functioned, without the Psi component, for the Phi, in itself is powerless, if not balanced by the Psi, as there is always balance cosmically.  When the Masculine and Feminine are balancing each other out, the THIRD AND MIGHTY FORCES COSMICALLY ARE RELEASED.

More than this with lost the Keys and Codes to unlock the Knowledge held within the 7th Sun of Illumination and we also lost our cosmic citizenship in the aftermath of all the destruction humankind wreaked.

More than this we have not regained the full use of our 12 bodies, and only now are starting to remember the use of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and to some extend soul bodies, but have not even touched on the activating the full 12 body system, which will enable us to teleport at will, to become visible and invisible, and to shapeshift into any energy form we wish to.

It is only when the use of the 12-body system is fully activated that we can truly step into the full co-creatorship again.

We are now stepping into the time, when the collective memory banks of intense trauma and pain, caused by the destruction of Elysium, the Lion Kingdom, Avalon, Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis left on the imprint of this the memory bank.

In as much as each one of us does the inner releasing work, practice forgiveness for ourselves and others, and expand this across societies, across seeming global divisions we cannot heal collectively.

All the souls involved with these lost continents have now returned en-masse, to finally master the collective Karmic Patterns of self-destruction, and to regain the full cosmic Mastery, of co-creatorship, where one has attained a high degree of Mastery of the SELF, before one can assist the Collective to heal.


Each one of us is as much responsible for the SELF AS WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COLLECTIVE.


In truth there are no THEY nor THE OTHERS – we are all one and the same.


The Cosmic Divine Law of the ONE AND THE MANY apply here.


The One is the Many and the Many is the One.


We must reclaim our responsibility and heal what was collectively destructed, BEFORE we are all finally freed up to fully live in the New Golden Age.


(Judith Kusel)


Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2


The Void of Humanity

There is a general lost-ness in the human race which in truth was of their own making, when they collectively went against Divine Cosmic Laws, and in essence against their own core creation.

The lost-ness is most found in the way most yearn to be complete again, to become whole, and more than this to find true love which is lasting and not just a fleeting dream.

Deep down the Collective Consciousness reaches out to remind us of what we once had, and what we are now so desperately trying to regain.  In truth we never really lost it, nor lost ourselves, we just lost the key connections and the know-how to plug ourselves into the cosmic wholeness once again, and reclaim our wholeness WITHIN.

I work with the Super Consciousness Energy fields, and what I have come to realize is the everything which is conscious and aware, has been programmed into these vast energy fields.  Every single energy field is connected to one of the 12 Great Central Suns, and therefore then in a sense then plugged directly into its Energy STORAGE systems, which are like a huge pulsating, spiralling hub.

They are the CENTRAL Brain or Mind or Telos if you like of the Cosmos and then directly plugged into the ULTIMATE SUN which is the Divine Source itself.  However each Super Conscious Energy Field, is BOTH SOUL AND MIND – therefore the HEART/MIND connection is in balance and harmony and thus it pulsates at the frequencies of LIGHT, LOVE, SOUND AND BREATH – All of these components form the CHI or QI, the Life Energy Force which is there in every single living organism and living particle, atomic particles and sub-atomic particles and every single living cell and DNA structure Cosmically.

Every galaxy is one conscious Energy field and every single solar System and the planets attached to such system is one living Energy Field, and therefore CONSCIOUS and AWARE.

When souls incarnate onto this planet they normally are born conscious, but then through the process of growing up, are shut down by old fashioned methods of teaching, of societal structures and in the general programming which has ruled humanity since the first Fall.

I am gaining more and more respect for the human cell and its memory bank, for indeed, our whole ancestral history, plus dis-eases and trauma are more or less programmed in there and therefore humanity has to learn to deprogram this, in order to truly rise into the highest conscious awareness.  For while the physical body is being constantly upgraded now, we still do not know how to wipe the cell memory banks clean – like one would wipe out the memory banks of a hard drive of a computer and then reprogram it completely, or invent higher and better/faster computers and brains.

When humanity remembers how to do this (for it can be done and is done cosmically), then we will finally have the physical body in highest alignment with the Soul and the Divine Source like we had in the very beginning. The secret key to longevity, lies within our own souls and the cells structure of the physical from we adopt for but a single eye-wink in eternity.

What hinders humanity is mainly old and warped thinking and belief systems, outdated technology and science which is still soul-less, and therefore does not acknowledge the science of the soul as a vital component to a vibrant, radiant and fully empowered life and therefore the sacred key to Love, life and all BEING.

More than this, it is the old fear programming which is haunting us, via the ancestral programming, and the devastation of self-destruction which has been our own creation time and again.  It is almost like we are bent to self-sabotage at some stage, when we step up in knowledge and technology – and then tend to blow ourselves up.

Nowhere is this more reflected than in the area of relationships, whether these are intimate or social or whatever else.  We cannot even live in peace and harmony in our own home, never-mind the rest of the world.  Add to this that most people are not even at home with their own inner soul selves, and therefore at war within themselves!

Humanity is driven by the search for meaning, union and wholeness and the ultimate state of pure love, harmony, and balance.

  • Deep down within all of us is the yearning, the quest, the search for higher meaning and purpose. If our lives and way of living and loving has no meaning, we flounder in the quagmire of no-thingness and void.
  • Add to this the search for wholeness and completion.
  • The void exists within all of us, as does the distinct remembering as programmed into our souls and physical bodily cells, that once there was wholeness and that ultimate state of harmony and balance when the planet was first created. Our whole life is spent trying to bridge the void and find wholeness and completion once more.  This is in truth what CONSCIOUSNESS is and means.
  • Victor Frankl in his book “The Search for meaning” goes deeply into the very void. While in a concentration camp he asked the question why some seem to survive, while others did not and then comes to a very important conclusion that those who survived had a purpose, and calling GREATER than the sum total of themselves to fulfil and thus survived.
  • Herein lies a secret key to all of life:
  • Without purpose and a calling greater than the sum total of self all life is a void and devoid of meaning, and thus empty.
  • Most seek this wholeness, the filling of the void, in relationships, yet most never ever find that wholeness, only more desperation, loneliness and void, even in the most committed of relationships. In fact, just being in a relationship will not fill the void, will not fill the longing, so the void within will haunt us:  WHY?

  creativityfrommotherearthandfatertime333outer-space-planets-fantasy-art-artwork-wallpaper-3Because the void was created by man and woman and not by the Divine. 

 To be continued.

(Judith Kusel)

My Soul Readings give the meaning and purpose of your soul and why you incarnated onto planet earth:

The Mass Movement of Energies and Mass Awakening Awareness of Man

1bodyMovement, mass movement of energies are now pouring onto the earth and from the inside of the earth those pyramids and those energy centers are now starting to reactivate which have lain dormant for billions of years, as the greatest epoch of change ever experienced by mankind now rises to the fore.

This year will be a Rubicon year for many, for it is bringing together those forces, those souls, those combined pooling of soul resources on a global scale.
We have to understand just how important this is: – for the first time since Atlantis, we are standing on the threshold of immense earth changes, and changes in human awareness and the way they live their lives.

We have to understand that what has been closed down for so long is not being reawakened.  It never left the planet, but rather, as mankind deliberately wanted to destroy itself (Atlantis and what went before); these mass energy centers and energies were shut down, as the veils of amnesia were put down, in order that mankind learnt the lesson of power.

The Energy of Power is NEUTRAL – it is what one projects onto that power and the way one uses power, that ultimate can build up or destroy.

I have been working intensely with earth energies and energy fields and what is now awakening in the last few years.  I have been shown what is coming for mankind and how this all fits together.  Indeed that is what my soul has come in to do.  More than this I will not say, for the time is not right for me to do so.

At the moment mankind’s understanding and that of science is still too primitive to truly understand that which was put into place billions of years ago on the planet, in the form of energies and energy fields, that it will have to come as a total paradigm shift in their whole thinking and believing, before they will start to grasp what this all about.
These mass energies now being released are like a Tsunami, earth quakes, cosmic fire – the whole works will hit us at once, and shake the foundations to the very core…. indeed, most those foundations will start crumbling and all that has been built upon it that has been false, will disintegrate.
It means that certain souls have been closely working together, monitoring the situation, and have returned since the last World War, to bring about this massive change and to help humanity to bridge this immense epoch – the like of which has never before been experienced by mankind.
A lot of this shaking up is going to happen on the INNER planes, before manifesting on the OUTER planes, because, remember we are working here with ENERGIES and ENERGY FIELDS. These are more subtle forces, than that of brute force.

I have witnessed myself the immense power of such energy vortexes, in dissolving what no longer serves us, and all I can say is that humanity has not even tapped in a fraction of the power of energy and energy forces on this planet.

In that the mass movement of energies, are now disintegrating that old world, those old structures, the old way of thinking, acting, being, this is going to cause havoc in a lot of soul who have as yet not been aware nor awakened.  It is almost like they suddenly realize they are on the sinking of the unsinkable ship – like those who were on board of the Titanic all those years ago.

Think of the unthinkable starting to happen, and there you get a glimpse of what is awaiting us now in this immense shift which will take about 100 to 200 years, before all is in place.
As the souls now become like magnets to each other, and start working in tandem to do the work they are destined to do now, a core group will form, who will form the nucleus of those who will hold the light steady for the rest of humanity, and then MOVE humanity into that new way of life.

They were hand-picked for this immense task, and indeed have formed part of this task force since the creation of this planet.  They have had had many incarnations, existences in life and forms, dimensions and planes of existences all over the cosmos, and therefore have all the knowledge and tools inside of themselves.

Some of these were the twin flames who were on planet earth in what was the first civilization and even before that in what humanity remembers as paradise.  They were the first and will be the last – they are the change and all the keys and codes are encoded within them.
They already know who they are and therefore this is now the year of coming together and doing the work that needs to be done. In such important calling there is no place for ego.
All is in total higher service and with total dedication.

This is a time of expansion – expansion of the mind, for science has to stretch its boundaries into infinite cosmic space.

The old ways of thinking, believing, proving things no longer serve mankind.  It is time for breaking the rules, for breaking the old institutions and those faculties of learning that kept mankind prisoner for so long.

It is time to break through all barriers, and into a totally new science!

A higher science is emerging which is firmly anchored in cosmic understanding and therefore always steeped with the energies of the heart and mind.

More than this, humanity at large will start growing in awareness of their own place in under the cosmic sun and will start remembering what went wrong in Atlantis and will become conscious of their own role as co-creators.

As all the souls who were involved in Atlantis have returned, there will be a mass awakening of their own karma and karmic links which they now have the opportunity of rectifying and therefore bringing into higher alignment again with their true souls and that of the greater soul of the planet and the cosmic soul.

It brings immense opportunities for souls to expand beyond all norms of society and all norms of what is possible and impossible.

It brings in immense higher illumination of the heart, for the true cosmic sun resides in the heart and it is the Sun of Illumination.

This is the rising of the Cosmic Sun and it is the rise of the true illumination of mankind!

Let those who have ears, hear.

Let those who have eyes, see.

Let what is written stand for all eternity.

This is the hour, this is the day.

(Judith Kusel)


Moving into Infinite Space….

There are massive electro-magnetic storms and other activities going on within our solar system, the solar sun bursts, the universe and counter-universe and the Milky Way Galaxy itself. This means that there a huge, like an electro-magnetic energy field in upheaval, like a massive cosmic storm
In this it is starting to push all of us, not just Planet Earth, for she is but part of the greater whole, into a different state of Being. It is creation re-forming herself on multiple levels and becoming something different – it is restructuring itself into a form of life and moving into a higher evolutionary state of Being.
We on this planet are not entities on our own, and Mother Earth has given her whole-hearted agreement to also be changed and reformed- and restructured. She is therefore too in a tremendous state of flux. Her core inner earth centers are being refurbished, re-structured as is all the rest of her.

We are being re-formed, re-structured and re-invented – that is why nothing of the old ways is working anymore…. Wars will start dissolving themselves, as if a Master hand had just played chess in a huge form and just started to shuffle around the pieces and has called the end to the game.

That reconstructing has come in the form of completely new infinite space, which is of a much higher frequency and vibratory level. It is in essence an immense cleansing, clearing and purification of particles, and thus every particles dissolves into a swirling mass and then reforms into a different pattern. This is essentially what is happening. The old patterns have already disintegrated and the only way that it is still in some form is because of some souls refusing to wake up and who are clinging and holding onto for dear life to their power base and their old controlling ways.

To me this is the time when we truly have to stop striving and pushing and moving because then we expend energy in the incorrect way. By trying to push, we are moving against the tide, instead of allowing ourselves to dissolve with the tidal wave and then become ONE with it. Here lies the crux.

As long as one resists – then that same force of resistance pushes one into more resistance. While is one become One with the force, one BECOMES the force. One thus becomes one with the GREATER WHOLE. ONE IS THE GREATER WHOLE. ONE IS THE FORCE OF CHANGE and ONE IS PART OF THE ENERGY WHICH IS RECREATING ITSELF.

I have learnt in the last few weeks, to truly allow all of Being to surrender to this force and then to open my hearts center more. This means I consciously reconnect with my heart and the heart of the planet and the cosmic core heart. When I am held within the space of my heart, then I am held within the core creative force itself, for this IS the creative force, where all is BIRTHED. It is that feeling of being held in the womb of the Great Mother, and held in the love that is immensely powerful. Held within the middle of the churning and swirling mass energy, I am safe, loved and secure.

Think here of the fetus held within the mother’s womb. It is there growing, nourished and fed by the mother and womb. So this is where one has to be now, safely held within that womb and one is part and particle of the Mother reforming and re-invention herself.

At the moment the Mother is showing herself as the one who brings in the massive changes, the dissolving, and disintegration. This is as should be. She is all of creation, and sometime when the new is forming, is has to dissolve – what has to dissolve is all those destructive methods that were used in order to keep mankind prisoner for so long. It is the Divine Feminine now saying: “Enough is enough. It is time for all of this to stop. I wish to recreate you in the TRUTH of who and what you truly are – Divine and much Beloved Sons and Daughters of the DIVINE! You ARE that – you ARE infinite beings. It is time to embrace love and to live love and to recreate with me the ONENESS and dissolve all those feelings and beliefs of separateness. Dissolve the ILLUSIONS and step into the reality of ONENESS.

When we allow ourselves to go with the flow of this massive surge of energy, and allow our hearts to open up even more, we allow the Mother Earth to be re-birthed and re-invented, and as she is re-invented, so are we. We ARE Mother Earth, just as much as she is us. There is no difference. WE ARE ONE.

Simply allow. Allow life to be in flux and in churning vortex energy.

I do a simple meditation every morning where I reconnect with the Divine and whole Cosmic Hierarchy, and then with my own Soul Group, and my soul, and then I ask for the Spiritual vortex to cleanse and purify and to churn out, which is not of my higher Divine and Soul Group monadic blueprint. In this way, all is dislodged which no longer serves my highest soul good, and keeps me in higher alignment with my Soul Group Higher Soul Purpose and evolutionary state and the Divine blueprint for my soul and life.

I open my heart and my whole four bodies for the Divine Feminine to move into, so that every single cell, DNA structure, part and particles of ALL my bodies, not just the physical, are flooded with the LOVE consciousness, the Christed consciousness of the Divine Feminine. I ask that my whole life becomes the Gospel and the expression of Love.

Then I surrender completely ….. and allow the creative force to simply flow through me. I therefore am ONE with it and ONE with ALL creation. I AM CREATION AND CREATION IS ME.

This is why I love doing soul readings. These immediately put you in touch with your own higher soul self, your soul group and your Divine Blueprint. It triggers mechanisms, keys and codes deep within so that you remember who and what you truly are. It helps you to LIVE your soul purpose, and most of all to LIVE in the higher octaves of Being, which is truly what your soul desires to do and become.

At this time, this is vital for those souls who have not yet understood their own higher reasons for being here at this time, and those who wish to remember more and to have the inner codes and keys awakened.

Being in touch and in alignment with your own soul and soul group, helps you to flow with these immense cosmic changes and to have the full support of the WHOLE within and without and thus truly help to flow with the Life-force stream itself.

It brings in the sense of belonging and being part of a much vaster Master plan.

However, the ground work, the spade work still has to be done by the soul itself and that mean that reconnection has to come deep from the heart and soul.

We are on the threshold of something vast, immense and it is beautiful, profound, and immensely life-giving, life-changing and much more than that. It is like stepping into the realms of infinity, the boundless, and immensity of BEING itself.


Mother ship Earth moving deeper and deeper into the vortex energy….

Moving into the massive Vortex on Mother ship Earth

In the midst of earth and cosmic whole there is intense flux and there is a moving, a creation and re-creation going on which is beyond the scope of what has happened over millions of light years and now culmination into a new rebirthing and a new re-creational order of life itself.
As the planet is and never was an entity on her own, her own rebirth and re-emergence is therefore now happening and there is not form of life on and within her which will go untouched. She is moving in higher state of Being, as this whole solar system and Universe is being transformed. Our sun is being transformed and the great Sun too. So there is not one particle how small or big which is not being transformed in its own essence.
This is not the first time the planet and greater cosmic whole has gone through massive transformations like this – it has happened before and therefore one must understand that in essence all the souls who are now in this planet KNEW this before they were born. They also knew that the old order would disintegrate and that a new one would be formed and will emerge as there has to be a new 72 000 year cycle and with it a new way of life.
In this one has to understand that all souls, in some measure have trigger mechanisms deeply ingrained and built into them. Some have prepared this planet for this shift through a number of lifetimes, working in tandem with other souls from their own soul group, and then now having returned to see this work to completion.
Sometimes ideas or concepts were brought to fore in a form when the planet had slipped into forgetfulness, and the majority were not prepared as yet for the changes. Often they were persecuted, or burnt or simply cast out of society, because what they were trying to bring across was not understood and what is not understood is feared and what is feared is then cast out or exterminated. However, the concept will move forward and on, until those are not able to suppress or stem the tide anymore.
At this moment there are two major forces at work and this need to be understood in order for the rest to be understood:
1. The ancients worked with two powers and one of these was the vortex sound energies, which emitted sound. These vortex energy centers were essential to the greater well being of both the planet and masses. It was controlled by those who used this for the greater good of all at the time. And this energy is now making itself felt again, in ways which most human beings still do not understand. They stand in front of stone emitting sound frequencies and energies and measure them and look at them from all angles, wondering how they got there and were assembled, when they fail to HEAR the messages and songs these stones are singing. LITERALLY SINGING for they are emitted messages from the stars and relaying them, for they are TRANSMITTERS of cosmic energies, and are reactivated by the vortex energies.

2. The pyramids and such-like structures were never used as tombs or whatever other purposes, than ENERGY places and higher healing and energy transmitting stations.

3. The human body is undergoing immense changes at this time, and therefore the entire old karmic residue, the unbalanced emotions and all the old stuck patterns which were created over thousands of years, and often by the self-same souls now returned, have to be dissolved. There is reluctance on the part of some to let go of spouses, or others whom they have trodden a long path with. However, if the soul is not free and thus tied down by those who are not as evolved or as tune-in as they themselves are, and then such relationships are not serving their highest soul purpose anymore. Some like to brag about the fact that they have withstood all the storms for many years – when in reality this is a sham and the relationship is shaking and disintegrating at the seams. Now is the time, when those foundations will truly crumble and disintegrate, for what is not authentic and real, no matter how much glue is used, will just disappear. It is to free these souls up to move into a new reality where a new way of relating and loving is now being born and this is essentially a totally new way of life and living. Why cling to the old when the new is being born?

4. Never underestimate the power of your own soul to guide you home to the truth and to the heart of whom and what you are. It is your own heart and soul that are connected to the Over soul and the Divine Blueprint for your life. Even if you have lived your life a certain way for 50 or so years, it does not mean that you have done and lived it all and know it all. Far from it – it is now that you are only getting activated to the fullest, and therefore what served you even five years ago, is no longer serving you now. Be prepared for all to dissolve and move into something totally new.
See this as a portal in cosmic time having opened up, and spaceship earth, like a great Mother ship, moving into a new galaxy which it has never explored before and therefore now moving into life and life forms and coming across such as she has never encountered before. Therefore and she, and those abroad her are moving deeper and deeper into the new they find that their old tools, the old way of thinking, feeling and being of nil and void in this new space. Therefore they now have to adapt and create a totally new of life, and invent new tools and new ways of living, relating and being.
See yourself as pioneers, as adventurers and then just go with the flow. Stay firmly centered and anchored in the heart and let the mind not lead you astray.
Hone into your inner guidance system – it is true and the greatest instrument of navigation you have and know that the art of moving into the new, is to be open to re-create, to re-think and re-love and re-invent a totally new life and new way living.
This is the greatest moment of time-travelling, of being a pioneer explorer into the infinite new space being opened up now with this massive vortex the planet is now moving deeper and deeper into.
All is disintegrating at its seams, but the new – the new is being created and what a journey of exploration this is!
(Judith Kusel)

The Immensity of Being and the Higher Cosmic Rays

380760_328664343889193_86592140_nThe Immensity of Being can only be experienced, when we expand our whole vision, our whole imaginings of what life should be, and step past the boxed-in and very limited thinking our minds, and into the infinity of Life and Love itself…
When the search of MEANING – the search of whatever it is that is greater, and more profound than oneself, expands and grows into and from the HEART space, then we start reconnecting with the greater cosmic Heart and the greater spectrum, expression, forms and infinite possibilities, which are totally beyond the scope of our minds.
Those who healing, often will find, that the moment, that they allow themselves, to be used as instruments, come out of the state where the heart is truly opened up and love is flowing from the heart, and into their whole bodies and hands, that they have miraculous healings…. In that instant, when the Ego totally steps out of the way, and the body, heart and soul, become AS ONE, then the heart energies, and the higher healing energies, flow as one, and become one and the same. This is when love is truly radiated out and forth and into the physical body and heart of those whom we heal and the healer and the one being healed, become AS ONE AND THE SAME.
In the totality in which we allow our hearts and soul to open up at this momentous time in the history of mankind – that same totality will be able to step past the limitation of our minds, and all that we have gathered up on our pathways through life, the good and the bad, become something which is greater than sum total of ourselves.
As the rising of consciousness is occurring, this will become more and more the norm, and not the mere few one-off moments of inspiration, when the heart energies flow and reconnect to the cosmic heart and flow.
For this is essentially what this momentous time is all about – to allow ourselves to expand with ENERGY and then with the Golden Ray of the Christed Energies, which are WHITEGOLD, and the ray of the Archangels and Angelic Realms, the EMERALD Ray, which brings in balance, trust, higher healing and wisdom, the Ruby Ray, which brings in the ability to communicate with a depth of wisdom and knowledge, which surpasses all understanding. Essentially also, those who work with the PLATINUM rays are the ones who anchor in joy. They are, with the dolphins, the keepers of the sacred wisdom of the Ancient Ones, and are becoming the Keepers of the Planet. The Silver Ray brings grace and harmony, and when the gold-silver-violet rays merge, that is the Flame of Transmutation, where the negative, is fused into the sheerest form of new energy. The Sapphire Ray brings the powers of communication a high level, power, strength and higher healing.
The highest ray, and those who have been the ones who have been the Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge, Wisdom and Purity, Eternity and clarity, truth, honor and divine purpose, are the carriers and the Keepers of this Ray. It demands the highest path of purity, purity of intent, and where the ego steps totally of out the way, where the heart and soul opens up to the very core of the its Being, and in nakedness, stands – crystal clear, pure and thus the highest transmitter channels for the Divine Source itself.
Those who work with the Diamond ray of absolute purity can be no other than crystal clear and pure and anything not of this will fall by the wayside. It is a reflective ray, which takes those who work with it to the higher dimensions, and thus works then with the Super consciousness Fields and then anchors this into the planet at this time. Only the purest or pure can ever even aspire to work with and for this ray, and they are chosen specifically for this work because of over-soul or group soul working with and through them. They work under the direct instructions and jurisdiction of the Advisory Board of 12 who work with the Divine Source, and thus are the highest ranking Masters of all of Creation.
The more we start to work with the higher cosmic rays, the more we need to be purified. No-one can aspire to work with the higher states of consciousness, who are not willing to walk the higher path of initiations. For you shall be initiated into the various and higher states, and all which no longer serve you, will fall by the wayside – as you cannot afford to be distracted from this higher path.
So many aspire to walk these higher paths, and then still wish to life in the 3D world, with its relationship, social, work and other challenges. All of these merely distract the soul from its highest pathways. One cannot be in higher service, and then still wish to have all those others who tap into your energy fields, and pull you in all directions.
This is mainly due to the fact that the higher the consciousness level goes, the more the soul calling will kick in – literally. The souls then know that the soul mission and soul contract which they signed before incarnating here is more important to complete, than the sum total of all else.
Absolute and total dedication to higher service is demanded at this time, for all of those serious desiring to walk the higher path. There cannot be compromising here – for by compromising you are short-selling yourself, and then you cannot function at optimum level.
I have found this true for myself time and again. When I allow myself to get side-tracked or pulled into other people’s dramas, or even create dramas in my own life, then my own higher abilities suffer. I then am always reminded of this, and have to start seriously doing a lot of mirror work on myself. When, I cut those ties, and get totally focused on higher service once more, then my higher abilities return and I am back on track and more is given to me. Yet, at any time I have the free will to allow myself to sink back into the 3D dramas, or to rise above them and anchor in the higher cosmic will and love.
I have been called upon to teach this higher path and that is why I have now opened up my Mystery/Mastery School. My Soul Readings give people the vital clues they need to know what they have come to do and be in this lifetime.
Some of us simply forget all of this, yet that inner yearning and inner knowing that there must be more to life than what you are living, will haunt all of us until the end of time – for unless we start working and living completely and utterly from our hearts and souls, and step past the dramas of the 3D world and into the higher states of balance and harmony, we will always feel a deep void – a deep sense of not being true to our highest soul calling and highest dreams and aspirations – which are always centered in the heart and soul, and not in the mind!
The more I teach, the more soul readings I am doing, the more I allow myself to explore the Super consciousness fields, the more I realize that The Ancient Ones knew how to work with the cosmic energies, and engage fully from the heart and soul. Yet, there is more to this, and this is what I am now learning to implement and incorporate into my own life.
Yet, if I do not work constantly on myself, shedding skin after skin, and release what no longer serves my highest good, then I cannot do the work. In these last few weeks I have had to dig deeper into my own ancestral memory banks and release the emotions, the trauma, the bitterness and anger of the collective with regards to war. It has taught me the valuable lesson, that we are responsible for clearing this, for whatever happened is, as the Bible says, carried over to the third and fourth and successive generations, albeit often unconsciously so.
We are thus asked to remember to not only take on the responsibility for our own lives, and our own consciousness, but for the collective as well.
We are within the greatest evolutionary changes mankind has experienced for millions of years, and here in Africa, this goes back at least 40 million years ago, and we need to break the old patterns of destructive behavior and come into the balance of ourselves and all life and all life forms which ever existed on this planet, in one form or another.
This is not a time to shrink – but a time to allow ourselves to get fully activated and to grow into the greatness of our true soul selves – and there within your own soul, is all the knowledge and know-how that you need, supported by the soul group and the Divine, in order to accomplish your mission.
Go then and BE!

The Star gate Portal opening up: 21 December 2012

149099_4915574964543_662215566_n A massive release of negative energy is now being activated by the opening up of the star gates and this as this is released and transmuted by the GoldSilverViolet Flame of transmutation, Archangel Zadkiel and his angels and St. Germain, the new is entering at a massive pace.
I have had energy surges going through my whole body, and I feel myself feeling lighter and brighter and with immense serenity in the inner core of my Being. All the releasing, skin after skin in these last few years of my life and being literally stripped raw and bare, is now in process of being transformed in the Higher Soul Self and the Higher Soul Mission, which I am to serve in the next few years.
The whole cycle of this transformation period will not come overnight. The star gates will open at a pace in which we can absorb the energies and the higher mode of living. In this then 2013 and 2014 will see the advent of all our true talents, abilities and then the journey into our own MASTERY.
With mastery also comes the letting go of EGO and egocentric thinking, acting and Being.
The Ego is the part which gets slighted, or huffed and puffed up and often is the companion of pride. With it comes self-gratification and self-enrichment at the detriment of others, or believing oneself better than or more than the rest of creation. This but a few aspects of the Ego….
No one can be perfect while in a human body. Not even the greatest of the Ascended Masters have dealt with 100% of their ego.
However an Ascended Master accepts self and others and DOES NOT JUDGE NOR LABEL OTHERS. Everyone is doing his or her best. All have a unique part to play in the greater COSCMIC scheme.
Nethertheless letting go of as much of our NEGATIVE ego as possible is more and more important as we are stepping into the higher states of consciousness.
Here are some suggestions which will help this process:
1. Watch your thoughts.
2. Watch your words.
3. Write down and burn all negative emotions – literally the paper on which you wrote it down or print it out and burn it.
4. Record your dreams and word with them. Keep a dream journal.
5. Recognized that everyone and every situation are presented in your life as a MIRROR. Ask yourself what the message is.
7. Remember your INNER child is your EGO, is your subconscious. Treat it with the honor, respect, love and support it needs to grow into a magnificent MASTER.
9. Keep balanced. Take time out in nature.
10. Take time to centre yourself, pray and meditate. There are many in the higher planes that will help you if you ask.
Ascensions into the Higher States of Consciousness mean taking MASTERY of your life in accordance with the Spiritual Cosmic Laws. It entails raising your frequency and drawing down the Light from your MONAD (OVERSOUL OR SOUL GROUP) into your everyday life to create the NEW EARTH. There are several levels of consciousness, each one REQUIRING THAT YOU UNDERGO NEW TESTS OF INITIATION TO TEST YOUR READINESS TO CARRY A HIGHER FREQUENCY – THUS THE STRIPPING BARE (like I mentioned happened to me in the past few years).
When you commit yourself fully to this pathway, the HIGHER RANKING MASTERS will note your INTENT. If you are accepted, your journey will be ACCELERATED AND MONITORED. For many this means, as said, that the CHALLENGES AND TESTS OF LIFE BECOME HARDER AND MORE CONCENTRATED.
If you step too fast into such higher frequencies and vibrations, your physical form will not be able to keep up and your mind will start short- circuiting! Thus, you will be LED one single step at a time and have to pass the different level hurdles in order to step up in consciousness.
The more LIGHT you consciously bring into your body, will help to build a LIGHTBRIDGE or ANTAKARANA BRIDGE via your SOUL GROUP to the DIVINE SOURCE.
Thus, in meditation, especially now, as we are preparing for the star gates to open, it helps enormously to visualize a huge pillar of blinding white or golden Light entering your STELLAR GATEWAY, GOING THROUGH YOUR SOUL STAR OR CAUSAL CHAKRA , YOUR CROWN CHAKRA AND THEN THROUGH ALL THE OTHER CHAKRAS INTO THE EARTH STAR JUST BELOW YOUR FEET AND THE UP AGAIN. For this your 12 CHAKRAS will have to have been activated so that you can truly tap into your DIVINE ESSENCE.
At all times, try to open your heart more and more and let love flow like a mighty river. Don’t try to close down love because you feel it is not reciprocated or is in vain. Love is never in vain – for whatever love you give out does come back to you in one form or another over time!
I wish you blessed stepping into the star gates and I hope to meet you there, beyond!


The Immensity of Being

There comes an evolutionary phase in all of life, when whatever has served its purpose has to go and new forms of life and living has to grow out of the ashes of the old.  The endless cycles of life are in the cycles of stagnancy, dying and growth…. There is nothing random in the whole creation…

Life itself is immense and it is experienced in many ways.  In a higher sense, then all of life has phases of growth, phases of decay and phases where rebirth occurs and then life spurts forth in a blossoming profusion and therefore a renewed sense of joy, hope, love and abundance.

For the last 75 000 years the earth itself has been in a phase of decay.  It slipped through the portals from the 5th dimensional state of Atlantis and since then has rapidly gone into the very dark Ages of forgetting all the glory of what had once been and then sinking ever deeper and deeper in the sludge of forgetfulness and ever greater separation from the rest of the Cosmic Whole as the belief arises that Planet Earth was an  entity on her own.

I was sitting at a place the other day, where one can span dimensions and literally step up in octaves of Beingness.   Although I can do this very easily in waking life, this was an experience which I find very hard to explain – mainly because words are so limited and it cannot convey in language the FEELING and experiencing of what it is like to step into the Higher State of being and the immense love, peace, and immensity of Being, which transcends time and space.

In my travels over the last four years, I have come across a few places where this type of experience of life and the massive release of energies, is something for which I do not have adequate words to describe, for I believe that in those moments I tapped or was brought into an energy fields of existence, which WE HAD ON THIS PLANET, but which we have forgotten is there and forgotten how to tap into and UTILIZE in our own lives…. 

Deep down in our own sub-conscious mind we remember Utopia, we remember the Garden of Eden and we long for this.   A lot of us are VOLUNTEER SOULS and we come from other Galaxies and life streams who know how to use this energy and how to enhance life and life forms by USING this…. There is this inner yearning for this and sometimes we have a hard time trying to voice this longing…. When all of it is merely a way of using the very FORCEFIELD OF EXISTENCE OF ALL LIFE AND USING THIS TO ENHANCE ALL OF LIFE!

When I step into such energy fields, or places where this energy field is immense, I immediately feel a type of EXPANDED BEINGNESS, which goes beyond what is normally felt.  I then feel that I am stepping to the HIGHER SOUL SELF, and then into a type of MASTERY that I am at a very deep soul level.  It is almost like all the different pieces or aspects of my soul are reconnected and I am then allowed to step into the HIGHER STATE or VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY NOT ONLY OF MYSELF BUT OF LIFE IN EXPANDED BEINGNESS – THUS IN THE VIBRATIONAL STATE OF THE HIGHER OCTAVES OF BEING – THE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL STATES WHERE WE CAN STEP INTO WHEN WE START TUNING INTO THE COSMIC ENERGIES AND THE COSMIC WHOLE….

I like to see it as a type of FINETUNING, where all our energy centers within our own body, start matching those of the earth’s energy centers and then expanding to embrace that of our Universe and then even expanding upon that to embrace the collective frequency of our SOUL GROUP AND THEN OUR GALAXY AND THEN THE DIVINE.


Note here that FREQUENCIES, VIBRATION AND TONE ARE ALL INTERCONNECTED.  Some of the frequencies emitted are of such high or low sounds that our ear cannot hear them – but other life forms tune into this and then can assimilate it into their BEING.

In the beginning of ALL life on Earth, such a vibrational, fine-tuning, energizing, and frequency generator was laid inside and outside the earth and this is what one would call a WEB OF LIGHT…. That “LIGHT” part is a simplistic way of trying to describe a massive ENERGY GENERATOR and thus a massive TUNING FORK…. Yes, it SINGS AT THE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY OF THE MUSIC OF SPHERES!

The Earth has its own 72 chakra system and 33 SPINAL cords, and EACH ONE OF THESE EMITS NOT ONLY A VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY BUT ALSO SOUND!




When the human body, then is fine-tuned into such harmony where it lives within an environment which is in HARMONY with the rest of creation, IT ADOPTS A CRYSTALLINE FORM WHICH IS FINE-TUNED TO THE SAME FREQUENCIES – IT THUS BECOMES WHOLE AND DOES NOT EXPERIENCE DIS-EASE!  

We have forgotten so much about HARMONY, about using sacred sounds and the sacred geometry of form in ALL of creation which SINGS to the tune within geometrical patterns and the expands into the music of the spheres that we have lagged behind the rest of the whole cosmos …. All of this is about to change, as humanity now is moving out of the Age of Darkness and forgetfulness and into the Stage of REMEMBERING AND REACTIVATION!

This will bring about the realization of more and more of the IMMENSITY OF BEING and then the remembering of how to tap return to working WITH the cosmic energies and fine-tune into the vibrational frequencies of ALL of life.

The Wayshowers – the FIRST

The most profound truths have remained hidden to mankind for thousands of years, as the mainframe minds of men and women were hijacked by those who wished to control others because of their own agendas.  It has not been so much as serving the self, as in wanting to have some powers and then using these powers solely for self-service and then in order to, as said CONTROL.

Yet in a strange way this has served some souls…. For these are the souls who came in and truly shone their light, refused to adhere to the status quo and in such, gained immense insight into what the make-up is or was of those who imposed such restrictions and rules.

In a higher sense these were old patterns of behavior repeating itself.  It was that imbalance created when the one half or even a quarter of the population of this planet and other solar systems and galaxies got infected by a certain dark or mass consciousness, which tended to suck in and then destroy.   It was a consciousness which existed even when the Divine Source was birthed out of that darkness and it suddenly appeared, or rather made itself felt as a power.  It was then when the wars of heaven broke out for the first time and since then it has gained in some ways and lost itself in others.

There are always moments when enlightenment come and when those who seek the path of truth will find it reveals it hidden face to those who truly seek it.

In the very beginning of time, this planet has ONE landmass and then it was the time, when those who first decided to settle here, knew that they were partaking in an EXPERIMENT.  No-one knew how this would work out…. The plan was there, the guidelines set out, yet what would be created out of it all, this is the one factor that no-one quite knew.

This was a relatively new solar system, and the planets nearest to the Planet, the SUN, which suddenly out of nowhere, started to orbit this sun, was Mercury.  It was from here that the first life started in this solar system, and then Venus, with Jupiter following, then Saturn, and then the other planets.  Mars was a relative newcomer and therefore linked to Planet Earth, while the Planet which blew itself up between Mars and Jupiter, was the one, who had been the first of such experiments to be created, as a satellite space station, between Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn etc. towards the sun and then, also, at the same time, acting as a type of portal or wormhole from which the other galaxies could be reached.

This planet as such as then just a mass of gasses starting forming in shape and then the scientists aboard the great Mother ships and then from the Federation of the Brotherhood of Light, started to work with the settlement of this planet, thus forming its gasses into matter and then first her waters, then the landmass and then started introducing plant and animal life to the planet.

These Mother ships were proverbial ARKS, in that they had on board a vast collection of plant, and insect life, as well as animals.  Most of these animals, were volunteers from these species and then they agreed to participate in this experiment, as they too wanted to evolve in some extend and with it all wanted to see how life would or could develop on this new planet.  It was supposed to have been the Crown Jewel of Creation and everyone wanted to make her something very special, like a great act of higher service to the Divine.  When this is done, these scientist then do this, as CO-CREATORS and thus within the Divine and Cosmic Laws.

What essentially made this planet different was that the moon was first used as a satellite station and then the underground cities, the underground space stations on this planet were in place.  This was essential at that time, for already there were stirrings of the wars of heavens starting to overflow into this galaxy and then into these universes and solar systems.  Thus, by going underground, all who then sought shelter there could do so, from asteroids which were then very real, as the wars continued to create havoc.    It was also a way, then of having a resting place for the crews of such Mother ships, when they could not go home, because of these self-same wars.

As the landmasses settled then, the sea life was introduced and then plant life and then slowly but surely the animals.  The elemental Kingdom worked closely with this whole process as in the forming of landmass etc. crystals naturally formed between the layers and then also were USED to create – thus the scientists used crystals to create and stabilize and then the same elementals would assist with supplanting their own life forms onto the planet.  ALL WORKED AS ONE, for this was how it was in the beginning.

Animals have souls and are part of soul groups, just as we are.  Most volunteered as said, to partake in the experiment on planet earth to experience, learn and teach, just as we do.  Some are highly evolved and maintain a fifth-dimensional energy while on this planet.   Most take their experiences back to their home planets to enrich them.  Once on Earth they way we treat the animals affects their incarnations and their spiritual growth.

The following galaxies, stars and star systems, constellations were involved in this EXPERIMENT: 

ANDROMEDA:  They are a very tall race with mostly white to golden blond hair, as well as the red to auburn, and are WHITE skinned.  They have very large and beautiful eyes, are gracefully built and have mastered the art of peace and eternal life.  This however came at a great cost, for they at first, being one of the first 12 galaxies to be birthed by the Divine Source, the wars in heaven brought its toll, and a quarter of their own home galaxy got destroyed.  They thus saw that wars bring only destruction and then they pledged to bring peace to all the far outreaches of the cosmic heavens.  They are very highly evolved, and thus have such high-frequency physical bodies, that our eyes cannot see them, unless they beam their bodies in holographic form, so that we can see them.  (I come from Andromeda, and I remember my friend, who can see your true celestial body, saying to me that all she could see in the beginning was flashes for immensely high energy light.  It was only later that she could see my true form and then said it appeared to be see-through).  They are a very gentle, loving race and bring immense CREATIVE abilities with them, and hold the codes and keys of WISDOM, ILLUMINATION, HIGHER TEACHINGS, KNOWLEDGE AND HIGHER HEALING.  They act as the Keepers of the HIGHER SECRETS AND CODES, THE HIGHER ALCHEMICAL FORMULAS AND THEY CREATED THE WEB OF LIGHT, THE ENERGY CENTRES OF THE PLANET, THE PORTALS ETC.    They were involved with this planet at first via the ARCTURIANS and the PLEIADEANS.

THE PLEIADES:  The Pleiades star cluster is often know as the SEVEN SISTERS and it radiates feminine energy light and wonderful blue healing energy.  Their healing is based on wholeness and truth.  Beings from the Pleiades are bringing healing to people and places on this Planet.  A lot of the old races on this planet remember this in their myths and legends and thus acknowledge them as one of the creators of the planet.  One of these are the SAN or BUSHMEN people of South Africa who particularly point to the fact that they got their sacred animal, the ELAND from there and the Praying Mantis. 

ORION is known is the planet of enlightenment, where there are many established training schools for those souls who are ready to accept cosmic wisdom.  Beings from here have very fast-frequency energy in their auras and open others to their special light.  They got especially involved after the first major slip in consciousness arose and were most prominent in Atlantis and then later on Egypt etc.

SIRIUS and LAKUMA:  Sirius in the constellation of CANIS MAJOR, the Greater Dog, is the brightest star in the night sky.  It is known as the star of Isis.  The Dogons of Africa are from Lakuma.  They hold wisdom of Sirius and dance its movements.  Sirius holds spiritual technology and sacred geometry for this galaxy and downloads it to those who are ready to visit its training establishments in the inner planes.  The children being born who incarnate from or through Sirius are programmed with the new higher technology for use in the New Age.  Horses, Cows, Deer, Camels, Elephants and dogs come from Sirius.  All the birds come from here and had to step down their frequency considerably in order to be able to function here.

The LION people come from Sirius and Orion and they were one of the first volunteer races to settle here.  

ARCTURIUS brings in the higher states of awareness and consciousness.  It brings in the healing through sound and then the higher understanding of how sacred geometry and sound work together AS ONE.  It brings in the knowledge of how to use crystals in the working with the body, mind, spirit and soul and they are known as the Higher Healers of the Cosmos, as also the first true herbalist and those who use the geometrical structures of plants in higher healing.

PEGASUS has always worked with ANDROMEDA and from these combined galaxies, come the higher teachings, wisdom, healing and understanding.  They were the ones who laid down the WEB of LIGHT, the energy centers and then also the ones who built the first CRYSTAL PYRAMIDS on this planet.  They are also the ones who work with the energy of Earth, the Cosmic Energies, the balancing of the mind, body, spirit and soul.

These then were the MAJOR role players, in the FIRST SETTLEMENTS, although other galaxies and star systems were involved, via the Intergalactic Federation of the WHITE Brotherhood, which does not depict the colour of the root races involved, but who was behind it all! 

 For instance from PISCES:  the fish species and all related species stem from here.

The others who were involved in the first settlements, where those from the BEAR Constellation, from URSUS MAJOR and of course our own MILKY WAY GALAXY.   The ones, who came much later and influenced the shape of mankind, were the NABIRU, who came to the planet uninvited and caused much havoc.

Those planets involved here from our own solar system, were Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter with Saturn playing a lesser role.

The first colonies were set up on the SURFACE of the earth, thousands years after the first settlements INSIDE the earth, and mainly because those working on the surface loved this so much, that they asked permission to settle here.  Thus the first settlements on the surface arose and thus the EXPERIMENT OF PLANET EARTH BEGAN.

In the beginning all was beautiful, balanced and in harmony.  It seemed as if all life forms were adapting well to life here and indeed, would thrive….. That is until things started going dreadfully wrong in another part of this solar system and then spilt over to planet Earth.  Yet, this is a story for another time and space….

Hidden in there are the patterns created by the mass consciousness of the first volunteers at the time, and what went wrong there, has repeated itself over thousands of years.  We now have to BREAK those patterns, and CREATE new ones…..

Frequencies and vibrations and the higher octaves of being…

Since I have been seriously reconnecting with the frequencies and vibrations and understanding dimensions and the octaves of BEING, I have been inspired.  I cannot help but get up every morning with the idea, that  I have to consciously fine tune myself for the day ahead, and then, when I get a bit upset, like today, to start fine-tuning myself, take a deep breath and then get myself back into equilibrium once again.

I was thinking of it this morning.  There are so many options awaiting mankind to tune into, once he and she has stepped past the portal of 2012 and then into the new possibilities of life unfolding beyond all of that.

When I opened a massive portal about three years ago, it was the first time ever that I came into SEEING what the powers are of inter-dimensional shifts. 

I was, while I was at that place, immediately in contact with the wild horses.  I have the ability to tune into animals, since I was a child.  I am not scared of them, and maybe because of my family having a proverbial zoo.  Also, growing up in Africa, does that to one – you cannot live in nature and wide open spaces, without coming into contact with animals, in one form or another.  In a higher sense, animals were and are my best friends – they often come to guide me, and I have been told by those who can see, that I have quite a zoo looking after me too.  

Anyhow, my soul has strong connection to horses, as in previous lifetime I used to be able to ride them bareback and could outride anyone.  These however were wild horses, and there was a filly that simply came and greeted me, kissing my nose.  Since that day, she and I became great friends and these horses, would simply appear through the mist and then guard me.  When the mist got too heavy, they would gently guide my steps, until I could see where I was going once more.  The locals in the hotel were warning me constantly to not wander alone in the mist as this was a strange place, with huge caverns underneath, and if you fell into once of holes between the massive rocks, you could disappear forever.  Yet, I knew no fear – for I knew I was there for a higher reason and I was protected too.

It was through these horses, that I was shown where the portal was.  Horses come from Lukuna and they have always been gentle and beautiful creatures, and there to be mankind’s companions and friends.  I first had to get permission from the Keeper of the Place and the chief horse guardian, before I could gain entry there.  I saw steps coming out of the mist, and the Eye of HORUS, which is everywhere there and then I knew that I was in the correct place.

Then I was totally alone and shrouded by the mist, which now became and swirling and twirling vortex-like energy.  The next minute I was told where to stand, and having my walking stick in my hand, I was told to sit-lean on a massive boulder and then this stick became like wand.   I first had to call in all the stuck souls at that portal, and then there were masses of them….. Some were half-human and half-animal, some were the slave species created by the Nabiru, some were very tall, spanning 12 foot giants, and then some very small, pigmy like.  They all knelt in a circle there, surrounded by this massive vortex-like energy.

I was then told to stand in my HIGHEST MASTERY.  It was strange, for I knew then that this was my HIGHER AND IMMORTAL SELF – the one that had no years, but was there from the very beginning of all time.  I somehow was much taller than I am and I shone – and then I asked these souls if they wished to be released.  They all started crying and asking to be released.  Then the angels and Archangels surrounded us, and the great craft from the Mothership above started beaming in masses and masses of blinding white golden light.  The whole scene became this – white golden twirling swirling vortex-like energy, yet just outside that circle, there was heavy mist and it was raining. 

Then, when the whole souls had been sucked into this energy vortex, the sun appeared, and the whole scene was lit up – and where-as total silence had reigned before, suddenly the birds were there singing, the elementals were dancing with joy and the horses were there, frolicking and neighing…. It was the most amazing scene….

It took me a while to adjust to my lower self again and my denser frequencies, and then I was accompanied home by the horses.

By this happening to me, I finally understood, that we all have this capacity to step totally into our HIGHEST MASTERY – into that SOUL-SELF which is ageless and has all the abilities, the power and the immense knowing that comes from many lifetimes.  When we start going up in dimensions, in frequencies, then we start tapping more and more into the vast Library of our soul and into the Halls of Records of our own SOUL GROUP.  We then have the ability to TRANSCEND our own limited scope that we have on this planet, and step INTO THE TRUTH of who and what we ARE!

Merlin had this ability and so had Thoth and all the great Masters who ever walked this earth.  When you stand in your highest MASTERY, that is when you can literally create miracles, for you are then stepping out of this limited form and into the immensity of BEING that you truly ARE!

This is what is awaiting us with the shift in consciousness.  We then move up in the octaves of BEING and the more we do that, the more the veils start lifting form our eyes and our inner seeing and knowing increases.  When we step into the higher vibrations of LOVE and LIGHT, there is a type of frequency switch, which enables us to then BECOME one with all and everything.  We can tap into the higher frequency bands and we can access to information we cannot have access to in limited form.

This is the most amazing thing.  When I do soul readings for instance, I step into my HIGHER SOUL SELF, and then I ask that I be used as a crystal clear channel of the Divine and then in HIGHER SERVICE.  I cannot do this in my normal state, only in my Higher STATE switching frequencies and then another aspect, which is that my SOUL WORKS at these RECORDS.  In other words, the soul part of me NOT incarnated works there fulltime. 

Once we start understanding this, we start truly becoming MASTERS.  Like the MASTER MUSICIAN is then able to tap into the HALLS OF MUSIC and MUSICAL SCALES and then start creating music, from the cosmic music of the spheres… ALL IS THERE – waiting for us to step up in frequencies and vibrations and start understanding that we are far MORE than we ever were giving ourselves credit for.

Such is the amazing time we are living now and stepping through the portal of 2012, will activate these abilities more and more.